Just In: 5th Officer Has Died In Dallas

so was the shooter black?

It says there were at least four shooters, one's certainly black because they released some picture of him when he was at large, then he handed himself in.

Now one of them whilst in custody seems to have shot himself dead, according to this Tweet, weird as one would think if in custody they'd all be disarmed.

Conflict News on Twitter
I bet there were a lot more than four. Only whites operate alone.

Well from the news report I read, it sounded like all these sharpshooter snipers on rooftops shooting from all directions.

I'm not sure if they've said what weaponry they were using.
yes i saw a video. IT showed the cops moving on the shooter and then the shots from the building.
And the far left celebrates each and every death!

Yes IsaacNewton thinks it's "funny", he rated my OP below as "funny"

POS can be put on ignore.

C_Clayton_Jones has also rated it "funny", most of the forum has him down as an idiot Troll, so nobody should be shocked at that moron.

Dallas Police RIP, BLM, Obama

Edited to add comment.

You are a troll, your actions noted to the moderators.

The laughing is at you in your face. I have made no comment on the shootings in Dallas at all, anywhere. But your whole schtick is to assume a Mt. Everest of false crap and vomit it out on everyone else. You have zero credibility, no compassion, no intelligence, and no morals. Yet you set yourself as judge of the world. Your whole world is false memes and conspiracy garbage.

Only pity for you.

I'm not a Troll, I've never been a Troll, but you're a little cry baby, you shouldn't rate serious incidents as "funny" if you don't want to be called on it.

I don't rate things as funny unless they're funny, I don't do that because I'm not a Troll, unlike you.

The rest of your comments are laughable. If you notice, in general more agree with me than agree with you.

You are a pathetic troll.

Bugwit, read once in a while. I didn't rate 'the incident' at all. This is why I'm laughing in your face. YOU always project such vomitus on other people in your posts. I have made no comments at all on this website regarding Dallas. But your agenda isn't fact based, you have a need to demonize other people. That is who you are.

I'm laughing at you and the others here who don't have any facts on who did this but who are projecting every demon that flies around their head all day long, as you are, out onto the world. This unreality in your head only exists in your head. Sorry to break it to you. Yet somehow you seize on a tragedy like this to list every demon that plagues your psych and vomit blame on all of them at once.

You must be having the dry heaves by now.
This is an admission that you troll Lucy Hamilton. If you don't like what she writes and find it repulsive why aren't you adult enough to ignore her?
And the far left celebrates each and every death!

Yes IsaacNewton thinks it's "funny", he rated my OP below as "funny"

POS can be put on ignore.

C_Clayton_Jones has also rated it "funny", most of the forum has him down as an idiot Troll, so nobody should be shocked at that moron.

Dallas Police RIP, BLM, Obama

Edited to add comment.

You are a troll, your actions noted to the moderators.

The laughing is at you in your face. I have made no comment on the shootings in Dallas at all, anywhere. But your whole schtick is to assume a Mt. Everest of false crap and vomit it out on everyone else. You have zero credibility, no compassion, no intelligence, and no morals. Yet you set yourself as judge of the world. Your whole world is false memes and conspiracy garbage.

Only pity for you.

I'm not a Troll, I've never been a Troll, but you're a little cry baby, you shouldn't rate serious incidents as "funny" if you don't want to be called on it.

I don't rate things as funny unless they're funny, I don't do that because I'm not a Troll, unlike you.

The rest of your comments are laughable. If you notice, in general more agree with me than agree with you.

You are a pathetic troll.

Bugwit, read once in a while. I didn't rate 'the incident' at all. This is why I'm laughing in your face. YOU always project such vomitus on other people in your posts. I have made no comments at all on this website regarding Dallas. But your agenda isn't fact based, you have a need to demonize other people. That is who you are.

I'm laughing at you and the others here who don't have any facts on who did this but who are projecting every demon that flies around their head all day long, as you are, out onto the world. This unreality in your head only exists in your head. Sorry to break it to you. Yet somehow you seize on a tragedy like this to list every demon that plagues your psych and vomit blame on all of them at once.

You must be having the dry heaves by now.

No I've never Trolled, Trolls don't get as high ratings as I've got, most are Thank You, Winner, Informative and Agree.

The rest of your gibberish post is unworthy of a response. I'm sorry that you're not as popular as I am Isaac, just learn to deal with it.

I'll put you on ignore now, Clayton's already on ignore.

Beautiful, I love ignore.

And good lord who cares about 'being popular', you must still be in junior high school. That is the mentality you exhibit. Have fun with the rest of the angries.
And the far left celebrates each and every death!

Yes IsaacNewton thinks it's "funny", he rated my OP below as "funny"

POS can be put on ignore.

C_Clayton_Jones has also rated it "funny", most of the forum has him down as an idiot Troll, so nobody should be shocked at that moron.

Dallas Police RIP, BLM, Obama

Edited to add comment.

You are a troll, your actions noted to the moderators.

The laughing is at you in your face. I have made no comment on the shootings in Dallas at all, anywhere. But your whole schtick is to assume a Mt. Everest of false crap and vomit it out on everyone else. You have zero credibility, no compassion, no intelligence, and no morals. Yet you set yourself as judge of the world. Your whole world is false memes and conspiracy garbage.

Only pity for you.

I'm not a Troll, I've never been a Troll, but you're a little cry baby, you shouldn't rate serious incidents as "funny" if you don't want to be called on it.

I don't rate things as funny unless they're funny, I don't do that because I'm not a Troll, unlike you.

The rest of your comments are laughable. If you notice, in general more agree with me than agree with you.

You are a pathetic troll.

Bugwit, read once in a while. I didn't rate 'the incident' at all. This is why I'm laughing in your face. YOU always project such vomitus on other people in your posts. I have made no comments at all on this website regarding Dallas. But your agenda isn't fact based, you have a need to demonize other people. That is who you are.

I'm laughing at you and the others here who don't have any facts on who did this but who are projecting every demon that flies around their head all day long, as you are, out onto the world. This unreality in your head only exists in your head. Sorry to break it to you. Yet somehow you seize on a tragedy like this to list every demon that plagues your psych and vomit blame on all of them at once.

You must be having the dry heaves by now.
This is an admission that you troll Lucy Hamilton. If you don't like what she writes and find it repulsive why aren't you adult enough to ignore her?

I did. All I did was hit the 'funny' emoji on one of her posts. She then posted a personal attack against me.

Sorry deary, you and her are way out of your league. She's among a handful of people here who are right at the edge of sanity in my opinion. And this is a place to post opinion yes. Her post was a flame pure and simple and she tried to perpetrate a huge lie in it. That isn't going to fly.

Why don't you be adult enough and ignore me now. Thanks.
Yes IsaacNewton thinks it's "funny", he rated my OP below as "funny"

POS can be put on ignore.

C_Clayton_Jones has also rated it "funny", most of the forum has him down as an idiot Troll, so nobody should be shocked at that moron.

Dallas Police RIP, BLM, Obama

Edited to add comment.

You are a troll, your actions noted to the moderators.

The laughing is at you in your face. I have made no comment on the shootings in Dallas at all, anywhere. But your whole schtick is to assume a Mt. Everest of false crap and vomit it out on everyone else. You have zero credibility, no compassion, no intelligence, and no morals. Yet you set yourself as judge of the world. Your whole world is false memes and conspiracy garbage.

Only pity for you.

I'm not a Troll, I've never been a Troll, but you're a little cry baby, you shouldn't rate serious incidents as "funny" if you don't want to be called on it.

I don't rate things as funny unless they're funny, I don't do that because I'm not a Troll, unlike you.

The rest of your comments are laughable. If you notice, in general more agree with me than agree with you.

You are a pathetic troll.

Bugwit, read once in a while. I didn't rate 'the incident' at all. This is why I'm laughing in your face. YOU always project such vomitus on other people in your posts. I have made no comments at all on this website regarding Dallas. But your agenda isn't fact based, you have a need to demonize other people. That is who you are.

I'm laughing at you and the others here who don't have any facts on who did this but who are projecting every demon that flies around their head all day long, as you are, out onto the world. This unreality in your head only exists in your head. Sorry to break it to you. Yet somehow you seize on a tragedy like this to list every demon that plagues your psych and vomit blame on all of them at once.

You must be having the dry heaves by now.
This is an admission that you troll Lucy Hamilton. If you don't like what she writes and find it repulsive why aren't you adult enough to ignore her?

I did. All I did was hit the 'funny' emoji on one of her posts. She then posted a personal attack against me.

Sorry deary, you and her are way out of your league. She's among a handful of people here who are right at the edge of sanity in my opinion. And this is a place to post opinion yes. Her post was a flame pure and simple and she tried to perpetrate a huge lie in it. That isn't going to fly.

Why don't you be adult enough and ignore me now. Thanks.
I wifi after I tell you to go fuck yourself.
You are a troll, your actions noted to the moderators.

The laughing is at you in your face. I have made no comment on the shootings in Dallas at all, anywhere. But your whole schtick is to assume a Mt. Everest of false crap and vomit it out on everyone else. You have zero credibility, no compassion, no intelligence, and no morals. Yet you set yourself as judge of the world. Your whole world is false memes and conspiracy garbage.

Only pity for you.

I'm not a Troll, I've never been a Troll, but you're a little cry baby, you shouldn't rate serious incidents as "funny" if you don't want to be called on it.

I don't rate things as funny unless they're funny, I don't do that because I'm not a Troll, unlike you.

The rest of your comments are laughable. If you notice, in general more agree with me than agree with you.

You are a pathetic troll.

Bugwit, read once in a while. I didn't rate 'the incident' at all. This is why I'm laughing in your face. YOU always project such vomitus on other people in your posts. I have made no comments at all on this website regarding Dallas. But your agenda isn't fact based, you have a need to demonize other people. That is who you are.

I'm laughing at you and the others here who don't have any facts on who did this but who are projecting every demon that flies around their head all day long, as you are, out onto the world. This unreality in your head only exists in your head. Sorry to break it to you. Yet somehow you seize on a tragedy like this to list every demon that plagues your psych and vomit blame on all of them at once.

You must be having the dry heaves by now.
This is an admission that you troll Lucy Hamilton. If you don't like what she writes and find it repulsive why aren't you adult enough to ignore her?

I did. All I did was hit the 'funny' emoji on one of her posts. She then posted a personal attack against me.

Sorry deary, you and her are way out of your league. She's among a handful of people here who are right at the edge of sanity in my opinion. And this is a place to post opinion yes. Her post was a flame pure and simple and she tried to perpetrate a huge lie in it. That isn't going to fly.

Why don't you be adult enough and ignore me now. Thanks.
I wifi after I tell you to go fuck yourself.

Another angry. What a surprise.
It is time, as American's, that all citizens unite and demand that our leaders deliver the promise of liberty and freedom. Dallas is simply a reaction, a reaction to perceived injustice happening throughout America today. People do not deserve to die at the hand of police forces. However, when informed that you are under arrest, no American has the right to resist. That is what the courts are for. Behavior is detrimental in this situation. We must also understand the mindset of the person(s) who are willing to inflict further damage through actions seen in Dallas this night. 5 police officers dead and 6 others wounded. Why? Because those inflicting that damage, no matter how wrong, is the goal of these people. To deny them the effectiveness of that planning is absolutely self defeating. They succeded in doing what they wanted to do. Give them that credit, just do not support them. As Americans, we, united. can easily defeat this act. United we stand, divided we will only reap more grief. The bullshit regurgitated on FOX News, by so called experts is simply that, bullshit! These agressors had a mission and they completed that mission. That is a fact. That the march was peaceful is neither here nor there. Their mission was to disrupt and use that peaceful march for their personnal gain. And, they did! Wake up and smell the roses! They accomplished what they set out to do. Now, what are we going to do about it? What they did is history, again, what are we, as a people, going to do about it? It is time we start thinking in terms of who WE are. We are not socialist, and that is the crux of the problem. We are Americans, we should be united in the respect of law. We are not rabble! We are American, united, and pleased with our freedom. Piss on the mid east and their outdated views. Piss on their long outdated concepts! America first, last and always. Fuck em and feed em beans! And in all respects, stay where you belong. If that includes pee, pain and extreme mental anguish, so be it. And if being here is so painful, go else where and get the relief you feel you need. By all means, take care of yourself first.
Nah. Really you're a nation of mud people who were able to immigrate and reproduce with no qualifications to be able to.Try moving to a real country and see the requirements. Thank Gawd 90% won't qualify and less that .02% of those idiots realize there are other good countries on the planet.
What a fuckwad you are.

See ? You also detest The Truth,hence a nation of major drug addiction, TV addiction and mass porno-celebrity worhip to avoid the reality of it all. One who disagrees with the ol' numero uno concept overall is met with the violence of a brainwashed, screaming semi-literate band of mud people. Very similar to what YOU would be met with insulting Dear Leader in North Korea who thanks you for paying their monthly rations while you live under bridges.
It is time, as American's, that all citizens unite and demand that our leaders deliver the promise of liberty and freedom. Dallas is simply a reaction, a reaction to perceived injustice happening throughout America today. People do not deserve to die at the hand of police forces. However, when informed that you are under arrest, no American has the right to resist. That is what the courts are for. Behavior is detrimental in this situation. We must also understand the mindset of the person(s) who are willing to inflict further damage through actions seen in Dallas this night. 5 police officers dead and 6 others wounded. Why? Because those inflicting that damage, no matter how wrong, is the goal of these people. To deny them the effectiveness of that planning is absolutely self defeating. They succeded in doing what they wanted to do. Give them that credit, just do not support them. As Americans, we, united. can easily defeat this act. United we stand, divided we will only reap more grief. The bullshit regurgitated on FOX News, by so called experts is simply that, bullshit! These agressors had a mission and they completed that mission. That is a fact. That the march was peaceful is neither here nor there. Their mission was to disrupt and use that peaceful march for their personnal gain. And, they did! Wake up and smell the roses! They accomplished what they set out to do. Now, what are we going to do about it? What they did is history, again, what are we, as a people, going to do about it? It is time we start thinking in terms of who WE are. We are not socialist, and that is the crux of the problem. We are Americans, we should be united in the respect of law. We are not rabble! We are American, united, and pleased with our freedom. Piss on the mid east and their outdated views. Piss on their long outdated concepts! America first, last and always. Fuck em and feed em beans! And in all respects, stay where you belong. If that includes pee, pain and extreme mental anguish, so be it. And if being here is so painful, go else where and get the relief you feel you need. By all means, take care of yourself first.
Nah. Really you're a nation of mud people who were able to immigrate and reproduce with no qualifications to be able to.Try moving to a real country and see the requirements. Thank Gawd 90% won't qualify and less that .02% of those idiots realize there are other good countries on the planet.

And you're point is???
It is time, as American's, that all citizens unite and demand that our leaders deliver the promise of liberty and freedom. Dallas is simply a reaction, a reaction to perceived injustice happening throughout America today. People do not deserve to die at the hand of police forces. However, when informed that you are under arrest, no American has the right to resist. That is what the courts are for. Behavior is detrimental in this situation. We must also understand the mindset of the person(s) who are willing to inflict further damage through actions seen in Dallas this night. 5 police officers dead and 6 others wounded. Why? Because those inflicting that damage, no matter how wrong, is the goal of these people. To deny them the effectiveness of that planning is absolutely self defeating. They succeded in doing what they wanted to do. Give them that credit, just do not support them. As Americans, we, united. can easily defeat this act. United we stand, divided we will only reap more grief. The bullshit regurgitated on FOX News, by so called experts is simply that, bullshit! These agressors had a mission and they completed that mission. That is a fact. That the march was peaceful is neither here nor there. Their mission was to disrupt and use that peaceful march for their personnal gain. And, they did! Wake up and smell the roses! They accomplished what they set out to do. Now, what are we going to do about it? What they did is history, again, what are we, as a people, going to do about it? It is time we start thinking in terms of who WE are. We are not socialist, and that is the crux of the problem. We are Americans, we should be united in the respect of law. We are not rabble! We are American, united, and pleased with our freedom. Piss on the mid east and their outdated views. Piss on their long outdated concepts! America first, last and always. Fuck em and feed em beans! And in all respects, stay where you belong. If that includes pee, pain and extreme mental anguish, so be it. And if being here is so painful, go else where and get the relief you feel you need. By all means, take care of yourself first.
Nah. Really you're a nation of mud people who were able to immigrate and reproduce with no qualifications to be able to.Try moving to a real country and see the requirements. Thank Gawd 90% won't qualify and less that .02% of those idiots realize there are other good countries on the planet.
What a fuckwad you are.

Thank you "Blackroot". Am I to construe from that remark that you disagree? Please be so kind as to point out exactly what it is in my statement which has you as vengeful as you seem to be.
I am an American, first, last and always. And yes, a fifth generation American whose fore father fought in the War for Independence from Britain. There are some who say I am an immigrant also, to whom I say, wrong! I was born here and my family has been here since before the revolution when this was a wilderness, not the most successful nation on the face of this planet. Based upon that heritage, which according to liberal thinking, grants me status in the founding of the United States, as a nation, I say to all not qualified to make such claim, if you have a problem here, if you are hurting here, if you are mistreated here, leave! No one should be required to stay and live while being mistreated by the ideal of an nation. An above post states there are many "fine countries" scattered about. Retire to one of those nations and enjoy the remainder of your life. Simply leave! Aircraft fly in all directions, ships sail in all directions, GO! No one will stop you from doing so, at least here on this end. Perhaps we can assist you in getting underway. Please, if this nation is not to your standards, don't change your standards, simply leave. It is a big world out there, and you should take advantage of it. Please don't go away angry, just go. America and all Americans will get along just fine without you. In fact we wish you well in your every adventure to do better. After all, we suffer the pain you feel and do not wish to continue doing so. Until you do leave please try to have a wonderful American day.
Just in. 5th Policeman has died in the Dallas attacks.

UPDATE: 5th officer died
Thats 5 cops too many, sir. But this just in also.....thus far this year 586 blacks have been murdered by cops...thats 586 too many also!!
Wrong again. They weren't murdered, and everyone knows they weren't murdered (including you). They were criminals in the process of committing crimes and didn't have the sense to not resist arrest.

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