Just Don't Call It Marriage!

Why don't they just give people the freedom to accept it or reject it? A gay couple can consider themselves married and if someone else won't accept it they don't have to. Photographers don't have to provide wedding photograhy. The landlord doesn't have to rent the apartment. The psychologist doesn't have to give gay couples counseling.

Allowing others to take it or leave it totally disregards the truth of the exercise. These are people so desparate to be accepted, so insecure about who, or what, they are, that they need everyone to believe what they are wanted to believe. They will acheive that goal by any means necessary, including bringing the full force of the law to bear by filing unending lawsuits that penalize anyone who has a different opinion.

Same-sex couples are persons desperate for their civil liberties, and rightfully and understandably so.

It has nothing to do with wanting to be accepted or being insecure.

And no one is being ‘forced’ to believe anything, regardless his opinion. These lawsuits are the consequence of the states refusing to obey the Constitution, leaving same-sex couples no other recourse.

If each state simply abides by the 14th Amendment and allows all persons equal access to marriage law, the lawsuits would come to an end.

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