Just another shrug of the shoulders.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017

Add Far-Right Conspiracy Theorist Laura Loomer To Trump’s Growing List Of Problems​

Far right activist and conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer has been in the spotlight for her racist comments, as well as, what appears to be, a recently rejuvenated relationship with Donald Trump this week. And it’s sparked all kinds of drama.

On Tuesday, Loomer attended the presidential debate and reportedly traveled on the former president’s private plane with him. The next day, while attending the 9/11 remembrance ceremony in New York City, Trump brought Loomer, who has previously pushed extreme conspiracy theories about the terrorist attacks being “an inside job,” to the event alongside him.

And as if that was not enough, just days before, Loomer posted on X saying that the White House will “smell like curry” if Harris wins the presidential election.

You can imagine the uproar it’s sparked.

At a press conference on Thursday, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) condemned Trump for bringing Loomer to the event, calling the decision “shocking, irresponsible, and offensive.”

“The fact that on Sept. 11, this sacred day, he would bring a 9/11 conspiracy theorist to participate in events during this solemn commemoration should shock the conscience of all decent Americans,” Jeffries said.

But Democrats aren’t the only ones enraged to hear Trump is hanging out with Loomer.

“I think that the president would serve himself well to make sure this doesn’t become a bigger story,” Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC) told HuffPost on Thursday.

“We have policy disagreements but the history of this person is just really toxic,” he added.

Who knows? Maybe Don wants it to become a bigger story. Perhaps he wants his base to know a racist, conspiracy theorist was part of his entourage. He never pays a political consequence for things like this while every other politician who has ever been a major party candidate for prez would be in full damage control mode.

Add Far-Right Conspiracy Theorist Laura Loomer To Trump’s Growing List Of Problems​

Far right activist and conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer has been in the spotlight for her racist comments, as well as, what appears to be, a recently rejuvenated relationship with Donald Trump this week. And it’s sparked all kinds of drama.

On Tuesday, Loomer attended the presidential debate and reportedly traveled on the former president’s private plane with him. The next day, while attending the 9/11 remembrance ceremony in New York City, Trump brought Loomer, who has previously pushed extreme conspiracy theories about the terrorist attacks being “an inside job,” to the event alongside him.

And as if that was not enough, just days before, Loomer posted on X saying that the White House will “smell like curry” if Harris wins the presidential election.

You can imagine the uproar it’s sparked.

At a press conference on Thursday, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) condemned Trump for bringing Loomer to the event, calling the decision “shocking, irresponsible, and offensive.”

“The fact that on Sept. 11, this sacred day, he would bring a 9/11 conspiracy theorist to participate in events during this solemn commemoration should shock the conscience of all decent Americans,” Jeffries said.

But Democrats aren’t the only ones enraged to hear Trump is hanging out with Loomer.

“I think that the president would serve himself well to make sure this doesn’t become a bigger story,” Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC) told HuffPost on Thursday.

“We have policy disagreements but the history of this person is just really toxic,” he added.

Who knows? Maybe Don wants it to become a bigger story. Perhaps he wants his base to know a racist, conspiracy theorist was part of his entourage. He never pays a political consequence for things like this while every other politician who has ever been a major party candidate for prez would be in full damage control mode.

Trump's biggest problem is leftist loons trying to kill him
That's quite a group in the inner orange orbit. From the Kraken Lady to Mr. Pillow to a line of convicts and felons to Fifth Amendment pleaders to Dripping Rudy to Loomer.

Meanwhile, his former staff, former WH lawyers, former generals and former cabinet members are reminding us that he is unfit.
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No one gives a fuck about Laura Loomer but democrats, who don't want to talk about Kamala's dismal record and radical policies.
I tell ya what. If a racist, conspiracy theorist like Loomer traveled with Harris on her plane, attended the DNC convention, and went with her to commemorate 911 right wing media would have a apoplectic freak out.
That's quite a group in the inner orange orbit. From the Kraken Lady to Mr. Pillow to a line of convicts and felons to Fifth Amendment pleaders to Dripping Rudy to Loomer.
Notice how many on that list have been thrown under the Big Orange Bus? He uses them, abuses them, they commit crimes for him, and then they are jettisoned like trash.
You should care because it demonstrates some of the many reasons Trump has no business being president.

He surrounds himself with fringe lunatics because they provide him with unending adoration.

You really want to go there?
Difference of opinion? But the people hanging around Biden, well one is a pedophile. I guess they stick together. You know the Biden molesting his daughter and all. The bald guy likes to dress men up as dogs and well I don't want to know.
Oh, I see. You’re on the Laura Loomer side of reality, meaning you’re detached from it.

I guess that’s why you don’t have a problem with 9/11 truthers. They seem logical to you.

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