Just how intelligent are Trump supporters?

So why do you believe illegal aliens are above the law?
Who posted that? You POTUS apologists just make shit up. I mean really, who posted that shit anywhere on this thread?
There is more to the world than this single thread, you absolute cabbage.

The Left doesn't want illegal immigrants to face any consequences. You can deny this, but you'll only look stupider.

So don't start whining about how the rule of law is important to the left. It isn't. Period. End of story.

"So don't start whining about how the rule of law is important to the left. It isn't. Period. End of story. "

You don't get to dictate the narrative and nobody is whining.

"The Left doesn't want illegal immigrants to face any consequences." Where did you get this shit from? Hannity? You POTUS apologists just make this shit up to support your Hannity arguments.
Hint: It's not conservatives who declare their cities and states to be sanctuaries, protecting illegals from the law. It's not conservatives who refuse to report illegals to ICE. It's not conservatives who want to reward illegals with citizenship.

Reality does not support your bullshit.
It's cons who are enabling that knucklehead in the W.H. Change your MAGA hat to one that says "I'm With Stupid".
So...liberals refuse to enforce laws against illegals...and it's TRUMP'S fault.

The reader will be allowed to answer that question.

Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration.


The economic impact would be enormous. The San Ysidro crossing is the biggest passenger land port in the Western hemisphere -- closing it alone would be hugely disruptive. Every day, an average of 120,000 commuter vehicles, 6,000 trucks and 63,000 pedestrians use the border gateway, many to go to and from their jobs in the U.S.

Sealing the entire border between the countries, meanwhile, would cause economic chaos. In 2017, about $558 billion in goods flowed across the U.S.- Mexico border in both directions, making Mexico our third-biggest trading partner for goods behind Canada and China. U.S. goods exported to Mexico totaled $243.3 billion, while trade in services accounted for another $58 billion.

How did Trump's supporters in Michigan react to Trump's strident declaration that foretold of economic chaos? They cheered mightily.

Trump yelled out at the crowd of cheering admirers, "I am not kidding around."

They cheered enthusiastically again at the impending economic doom.

“It could mean all trade” with Mexico, Trump said when questioned by reporters in Florida. “We will close it for a long time.”

No doubt Trump's fans are thrilled with this statement. After all, to them, Trump can do no wrong.
Obviously they are not very bright when they cheer this sort of insane, impulsive and counter productive crap. There will be a huge backlash on the part of the American people including Republicans who are marginally smarter the Trump or his base supporters .

Also in the news today...he cut off aid to three central American countries....which will on exacerbate the refugee problem .Shit that is stupid

So there will be a backlash on patriotic Americans who got sick of Obama's anti-American crap?
As expected, you people can't actually deal with the issue so you have to make it about Obama. Tell us, do you think that closing the border and cutting off aide is smart, and why?

As expected, you can't look in the mirror and comprehend why this took place twinkle twinkle toes..

God damn look at the crap Harry Reid did about Romney's taxes and his nuclear option..

You really thought it wasn't going to come back and bite you in the ass?

Keep trying to blame Democrats for us having a Moron President supported by morons. I'm enjoying it. When are you going to blame Obama for being president while black for the rise of the radical right.?
Who posted that? You POTUS apologists just make shit up. I mean really, who posted that shit anywhere on this thread?
There is more to the world than this single thread, you absolute cabbage.

The Left doesn't want illegal immigrants to face any consequences. You can deny this, but you'll only look stupider.

So don't start whining about how the rule of law is important to the left. It isn't. Period. End of story.

"So don't start whining about how the rule of law is important to the left. It isn't. Period. End of story. "

You don't get to dictate the narrative and nobody is whining.

"The Left doesn't want illegal immigrants to face any consequences." Where did you get this shit from? Hannity? You POTUS apologists just make this shit up to support your Hannity arguments.
Hint: It's not conservatives who declare their cities and states to be sanctuaries, protecting illegals from the law. It's not conservatives who refuse to report illegals to ICE. It's not conservatives who want to reward illegals with citizenship.

Reality does not support your bullshit.
It's cons who are enabling that knucklehead in the W.H. Change your MAGA hat to one that says "I'm With Stupid".

The left put Trump in power, you happy now?

Really? Please explain.
they ain't stupid enough to vote for this nasty old drunken hag

or believe anything from msnbc or cnn

thats pretty much battin a thousand right there
Who posted that? You POTUS apologists just make shit up. I mean really, who posted that shit anywhere on this thread?
There is more to the world than this single thread, you absolute cabbage.

The Left doesn't want illegal immigrants to face any consequences. You can deny this, but you'll only look stupider.

So don't start whining about how the rule of law is important to the left. It isn't. Period. End of story.
This isn't Mexicans coming anymore because NAFTA made Mexico a fairly successful economy. Guatemala and Honduras are now drug gang infested with crap economies. Pass help 4 them with legalized pot and extend NAFTA to them. Forget the stupid wall which will do nothing and pass an ID card and enforcement like other modern countries have done and which was included in the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill when it started.
Why is it America's obligation to do what other nations should be doing for themselves?

Leftists sure are generous with other people's money.

...You must be confused, NAFTA is a trade agreement framework not a charity program.
I guess you missed the part where the left is whining about Trump cutting off foreign aid to the nations invading us.

You seriously think worse living conditions will lead people to want to come here LESS?
There is more to the world than this single thread, you absolute cabbage.

The Left doesn't want illegal immigrants to face any consequences. You can deny this, but you'll only look stupider.

So don't start whining about how the rule of law is important to the left. It isn't. Period. End of story.
This isn't Mexicans coming anymore because NAFTA made Mexico a fairly successful economy. Guatemala and Honduras are now drug gang infested with crap economies. Pass help 4 them with legalized pot and extend NAFTA to them. Forget the stupid wall which will do nothing and pass an ID card and enforcement like other modern countries have done and which was included in the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill when it started.
Why is it America's obligation to do what other nations should be doing for themselves?

Leftists sure are generous with other people's money.

...You must be confused, NAFTA is a trade agreement framework not a charity program.
I guess you missed the part where the left is whining about Trump cutting off foreign aid to the nations invading us.

You seriously think worse living conditions will lead people to want to come here LESS?
How many refugees have you invited to live in your house?


You selfish bastard.
This isn't Mexicans coming anymore because NAFTA made Mexico a fairly successful economy. Guatemala and Honduras are now drug gang infested with crap economies. Pass help 4 them with legalized pot and extend NAFTA to them. Forget the stupid wall which will do nothing and pass an ID card and enforcement like other modern countries have done and which was included in the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill when it started.
Why is it America's obligation to do what other nations should be doing for themselves?

Leftists sure are generous with other people's money.

...You must be confused, NAFTA is a trade agreement framework not a charity program.
I guess you missed the part where the left is whining about Trump cutting off foreign aid to the nations invading us.

You seriously think worse living conditions will lead people to want to come here LESS?
How many refugees have you invited to live in your house?


You selfish bastard.

It’s like talking to a righty random one-line generator
Who posted that? You POTUS apologists just make shit up. I mean really, who posted that shit anywhere on this thread?
There is more to the world than this single thread, you absolute cabbage.

The Left doesn't want illegal immigrants to face any consequences. You can deny this, but you'll only look stupider.

So don't start whining about how the rule of law is important to the left. It isn't. Period. End of story.
This isn't Mexicans coming anymore because NAFTA made Mexico a fairly successful economy. Guatemala and Honduras are now drug gang infested with crap economies. Pass help 4 them with legalized pot and extend NAFTA to them. Forget the stupid wall which will do nothing and pass an ID card and enforcement like other modern countries have done and which was included in the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill when it started.
Why is it America's obligation to do what other nations should be doing for themselves?

Leftists sure are generous with other people's money.

...You must be confused, NAFTA is a trade agreement framework not a charity program.
I guess you missed the part where the left is whining about Trump cutting off foreign aid to the nations invading us.
Oh Christ!! The nations are invading us. Are they sending an Army? Tanks? These are refugees fleeing intolerable conditions which will only be made worse by cutting off aide. I find it hard to believe that anyone is to stupid to understand that. More likely you are knowingly parroting right wing, Trumpanzee talking points to defend the Orange Ogre
This isn't Mexicans coming anymore because NAFTA made Mexico a fairly successful economy. Guatemala and Honduras are now drug gang infested with crap economies. Pass help 4 them with legalized pot and extend NAFTA to them. Forget the stupid wall which will do nothing and pass an ID card and enforcement like other modern countries have done and which was included in the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill when it started.
Why is it America's obligation to do what other nations should be doing for themselves?

Leftists sure are generous with other people's money.

...You must be confused, NAFTA is a trade agreement framework not a charity program.
I guess you missed the part where the left is whining about Trump cutting off foreign aid to the nations invading us.

You seriously think worse living conditions will lead people to want to come here LESS?
How many refugees have you invited to live in your house?


You selfish bastard.
Ten. They're here now. Teaching us Spanish and making some fabulous Enchiladas . We're having a great time but their stories of the horrors that they faced in their homeland are very disturbing.
There is more to the world than this single thread, you absolute cabbage.

The Left doesn't want illegal immigrants to face any consequences. You can deny this, but you'll only look stupider.

So don't start whining about how the rule of law is important to the left. It isn't. Period. End of story.
This isn't Mexicans coming anymore because NAFTA made Mexico a fairly successful economy. Guatemala and Honduras are now drug gang infested with crap economies. Pass help 4 them with legalized pot and extend NAFTA to them. Forget the stupid wall which will do nothing and pass an ID card and enforcement like other modern countries have done and which was included in the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill when it started.
Why is it America's obligation to do what other nations should be doing for themselves?

Leftists sure are generous with other people's money.

...You must be confused, NAFTA is a trade agreement framework not a charity program.
I guess you missed the part where the left is whining about Trump cutting off foreign aid to the nations invading us.
Oh Christ!! The nations are invading us. Are they sending an Army? Tanks? These are refugees fleeing intolerable conditions which will only be made worse by cutting off aide. I find it hard to believe that anyone is to stupid to understand that. More likely you are knowingly parroting right wing, Trumpanzee talking points to defend the Orange Ogre

Throw open the border, damn they just want a "better life". So...a million, two million, 10 million? A borderless world would be a much better place eh?
Just how intelligent are Trump supporters?

Eat shit and die, you craven jackass! Anyone who tries to use that angle has jello for brains. EVERY THING the Left has done since losing HUNDREDS of seats in the Congress, losing the presidency to Trump, and pissing away uncounted governorships and the Supreme Court yet still maintains the ABSURD list of issues and agendas and topics the Left CLING to that reflects no American's interests or needs proves you all have clabber for brains.

THE ANTI-TRUMP movement is nothing more than a thinly-veiled Euro-centrist atheist-socialist effort to try to regain the globalist agenda dreams for the USA you scum thought you all had sewed up with Obama and guaranteed under a Hillary presidency!

That is now all DUST IN THE WIND. Sucks to be you.
Keep trying to blame Democrats for us having a Moron President supported by morons. I'm enjoying it. When are you going to blame Obama for being president while black for the rise of the radical right.?

A person who supported obama saying another president is stupid?

Did Trump send pallets of cash on unmarked planes in the middle of the night to iran, and alleviate pressure/sanctions on them, allowing them to further fund their terrorism, mass murder, oppression, and regional wars?

Did Trump call the DoJ off of an investigation of hezbollah to prevent their sale of billions of dollars of cocaine to the US?

Did Trump go to the lying war criminal javad zarif in February to run interference for the iranian regime like johnny boy kerry, obama's sec'y of state, did?

Sorry but after the iran "deal" - there is simply no defending obama. I gave him a chance in the beginning of his first term, but he just sucked as a president, representing the worst aspects of america.
The reader will be allowed to answer that question.

Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration.


The economic impact would be enormous. The San Ysidro crossing is the biggest passenger land port in the Western hemisphere -- closing it alone would be hugely disruptive. Every day, an average of 120,000 commuter vehicles, 6,000 trucks and 63,000 pedestrians use the border gateway, many to go to and from their jobs in the U.S.

Sealing the entire border between the countries, meanwhile, would cause economic chaos. In 2017, about $558 billion in goods flowed across the U.S.- Mexico border in both directions, making Mexico our third-biggest trading partner for goods behind Canada and China. U.S. goods exported to Mexico totaled $243.3 billion, while trade in services accounted for another $58 billion.

How did Trump's supporters in Michigan react to Trump's strident declaration that foretold of economic chaos? They cheered mightily.

Trump yelled out at the crowd of cheering admirers, "I am not kidding around."

They cheered enthusiastically again at the impending economic doom.

“It could mean all trade” with Mexico, Trump said when questioned by reporters in Florida. “We will close it for a long time.”

No doubt Trump's fans are thrilled with this statement. After all, to them, Trump can do no wrong.
Obviously they are not very bright when they cheer this sort of insane, impulsive and counter productive crap. There will be a huge backlash on the part of the American people including Republicans who are marginally smarter the Trump or his base supporters .

Also in the news today...he cut off aid to three central American countries....which will on exacerbate the refugee problem .Shit that is stupid

So there will be a backlash on patriotic Americans who got sick of Obama's anti-American crap?
As expected, you people can't actually deal with the issue so you have to make it about Obama. Tell us, do you think that closing the border and cutting off aide is smart, and why?

As expected, you can't look in the mirror and comprehend why this took place twinkle twinkle toes..

God damn look at the crap Harry Reid did about Romney's taxes and his nuclear option..

You really thought it wasn't going to come back and bite you in the ass?

Keep trying to blame Democrats for us having a Moron President supported by morons. I'm enjoying it. When are you going to blame Obama for being president while black for the rise of the radical right.?
We blame Obama for stealing working class money while bemoaning the rich. We have seen this for many decades. The kicker is you threatened and desteroyed people you are stealing from. The lesson learned is never trust a person of your own culture who wants it exterminated.
Just how intelligent are Trump supporters?

Eat shit and die, you craven jackass! Anyone who tries to use that angle has jello for brains. EVERY THING the Left has done since losing HUNDREDS of seats in the Congress, losing the presidency to Trump, and pissing away uncounted governorships and the Supreme Court yet still maintains the ABSURD list of issues and agendas and topics the Left CLING to that reflects no American's interests or needs proves you all have clabber for brains.

THE ANTI-TRUMP movement is nothing more than a thinly-veiled Euro-centrist atheist-socialist effort to try to regain the globalist agenda dreams for the USA you scum thought you all had sewed up with Obama and guaranteed under a Hillary presidency!

That is now all DUST IN THE WIND. Sucks to be you.

Dang man, you are one batshit crazy mofo.

Why is it America's obligation to do what other nations should be doing for themselves?

Leftists sure are generous with other people's money.

...You must be confused, NAFTA is a trade agreement framework not a charity program.
I guess you missed the part where the left is whining about Trump cutting off foreign aid to the nations invading us.

You seriously think worse living conditions will lead people to want to come here LESS?
How many refugees have you invited to live in your house?


You selfish bastard.

It’s like talking to a righty random one-line generator
Sorry, too complicated for you? What's your reading level? I try to keep it at around an eighth-grade level for the Peanut Gallery, but I can dial it down a few grades to suit you.
There is more to the world than this single thread, you absolute cabbage.

The Left doesn't want illegal immigrants to face any consequences. You can deny this, but you'll only look stupider.

So don't start whining about how the rule of law is important to the left. It isn't. Period. End of story.
This isn't Mexicans coming anymore because NAFTA made Mexico a fairly successful economy. Guatemala and Honduras are now drug gang infested with crap economies. Pass help 4 them with legalized pot and extend NAFTA to them. Forget the stupid wall which will do nothing and pass an ID card and enforcement like other modern countries have done and which was included in the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill when it started.
Why is it America's obligation to do what other nations should be doing for themselves?

Leftists sure are generous with other people's money.

...You must be confused, NAFTA is a trade agreement framework not a charity program.
I guess you missed the part where the left is whining about Trump cutting off foreign aid to the nations invading us.
Oh Christ!! The nations are invading us. Are they sending an Army? Tanks? These are refugees fleeing intolerable conditions which will only be made worse by cutting off aide. I find it hard to believe that anyone is to stupid to understand that. More likely you are knowingly parroting right wing, Trumpanzee talking points to defend the Orange Ogre
More likely you support illegals as a class, not giving a shit about them as individuals, because they vote Democrat.

Meanwhile, explain how improving their condition is my responsibility. I didn't create the shithole they live in.
Why is it America's obligation to do what other nations should be doing for themselves?

Leftists sure are generous with other people's money.

...You must be confused, NAFTA is a trade agreement framework not a charity program.
I guess you missed the part where the left is whining about Trump cutting off foreign aid to the nations invading us.

You seriously think worse living conditions will lead people to want to come here LESS?
How many refugees have you invited to live in your house?


You selfish bastard.
Ten. They're here now. Teaching us Spanish and making some fabulous Enchiladas . We're having a great time but their stories of the horrors that they faced in their homeland are very disturbing.
Gosh, sure, that's believable.
Illegals infest my community and the construction industry I work in.

Anything Trump does to stem the flow gets a thumbs up from me. PERIOD

Your business is booming since Trump's election. Right?

You complaining about the negative effect of immigrants on your industry and community ( which must thrive for you to get new business ) is fucking weird. It cannot be your bottom line. It must be something else. I wonder what it could be.
You complaining about the negative effect of immigrants on your industry and community ( which must thrive for you to get new business ) is fucking weird. It cannot be your bottom line. It must be something else. I wonder what it could be.

The primordial drive to preserve resources for an organism's own flourishing and propagation within in a given home range by its' native inhabitants ?

The lion does not want the leopard taking its game.
You complaining about the negative effect of immigrants on your industry and community ( which must thrive for you to get new business ) is fucking weird. It cannot be your bottom line. It must be something else. I wonder what it could be.

The primordial drive to preserve resources for an organism's own flourishing and propagation within in a given home range by its' native inhabitants ?

The lion does not want the leopard taking its game.

That's a cool story, bro.

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