Just Don't Call It Marriage!



The above link is to the law that was defeated, an initial report indicated that people could "accidentally" enter into a Domestic Partnership simply by living together. A review of the actual proposed law shows that is not true. There would be an application process and review just like with Civil Marriages.


And the kind of people that believed it post here frequently. :rolleyes:
How many times have we all heard the line "you can have the same benefits, just don't call it marriage"? I've heard it more times than the sky has stars. "Don't call it marriage and I'm fine with it" they say. Riiiggghhhtt...

Wyoming House Defeats Domestic Partnership

The Republican-controlled Wyoming House of Representatives killed legislation Wednesday night that would have allowed domestic partnerships.​


How many times do you people tell the rest that the main reason you want to "marry" is to reap the same economic and government benefits that heterosexual married couples enjoy?

Yes, that is correct. We want the same rights, benefits and privileges that are associated with legal civil marriage. And?

So, if the government quit picking the winners and losers, in this case, married couples, you all would get your panty wads out of your asses and cease and desist with the bullshit about how it's all "natural"?
And we had a perfectly fine economy before the 90's tech boom, but no one would suggest that boom didnt effect the economy.:rolleyes:

Something preventing gays from having a ceremony, reception, etc? Buying a house? Doing the other thing 'married' couples do??


The ONLY thing it effects economically is the purchase of the marriage license, divorce papers, ect from THE GOVERNMENT... Gay marriage does NOTHING to the economy

^^^Clueless as usual.

Gay marriage boosts NYC's economy by $259 million in first year - Jul. 24, 2012

A year in, same-sex marriage boosts New York City economy | Reuters

Gay Marriage Has Boosted Iowa?s Economy, Study Concludes - ABC News

It's not just an issue of love or even politics: States that legalize gay marriage also experience a significant economic boost.
The gay marriage windfall - May. 10, 2012

As stated.. what can they do now that they could not do before?? GET A LICENSE THAT ONLY GOES TO THE GOVERNMENT.. they could always have a ceremony, a reception, a photographer, etc.... THIS IS A PHONY STORY
How many times do you people tell the rest that the main reason you want to "marry" is to reap the same economic and government benefits that heterosexual married couples enjoy?

Yes, that is correct. We want the same rights, benefits and privileges that are associated with legal civil marriage. And?

So, if the government quit picking the winners and losers, in this case, married couples, you all would get your panty wads out of your asses and cease and desist with the bullshit about how it's all "natural"?

No. It's still natural whether there are prizes from the government or not.
Something preventing gays from having a ceremony, reception, etc? Buying a house? Doing the other thing 'married' couples do??


The ONLY thing it effects economically is the purchase of the marriage license, divorce papers, ect from THE GOVERNMENT... Gay marriage does NOTHING to the economy

^^^Clueless as usual.

Gay marriage boosts NYC's economy by $259 million in first year - Jul. 24, 2012

A year in, same-sex marriage boosts New York City economy | Reuters

Gay Marriage Has Boosted Iowa?s Economy, Study Concludes - ABC News

It's not just an issue of love or even politics: States that legalize gay marriage also experience a significant economic boost.
The gay marriage windfall - May. 10, 2012

As stated.. what can they do now that they could not do before?? GET A LICENSE THAT ONLY GOES TO THE GOVERNMENT.. they could always have a ceremony, a reception, a photographer, etc.... THIS IS A PHONY STORY

It's not phony that it happens this way. It is a fact that when legal marriage passes in a state, it provides considerable revenue to that state.
The government has no power to descriminate on the basis of gender - That is already a law!
What is different about the love between two individuals who share the same gender and the love between two individuals who do not?
Love is the reason for marriage. Civil law gives certain rights to those who are married that it does not for those in a civil union - that is descrimination - it is a violation of human rights.
If officiating a marriage between two people of the same gender is against your religion or even your moral standards then don't do it. I will. I have and I will in the future. It is legal where I live and it should be legal in every state in the union. There should be no desciminatory law that says they shouldn't be able to marry just because of their gender.
Yes, I am a gun totin' minister who is very conservative - I don't believe the government - federal or state - should be able to descriminate on the grounds of gender.

As stated.. what can they do now that they could not do before?? GET A LICENSE THAT ONLY GOES TO THE GOVERNMENT.. they could always have a ceremony, a reception, a photographer, etc.... THIS IS A PHONY STORY

It's not phony that it happens this way. It is a fact that when legal marriage passes in a state, it provides considerable revenue to that state.

Uh huh... tell me, were people having ceremonies already? (I'll answer for you.. YES... as a matter of fact I have been to 2)... the ONLY thing government DID is now having the ability to bring in about an extra $100 per couple for the tax, errrrr license... the government did not more to bolster the economy than it did by introducing a new moving violation fine for cell phone use while driving
As stated.. what can they do now that they could not do before?? GET A LICENSE THAT ONLY GOES TO THE GOVERNMENT.. they could always have a ceremony, a reception, a photographer, etc.... THIS IS A PHONY STORY

It's not phony that it happens this way. It is a fact that when legal marriage passes in a state, it provides considerable revenue to that state.

Uh huh... tell me, were people having ceremonies already? (I'll answer for you.. YES... as a matter of fact I have been to 2)... the ONLY thing government DID is now having the ability to bring in about an extra $100 per couple for the tax, errrrr license... the government did not more to bolster the economy than it did by introducing a new moving violation fine for cell phone use while driving

Try as you might, you cannot deny the FACT that legal marriage increases a state's revenue and not just through the cost of a license.

Just one more in the long list of reasons to stop discriminating against gay couples.
Why don't they just give people the freedom to accept it or reject it? A gay couple can consider themselves married and if someone else won't accept it they don't have to. Photographers don't have to provide wedding photograhy. The landlord doesn't have to rent the apartment. The psychologist doesn't have to give gay couples counseling.
It's not phony that it happens this way. It is a fact that when legal marriage passes in a state, it provides considerable revenue to that state.

Uh huh... tell me, were people having ceremonies already? (I'll answer for you.. YES... as a matter of fact I have been to 2)... the ONLY thing government DID is now having the ability to bring in about an extra $100 per couple for the tax, errrrr license... the government did not more to bolster the economy than it did by introducing a new moving violation fine for cell phone use while driving

Try as you might, you cannot deny the FACT that legal marriage increases a state's revenue and not just through the cost of a license.

Just one more in the long list of reasons to stop discriminating against gay couples.

I am sorry to counter your hypothesis but I can make a license on my computer that costs no more than the paper and ink to make and the state will accept it because it is a religious document. You don't NEED the state license to get married - but few people other than ministers know this. I can submit my own document just as I would the state document and it will be recorded the same - at no cost.
Why don't they just give people the freedom to accept it or reject it? A gay couple can consider themselves married and if someone else won't accept it they don't have to. Photographers don't have to provide wedding photograhy. The landlord doesn't have to rent the apartment. The psychologist doesn't have to give gay couples counseling.

This has nothing to do with the issue being discussed.

The only issue is equal protection rights concerning marriage law, and the fact that the state can not justify denying same sex couples access to that law, the same law opposite-sex couples have access to.

Merchants refusing to provide services to persons because of their race or gender has to do with public accommodations law, in the context of Commerce Clause jurisprudence, not the 14th Amendment.
Why don't they just give people the freedom to accept it or reject it? A gay couple can consider themselves married and if someone else won't accept it they don't have to. Photographers don't have to provide wedding photograhy. The landlord doesn't have to rent the apartment. The psychologist doesn't have to give gay couples counseling.

That has nothing to do with Civil Marriage laws, the problem you describe has to do with Public Accommodation laws.

The funny thing is you mention wedding photographers, which I assume is alluding (IIRC) the New Mexico case. Since New Mexico doesn't have same-sex Civil Marriage, it was a refusal to photograph a commitment ceremony, not a Civil Marriage.

Instead of the government continuing to discriminate against same-sex couples you should be calling for the repeal of Public Accommodation laws which mandate that businesses can't refuse to sell product to or provide services on condition of race, ethnicity, national origin, religious beliefs, sex, sexual orientation, age, etc. (specifics vary by State).

BTW - I support the repeal of Public Accommodation laws as they apply to private businesses, they should be allowed to discriminate. Public Accommodation laws should only apply to government entities and may be applied to restrict the ability of government entities to expend taxpayer dollars by entering into contracts with businesses that discriminate. The businesses should be able to function as they wish.

Uh huh... tell me, were people having ceremonies already? (I'll answer for you.. YES... as a matter of fact I have been to 2)... the ONLY thing government DID is now having the ability to bring in about an extra $100 per couple for the tax, errrrr license... the government did not more to bolster the economy than it did by introducing a new moving violation fine for cell phone use while driving

Try as you might, you cannot deny the FACT that legal marriage increases a state's revenue and not just through the cost of a license.

Just one more in the long list of reasons to stop discriminating against gay couples.

I am sorry to counter your hypothesis but I can make a license on my computer that costs no more than the paper and ink to make and the state will accept it because it is a religious document. You don't NEED the state license to get married - but few people other than ministers know this. I can submit my own document just as I would the state document and it will be recorded the same - at no cost.

The gheys have known this for quite some time. We've always had equal access to religious marriage.
Uh huh... tell me, were people having ceremonies already? (I'll answer for you.. YES... as a matter of fact I have been to 2)... the ONLY thing government DID is now having the ability to bring in about an extra $100 per couple for the tax, errrrr license... the government did not more to bolster the economy than it did by introducing a new moving violation fine for cell phone use while driving

Try as you might, you cannot deny the FACT that legal marriage increases a state's revenue and not just through the cost of a license.

Just one more in the long list of reasons to stop discriminating against gay couples.

I am sorry to counter your hypothesis but I can make a license on my computer that costs no more than the paper and ink to make and the state will accept it because it is a religious document. You don't NEED the state license to get married - but few people other than ministers know this. I can submit my own document just as I would the state document and it will be recorded the same - at no cost.

Correct you don't NEED a State license to get married. You however do need a State license (or other legal entity empowered to do so) to enter into a CIVIL Marriage recognized under the law. There are only a handful of States that still have Common Law Marriage, which of course is still a Civil Marriage (as it is valid under the law). IIRC there are more states that allow same-sex Civil Marriage then there are States that allow Common Law Marriage.

You can of course get "married" without the government, but if not done in a legal manner (as under authority of law) then it is not a CIVIL Marriage empowered under the law.

How many times have we all heard the line "you can have the same benefits, just don't call it marriage"? I've heard it more times than the sky has stars. "Don't call it marriage and I'm fine with it" they say. Riiiggghhhtt...

Wyoming House Defeats Domestic Partnership

The Republican-controlled Wyoming House of Representatives killed legislation Wednesday night that would have allowed domestic partnerships.​


I don't think a gay person should have any more Tax breaks, and benefits than an unmarried straight person does... Or does not. Way to go Wyoming! :clap2:
How many times have we all heard the line "you can have the same benefits, just don't call it marriage"? I've heard it more times than the sky has stars. "Don't call it marriage and I'm fine with it" they say. Riiiggghhhtt...

Wyoming House Defeats Domestic Partnership

The Republican-controlled Wyoming House of Representatives killed legislation Wednesday night that would have allowed domestic partnerships.​


I don't think a gay person should have any more Tax breaks, and benefits than an unmarried straight person does... Or does not. Way to go Wyoming! :clap2:

Not the issue.

The question is should a legally Civilly Married same-sex couple have the same rights, benefits, and resonsibilities as a legally Civilly Married different-sex couple. In other words should the government discontinue discrimination based on gender.

A gay individual already as all the same tax breaks as a heterosexual individual.

The government has no power to descriminate on the basis of gender - That is already a law!
What is different about the love between two individuals who share the same gender and the love between two individuals who do not?
Love is the reason for marriage. Civil law gives certain rights to those who are married that it does not for those in a civil union - that is descrimination - it is a violation of human rights.
If officiating a marriage between two people of the same gender is against your religion or even your moral standards then don't do it. I will. I have and I will in the future. It is legal where I live and it should be legal in every state in the union. There should be no desciminatory law that says they shouldn't be able to marry just because of their gender.
Yes, I am a gun totin' minister who is very conservative - I don't believe the government - federal or state - should be able to descriminate on the grounds of gender.

You have obviously not been paying attention. It's been repeated often enough; the same-gendered couples claim they would be satisfied with "domestic partnership" contracts IF they received the same government bennies that married heterosexual couples receive. It has far less to do with "love" and everything to do with greed and money. Otherwise, who needs a license to dispense permission to love anybody they want?
Why don't they just give people the freedom to accept it or reject it? A gay couple can consider themselves married and if someone else won't accept it they don't have to. Photographers don't have to provide wedding photograhy. The landlord doesn't have to rent the apartment. The psychologist doesn't have to give gay couples counseling.

Allowing others to take it or leave it totally disregards the truth of the exercise. These are people so desparate to be accepted, so insecure about who, or what, they are, that they need everyone to believe what they are wanted to believe. They will acheive that goal by any means necessary, including bringing the full force of the law to bear by filing unending lawsuits that penalize anyone who has a different opinion.
You have obviously not been paying attention. It's been repeated often enough; the same-gendered couples claim they would be satisfied with "domestic partnership" contracts IF they received the same government bennies that married heterosexual couples receive. It has far less to do with "love" and everything to do with greed and money. Otherwise, who needs a license to dispense permission to love anybody they want?

You obviously have not been talking to the same gay and lesbian couples that I have. They want to be married. Yes to have the same rights as any other married couple - like being able to visit the other if they are in ICU or being able to jointly own the property they build together. The should have the right as a married couple to get "survivor" benifits just like any married couple. They should have the same protections under the law that other married couples have. Domestic partnerships DON'T do that. The only way to get the same rights as any other married couple is to BE MARRIED.
How many times have we all heard the line "you can have the same benefits, just don't call it marriage"? I've heard it more times than the sky has stars. "Don't call it marriage and I'm fine with it" they say. Riiiggghhhtt...

Wyoming House Defeats Domestic Partnership

The Republican-controlled Wyoming House of Representatives killed legislation Wednesday night that would have allowed domestic partnerships.​


They don't like gays in Wyoming. Remember Matthew Shepard? They don't want gays to have equality. They would rather gays either remain closeted or dead.

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