Just Don't Call It Marriage!

How many times have we all heard the line "you can have the same benefits, just don't call it marriage"? I've heard it more times than the sky has stars. "Don't call it marriage and I'm fine with it" they say. Riiiggghhhtt...

Wyoming House Defeats Domestic Partnership

The Republican-controlled Wyoming House of Representatives killed legislation Wednesday night that would have allowed domestic partnerships.​


The notion of ‘separate but equal’ marriage law is not only offensive to the Constitution, but also utterly unfeasible legally.

Marriage law is marriage law, as written by a given state; in order to abide by equal protection doctrine, all persons, regardless their sexual orientation, must be allowed access to the exact same law:

Central both to the idea of the rule of law and to our own Constitution's guarantee of equal protection is the principle that government and each of its parts remain open on impartial terms to all who seek its assistance…Respect for this principle explains why laws singling out a certain class of citizens for disfavored legal status or general hardships are rare. A law declaring that in general it shall be more difficult for one group of citizens than for all others to seek aid from the government is itself a denial of equal protection of the laws in the most literal sense.

Romer, Governor of Colorado, et al. v. Evans et al., 517 U.S. 620 (1996).

That’s why there’s no such thing as ‘gay marriage,’ marriage is neither ‘gay’ nor ‘straight,’ it’s contract law, referring to only two equal partners, where gender is irrelevant.
Righties all worried because the word marriage might change. Really? Who cares? The meaning of words change all the time and new words appear. We have a living language.
How many times have we all heard the line "you can have the same benefits, just don't call it marriage"? I've heard it more times than the sky has stars. "Don't call it marriage and I'm fine with it" they say. Riiiggghhhtt...

Wyoming House Defeats Domestic Partnership
The Republican-controlled Wyoming House of Representatives killed legislation Wednesday night that would have allowed domestic partnerships.
Having lived in Wyoming for over 3 decades, I was at first stunned that their House meets 3 months a year period. They don't trust new laws. They hate taxes and refuse to re-elect tax hikers in particular, plus petition the other law makers to not vote for the suggested tax hikes made by hikers.

They think raising taxes on their grandmothers who are 80 years old is a Cardinal sin. And they were one of two states in which Bill Clinton received the third fewest votes of 3 candidates on the Presidential ballot in two elections. Clinton couldn't outperform the Libertarians there, who got twice his votes. The other state, incidentally was Utah, which is right of Wyoming conservative legislators. Wyoming Republican conservatives may be known as those who next to never vote stupidly on higher taxes and pork that would create higher taxes, unless voters tell them to overwhelmingly. All of us could learn a thing or two from Senators Enzi and Barasso, longtime conservative Republicans in the Equality State, and both dear friends of the people of that state.


In short, Wyoming goes with the popular choice of their states citizens' wishes or else.
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How many times have we all heard the line "you can have the same benefits, just don't call it marriage"? I've heard it more times than the sky has stars. "Don't call it marriage and I'm fine with it" they say. Riiiggghhhtt...

Wyoming House Defeats Domestic Partnership

The Republican-controlled Wyoming House of Representatives killed legislation Wednesday night that would have allowed domestic partnerships.​


Republicans don't want gays to have any rights at all. They hate gays and will do anything they can to get rid of them.
The bill was doomed from the beginning, it was poorly drafted and too inclusive which would lead to fraud and deceptive practices in order to garner it's benefits. "Under the terms of the domestic partnership legislation, the status would also be extended to heterosexual couples in Wyoming, and to any two people who share a residence but are not romantically involved .

It should be a requirement the the partners in a domestic partnership be romantically involved?
How many times have we all heard the line "you can have the same benefits, just don't call it marriage"? I've heard it more times than the sky has stars. "Don't call it marriage and I'm fine with it" they say. Riiiggghhhtt...

Wyoming House Defeats Domestic Partnership

The Republican-controlled Wyoming House of Representatives killed legislation Wednesday night that would have allowed domestic partnerships.​


Republicans don't want gays to have any rights at all. They hate gays and will do anything they can to get rid of them.

Personally know lots of American Republicans, do you?
How many times have we all heard the line "you can have the same benefits, just don't call it marriage"? I've heard it more times than the sky has stars. "Don't call it marriage and I'm fine with it" they say. Riiiggghhhtt...

Wyoming House Defeats Domestic Partnership

The Republican-controlled Wyoming House of Representatives killed legislation Wednesday night that would have allowed domestic partnerships.​

How many times have we all heard the line "you can have the same benefits, just don't call it marriage"? I've heard it more times than the sky has stars. "Don't call it marriage and I'm fine with it" they say. Riiiggghhhtt...

Wyoming House Defeats Domestic Partnership

The Republican-controlled Wyoming House of Representatives killed legislation Wednesday night that would have allowed domestic partnerships.​


It's Wyoming.
The bill was doomed from the beginning, it was poorly drafted and too inclusive which would lead to fraud and deceptive practices in order to garner it's benefits. "Under the terms of the domestic partnership legislation, the status would also be extended to heterosexual couples in Wyoming, and to any two people who share a residence but are not romantically involved .

Just to point out...

Can't two people that share a residence in Wyoming who are not romantically involved get a Civil Marriage license? (As long as they are of opposite genders of course.)

If the law automatically applied to individuals without some positive legal action, then ya I can believe it's overly broad and poorly worded. If on the other hand it's similar to Civil Marriage where the individual have to take a positive action, such as getting a license for the Domestic Partnership - then that shouldn't be a problem. Although if they are going to require Domestic Partnerships to maybe show proof they are "romantically involved" then they should have that requirement for Civil Marriages also.


Two can marry whether they live in the same residence or not. All states have restrictions, like close relatives and most restrict gay marriage. I think you could legally marry someone and never see them again, so romance isn't an issue. Whether a person's family could contest such a marriage for an inheritance is another matter.
The bill was doomed from the beginning, it was poorly drafted and too inclusive which would lead to fraud and deceptive practices in order to garner it's benefits. "Under the terms of the domestic partnership legislation, the status would also be extended to heterosexual couples in Wyoming, and to any two people who share a residence but are not romantically involved .

Just to point out...

Can't two people that share a residence in Wyoming who are not romantically involved get a Civil Marriage license? (As long as they are of opposite genders of course.)

If the law automatically applied to individuals without some positive legal action, then ya I can believe it's overly broad and poorly worded. If on the other hand it's similar to Civil Marriage where the individual have to take a positive action, such as getting a license for the Domestic Partnership - then that shouldn't be a problem. Although if they are going to require Domestic Partnerships to maybe show proof they are "romantically involved" then they should have that requirement for Civil Marriages also.


Two can marry whether they live in the same residence or not. All states have restrictions, like close relatives and most restrict gay marriage. I think you could legally marry someone and never see them again, so romance isn't an issue. Whether a person's family could contest such a marriage for an inheritance is another matter.
There are many scenarios, just a poorly drafted law.
The bill was doomed from the beginning, it was poorly drafted and too inclusive which would lead to fraud and deceptive practices in order to garner it's benefits. "Under the terms of the domestic partnership legislation, the status would also be extended to heterosexual couples in Wyoming, and to any two people who share a residence but are not romantically involved .

It should be a requirement the the partners in a domestic partnership be romantically involved?

But what if she's ugly?
Just to point out...

Can't two people that share a residence in Wyoming who are not romantically involved get a Civil Marriage license? (As long as they are of opposite genders of course.)

If the law automatically applied to individuals without some positive legal action, then ya I can believe it's overly broad and poorly worded. If on the other hand it's similar to Civil Marriage where the individual have to take a positive action, such as getting a license for the Domestic Partnership - then that shouldn't be a problem. Although if they are going to require Domestic Partnerships to maybe show proof they are "romantically involved" then they should have that requirement for Civil Marriages also.


Two can marry whether they live in the same residence or not. All states have restrictions, like close relatives and most restrict gay marriage. I think you could legally marry someone and never see them again, so romance isn't an issue. Whether a person's family could contest such a marriage for an inheritance is another matter.
There are many scenarios, just a poorly drafted law.

I'll take your word for it.

I can imagine a situation where someone with a pension gets married to someone they aren't involved with, just to leave a female friend a pension. It's also possible that marriage could be used to get someone citizenship and it wouldn't involve a relationship, though I think that is watched more closely in America today, than in the past.
How many times have we all heard the line "you can have the same benefits, just don't call it marriage"? I've heard it more times than the sky has stars. "Don't call it marriage and I'm fine with it" they say. Riiiggghhhtt...

Wyoming House Defeats Domestic Partnership

The Republican-controlled Wyoming House of Representatives killed legislation Wednesday night that would have allowed domestic partnerships.​


How many times do you people tell the rest that the main reason you want to "marry" is to reap the same economic and government benefits that heterosexual married couples enjoy?
That’s why there’s no such thing as ‘gay marriage,’ marriage is neither ‘gay’ nor ‘straight,’ it’s contract law, referring to only two equal partners, where gender is irrelevant.

fuckin'-A I wish people would understand that.

Marriage is ceremony between two people, religious or not. Government just essentially draws up the financial and custodial contract.
Gay marriage does NOT affect the economy. We had a great economy for over 200 years without gay marriage.

And we had a perfectly fine economy before the 90's tech boom, but no one would suggest that boom didnt effect the economy.:rolleyes:

Something preventing gays from having a ceremony, reception, etc? Buying a house? Doing the other thing 'married' couples do??


The ONLY thing it effects economically is the purchase of the marriage license, divorce papers, ect from THE GOVERNMENT... Gay marriage does NOTHING to the economy

^^^Clueless as usual.

Gay marriage boosts NYC's economy by $259 million in first year - Jul. 24, 2012

A year in, same-sex marriage boosts New York City economy | Reuters

Gay Marriage Has Boosted Iowa?s Economy, Study Concludes - ABC News

It's not just an issue of love or even politics: States that legalize gay marriage also experience a significant economic boost.
The gay marriage windfall - May. 10, 2012
My guess is that they've wormed something into the wording of the proposed legislation that represents a threat.

A threat to what? It's not called marriage. I've heard time and again that we would be granted all the same rights and benefits...as long as it's not called marriage.

That is, as we have known for a while, just a big fat right wing lie. It's not about the name, it IS about the equality. The bigots don't care what it's called, they just don't want "they gheys" to have it.

There is no threat and it's a civil rights issue.

"Homophobia in Postwar America" by Diana K. VanGoethem
Call it marriage. They should have to put up with the same bullshit the rest of us do.


The above link is to the law that was defeated, an initial report indicated that people could "accidentally" enter into a Domestic Partnership simply by living together. A review of the actual proposed law shows that is not true. There would be an application process, review, and issuance of a certificate just like with Civil Marriages.

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How many times have we all heard the line "you can have the same benefits, just don't call it marriage"? I've heard it more times than the sky has stars. "Don't call it marriage and I'm fine with it" they say. Riiiggghhhtt...

Wyoming House Defeats Domestic Partnership

The Republican-controlled Wyoming House of Representatives killed legislation Wednesday night that would have allowed domestic partnerships.​


How many times do you people tell the rest that the main reason you want to "marry" is to reap the same economic and government benefits that heterosexual married couples enjoy?

Yes, that is correct. We want the same rights, benefits and privileges that are associated with legal civil marriage. And?

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