Kamala Harris has a degree in Economics!?

Who here knew this? She apparently had a double major in Political Science and Economics from Howard University, and she knows less about the laws of supply and demand than a high school kid who took a basic Econ class?

Either she’s a complete idiot who thinks handing out free house down payments of $25,000 and bringing in 10 million illegals who will compete for rental apartments and groceries will not drive inflation and is unaware that what she proposes will destroy America’s economy, or worse…..she DOES know.

She must of slept her way through school also.
A candidate as unqualified as Harris would never stand a chance if it were not for such an unqualified opponent. The duopoly has really handed you a pretty situation in your totally dualistic political world.
That “unqualified opponent” was able to restore us to energy independence, get a wait-in-Mexico policy to reduce the illegals coming in, had inflation at 1.7%, had unemployment at a 50-year low generally and record-low for blacks and Hispanics, was moving toward peace in the Middle East, had no new wars, reduce tax rates for 80% of taxpayers (with those in the middle having their brackets drop by the most), and a real increase in low-level wages for the first time in eons.

The Cackling Word Salad candidate wants to give away more taxpayer money, thus driving inflation, is on record as opposing fracking, was part of such a weak team that Putin invaded Ukraine, enriched the state sponsor of terrorism that engendered the Oct 7 massacre on Jews, and is bribing more illegals to come here by promising they will get free house downpayments (and more).

No, the only reason a candidate as unqualified as Harris has a chance is that the media has been running interference for her while ambushing Trump, and the weaponized DOJ has made full use of lawfare.

In a fair fight, Harris would be getting 30% (the radical and far left) and Trump 70%.
The bottom line is, we have a couple of AA-DEI college students, AOC and Harris, who received economics degrees from Boston U and Howard. I heard the reading list for both universities' economics degree included Dr. Suess' book, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish as well as Susie Has Three Mommies, for enlightenment of course. MAGA
She must of slept her way through school also.
I thought of that.

Also, Howard has two objectives which at times conflict: provide an education, and get more blacks into professions.

This became apparent when decades ago, they wanted to drop five core classes from their law school program, thus making it easier to get a law degree. They decided against it because they realized it would make their “graduates” less knowledgeable than those from other law schools.
The bottom line is, we have a couple of AA-DEI college students, AOC and Harris, who received economics degrees from Boston U and Howard. I heard the reading list for both universities' economics degree included Dr. Suess' book, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish as well as Susie Has Three Mommies, for enlightenment of course. MAGA
It really does show the results of picking lesser qualified people due to “diversity” objectives. As someone who worked in a field adjacent to admissions, I know that those picked for their diversity attributes struggled to keep up with their cohort throughout the entire program.

The woke people running these programs expect that, and have tutoring programs all set up for them. Due to the politics, there is great pressure on them to graduate all their diversity picks.

This is what we see with incompetent people like AOC and Harris.
Who here knew this? She apparently had a double major in Political Science and Economics from Howard University, and she knows less about the laws of supply and demand than a high school kid who took a basic Econ class?

Either she’s a complete idiot who thinks handing out free house down payments of $25,000 and bringing in 10 million illegals who will compete for rental apartments and groceries will not drive inflation and is unaware that what she proposes will destroy America’s economy, or worse…..she DOES know.

There are all kinds of economists. She learned from the best liberal economists, the kind who have helped this country go in debt to the tune of 35 t's, increasing inflation in the process.

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