JUST IN: Rand Paul says he "probably will" disclose whistleblower's name

great but that wasn't my point. they wanted all his whistleblower sources and flat out didn't give a damn who they took out along the way. their "rage" seems pretty convenient to their side.

Rage is convenient to both sides. I would be impressed with Trump's position if he dropped the cases against Snowden and Assange. Since he will not, the entire circus really doesn't concern me. Two clown gangs fighting over the same clown car.
of that i can agree. my point in this case wasn't to go after trump for assange and the like. my point is, why is he "ok" to have to hide and why must he have to give up HIS sources, yet we can't do it now or "democracy" dies?

of which it died long ago.

I don't believe anyone has anything on Trump but like I said, I can't feel bad for what he is going through.
except it's not trump going through this. its all of us and the antagonistic hate mindset it gets us in when we talk about it to the point we can't talk about it cause people go straight for the jugular.

Hasn't bothered me yet.
thankfully there are people that can separate the 2. but look around, seems to be a rare trait. :)
Rage is convenient to both sides. I would be impressed with Trump's position if he dropped the cases against Snowden and Assange. Since he will not, the entire circus really doesn't concern me. Two clown gangs fighting over the same clown car.
of that i can agree. my point in this case wasn't to go after trump for assange and the like. my point is, why is he "ok" to have to hide and why must he have to give up HIS sources, yet we can't do it now or "democracy" dies?

of which it died long ago.

I don't believe anyone has anything on Trump but like I said, I can't feel bad for what he is going through.
except it's not trump going through this. its all of us and the antagonistic hate mindset it gets us in when we talk about it to the point we can't talk about it cause people go straight for the jugular.

Hasn't bothered me yet.
thankfully there are people that can separate the 2. but look around, seems to be a rare trait. :)

I call them hypocrites.
great but that wasn't my point. they wanted all his whistleblower sources and flat out didn't give a damn who they took out along the way. their "rage" seems pretty convenient to their side.

Rage is convenient to both sides. I would be impressed with Trump's position if he dropped the cases against Snowden and Assange. Since he will not, the entire circus really doesn't concern me. Two clown gangs fighting over the same clown car.
of that i can agree. my point in this case wasn't to go after trump for assange and the like. my point is, why is he "ok" to have to hide and why must he have to give up HIS sources, yet we can't do it now or "democracy" dies?

of which it died long ago.

I don't believe anyone has anything on Trump but like I said, I can't feel bad for what he is going through.
except it's not trump going through this. its all of us and the antagonistic hate mindset it gets us in when we talk about it to the point we can't talk about it cause people go straight for the jugular.

Hasn't bothered me yet.

Because you are Pro-Coup and Anti-American.
Rage is convenient to both sides. I would be impressed with Trump's position if he dropped the cases against Snowden and Assange. Since he will not, the entire circus really doesn't concern me. Two clown gangs fighting over the same clown car.
of that i can agree. my point in this case wasn't to go after trump for assange and the like. my point is, why is he "ok" to have to hide and why must he have to give up HIS sources, yet we can't do it now or "democracy" dies?

of which it died long ago.

I don't believe anyone has anything on Trump but like I said, I can't feel bad for what he is going through.
except it's not trump going through this. its all of us and the antagonistic hate mindset it gets us in when we talk about it to the point we can't talk about it cause people go straight for the jugular.

Hasn't bothered me yet.

Because you are Pro-Coup and Anti-American.
and this would be the extreme bullshit that gets so tiresome.


jump on ebay this am and buy some thought processes. you could use 'em.
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?

Have you? This person in an operative engaged in a third world type coup.

If you don't like Trump then wait a year and beat him in the election. Like AMERICA has always done it.

Regardless of what you think of him, he is a whistle blower. And actions done now will have an impact on all future whistle blowers.

No one, not even the president is above the law.

You keep saying that and the only crimes we see are those committed by the coup plotters. Illegal aliens also seem to be getting a pass.

You have make up your mind my dear, either everyone is subject to our laws, or no one is.


what crimes?


Impeachment is not a coup (or you would agree then that the Clinton impeachment was a coup attempt).

It's a political process for removing a president constitutionally and legally. And it isn't easily done. That's a good thing. But saying it's a coup just because the president is your guy isn't going to fly because it means if the prez is your guy he should be immune to accountability. No one should be.

We haven't seen any "crimes" by the "coup plotters". No charges or indictments. I think that's a bit of a smoke screen.

We haven't seen any "crimes" by Trump either. And until it's concluded we won't know.

But we have seen VERY questionable activity. IMO it is never ok to extort a foreign country to investigate a political rival. That is really not cool in my book and regardless of what shenanigans the Dems are doing - this IS Congress' job - oversight. And this shouldn't be ignored in the partisan mess we're wading through.

Clinton actually committed a crime. I still didn't support the impeachment attempt, but he did commit a crime. Trump hasn't.
The Mafia didn't think they committed crimes either....Had to put one away on income tax evasion Ever wonder why trump won't show his??
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?

Have you? This person in an operative engaged in a third world type coup.

If you don't like Trump then wait a year and beat him in the election. Like AMERICA has always done it.

Regardless of what you think of him, he is a whistle blower. And actions done now will have an impact on all future whistle blowers.

No one, not even the president is above the law.

You keep saying that and the only crimes we see are those committed by the coup plotters. Illegal aliens also seem to be getting a pass.

You have make up your mind my dear, either everyone is subject to our laws, or no one is.


what crimes?


Impeachment is not a coup (or you would agree then that the Clinton impeachment was a coup attempt).

It's a political process for removing a president constitutionally and legally. And it isn't easily done. That's a good thing. But saying it's a coup just because the president is your guy isn't going to fly because it means if the prez is your guy he should be immune to accountability. No one should be.

We haven't seen any "crimes" by the "coup plotters". No charges or indictments. I think that's a bit of a smoke screen.

We haven't seen any "crimes" by Trump either. And until it's concluded we won't know.

But we have seen VERY questionable activity. IMO it is never ok to extort a foreign country to investigate a political rival. That is really not cool in my book and regardless of what shenanigans the Dems are doing - this IS Congress' job - oversight. And this shouldn't be ignored in the partisan mess we're wading through.

Clinton actually committed a crime. I still didn't support the impeachment attempt, but he did commit a crime. Trump hasn't.

Impeachment is not about committing a crime. It is a political process not a legal one, defined by "high crimes and misdeameners".

I am not sure where extortion like will fall ... Abuse of power?

Clinton was no saint, but what Trump is attempting to do is imo far worse than lying about sex.
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?

Have you? This person in an operative engaged in a third world type coup.

If you don't like Trump then wait a year and beat him in the election. Like AMERICA has always done it.

Regardless of what you think of him, he is a whistle blower. And actions done now will have an impact on all future whistle blowers.

No one, not even the president is above the law.

It's too bad the country doesn't actually run that way. We would be a far better country if it did. James Clapper would have been far more reluctant to commit perjury if he thought he would actually get charged with it.

He didn't which is only one example that I could provide that shows that some are above the law.
I am not sure if that ia above the law or simpmy the fact that perjury is difficult to prove. I was listening listening to something about that in regards to Sondlands testimony.
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?

Have you? This person in an operative engaged in a third world type coup.

If you don't like Trump then wait a year and beat him in the election. Like AMERICA has always done it.

Regardless of what you think of him, he is a whistle blower. And actions done now will have an impact on all future whistle blowers.

No one, not even the president is above the law.

You keep saying that and the only crimes we see are those committed by the coup plotters. Illegal aliens also seem to be getting a pass.

You have make up your mind my dear, either everyone is subject to our laws, or no one is.


what crimes?


Impeachment is not a coup (or you would agree then that the Clinton impeachment was a coup attempt).

It's a political process for removing a president constitutionally and legally. And it isn't easily done. That's a good thing. But saying it's a coup just because the president is your guy isn't going to fly because it means if the prez is your guy he should be immune to accountability. No one should be.

We haven't seen any "crimes" by the "coup plotters". No charges or indictments. I think that's a bit of a smoke screen.

We haven't seen any "crimes" by Trump either. And until it's concluded we won't know.

But we have seen VERY questionable activity. IMO it is never ok to extort a foreign country to investigate a political rival. That is really not cool in my book and regardless of what shenanigans the Dems are doing - this IS Congress' job - oversight. And this shouldn't be ignored in the partisan mess we're wading through.
let me ask - other than a line from 1 phone call, is there ANY other evidence of it?

now - what if it IS illegal (however, the DOJ has cleared it, yet here we are. if you say BUT BARR IS A FRIEND then you open up all of hillarys friends on her illegal activities) - what if trump says "well gosh, i didn't know i certainly didn't mean to break laws".

your concern for precedence goes in reverse also and we need to see what precedence our preferences in justice have already set. if it worked for hillary it works for trump. there can be no more THIS IS DIFFERENT that is 100% based on emotional turmoil.

In terms of evidence, the phone call is the least of it which puzzles me as to why Trump supporters hang on to it like a life raft. There is testimony under oath, by career proffessionals who have served under multiple administrations. There are texts. And so far...those claiming it is nothing sre not those who have spoken under oath.

Hillary's case was investigated up one side and down the other by those quite hostile to her, not friendly to her. She spoke before Congress spending hours answeing questions. And nada. Nothing. And frankly the only rational conclusion is there is nothing significant to uncovet if 5 pmus years coukd not find anything.
Have you? This person in an operative engaged in a third world type coup.

If you don't like Trump then wait a year and beat him in the election. Like AMERICA has always done it.

Regardless of what you think of him, he is a whistle blower. And actions done now will have an impact on all future whistle blowers.

No one, not even the president is above the law.

You keep saying that and the only crimes we see are those committed by the coup plotters. Illegal aliens also seem to be getting a pass.

You have make up your mind my dear, either everyone is subject to our laws, or no one is.


what crimes?


Impeachment is not a coup (or you would agree then that the Clinton impeachment was a coup attempt).

It's a political process for removing a president constitutionally and legally. And it isn't easily done. That's a good thing. But saying it's a coup just because the president is your guy isn't going to fly because it means if the prez is your guy he should be immune to accountability. No one should be.

We haven't seen any "crimes" by the "coup plotters". No charges or indictments. I think that's a bit of a smoke screen.

We haven't seen any "crimes" by Trump either. And until it's concluded we won't know.

But we have seen VERY questionable activity. IMO it is never ok to extort a foreign country to investigate a political rival. That is really not cool in my book and regardless of what shenanigans the Dems are doing - this IS Congress' job - oversight. And this shouldn't be ignored in the partisan mess we're wading through.
let me ask - other than a line from 1 phone call, is there ANY other evidence of it?

now - what if it IS illegal (however, the DOJ has cleared it, yet here we are. if you say BUT BARR IS A FRIEND then you open up all of hillarys friends on her illegal activities) - what if trump says "well gosh, i didn't know i certainly didn't mean to break laws".

your concern for precedence goes in reverse also and we need to see what precedence our preferences in justice have already set. if it worked for hillary it works for trump. there can be no more THIS IS DIFFERENT that is 100% based on emotional turmoil.

In terms of evidence, the phone call is the least of it which puzzles me as to why Trump supporters hang on to it like a life raft. There is testimony under oath, by career proffessionals who have served under multiple administrations. There are texts. And so far...those claiming it is nothing sre not those who have spoken under oath.

Hillary's case was investigated up one side and down the other by those quite hostile to her, not friendly to her. She spoke before Congress spending hours answeing questions. And nada. Nothing. And frankly the only rational conclusion is there is nothing significant to uncovet if 5 pmus years coukd not find anything.
hillary - not saying it wasn't. just saying the right said she got help from her friends, the left laughed with a hearty NU UNH!
now - the DOJ clears Trump and we hear HE GOT HELP FROM BARR!!!

how come the DoJ clearing someone isn't a "universal" end of the problem? it was good enough for the left when it defended hillary (of which, she was found to have committed illegal activities, they just didn't care so please lets end the "did nothing wrong" stance. she did - no one on the left cared to go after her for it) but not good enough when barr does it for trump.

as for txt's, we had a ton from strozk and his g-friend about "insurance" but the never NEVER AT ANY TIME went "wow, that was wrong". it was excused by xyz people for 123 reasons.

yet here we are going through it all over again and people just switch sides and now do either believe in what they said wasn't being done or that THIS time they got it right.

the only commonality is - people believe what they want that lends itself to emotional validation.

i'm not really talking about the issue itself. as far as i'm concerned the left has lied to much to get to trump or what they don't like, they have zero cred. not to say trumps side does, but they aren't the ones really attacking others at this point.

and if we're going by evidence, i can back up what i say with past txt messages and the like you are now pointing to. such as:

“Coup has started”: Tweet by “whistleblower” attorney 10 days after Trump took office | Sharyl Attkisson

that's a doozy.

insurance policy.

again all that the left ignores as fine. but ANYTHING they can find on trump sends them into an emotional turmoil. you once said look at the precedence we're setting here with going after the whitleblower yet i don't recall very many on the left saying CNN was wrong to go after manafort jurors. that was fine and dandy.

the hipocrasy simply makes me not give a damn about the emotional outbursts now. same action, same reasons. just another name for it.
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Impeachment is not about committing a crime. It is a political process not a legal one, defined by "high crimes and misdeameners".

I am not sure where extortion like will fall ... Abuse of power?

Clinton was no saint, but what Trump is attempting to do is imo far worse than lying about sex.

Yep, abuse of power is probably the proper term to use.

Moreover, inviting a foreign power to interfere in an election strikes at the core of democratic self-government, and supplants the will of We the People with the criminal shenanigans of foreign powers (Russia, Ukraine, China) as instigated by the chief executive himself.

Worse than lying in the face of an illegitimate investigation into the most minute details of Bill's insipid exploits as conceived by Kavanaugh - you bet.
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?

Have you? This person in an operative engaged in a third world type coup.

If you don't like Trump then wait a year and beat him in the election. Like AMERICA has always done it.

Regardless of what you think of him, he is a whistle blower. And actions done now will have an impact on all future whistle blowers.

No one, not even the president is above the law.

It's too bad the country doesn't actually run that way. We would be a far better country if it did. James Clapper would have been far more reluctant to commit perjury if he thought he would actually get charged with it.

He didn't which is only one example that I could provide that shows that some are above the law.
I am not sure if that ia above the law or simpmy the fact that perjury is difficult to prove. I was listening listening to something about that in regards to Sondlands testimony.

He admitted that what he said was untrue and he knew it was untrue. What he said was he used the least untruthful reply he could come up with.

Just an excuse but even the least untruthful statement is untrue and he admitted he knew that.
I am not sure if that ia above the law or simpmy the fact that perjury is difficult to prove. I was listening listening to something about that in regards to Sondlands testimony.

He admitted that what he said was untrue and he knew it was untrue. What he said was he used the least untruthful reply he could come up with.

Just an excuse but even the least untruthful statement is untrue and he admitted he knew that.

If there were a clear-cut case of perjury, as you say, how do you explain Sessions or Barr haven't gone after Clapper for years?

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