Just How Stupid Does Obama Think We Are?

:lol: Don't let it happen again.

cmon sara, just show me one example of the ACA lowering costs. I've got 100s of thousands that show it doesn't. ??????????????????

First off, the stories about those getting junk healthcare insurance for a few dollars a month then going to healthcare.gov and finding they'll have to pay many times that just are not true. You all say nobody can sign up and yet you know for sure the cost is astronomical? Doesn't make sense.

The numbers that the Teaparty/Cons are providing would be the value of insurance but they don't take into account subsidies that make healthcare affordable for all.

You know the answers to your questions, you're just looking for a platform for your talking points. The proof is in the pudding, ACA is here to stay and is truly affordable for all. We've needed this for a long time.

Sarah, I think he wanted an example in the form of a link.
Bottom line.... obama is a lying cocksucker. PERIOD!!

Everybody knows it and even the usual knee-pad-wearing DISGUSTING FILTH on the LSM can't gloss over this whopper....


Politifact: Obama Pants On Fire For Telling People They Could Keep Their Plans


According to Obama, “What we said was you can keep (your plan) if it hasn’t changed since the law passed.”

But we found at least 37 times since Obama’s inauguration where he or a top administration official made a variation of the pledge that if you like your plan, you can keep it, and we never found an instance in which he offered the caveat that it only applies to plans that hadn’t changed after the law’s passage.

And seven of those 37 cases came after the release of the HHS regulations that defined the “grandfathering” process, when the impact would be clear.

While Sebelius’ teleconference with reporters did provide that sort of caveat, in other instances, such as her blog post, she focused on the upside, not the downside. Her one mention of the extent to which grandfathered plans might be doomed strikes us as the equivalent of the fine print on a television commercial running in heavy rotation.

Obama is ignoring the overwhelming majority of times he addressed the issue, where most people would have heard it. We rate his claim Pants on Fire.

In other words, obama is a lying cocksucker. Period.

And the people that defend him are as well.
Sarah. Obamacare is bound to fail as it cannot sustain it's self. They lost it all when they got away from making healthcare more affordable, thus lowering the cost of all healthcare to include health insurance. Had they siply first worked on jobs, them making healthcare affordable they would be unstoppable. But they went for the power grab, and it is failing. Watch and this time learn.

And I could be wrong. But with a 2000+ page law which is generating 13,000 pages of regulations, I don't think so...

Ollie, nice attempt at being condescending to me but you have things a little bit backwards. One of the bigger expendatures for employers is providing health insurance for employees. In fact, they are shifting the cost for that directly to their employees as a cost saving measure for greedy owners and company leadership.

ACA is lowering costs for all Americans, young people and their families, so that it will become sustainable. You won't have so many running to the ER and have the hospital write their bill off because they can't pay.

ACA is a good thing which you will soon see.

I'm not being condescending. I'm being honest. As I see it the largest cost will be the Subsidies...Where's that money coming from? How much will we borrow to pay for it? Non-sustainable...
Just How Stupid Does Obama Think We Are?

His last lie, “I actually said, ‘You can keep your insurance, if it hasn’t changed since the law passed…” is so incredible, that it gives us a clue at how little regard he has for the American people.

He thinks we must have the IQ of 80 or we are so mesmerized by him, we will believe anything he says.

Next, he will be telling us, the consulate at Benghazi was attacked because of a video!

Oh, wait, …


To answer the question, "Just How Stupid Does Obama Think We Are?" That just applies to the folks who elected him in office.
Wonder how the late night comedians are handling this? Especially Letterman?

The View? is that still on. Whoopi, lol.
:lol: Don't let it happen again.

cmon sara, just show me one example of the ACA lowering costs. I've got 100s of thousands that show it doesn't. ??????????????????

First off, the stories about those getting junk healthcare insurance for a few dollars a month then going to healthcare.gov and finding they'll have to pay many times that just are not true. You all say nobody can sign up and yet you know for sure the cost is astronomical? Doesn't make sense.

The numbers that the Teaparty/Cons are providing would be the value of insurance but they don't take into account subsidies that make healthcare affordable for all.

You know the answers to your questions, you're just looking for a platform for your talking points. The proof is in the pudding, ACA is here to stay and is truly affordable for all. We've needed this for a long time.

Oh, so you are just like all the other dumbocrats, just dismiss those that show your fucked up ideas are just that, shit!! It's a conspiracy, right? There are thousands of Americans that have colluded to produce these papers from their insurance companies telling them their policies have been cancelled. Is that really what you are saying? You are so full of shit!!!!
3%. The Lt. Governor won by 10%, there'll be a recount for the Attorney General. 600 votes between the Dem and a win. I don't know why you all just can't see the message in VA? The writing is on the wall.

Sarah, I don't mean to be rude, but I wish you would share your logic with me. I just posted:

- was supposed to win by 20%age points but won by 2 (corrected by you, to 3%age points)
- outspent Cuchinelli 10-1
- short coattails of Obama and the Clintons (who stumped for him in Va)
- good acceptance speech

I put out 3 negative facts about McAuliffe. And you dismissed all of that, talked about the lesser seats and wrote, "The writing is on the wall." Is that what Dems do? 'Ignore the beast?'

Maybe I'm getting tired of your stupid questions?

Maybe because you are incapable of having a single independent thought of your own? SHHHHHEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPP!!!!!!
cmon sara, just show me one example of the ACA lowering costs. I've got 100s of thousands that show it doesn't. ??????????????????

First off, the stories about those getting junk healthcare insurance for a few dollars a month then going to healthcare.gov and finding they'll have to pay many times that just are not true. You all say nobody can sign up and yet you know for sure the cost is astronomical? Doesn't make sense.

The numbers that the Teaparty/Cons are providing would be the value of insurance but they don't take into account subsidies that make healthcare affordable for all.

You know the answers to your questions, you're just looking for a platform for your talking points. The proof is in the pudding, ACA is here to stay and is truly affordable for all. We've needed this for a long time.

Oh, so you are just like all the other dumbocrats, just dismiss those that show your fucked up ideas are just that, shit!! It's a conspiracy, right? There are thousands of Americans that have colluded to produce these papers from their insurance companies telling them their policies have been cancelled. Is that really what you are saying? You are so full of shit!!!!

See? You're just looking for a platform to get your frustrations out. Typical wingnutty Teapartier. :cuckoo:
First off, the stories about those getting junk healthcare insurance for a few dollars a month then going to healthcare.gov and finding they'll have to pay many times that just are not true. You all say nobody can sign up and yet you know for sure the cost is astronomical? Doesn't make sense.

The numbers that the Teaparty/Cons are providing would be the value of insurance but they don't take into account subsidies that make healthcare affordable for all.

You know the answers to your questions, you're just looking for a platform for your talking points. The proof is in the pudding, ACA is here to stay and is truly affordable for all. We've needed this for a long time.

Oh, so you are just like all the other dumbocrats, just dismiss those that show your fucked up ideas are just that, shit!! It's a conspiracy, right? There are thousands of Americans that have colluded to produce these papers from their insurance companies telling them their policies have been cancelled. Is that really what you are saying? You are so full of shit!!!!

See? You're just looking for a platform to get your frustrations out. Typical wingnutty Teapartier. :cuckoo:

Where is your proof that these cancellation papers are false? HUH????? Where's your proof?????
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Sarah. Obamacare is bound to fail as it cannot sustain it's self. They lost it all when they got away from making healthcare more affordable, thus lowering the cost of all healthcare to include health insurance. Had they siply first worked on jobs, them making healthcare affordable they would be unstoppable. But they went for the power grab, and it is failing. Watch and this time learn.

And I could be wrong. But with a 2000+ page law which is generating 13,000 pages of regulations, I don't think so...

Ollie, nice attempt at being condescending to me but you have things a little bit backwards. One of the bigger expendatures for employers is providing health insurance for employees. In fact, they are shifting the cost for that directly to their employees as a cost saving measure for greedy owners and company leadership.

ACA is lowering costs for all Americans, young people and their families, so that it will become sustainable. You won't have so many running to the ER and have the hospital write their bill off because they can't pay.

ACA is a good thing which you will soon see.

Wow, this has got to be one of the best SHEEP comments I've heard!!! ACA is LOWERING costs for everyone?? REALLY??? Where's your proof to contradict the thousands that are now coming forward, having had their current policies cancelled, offered "new and better" policies that double their premiums and triple their co-pay amounts and include coverage for shit they don't need?

Your right. Just ask the guy with an $11,000 dollar deductable right after you ask the guy with the $13,999.00 deductable. Ask them how much less expensive Obamacare is.

Doubt you get them saying anything great about this POS that the Dems forced on the American people.

The only winners will be those the rest of us are forced to subsidize. After all, it ain't their money.
Oh, so you are just like all the other dumbocrats, just dismiss those that show your fucked up ideas are just that, shit!! It's a conspiracy, right? There are thousands of Americans that have colluded to produce these papers from their insurance companies telling them their policies have been cancelled. Is that really what you are saying? You are so full of shit!!!!

See? You're just looking for a platform to get your frustrations out. Typical wingnutty Teapartier. :cuckoo:

Where is your proof that these cancellation papers are false? HUH????? Where's your proof?????

dimocraps lie.

It's what they do
See? You're just looking for a platform to get your frustrations out. Typical wingnutty Teapartier. :cuckoo:

Where is your proof that these cancellation papers are false? HUH????? Where's your proof?????

dimocraps lie.

It's what they do

Some democrats lie. Many just change the subject when backed into the corner. Others just don't answer. Very few are objective and debate issues.
Ollie, nice attempt at being condescending to me but you have things a little bit backwards. One of the bigger expendatures for employers is providing health insurance for employees. In fact, they are shifting the cost for that directly to their employees as a cost saving measure for greedy owners and company leadership.

ACA is lowering costs for all Americans, young people and their families, so that it will become sustainable. You won't have so many running to the ER and have the hospital write their bill off because they can't pay.

ACA is a good thing which you will soon see.

Wow, this has got to be one of the best SHEEP comments I've heard!!! ACA is LOWERING costs for everyone?? REALLY??? Where's your proof to contradict the thousands that are now coming forward, having had their current policies cancelled, offered "new and better" policies that double their premiums and triple their co-pay amounts and include coverage for shit they don't need?

Your right. Just ask the guy with an $11,000 dollar deductable right after you ask the guy with the $13,999.00 deductable. Ask them how much less expensive Obamacare is.

Doubt you get them saying anything great about this POS that the Dems forced on the American people.

The only winners will be those the rest of us are forced to subsidize. After all, it ain't their money.

All we have to do is sit back and wait. The stories will be coming faster and faster. You are right about the winners. Aren't they always the winners?

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