JUST IN: Rand Paul says he "probably will" disclose whistleblower's name

I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?

Have you? This person in an operative engaged in a third world type coup.

If you don't like Trump then wait a year and beat him in the election. Like AMERICA has always done it.

Regardless of what you think of him, he is a whistle blower. And actions done now will have an impact on all future whistle blowers.

No one, not even the president is above the law.

You keep saying that and the only crimes we see are those committed by the coup plotters. Illegal aliens also seem to be getting a pass.

You have make up your mind my dear, either everyone is subject to our laws, or no one is.


what crimes?


Impeachment is not a coup (or you would agree then that the Clinton impeachment was a coup attempt).

It's a political process for removing a president constitutionally and legally. And it isn't easily done. That's a good thing. But saying it's a coup just because the president is your guy isn't going to fly because it means if the prez is your guy he should be immune to accountability. No one should be.

We haven't seen any "crimes" by the "coup plotters". No charges or indictments. I think that's a bit of a smoke screen.

We haven't seen any "crimes" by Trump either. And until it's concluded we won't know.

But we have seen VERY questionable activity. IMO it is never ok to extort a foreign country to investigate a political rival. That is really not cool in my book and regardless of what shenanigans the Dems are doing - this IS Congress' job - oversight. And this shouldn't be ignored in the partisan mess we're wading through.
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?

Have you? This person in an operative engaged in a third world type coup.

If you don't like Trump then wait a year and beat him in the election. Like AMERICA has always done it.

Regardless of what you think of him, he is a whistle blower. And actions done now will have an impact on all future whistle blowers.

No one, not even the president is above the law.

You keep saying that and the only crimes we see are those committed by the coup plotters. Illegal aliens also seem to be getting a pass.

You have make up your mind my dear, either everyone is subject to our laws, or no one is.


what crimes?


Impeachment is not a coup (or you would agree then that the Clinton impeachment was a coup attempt).

It's a political process for removing a president constitutionally and legally. And it isn't easily done. That's a good thing. But saying it's a coup just because the president is your guy isn't going to fly because it means if the prez is your guy he should be immune to accountability. No one should be.

We haven't seen any "crimes" by the "coup plotters". No charges or indictments. I think that's a bit of a smoke screen.

We haven't seen any "crimes" by Trump either. And until it's concluded we won't know.

But we have seen VERY questionable activity. IMO it is never ok to extort a foreign country to investigate a political rival. That is really not cool in my book and regardless of what shenanigans the Dems are doing - this IS Congress' job - oversight. And this shouldn't be ignored in the partisan mess we're wading through.

Clinton actually committed a crime. I still didn't support the impeachment attempt, but he did commit a crime. Trump hasn't.
the left doesn't seem to be thinking about that - just whatever it takes to get rid of trump. given their history of flinging mud on the wall and even making up huge lies about people (kavanaugh) - i have to wonder the same about their attempts at getting rid of trump.

i'll be glad when he is gone but mostly because i hope that means we can regain some semblance of working together again, not this insane power struggle we're not going through.
Impeachment is constitutional process. The right tried it with Clinton over less in fact. When is impeachment appropriate?

That needs to be seperated from the act of and protections for whistle blowing which has always enjoyed strong bipartisan support and protection.

What is happening now in that front is so deeply disturbing, I am beyond words. This will have a chilling affect on future whistleblowers willingness to step forward and report on corruption and mslfeasance in our government in the future. Next time it might be .Democrat being reported on.

Iceberg, I am aghast at the behavior of the president, his family and his supporters. I really am. This needs to be voted out.

I wasn't sure why I was so upset by this, but you just articulated it really well.

You've supported people that are trying to overturn a presidential election for 3 years- yet this upsets you.
Get the fuck outta here.

Oh please. Quit the faux drama. Y'all did your best on his predessesor.
There are now FIVE people close to the Ukraine situation that agree with the whistle blower AND republican senate shirks their duty as Americans,,, Traitors and low life garbage

More than 5
It's about 60 million
They dont agree with the politics involved.

Vindman himself admitted that the politics were against his desires regarding his homeland
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?

Have you? This person in an operative engaged in a third world type coup.

If you don't like Trump then wait a year and beat him in the election. Like AMERICA has always done it.

Regardless of what you think of him, he is a whistle blower. And actions done now will have an impact on all future whistle blowers.

No one, not even the president is above the law.

It's too bad the country doesn't actually run that way. We would be a far better country if it did. James Clapper would have been far more reluctant to commit perjury if he thought he would actually get charged with it.

He didn't which is only one example that I could provide that shows that some are above the law.
Impeachment is constitutional process. The right tried it with Clinton over less in fact. When is impeachment appropriate?

That needs to be seperated from the act of and protections for whistle blowing which has always enjoyed strong bipartisan support and protection.

What is happening now in that front is so deeply disturbing, I am beyond words. This will have a chilling affect on future whistleblowers willingness to step forward and report on corruption and mslfeasance in our government in the future. Next time it might be .Democrat being reported on.

Iceberg, I am aghast at the behavior of the president, his family and his supporters. I really am. This needs to be voted out.

I wasn't sure why I was so upset by this, but you just articulated it really well.

You've supported people that are trying to overturn a presidential election for 3 years- yet this upsets you.
Get the fuck outta here.

Oh please. Quit the faux drama. Y'all did your best on his predessesor.
So is this revenge then? Hold my beer kinda stuff.?

Nope. It's just a response to a retarded post.

No one is trying to overturn an election.

Congress is finally waking up and trying to do its job.
If this were the first go at Trump I'd take it seriously and not an effort to just get rid st all costs. But it's not. The left has had a habit of crying foul and making up reasons to be against people. Kavanaugh comes to mind. Russia comes to mind. Spying on Trump comes to mind. Daily screams of IMPEACH 45 comes to mind. The media having over 90 documented lies about Trump comes to mind.

then i keep hearing "but you did this to bill" which leads us back to revenge politics, not an actual crime on trumps part, just when the left felt like pulling that "you owe us one" card out of the deck.

The have simply cried wolf and been caught lying too many times to me.
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I wasn't sure why I was so upset by this, but you just articulated it really well.

You've supported people that are trying to overturn a presidential election for 3 years- yet this upsets you.
Get the fuck outta here.

Oh please. Quit the faux drama. Y'all did your best on his predessesor.
So is this revenge then? Hold my beer kinda stuff.?

Nope. It's just a response to a retarded post.

No one is trying to overturn an election.

Congress is finally waking up and trying to do its job.

If nothing else you have to be thankful that this site hires the handicapped, yes?
Why, you applying?
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?

Have you? This person in an operative engaged in a third world type coup.

If you don't like Trump then wait a year and beat him in the election. Like AMERICA has always done it.

Regardless of what you think of him, he is a whistle blower. And actions done now will have an impact on all future whistle blowers.

No one, not even the president is above the law.
Actions done now will impact how we get rid of people we don't like.

As for above the law, after the lefts apathy to spying on congress and journalists and evidence destruction and Bill c lying about how many flights on epsteins plane, she committed crimes but didn't mea to, tarmac secret meetings, fisa abuse, I've lost sympathy. You either are against the actions or the people. Far too many excuse their own sides fouls and go crazy at jaywalking activities for the other side.
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?

Have you? This person in an operative engaged in a third world type coup.

If you don't like Trump then wait a year and beat him in the election. Like AMERICA has always done it.

Regardless of what you think of him, he is a whistle blower. And actions done now will have an impact on all future whistle blowers.

No one, not even the president is above the law.
assange was a whistleblower and hillary wanted him killed. certainly wanted to know his sources. why is this different if we're protecting whistleblowers?
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?

Have you? This person in an operative engaged in a third world type coup.

If you don't like Trump then wait a year and beat him in the election. Like AMERICA has always done it.

Regardless of what you think of him, he is a whistle blower. And actions done now will have an impact on all future whistle blowers.

No one, not even the president is above the law.

You keep saying that and the only crimes we see are those committed by the coup plotters. Illegal aliens also seem to be getting a pass.

You have make up your mind my dear, either everyone is subject to our laws, or no one is.


what crimes?


Impeachment is not a coup (or you would agree then that the Clinton impeachment was a coup attempt).

It's a political process for removing a president constitutionally and legally. And it isn't easily done. That's a good thing. But saying it's a coup just because the president is your guy isn't going to fly because it means if the prez is your guy he should be immune to accountability. No one should be.

We haven't seen any "crimes" by the "coup plotters". No charges or indictments. I think that's a bit of a smoke screen.

We haven't seen any "crimes" by Trump either. And until it's concluded we won't know.

But we have seen VERY questionable activity. IMO it is never ok to extort a foreign country to investigate a political rival. That is really not cool in my book and regardless of what shenanigans the Dems are doing - this IS Congress' job - oversight. And this shouldn't be ignored in the partisan mess we're wading through.
when you use impeachment as a political weapon, it is. if this were an honest attempt to impeach it would not have the warground history against trump leaving a trail of media destruction behind it.

as for the media and their support - when you have 96 and counting documented mistakes, you have zero cred and are quite likely just making shit up also.

96 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?

Have you? This person in an operative engaged in a third world type coup.

If you don't like Trump then wait a year and beat him in the election. Like AMERICA has always done it.

Regardless of what you think of him, he is a whistle blower. And actions done now will have an impact on all future whistle blowers.

No one, not even the president is above the law.
assange was a whistleblower and hillary wanted him killed. certainly wanted to know his sources. why is this different if we're protecting whistleblowers?

The governments desire to get Assange and Snowden has not changed under Trump.
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?

Have you? This person in an operative engaged in a third world type coup.

If you don't like Trump then wait a year and beat him in the election. Like AMERICA has always done it.

Regardless of what you think of him, he is a whistle blower. And actions done now will have an impact on all future whistle blowers.

No one, not even the president is above the law.
assange was a whistleblower and hillary wanted him killed. certainly wanted to know his sources. why is this different if we're protecting whistleblowers?

The governments desire to get Assange and Snowden has not changed under Trump.
great but that wasn't my point. they wanted all his whistleblower sources and flat out didn't give a damn who they took out along the way. their "rage" seems pretty convenient to their side.
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?

Have you? This person in an operative engaged in a third world type coup.

If you don't like Trump then wait a year and beat him in the election. Like AMERICA has always done it.

Regardless of what you think of him, he is a whistle blower. And actions done now will have an impact on all future whistle blowers.

No one, not even the president is above the law.
assange was a whistleblower and hillary wanted him killed. certainly wanted to know his sources. why is this different if we're protecting whistleblowers?

The governments desire to get Assange and Snowden has not changed under Trump.
great but that wasn't my point. they wanted all his whistleblower sources and flat out didn't give a damn who they took out along the way. their "rage" seems pretty convenient to their side.

Rage is convenient to both sides. I would be impressed with Trump's position if he dropped the cases against Snowden and Assange. Since he will not, the entire circus really doesn't concern me. Two clown gangs fighting over the same clown car.
I wonder if any of you idiots have considered the long term repercussions of this?

Have you? This person in an operative engaged in a third world type coup.

If you don't like Trump then wait a year and beat him in the election. Like AMERICA has always done it.

Regardless of what you think of him, he is a whistle blower. And actions done now will have an impact on all future whistle blowers.

No one, not even the president is above the law.

You keep saying that and the only crimes we see are those committed by the coup plotters. Illegal aliens also seem to be getting a pass.

You have make up your mind my dear, either everyone is subject to our laws, or no one is.


what crimes?


Impeachment is not a coup (or you would agree then that the Clinton impeachment was a coup attempt).

It's a political process for removing a president constitutionally and legally. And it isn't easily done. That's a good thing. But saying it's a coup just because the president is your guy isn't going to fly because it means if the prez is your guy he should be immune to accountability. No one should be.

We haven't seen any "crimes" by the "coup plotters". No charges or indictments. I think that's a bit of a smoke screen.

We haven't seen any "crimes" by Trump either. And until it's concluded we won't know.

But we have seen VERY questionable activity. IMO it is never ok to extort a foreign country to investigate a political rival. That is really not cool in my book and regardless of what shenanigans the Dems are doing - this IS Congress' job - oversight. And this shouldn't be ignored in the partisan mess we're wading through.
let me ask - other than a line from 1 phone call, is there ANY other evidence of it?

now - what if it IS illegal (however, the DOJ has cleared it, yet here we are. if you say BUT BARR IS A FRIEND then you open up all of hillarys friends on her illegal activities) - what if trump says "well gosh, i didn't know i certainly didn't mean to break laws".

your concern for precedence goes in reverse also and we need to see what precedence our preferences in justice have already set. if it worked for hillary it works for trump. there can be no more THIS IS DIFFERENT that is 100% based on emotional turmoil.
Have you? This person in an operative engaged in a third world type coup.

If you don't like Trump then wait a year and beat him in the election. Like AMERICA has always done it.

Regardless of what you think of him, he is a whistle blower. And actions done now will have an impact on all future whistle blowers.

No one, not even the president is above the law.
assange was a whistleblower and hillary wanted him killed. certainly wanted to know his sources. why is this different if we're protecting whistleblowers?

The governments desire to get Assange and Snowden has not changed under Trump.
great but that wasn't my point. they wanted all his whistleblower sources and flat out didn't give a damn who they took out along the way. their "rage" seems pretty convenient to their side.

Rage is convenient to both sides. I would be impressed with Trump's position if he dropped the cases against Snowden and Assange. Since he will not, the entire circus really doesn't concern me. Two clown gangs fighting over the same clown car.
of that i can agree. my point in this case wasn't to go after trump for assange and the like. my point is, why is he "ok" to have to hide and why must he have to give up HIS sources, yet we can't do it now or "democracy" dies?

of which it died long ago.
Regardless of what you think of him, he is a whistle blower. And actions done now will have an impact on all future whistle blowers.

No one, not even the president is above the law.
assange was a whistleblower and hillary wanted him killed. certainly wanted to know his sources. why is this different if we're protecting whistleblowers?

The governments desire to get Assange and Snowden has not changed under Trump.
great but that wasn't my point. they wanted all his whistleblower sources and flat out didn't give a damn who they took out along the way. their "rage" seems pretty convenient to their side.

Rage is convenient to both sides. I would be impressed with Trump's position if he dropped the cases against Snowden and Assange. Since he will not, the entire circus really doesn't concern me. Two clown gangs fighting over the same clown car.
of that i can agree. my point in this case wasn't to go after trump for assange and the like. my point is, why is he "ok" to have to hide and why must he have to give up HIS sources, yet we can't do it now or "democracy" dies?

of which it died long ago.

I don't believe anyone has anything on Trump but like I said, I can't feel bad for what he is going through.
assange was a whistleblower and hillary wanted him killed. certainly wanted to know his sources. why is this different if we're protecting whistleblowers?

The governments desire to get Assange and Snowden has not changed under Trump.
great but that wasn't my point. they wanted all his whistleblower sources and flat out didn't give a damn who they took out along the way. their "rage" seems pretty convenient to their side.

Rage is convenient to both sides. I would be impressed with Trump's position if he dropped the cases against Snowden and Assange. Since he will not, the entire circus really doesn't concern me. Two clown gangs fighting over the same clown car.
of that i can agree. my point in this case wasn't to go after trump for assange and the like. my point is, why is he "ok" to have to hide and why must he have to give up HIS sources, yet we can't do it now or "democracy" dies?

of which it died long ago.

I don't believe anyone has anything on Trump but like I said, I can't feel bad for what he is going through.
except it's not trump going through this. its all of us and the antagonistic hate mindset it gets us in when we talk about it to the point we can't talk about it cause people go straight for the jugular.
The governments desire to get Assange and Snowden has not changed under Trump.
great but that wasn't my point. they wanted all his whistleblower sources and flat out didn't give a damn who they took out along the way. their "rage" seems pretty convenient to their side.

Rage is convenient to both sides. I would be impressed with Trump's position if he dropped the cases against Snowden and Assange. Since he will not, the entire circus really doesn't concern me. Two clown gangs fighting over the same clown car.
of that i can agree. my point in this case wasn't to go after trump for assange and the like. my point is, why is he "ok" to have to hide and why must he have to give up HIS sources, yet we can't do it now or "democracy" dies?

of which it died long ago.

I don't believe anyone has anything on Trump but like I said, I can't feel bad for what he is going through.
except it's not trump going through this. its all of us and the antagonistic hate mindset it gets us in when we talk about it to the point we can't talk about it cause people go straight for the jugular.

Hasn't bothered me yet.

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