JUST IN: White House Says Biden Has No Plans to Visit Ohio Derailment Site, Despite Having Plenty of Time to Visit Ukraine

And the president showing up would fix that how?
What does the President showing up in Ukraine do as far as winning the war.

Also why not just go? President's visit areas hit be hurricanes and other disasters and that does zero to alleviate the suffering of the people there but they still go.
What does the President showing up in Ukraine do as far as winning the war.

I did not support him going there either.

Also why not just go? President's visit areas hit be hurricanes and other disasters and that does zero to alleviate the suffering of the people there but they still go.

I am against them doing so, no matter who the POTUS is. All it does is cause huge headaches for the locals and does nothing to help at all. Resources that should be used for making things better get used to keep the POTUS safe
I did not support him going there either.

And yet the only part of this you criticize is the call for the visit to Ohio.
I am against them doing so, no matter who the POTUS is. All it does is cause huge headaches for the locals and does nothing to help at all. Resources that should be used for making things better get used to keep the POTUS safe
That is the topic of the thread.

You often get mad at me for sticking to the topic of threads.
Actually I get frustrated by you when you act like you aren't taking a side or take a side and then later in the thread when that gets pointed out you act like you weren't doing it.
What an a**hole you are! Trump goes for some cheap publicity, and takes no responsability whatever for ending safety regulations that may even have contributed to this accident (or caused others) and you treat that as … genuine.

Biden actually showed real political savvy and commitment, and some personal courage, in going to Kiev — demoralizing Russian soldiers and officers, who have grumbled that Putin won’t even visit Crimea or Russian cities near the Ukraine border.

Tragic as it was, nobody died in the train derailment, but hundreds of thousand have and many more will die in Ukraine, due to Putin’s bloody invasion in February. The risk of a wider European war, or even WWIII, is real as well — and the President and his advisers are correct to give this issue their almost undivided attention at this time.

That doesn’t mean Biden’s policies are always going to be correct in Ukraine, and there certainly seems at present he is paying little attention to finding a peaceful end to the war. But the first requirement for a successful conclusion to the war is for Russia to understand its invasion will not and cannot succeed.

NATO & European “democracies” must hang together to help Ukraine survive, but that does not mean maximalist Ukrainian nationalist demands — or U.S. appetites to seize Crimea, Black Sea oil pipelines and resources, or bring about the collapse of Putin’s Russian Federation through a proxy “endless war” — should be supported.
What an uninformed asshole YOU are. Not a surprise. Did you miss Xiden’s own NTSB head saying that this train would not have fallen under that regulation you morons are crying about? And you applaud your boy running away to give OUR money to that corrupt Zelensky. You can send all your money there to pay their pensions. REAL Americans see what is going on and it won’t play well.
To show their confidence in the safety of the water in East Palestine, DeWine and EPA Administrator Michael Regan drank water from local taps during home visits Tuesday.

Sounds deadly
They probably had the taps filtered covertly.
What a coward this Usurper is. At least the real duly elected President went there to show support.

I'm sure he's offered to come multiple times. I'm just as sure Mike DeWine told him they have it covered for now and not to come.
You'll see him when everything calms down.
Biden visiting Ukraine didnt move the needle on whether Ukraine wins their war with Russia either.

It moved the needle significantly

It sent a clear message that the US and NATO is supporting Ukraine for the long run.
Puts Putin in a tough position as he can’t keep up
I live less than 20 miles from it asshat. The closest anyone in the US lives to Ukraine is about 4k miles. Which event do you think has a greater chance of having a direct impact on US citizens in the near term?

We will forget about East Palestine in two weeks
The impact of the Ukraine war will be felt for decades and impacts the balance of power in a critical region
What should Biden do in East Palestine?

Republicans will mock it as a Photo-op
He could visit the relatives of those who died……but nobody died
He could visit the sick and injured in the Hospital…..but there are none.

Maybe Biden can do what Trump did
Take them to McDonalds
Better question to the Republicans, what timeframe does he have to get there for your satisfaction?

Does he have time, or is it too late?
We will forget about East Palestine in two weeks
The impact of the Ukraine war will be felt for decades and impacts the balance of power in a critical region
we are feeling the effects of obama’s “more flcexinle” with putin reset …that’s for sure

but folks won’t forget about the disaster in Ohio and how the demafasict admin ignored them
What should Biden do in East Palestine?

Republicans will mock it as a Photo-op
He could visit the relatives of those who died……but nobody died
He could visit the sick and injured in the Hospital…..but there are none.

Maybe Biden can do what Trump did
Take them to McDonalds
Progs have set the bar on most things. W and NOLA set it pretty low. it is so visual watching how people act in disasters. Ahh, the African Americans in NOLA were a disgrace. They actually made the city look several times worse when they were finished. This did not have to be what it ended up. A quick visit and some tests from one of the mutated administration people would have suffice. Perhaps they would prosper in the polluted environment there.
“According to health experts, the spill, explosions and fire are a concern and warrant careful monitoring of environmental contamination and exposure to the people who live there. But the chemicals involved, which largely evaporate or break down within days, mean acute problems are unlikely.”

Why again does our President need to be there?
They can't say.
Actually I get frustrated by you when you act like you aren't taking a side or take a side and then later in the thread when that gets pointed out you act like you weren't doing it.

What side did I take?

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