Just Don't Call It Marriage!

This is whats wrong with the progressives the economy is getting worse, our over seas problem getting worse and your worried about gay marrige.

Yep, gay marriage, gun control but they fail to worry about the country's top issues such as high unemployment, stagnant contracting economy, low gdp, record numbers on welfare.
I don't like negro men marrying the white womenfolk. Call that anything but "marriage".

Whoa there.

Ah! Is the point finally getting across? Touch a little too close to home, did I?

Well for me I am not a fan of marriage for anyone lol. But I am ok with gays getting married, I also think polygamists should be allowed to marry their multiple partners as long as they are of age.
Marrige will be legal for us one day. African-Americans were released from slavery, women are no longer property. We the people have a way of getting what we want, but to do this requires dedication and the abilty to turn the other cheek. Once we have that, there is nothing we cannot do. If you have the chance to help this cause, take it.
How many times have we all heard the line "you can have the same benefits, just don't call it marriage"? I've heard it more times than the sky has stars. "Don't call it marriage and I'm fine with it" they say. Riiiggghhhtt...

Wyoming House Defeats Domestic Partnership

The Republican-controlled Wyoming House of Representatives killed legislation Wednesday night that would have allowed domestic partnerships.​


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What you said isn't realistic.


The only reason you want MORE than that is because it is not about equality, it is about forcing others to accept you

YEAH!!! YOU GO, DOG! Tell them fags and negroes to learn their place!

Really?? THAT is what you got out of my statements on this??

We discriminate against behaviors in others every day.. we don't hire someone who looks like a circus freak.. we don't let foul mouthed people around our children... etc... to FORCE someone to accept is wrong... To have a standard of equal treatment by government is honorable.. What I proposed is equal treatment without infringing on the choices and rights of others... You don't get to assert your choice and right at the expense of another... and even though I may not agree with it, someone has as much right to be a close minded bigoted asshole as they do a tolerant and accepting person... the ONLY thing government should worry about in this are the things that revolve around government... taxation, contracts, inheritance, power of attorney, etc... PERIOD... eliminating the federal government from this except in those specific areas is indeed equality in treatment... expanding government and forcing acceptance by others in areas beyond what government should have its hands in is not equality in treatment, and is nothing more than expansion of government
The bill was doomed from the beginning, it was poorly drafted and too inclusive which would lead to fraud and deceptive practices in order to garner it's benefits. "Under the terms of the domestic partnership legislation, the status would also be extended to heterosexual couples in Wyoming, and to any two people who share a residence but are not romantically involved .
My guess is that they've wormed something into the wording of the proposed legislation that represents a threat.

A threat to what? It's not called marriage. I've heard time and again that we would be granted all the same rights and benefits...as long as it's not called marriage.

That is, as we have known for a while, just a big fat right wing lie. It's not about the name, it IS about the equality. The bigots don't care what it's called, they just don't want "they gheys" to have it.

Yes, you've been hearing this from people here on the board, or your friends/relatives/acquantances....but we aren't the ones that pass the laws!
I don't want it called marriage....i have no problem with you having a partnership or whatever, and having all the benefits....but i don't pass the laws, nobody here does.
If you want an answer, you need to be talking to someone that can do something about it.
And that's not us average message board posters!

And, it's hard telling what other crap they threw into that legislation! They do it all the time, and it screws over what the legislation was actually meant to do. That's not our fault....that's your govt.
And we had a perfectly fine economy before the 90's tech boom, but no one would suggest that boom didnt effect the economy.:rolleyes:

Something preventing gays from having a ceremony, reception, etc? Buying a house? Doing the other thing 'married' couples do??

Like filing joint tax returns, and collecting Social Security survivor's benefts.


The ONLY thing it effects economically is the purchase of the marriage license, divorce papers, ect from THE GOVERNMENT... Gay marriage does NOTHING to the economy

So letting married people file a joint tax return has no effect on the economy, eh? Then why does the government allow it?

Actually it practically has zero impact... and if you call it impact, it is miniscule... and there are PLENTY of times that a joint return has a NEGATIVE impact on the persons filing

And as for inheritance, etc.. I already stated that government should only be involved in these family situations in areas that are governmental.... and these 'survivor benefits' fall under such a thing...

Have everyone recognized by the government as a family unit, or a glip glop for all I care... but get government out of the acceptance and back only into governmental matters on this issue
The bill was doomed from the beginning, it was poorly drafted and too inclusive which would lead to fraud and deceptive practices in order to garner it's benefits. "Under the terms of the domestic partnership legislation, the status would also be extended to heterosexual couples in Wyoming, and to any two people who share a residence but are not romantically involved .

Just to point out...

Can't two people that share a residence in Wyoming who are not romantically involved get a Civil Marriage license? (As long as they are of opposite genders of course.)

If the law automatically applied to individuals without some positive legal action, then ya I can believe it's overly broad and poorly worded. If on the other hand it's similar to Civil Marriage where the individual have to take a positive action, such as getting a license for the Domestic Partnership - then that shouldn't be a problem. Although if they are going to require Domestic Partnerships to maybe show proof they are "romantically involved" then they should have that requirement for Civil Marriages also.

They just cant survive without someone to hate on.

another ten years will see most of these people on their merry way to gods arms as they believe.

Then we will no longer have to be harmed by them as a people.

I hope these voters a happy last few years of life and a peaceful passing but I have to admitt I wont miss their hate of theor fellow Americans for silly reasons like who they love.

So you think we're ALL going to die out in a few years? You think there will be no more Christians or others that are against this? Lol! That ain't gonna happen dummy....we'll be here FOREVER! Or at least until God decides to come back for a visit....i'm expecting Him any time now :)
The bill was doomed from the beginning, it was poorly drafted and too inclusive which would lead to fraud and deceptive practices in order to garner it's benefits. "Under the terms of the domestic partnership legislation, the status would also be extended to heterosexual couples in Wyoming, and to any two people who share a residence but are not romantically involved .

Just to point out...

Can't two people that share a residence in Wyoming who are not romantically involved get a Civil Marriage license? (As long as they are of opposite genders of course.)

If the law automatically applied to individuals without some positive legal action, then ya I can believe it's overly broad and poorly worded. If on the other hand it's similar to Civil Marriage where the individual have to take a positive action, such as getting a license for the Domestic Partnership - then that shouldn't be a problem. Although if they are going to require Domestic Partnerships to maybe show proof they are "romantically involved" then they should have that requirement for Civil Marriages also.


The way it is worded, hypothetically, a couple who are still married to other partners, but are separated could have enjoyed the benefits of this failed proposed law. That is just one scenario where the proposed law was overly broad and ran counter to the benefit of society.
This is whats wrong with the progressives the economy is getting worse, our over seas problem getting worse and your worried about gay marrige.

The inability for gays to be legally married affects their economy.

How exactly? Right now as being single people, you are paying more tax than you would if you married. The single person making $66,000 will pay $12,526.00. A married couple making the same amount will pay $9.034.00. So actually, you would be helping the economy and the country by not marrying and just have a civil union.
When do teh gheys get to vote on strait marriage? That would be marriage equality.

Old rich men no longer can marry young blonde bimbos.

Men don't get to dump twenty year marriages to marry a trophy wife.

Strippers don't get to marry anyone.

C'mon gheys. - you can think of plenty more and get State Legislatures to put them up for a vote. Just stand in the lobby, take names and hand out money.


Regards from Rosie
How many times have we all heard the line "you can have the same benefits, just don't call it marriage"? I've heard it more times than the sky has stars. "Don't call it marriage and I'm fine with it" they say. Riiiggghhhtt...

Wyoming House Defeats Domestic Partnership

The Republican-controlled Wyoming House of Representatives killed legislation Wednesday night that would have allowed domestic partnerships.​

I actually agree with that sentiment. The definition of the word "marriage" is STILL a man and a woman.

Marriage - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I don't believe, and quite passionatly disagree with the attempt to change it to mean something else.

However, I realize that due to the radical RW Christian fundamentalist for even being against a union of another name with the same benefits some years ago...that ship has sailed.

The nation now wants it to be called marriage, and for the most part, that's what it'll end up being for all intents and purposes.

Doesn't mean I have to personally agree with it. Marriage is marriage, and it is sacred. But that's another story.

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