Just an honest question. Do you think Bill Clinton has a monogamous relationship with Hillary?

I am not sure why I should care one way or the other?
If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?
Your question assumes the answer is no. Their private life is not my business or yours.
The Clinton's private life on Orgy island should be everyone's business.....
More made up bullshit. You people live on this stuff. Sad.
He and his democrat senator friend menendez like their little girls fresh, young, and clean....
If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?

Not sure, what does being married 3 times say about Trump? Or is this the game where every conclusion for Hilary is a bad one and every one for Trump is good and positive?

That's odd, LoneLaughedAt isn't here to call you on the deflection. He swears he calls liberals on it too. Never seen it. This one's a stretch, ClosedMinded

Look at this! I couldn't have asked for a better outcome.

You must really like sucking....you suck so bad.
If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?
no, of course not.

he has none and never has had any. his cheating started before they were married and she knew about it.

she clearly likes the abuse
If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?

Not sure, what does being married 3 times say about Trump? Or is this the game where every conclusion for Hilary is a bad one and every one for Trump is good and positive?

That's odd, LoneLaughedAt isn't here to call you on the deflection. He swears he calls liberals on it too. Never seen it. This one's a stretch, ClosedMinded

Wait, So its just as I said...He says what does it say about Hilary and I'm guessing its not positive. I say what does it say about Trump and you say its not fair.

It isn't about fair. It's about the lame act of deflecting whenever someone says something negative about your candidate. If your first thought after hearing about Bill Clinton's infidelity is "What about Trump?"....you should skip your first thought.
If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?

Not sure, what does being married 3 times say about Trump? Or is this the game where every conclusion for Hilary is a bad one and every one for Trump is good and positive?

That's odd, LoneLaughedAt isn't here to call you on the deflection. He swears he calls liberals on it too. Never seen it. This one's a stretch, ClosedMinded

Wait, So its just as I said...He says what does it say about Hilary and I'm guessing its not positive. I say what does it say about Trump and you say its not fair.

It isn't about fair. It's about the lame act of deflecting whenever someone says something negative about your candidate. If your first thought after hearing about Bill Clinton's infidelity is "What about Trump?"....you should skip your first thought.
Link to Trump blowing a load on a young intern in the Oval Office?
If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?
Trump was divorced 2x for cheating on his past wives.

You are like that puff, of a particularly stank-queef right into the mouth at a most inopportune moment of trying to tenderly love a rather unattractive pooty-tang because of pity and she paid you.

Why deflect?

That's all this place has to offer anymore. A thread about Trump quickly devolves into a thread about Clinton and vice versa.
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If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?
Do you seriously think Donald Trump has ever been monogamous? The closest he ever came was for a month in 2009 he only fucked ivanka.

Not important in this thread. Why not simply allow that Bill was a cheater and give the OP his little victory? It really doesn't hurt that bad.
If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?
Trump's been divorced how many times? And how many people has he admitted to cheating on his wives with? So what's that say about him?

Bill clearly doesn't respect monogamy, but people are freaking weird. Some folks respect the heck out of their spouses in all aspects but monogamy, and some spouses are monogamous and treat their spouse like crap. Monogamy is a deal breaker for a lot of people, but monogamy alone doesn't make for a great marriage.

As for their marriage? Clearly they're partners in a lot of things. Political ventures, the Clinton Foundation, policy. They work together frequently and support each other, which is far more than a lot of monogamous couples do. If she stays with him, that means despite his issues she sees their partnership as something she values. And that means despite the fact he can't keep it in his pants, he sees their partnership as something worth preserving too.

By the way: There's a fair amount of Christians that are anti-Divorce even in the case of cheating or abuse. That vow is sacred in a lot of folks eyes and there is nothing either party can do to break it. Staying with someone and working it out is the toughest thing you can do. I don't see that as weakness.
Great points. I tip my hat to you

Why? He deflected your criticism onto others. Doesn't that bore you to death?
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If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?

In all fairness Trump isn't a great role model when it comes to family values.

Also I personally don't give a shit about their private lives (just like I didn't care that Bush did cocaine in his younger years).

And....that does not matter when the subject being discussed is Clinton's family values.
If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?

Not sure, what does being married 3 times say about Trump? Or is this the game where every conclusion for Hilary is a bad one and every one for Trump is good and positive?

That's odd, LoneLaughedAt isn't here to call you on the deflection. He swears he calls liberals on it too. Never seen it. This one's a stretch, ClosedMinded

Wait, So its just as I said...He says what does it say about Hilary and I'm guessing its not positive. I say what does it say about Trump and you say its not fair.

It isn't about fair. It's about the lame act of deflecting whenever someone says something negative about your candidate. If your first thought after hearing about Bill Clinton's infidelity is "What about Trump?"....you should skip your first thought.
Link to Trump blowing a load on a young intern in the Oval Office?

Why? Why would I do that...and why would you ask me to do that?
If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?
Trump was divorced 2x for cheating on his past wives.

You are like that puff, of a particularly stank-queef right into the mouth at a most inopportune moment of trying to tenderly love a rather unattractive pooty-tang because of pity and she paid you.

Why deflect?

That's all this place to offer anymore. A thread about Trump quickly devolves into a thread about Clinton and vice versa.

Absolutely. I am pleased that at least one other person agrees with me on that.

Bill Clinton cheated on his wife. Simply handle that fact on its own. What Trump did or did not do is not going to change what Clinton did do.
Not sure, what does being married 3 times say about Trump? Or is this the game where every conclusion for Hilary is a bad one and every one for Trump is good and positive?

That's odd, LoneLaughedAt isn't here to call you on the deflection. He swears he calls liberals on it too. Never seen it. This one's a stretch, ClosedMinded

Wait, So its just as I said...He says what does it say about Hilary and I'm guessing its not positive. I say what does it say about Trump and you say its not fair.

It isn't about fair. It's about the lame act of deflecting whenever someone says something negative about your candidate. If your first thought after hearing about Bill Clinton's infidelity is "What about Trump?"....you should skip your first thought.
Link to Trump blowing a load on a young intern in the Oval Office?

Why? Why would I do that...and why would you ask me to do that?
You asked us to.....
That's odd, LoneLaughedAt isn't here to call you on the deflection. He swears he calls liberals on it too. Never seen it. This one's a stretch, ClosedMinded

Wait, So its just as I said...He says what does it say about Hilary and I'm guessing its not positive. I say what does it say about Trump and you say its not fair.

It isn't about fair. It's about the lame act of deflecting whenever someone says something negative about your candidate. If your first thought after hearing about Bill Clinton's infidelity is "What about Trump?"....you should skip your first thought.
Link to Trump blowing a load on a young intern in the Oval Office?

Why? Why would I do that...and why would you ask me to do that?
You asked us to.....

No. I did not. Retard.
If not, what does that say about Bill's respect for Hillary and their marriage? What does staying with Bill despite this say about Hillary?
Your question assumes the answer is no. Their private life is not my business or yours.
The Clinton's private life on Orgy island should be everyone's business.....
More made up bullshit. You people live on this stuff. Sad.
He and his democrat senator friend menendez like their little girls fresh, young, and clean....
Just keep making it up. I'm sure it's the fastest way to heaven.
Hillary is supposed to be this strong independent woman yet she puts up with a philanderer like Blow Job Billy just to advance her political aspirations.

Talk about dissonance

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