Just how fucked up is California?

And we agree with him. That's why we voted for the guy. Accidental shooting my foot. It was about as accidental as Fast and Furious.
One shot was fired and hit the ground 80 feet away

Right, the gun just shot itself.

As a CCW holder in my state, I am responsible for my actions using a firearm in public. If I shoot somebody not in self-defense, it doesn't matter if it was an accident or not, I'm still being held responsible for the results of my actions.

Now tell us, just where did he get the gun from anyhow?
Found it

The person who should have been prosecuted was the agent who misplaced his weapon

Only a twisted tard all fucked up in the head can even think about fabricating such bullshit. And only Loon York and Mexifornia could/would rule on the case as they did...any legitimate court would have convicted the filthy fuck of criminal negligence causing death. This is super basic shit.
The jury ruled correctly

The state over prosecuted a weak case. It is what happens when you listen to conservative media

The State legal system is populated by scumbags like you. Here is the relevant part, I have bolded it for you. He was a Felon in Possession of a firearm, THAT is a Felony.

Murder in California may be prosecuted in the first degree or second degree. First degree murder is the more serious of the two and includes killings that are:

  • Intentional and premeditated;
  • Committed during the commission of a felony; and
  • Committed using a weapon of mass destruction or an explosive device.
And we agree with him. That's why we voted for the guy. Accidental shooting my foot. It was about as accidental as Fast and Furious.
One shot was fired and hit the ground 80 feet away

Right, the gun just shot itself.

As a CCW holder in my state, I am responsible for my actions using a firearm in public. If I shoot somebody not in self-defense, it doesn't matter if it was an accident or not, I'm still being held responsible for the results of my actions.

Now tell us, just where did he get the gun from anyhow?
Found it

The person who should have been prosecuted was the agent who misplaced his weapon

Only a twisted tard all fucked up in the head can even think about fabricating such bullshit. And only Loon York and Mexifornia could/would rule on the case as they did...any legitimate court would have convicted the filthy fuck of criminal negligence causing death. This is super basic shit.
The jury ruled correctly

The state over prosecuted a weak case. It is what happens when you listen to conservative media

No, this is what happens when you have an illegal criminal in a commie state like Cali. I suppose if he stabbed her and made the statement he was just polishing his knife when she ran into it, you would believe that too.
The illegal alien that killed Kate got a sentence of "Time Served" for the weapons charges he was convicted of.
Not only that but his new lawyer for the federal case he faces says a vote for a guilty verdict in the federal case is a vote for Trump.

That is how out to lunch California is...
I've always been a Californian. Lived here all my life. Unfortunately...there isn't much I can do about how it is going now. My dinky vote means diddly squat and there are more lefties that live here in ignorance than righties.
I stay here because I know this place and am too old to start new somewhere else. And..the healthcare works for us two. We are taken care of. Can't beat that when you get our ages. We may have to live under a bridge, but we still get our meds to keep us alive to live under there.
What sentence did you expect for a weapons charge?

Maybe Manslaughter at the bare minimum? Firing a loaded Gun off in a public tourist spot in the daytime should be against the law. You might hit a seagull?
He wasn't convicted of manslaughter

The prosecution overplayed their hand to pander to rightwing (Trump) outrage

They lost
Obama was president when he was charged ya dimwitt.
And Fat Donnie was campaigning on how this guy should get the death penalty for an accidental shooting

accidental......my ass
he had a criminal record..and was an illegal....why was that not allowed in the court case?

That's a very good point - accidents only happen to citizens with a FICO score over 680.
Maybe Manslaughter at the bare minimum? Firing a loaded Gun off in a public tourist spot in the daytime should be against the law. You might hit a seagull?
He wasn't convicted of manslaughter

The prosecution overplayed their hand to pander to rightwing (Trump) outrage

They lost
Obama was president when he was charged ya dimwitt.
And Fat Donnie was campaigning on how this guy should get the death penalty for an accidental shooting

accidental......my ass
he had a criminal record..and was an illegal....why was that not allowed in the court case?

That's a very good point - accidents only happen to citizens with a FICO score over 680.
yeah I know tons of people that accidentally shoot guns and kill people...said no one ever.

The guy had a criminal record....a looooooong record......why was that not allowed in court?

Harvey Weinstein had a wardrobe malfunction several times as well....and wait.....his dick was put in some women on accident.....he tripped.....what can you do?
He wasn't convicted of manslaughter

The prosecution overplayed their hand to pander to rightwing (Trump) outrage

They lost
Obama was president when he was charged ya dimwitt.
And Fat Donnie was campaigning on how this guy should get the death penalty for an accidental shooting

accidental......my ass
he had a criminal record..and was an illegal....why was that not allowed in the court case?

That's a very good point - accidents only happen to citizens with a FICO score over 680.
yeah I know tons of people that accidentally shoot guns and kill people...said no one ever.

The guy had a criminal record....a looooooong record......why was that not allowed in court?

That's a very good point - accidents only happen to citizens with a FICO score over 680

If you aren't going to change your argument, why should I? No reason it couldn't have been an accident.
Obama was president when he was charged ya dimwitt.
And Fat Donnie was campaigning on how this guy should get the death penalty for an accidental shooting

accidental......my ass
he had a criminal record..and was an illegal....why was that not allowed in the court case?

That's a very good point - accidents only happen to citizens with a FICO score over 680.
yeah I know tons of people that accidentally shoot guns and kill people...said no one ever.

The guy had a criminal record....a looooooong record......why was that not allowed in court?

That's a very good point - accidents only happen to citizens with a FICO score over 680

If you aren't going to change your argument, why should I?
yep he's got nothing......he's ok with people dying to promote his politics......ambassadors, citizens......it's all for the cause...eh comrade?
And Fat Donnie was campaigning on how this guy should get the death penalty for an accidental shooting

accidental......my ass
he had a criminal record..and was an illegal....why was that not allowed in the court case?

That's a very good point - accidents only happen to citizens with a FICO score over 680.
yeah I know tons of people that accidentally shoot guns and kill people...said no one ever.

The guy had a criminal record....a looooooong record......why was that not allowed in court?

That's a very good point - accidents only happen to citizens with a FICO score over 680

If you aren't going to change your argument, why should I?
yep he's got nothing......he's ok with people dying to promote his politics......ambassadors, citizens......it's all for the cause...eh comrade?

Dude this has NOTHING to do with politics. Accidents CAN happen and nothing you said disputed that.
accidental......my ass
he had a criminal record..and was an illegal....why was that not allowed in the court case?

That's a very good point - accidents only happen to citizens with a FICO score over 680.
yeah I know tons of people that accidentally shoot guns and kill people...said no one ever.

The guy had a criminal record....a looooooong record......why was that not allowed in court?

That's a very good point - accidents only happen to citizens with a FICO score over 680

If you aren't going to change your argument, why should I?
yep he's got nothing......he's ok with people dying to promote his politics......ambassadors, citizens......it's all for the cause...eh comrade?

Dude this has NOTHING to do with politics. Accidents CAN happen and nothing you said disputed that.

yes it does, the guy KILLED someone and gets time served, that's ridiculous.......
there is noway he has a huge rap sheet and suddenly he just found a gun and it just went off....
The guy had a criminal record....a looooooong record......why was that not allowed in court?

It's against the law actually. The only evidence you can present is evidence pertinent to the case. The judge has the criminal history which he or she can use in deciding the sentence. But you cannot use past cases or records to make the case for a guilty verdict. If any prosecutor would try, it would be thrown out of court.
The guy had a criminal record....a looooooong record......why was that not allowed in court?

It's against the law actually. The only evidence you can present is evidence pertinent to the case. The judge has the criminal history which he or she can use in deciding the sentence. But you cannot use past cases or records to make the case for a guilty verdict. If any prosecutor would try, it would be thrown out of court.
I think past history should be important in a case.....
The guy had a criminal record....a looooooong record......why was that not allowed in court?

It's against the law actually. The only evidence you can present is evidence pertinent to the case. The judge has the criminal history which he or she can use in deciding the sentence. But you cannot use past cases or records to make the case for a guilty verdict. If any prosecutor would try, it would be thrown out of court.
I think past history should be important in a case.....

Not in a court of law. Mind you, I think that jurors heard all about this guy, but you can't use past criminal activities as means to find somebody guilty of the crime they are being tried for. It's just the way our trial system works.
The illegal alien that killed Kate got a sentence of "Time Served" for the weapons charges he was convicted of.
Not only that but his new lawyer for the federal case he faces says a vote for a guilty verdict in the federal case is a vote for Trump.

That is how out to lunch California is...
What sentence did you expect for a weapons charge?

Maybe Manslaughter at the bare minimum? Firing a loaded Gun off in a public tourist spot in the daytime should be against the law. You might hit a seagull?
He wasn't convicted of manslaughter

The prosecution overplayed their hand to pander to rightwing (Trump) outrage

They lost

And the reprehensible right will continue to try to exploit the woman’s death for some perceived partisan ‘advantage’ – this idiotic thread is proof of that.

Most on the right care nothing about justice or the law, they seek only to propagate their fear, hate, and bigotry.

The right picked the wrong case to exploit

Beautiful girl killed by accident is not grounds to condemn 10 million Mexican immigrants

The actions of Trump and the conservative media was reprehensible

I think the forensics show that is was a bullet that ricoched off the ground, so yes probably a charge of manslaughter should have been in order, not 1st or 2nd degree murder.
The illegal alien that killed Kate got a sentence of "Time Served" for the weapons charges he was convicted of.
Not only that but his new lawyer for the federal case he faces says a vote for a guilty verdict in the federal case is a vote for Trump.

That is how out to lunch California is...

It wouldn't be happening without white guilt liberals. They hate America.
One shot was fired and hit the ground 80 feet away

Right, the gun just shot itself.

As a CCW holder in my state, I am responsible for my actions using a firearm in public. If I shoot somebody not in self-defense, it doesn't matter if it was an accident or not, I'm still being held responsible for the results of my actions.

Now tell us, just where did he get the gun from anyhow?
Found it

The person who should have been prosecuted was the agent who misplaced his weapon

Only a twisted tard all fucked up in the head can even think about fabricating such bullshit. And only Loon York and Mexifornia could/would rule on the case as they did...any legitimate court would have convicted the filthy fuck of criminal negligence causing death. This is super basic shit.
The jury ruled correctly

The state over prosecuted a weak case. It is what happens when you listen to conservative media

A jury made up of disgusting Liberals fucked up big time...The End.

Jury had no problem seeing this was not a murder

Only conservatives looking to spread hate against Mexicans saw murder
Right, the gun just shot itself.

As a CCW holder in my state, I am responsible for my actions using a firearm in public. If I shoot somebody not in self-defense, it doesn't matter if it was an accident or not, I'm still being held responsible for the results of my actions.

Now tell us, just where did he get the gun from anyhow?
Found it

The person who should have been prosecuted was the agent who misplaced his weapon

Only a twisted tard all fucked up in the head can even think about fabricating such bullshit. And only Loon York and Mexifornia could/would rule on the case as they did...any legitimate court would have convicted the filthy fuck of criminal negligence causing death. This is super basic shit.
The jury ruled correctly

The state over prosecuted a weak case. It is what happens when you listen to conservative media

A jury made up of disgusting Liberals fucked up big time...The End.

Jury had no problem seeing this was not a murder

Only conservatives looking to spread hate against Mexicans saw murder

Right, because if it was an illegal from Europe, we would be all for it.
One shot was fired and hit the ground 80 feet away

Right, the gun just shot itself.

As a CCW holder in my state, I am responsible for my actions using a firearm in public. If I shoot somebody not in self-defense, it doesn't matter if it was an accident or not, I'm still being held responsible for the results of my actions.

Now tell us, just where did he get the gun from anyhow?
Found it

The person who should have been prosecuted was the agent who misplaced his weapon

Only a twisted tard all fucked up in the head can even think about fabricating such bullshit. And only Loon York and Mexifornia could/would rule on the case as they did...any legitimate court would have convicted the filthy fuck of criminal negligence causing death. This is super basic shit.
The jury ruled correctly

The state over prosecuted a weak case. It is what happens when you listen to conservative media

No, this is what happens when you have an illegal criminal in a commie state like Cali. I suppose if he stabbed her and made the statement he was just polishing his knife when she ran into it, you would believe that too.
The prosecution overplayed a weak hand with little evidence that proves murder

They never proved intent. The bullet hit 80 feet away and bounced off the pavement

The prosecution claimed that shows intent to kill her
The defense claimed that shows an accidental shot

The jury believed the defense
The illegal alien that killed Kate got a sentence of "Time Served" for the weapons charges he was convicted of.
Not only that but his new lawyer for the federal case he faces says a vote for a guilty verdict in the federal case is a vote for Trump.

That is how out to lunch California is...
What sentence did you expect for a weapons charge?

he was guilty of negligent homicide. If you had done it you would have been convicted. Why aren't illegal aliens responsible for their criminal acts in California?
Right, the gun just shot itself.

As a CCW holder in my state, I am responsible for my actions using a firearm in public. If I shoot somebody not in self-defense, it doesn't matter if it was an accident or not, I'm still being held responsible for the results of my actions.

Now tell us, just where did he get the gun from anyhow?
Found it

The person who should have been prosecuted was the agent who misplaced his weapon

Only a twisted tard all fucked up in the head can even think about fabricating such bullshit. And only Loon York and Mexifornia could/would rule on the case as they did...any legitimate court would have convicted the filthy fuck of criminal negligence causing death. This is super basic shit.
The jury ruled correctly

The state over prosecuted a weak case. It is what happens when you listen to conservative media

No, this is what happens when you have an illegal criminal in a commie state like Cali. I suppose if he stabbed her and made the statement he was just polishing his knife when she ran into it, you would believe that too.
The prosecution overplayed a weak hand with little evidence that proves murder

They never proved intent. The bullet hit 80 feet away and bounced off the pavement

The prosecution claimed that shows intent to kill her
The defense claimed that shows an accidental shot

The jury believed the defense

bullshit, the stupid left wing jury let the guy go because they felt sorrrrrrrrrrrrrry for him and hate Trump. The guy was guilty of negligent homicide as a minimum. Being an accident does not excuse the act, the girl is dead because this asshole was allowed to remain in caliprunia illegally.

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