Just How Useless & Dangerous Is Hashtag Diplomacy


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Boko Haram and the dangers of hashtag diplomacy
Read more at Boko Haram and the dangers of hashtag diplomacy | Communities Digital News

WASHINGTON, May 15, 2014 — The World holds its breath and prays for the return of over 300 Nigerian girls taken from their homes. They were taken by Islamist terrorist organization Boko Haram, a group that has been operating in the area for some time now. The group is responsible for many atrocities.

Awareness of this tragedy has been heightened by the introduction of hashtag diplomacy in the form of #bringbackourgirls. Everyone from Pakistani equal rights activists to Michelle Obama has tweeted support for the #bringbackourgirls movement. It is about time, they argue, that the girls come home.

A question, though, born of simple curiosity: Where have all of these people been?

Where was hashtag diplomacy when Boko Haram massacred 59 school boys at a boarding school in February? According to the Police Commissioner, Boko Haram burned 24 buildings and set the students on fire after they shot them.

Where was hashtag diplomacy when Boko Haram decimated a fishing village in Izghe? One-hundred six people were killed in that attack, the vast majority of them males.

Where was hashtag diplomacy when Boko Haram went on a shooting spree and killed 60 people in the Nigerian state of Borno? According to Al-Jazeera, the group hurled explosives into homes, and poisoned water supplies.

Where was hashtag diplomacy when the death toll from Boko Haram attacks reached 1500?

The failure of the Obama administration to recognize the danger that Boko Haram poses to African security is symptomatic of their failure to recognize the dangers of radical Islamic movements World-wide. Year after year, we have watched as African and Middle-Eastern government descend into chaos and civil war, only to be exploited handily and deftly by the veteran fighters and experienced organizers of the various radical Islamist militia groups.

All over Africa and the Middle-East, radical Islam is slowly eroding weak and vulnerable governments to sew destabilization. All over Africa and the Middle-East, radical Islam exploits troubled rulers, civil unrest, social disturbance, and unstable governments in order to incite civil war. They incite civil war for the sole purpose of toppling the government, and replacing it with a hard line Islamic state adherent to Sharia law.

Yet we were lead to believe al-Qaeda was decimated. We were told that they were no longer a threat, and that the United States and her allies had relegated them to the footnotes of history. Those who argued their destruction pointed to the lack of terrorist attacks, using safety to justify increased security measures and surveillance. They said, look it worked, al-Qaeda is gone. The witch is dead.

The witch is not dead; the witch reorganized.

Instead of concentrating on dealing blows to the Great Satan and the West, radical Islamist groups such as al-Qaeda have gone from launching suicide attacks to creating franchises.

How they intend to do that is another story, and leads us to the meat and potatoes of a very serious problem. The State Department and the Nigerian government are considering the offer by Boko Haram to swap their three hundred prisoners, for their captured comrades currently incarcerated by the US.

This is a mistake.

For those of you who have not been paying attention to the situation in Africa, radical Islam has managed to take advantage of a multitude of unstable governments, they have even staked out territory, and if had not been for the intervention of French forces, Mali would now be under the control of al-Qaeda.

While President Obama arms radical Islamists in Syria, radical Islamists are undermining the security of nations across Africa, in particular Northern Africa, the Maghreb, and Sub-Saharan regions. And the United States has had a direct hand in contributing to that undermined level of security. Through their actions in Syria, Libya, and Egypt, the United States and the West have created ample opportunity for radical Islamist groups such as al-Qaeda, al-Qaeda on the Islamic Maghreb, Al-Shabaab, and Boko Haram to exploit the power vacuums in a given area, and gain territory.

In Iraq, the power vacuum left behind by the United States, unable to be filled by a faltering Iraqi government, has allowed for al-Qaeda in the form of The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant to seize control of the western half of the country. These are the same people that President Obama is arming in Syria. With money and weapons from the United States, al-Qaeda is launching offensives against our troops in Iraq. With the inclusion of Afghanistan, the collective foreign and defense policies of the last two administrations have provided militant Islamic organization with battle grounds to send fresh fighters to gain experience.

It is no wonder that Boko Haram kidnapped three hundred girls, and is holding them ransom. It is a wonder, however, that anyone thinks this administration is going to do anything substantial about it.

But thanks to hashtag diplomacy, actions will now be taken.

But it’s too little too late.

The very same people who are now decrying the abduction of three hundred girls in Nigeria, through hashtag diplomacy, at the hands of radical Islamists were silent when Syrian Opposition militants that the US currently supports kidnapped six Red Cross workers.

Hashtag diplomacy was silent when militants, supported by US guns and money, from the Al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant kidnapped over 100 ethnic Kurdish villagers from their homes in Aleppo.

Hashtag diplomacy was silent when Opposition militants kidnapped twelve Greek Orthodox nuns north of Damascus.

This is not to say that the kidnapping of 300 Nigerian girls is not tragic. This is not to say that we as a nation, and as a free world, should not endeavor to assist those nations in fighting radical Islam wherever it may rear its head. But the idea that now we should be paying attention to radical Islam, that now we are coming to the conclusion that al-Qaeda is not dead, that they have multiplied and that they have reorganized.

Read more at Boko Haram and the dangers of hashtag diplomacy | Communities Digital News
You know, I'm glad that Michelle is letting you know what you need to be angry over.

Because what would your life be if you didn't have the Obama's to hate?

I'm not angry.

To be honest, it's hard do believe you're a vet.

Anyone who's been in the military with half a brain knows that this is the sort of thing that gets us killed.

But then again, you're a paper-pusher, not a combat vet.

One of the things that has been most glaring since Obama took office has been the fact that he doesn't lead. He merely campaigns.

Directives from the top are nonexistent unless it's some political statement handed down about diversity or some other politically-correct nonsense. Nobody seems to know what's coming next. There is no direction from above. A couple of years ago our post commander said we were in dire straits. Our military is on the knife edge of mission failure constantly because we don't know if we're even going to have the money to operate. The only constant has been constant uncertainty.

Nothing that Obama does has any tactical value, only political. He seems to have timed this Afghanistan withdrawal announcement to take the heat off of him for the VA scandal and his outing of the Kabul CIA director. Why don't we just give the Taliban a date to plan for so they can be fully prepared to take back Afghanistan. It's pathetic.

Now there's word that Obama was planning on negotiating to get those 300 girls released by releasing enemy combatants, just in time for the election. All that's going to do is provide aid and comfort to the enemy.
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You know, I'm glad that Michelle is letting you know what you need to be angry over.

Because what would your life be if you didn't have the Obama's to hate?

I'm not angry.

To be honest, it's hard do believe you're a vet.

Anyone who's been in the military with half a brain knows that this is the sort of thing that gets us killed.

But then again, you're a paper-pusher, not a combat vet.

You know what gets people killed in wars?

Politicians who commit us to fights that are none of our fucking business.

That's what gets people killed in wars.

Happy to have cleared that up for you, you seemed a little confused.

Hopefully, the VA will help you deal with your serious ODS.

One of the things that has been most glaring since Obama took office has been the fact that he doesn't lead. He merely campaigns.

Directives from the top are nonexistent unless it's some political statement handed down about diversity or some other politically-correct nonsense. Nobody seems to know what's coming next. There is no direction from above. A couple of years ago our post commander said we were in dire straits. Our military is on the knife edge of mission failure constantly because we don't know if we're even going to have the money to operate. The only constant has been constant uncertainty.

Okay, and how was that any different from Bush? I mean, I can give a whole litany of bad assumptions and piss-poor planning that Cheney... I mean, er Bush did in Iraq. But oddly, you guys weren't upset about that.

Nothing that Obama does has any tactical value, only political. He seems to have timed this Afghanistan withdrawal announcement to take the heat off of him for the VA scandal and his outing of the Kabul CIA director. Why don't we just give the Taliban a date to plan for so they can be fully prepared to take back Afghanistan. It's pathetic.

I'm critical of Obama's Afghanistan policy. We should have pulled out in 2009, when it was obvious the people we are backing will never be able to run the country by themselves. It's another wonderful case of not realizing that the people we don't like actually represent the popular will. It's like Vietnam happened and we didn't learn a fucking thing from it.

Instead, we stick around for 5 years because we know the minute we pull out, the AFGHAN PEOPLE will put the Taliban back into power.

Now there's word that Obama was planning on negotiating to get those 300 girls released by releasing enemy combatants, just in time for the election. All that's going to do is provide aid and comfort to the enemy.

Meh, not seeing how a civil war in Nigeria is really our business. If he gets them out, wonderful. If he doesn't, too bad.

I'm sure you'll find an excuse to be angry about it no matter which way it turns out.
You know, I'm glad that Michelle is letting you know what you need to be angry over.

Because what would your life be if you didn't have the Obama's to hate?

I'm not angry.

To be honest, it's hard do believe you're a vet.

Anyone who's been in the military with half a brain knows that this is the sort of thing that gets us killed.

But then again, you're a paper-pusher, not a combat vet.

You know what gets people killed in wars?

Politicians who commit us to fights that are none of our fucking business.

That's what gets people killed in wars.

Happy to have cleared that up for you, you seemed a little confused.

Hopefully, the VA will help you deal with your serious ODS.

Okay, and how was that any different from Bush? I mean, I can give a whole litany of bad assumptions and piss-poor planning that Cheney... I mean, er Bush did in Iraq. But oddly, you guys weren't upset about that.

Nothing that Obama does has any tactical value, only political. He seems to have timed this Afghanistan withdrawal announcement to take the heat off of him for the VA scandal and his outing of the Kabul CIA director. Why don't we just give the Taliban a date to plan for so they can be fully prepared to take back Afghanistan. It's pathetic.

I'm critical of Obama's Afghanistan policy. We should have pulled out in 2009, when it was obvious the people we are backing will never be able to run the country by themselves. It's another wonderful case of not realizing that the people we don't like actually represent the popular will. It's like Vietnam happened and we didn't learn a fucking thing from it.

Instead, we stick around for 5 years because we know the minute we pull out, the AFGHAN PEOPLE will put the Taliban back into power.

Now there's word that Obama was planning on negotiating to get those 300 girls released by releasing enemy combatants, just in time for the election. All that's going to do is provide aid and comfort to the enemy.

Meh, not seeing how a civil war in Nigeria is really our business. If he gets them out, wonderful. If he doesn't, too bad.

I'm sure you'll find an excuse to be angry about it no matter which way it turns out.

Isn't that the point of this thread?

Try reading it before you blurt out more of your usual idiocy...
NO, the point of your thread is your batshit crazy hate of Obama.

You don't get to criticize "Hashtag diplomacy" after backing what Bush did to the hilt and making claims that we realy, truly did find WMD's, and the Media didn't report it.
I don't understand what the problem is. Surely, people can see that retweeting a hashtag is just as effective at solving a problem as doing something like putting a bullet in some Muslim terrorist's face or hunting down and killing kidnappers. Expressing outrage in the comments on a Youtube video is just as valid as going overseas and doing something.

Who needs to actively do something when one can engage is pointless and forgotten social media?
NO, the point of your thread is your batshit crazy hate of Obama.

You don't get to criticize "Hashtag diplomacy" after backing what Bush did to the hilt and making claims that we realy, truly did find WMD's, and the Media didn't report it.

Nope. I have a problem with what he does. I don't really care one way or another about him personally.

We found evidence of the WMDs, but with help from the UN and Russia, Saddam got almost every bit of it out of Iraq before we invaded. Why do you think the Turks wouldn't allow 4th Infantry Division to enter from the North? It wasn't because they were just being assholes. The Russians were convoying the last remnants into Syria. Now they're in Syria and Russia is supposedly helping with their removal once again.

Your problem is you're too gullible. You believe what the media reports is all that ever happens in the world. This comes from never being on the ground to witness it yourself, like I have.
I don't understand what the problem is. Surely, people can see that retweeting a hashtag is just as effective at solving a problem as doing something like putting a bullet in some Muslim terrorist's face or hunting down and killing kidnappers. Expressing outrage in the comments on a Youtube video is just as valid as going overseas and doing something.

Who needs to actively do something when one can engage is pointless and forgotten social media?

The problem with it is it doesn't solve anything. Nevermind the fact that our interference caused this mess in the first place.
NO, the point of your thread is your batshit crazy hate of Obama.

You don't get to criticize "Hashtag diplomacy" after backing what Bush did to the hilt and making claims that we realy, truly did find WMD's, and the Media didn't report it.

You're right JoeBlow, anyone with a 3 digit IQ hates the Manchurian muslim, and you still are in the dark about why (yeah, heard it a million times, we're racist!:cuckoo:)

NO, the point of your thread is your batshit crazy hate of Obama.

You don't get to criticize "Hashtag diplomacy" after backing what Bush did to the hilt and making claims that we realy, truly did find WMD's, and the Media didn't report it.

Nope. I have a problem with what he does. I don't really care one way or another about him personally.

We found evidence of the WMDs, but with help from the UN and Russia, Saddam got almost every bit of it out of Iraq before we invaded. Why do you think the Turks wouldn't allow 4th Infantry Division to enter from the North? It wasn't because they were just being assholes. The Russians were convoying the last remnants into Syria. Now they're in Syria and Russia is supposedly helping with their removal once again.

Your problem is you're too gullible. You believe what the media reports is all that ever happens in the world. This comes from never being on the ground to witness it yourself, like I have.

Turkey didn't let the 4ID go through their territory for a good reason.

THey knew Cheney and Bush were full of shit. So did the French, the Russians, the Chinese, the Germans and just about everyone else.

THe Assholes were the ones who insisted on invading Iraq when the rest of the world knew it was a terrible idea.
NO, the point of your thread is your batshit crazy hate of Obama.

You don't get to criticize "Hashtag diplomacy" after backing what Bush did to the hilt and making claims that we realy, truly did find WMD's, and the Media didn't report it.

Nope. I have a problem with what he does. I don't really care one way or another about him personally.

We found evidence of the WMDs, but with help from the UN and Russia, Saddam got almost every bit of it out of Iraq before we invaded. Why do you think the Turks wouldn't allow 4th Infantry Division to enter from the North? It wasn't because they were just being assholes. The Russians were convoying the last remnants into Syria. Now they're in Syria and Russia is supposedly helping with their removal once again.

Your problem is you're too gullible. You believe what the media reports is all that ever happens in the world. This comes from never being on the ground to witness it yourself, like I have.

Turkey didn't let the 4ID go through their territory for a good reason.

THey knew Cheney and Bush were full of shit. So did the French, the Russians, the Chinese, the Germans and just about everyone else.

THe Assholes were the ones who insisted on invading Iraq when the rest of the world knew it was a terrible idea.

You silly bastard, they were shooting at OUR PLANES in the NO FLY ZONE a DIRECT VIOLATION of the Gulf War I Peace accord...I know, you would have done this, if it was done your way


Please change your avatar to something that suits you, perhaps this....

You know, I'm glad that Michelle is letting you know what you need to be angry over.

Because what would your life be if you didn't have the Obama's to hate?

No way, there is always Henry Ried, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry and Chuck Schumer to hate on. :badgrin:
The "hashtag" was inappropriate but hardly dangerous.

A similar movement back in the 90s sent us to Somalia.

I personally ended up going.

Remember BlackHawk Down?

It's fine when you're safe here in America talking about something that ended up sending some of our Special Ops operators in harms' way, but it's a different story when your life is being risked for a popularity campaign, just so famous folks can act caring.

Besides, I kind of think you're just commenting on the title of the thread without reading the OP.

Perhaps going back and reading it might help. What has led us to this point might be different from your world view. I question why we always have to be world police. The left constantly criticized Bush for this very same thing. It's not a very good feeling to be separated from your family just so some folks can say they care, and once you get there you discover that you have zero support from your Commander In Chief. Obama feels Climate Change is a more pressing need than fighting terrorism. This is what he essentially said yesterday at West Point. If this is the case why go? What's the point when the president doesn't even believe in the mission?
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The "hashtag" was inappropriate but hardly dangerous.

A similar movement back in the 90s sent us to Somalia.

I personally ended up going.

Remember BlackHawk Down?

It's fine when you're safe here in America talking about something that ended up sending some of our Special Ops operators in harms' way, but it's a different story when your life is being risked for a popularity campaign, just so famous folks can act caring.

Besides, I kind of think you're just commenting on the title of the thread without reading the OP.

Perhaps going back and reading it might help. What has led us to this point might be different from your world view. I question why we always have to be world police. The left constantly criticized Bush for this very same thing. It's not a very good feeling to be separated from your family just so some folks can say they care, and once you get there you discover that you have zero support from your Commander In Chief. Obama feels Climate Change is a more pressing need than fighting terrorism. This is what he said yesterday at West Point. If this is the case why go? What's the point when the president doesn't even believe in the mission?

I read the OP; I have never agreed with military action based upon public "comment". Do not like the First Lady POSING, as I call it, hashtag or not. Stay out of it Michelle. SOUNDBITES got us into Iraq also.
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The "hashtag" was inappropriate but hardly dangerous.

A similar movement back in the 90s sent us to Somalia.

I personally ended up going.

Remember BlackHawk Down?

It's fine when you're safe here in America talking about something that ended up sending some of our Special Ops operators in harms' way, but it's a different story when your life is being risked for a popularity campaign, just so famous folks can act caring.

Besides, I kind of think you're just commenting on the title of the thread without reading the OP.

Perhaps going back and reading it might help. What has led us to this point might be different from your world view. I question why we always have to be world police. The left constantly criticized Bush for this very same thing. It's not a very good feeling to be separated from your family just so some folks can say they care, and once you get there you discover that you have zero support from your Commander In Chief. Obama feels Climate Change is a more pressing need than fighting terrorism. This is what he said yesterday at West Point. If this is the case why go? What's the point when the president doesn't even believe in the mission?

I read the OP; I have never agreed with military action based upon public "comment". Do not like the First Lady POSING, as I call it, hashtag or not. Stay out of it Michelle. SOUNDBITES got us into Iraq also.


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