Just Read 43-Million People in U.S. Are on Foodstamps??

Since all money is imaginary anyway, what's it really matter how much is spent on X? National debt is so much it can never be paid off, and money isn't backed by anything so really, who cares?

Tax dollars shouldn't be spent to encourage laziness and non-productivity. It's also not so much about people getting food stamps but they're being given far too much. Kids on welfare get two free meals in schools so their mothers can sell the food stamps or waste them on luxury foods, plus they get WIC coupons on top of it.

Food stamps should be limited to a few basics - beans, rice, potatoes, cheaper cuts of meat. Food stamp recipients shouldn't be buying $40 cakes when they can get a cake mix for $1.

I see no reason why dumpster diving and road kill shouldn't be encouraged
You spread your legs and get pregnant (often on purpose to collect welfare) why am I responsible for your bastard child?
I see no reason why dumpster diving and road kill shouldn't be encouraged

Nor should work be discouraged. Try to find welfare queens who will do ironing, or laundry, clean houses, or babysit kids to make themselves useful or to earn something themselves.
I see no reason why dumpster diving and road kill shouldn't be encouraged

Nor should work be discouraged. Try to find welfare queens who will do ironing, or laundry, clean houses, or babysit kids to make themselves useful or to earn something themselves.

They can come and cut our grass and clean our toilets...at less than minimum wage of course. Makes em want to work harder
I see no reason why dumpster diving and road kill shouldn't be encouraged

Nor should work be discouraged. Try to find welfare queens who will do ironing, or laundry, clean houses, or babysit kids to make themselves useful or to earn something themselves.

Most welfare cases i see are selling crack, buying booze, driving caddy's - bitching about how whitey is out to fuck them
I see no reason why dumpster diving and road kill shouldn't be encouraged

Nor should work be discouraged. Try to find welfare queens who will do ironing, or laundry, clean houses, or babysit kids to make themselves useful or to earn something themselves.

Most welfare cases i see are selling crack, buying booze, driving caddy's - bitching about how whitey is out to fuck them

I see whites and blacks barely scraping by on welfare & food stamps.....yet never thinking there is another option! Welfare has created a cycle of dependency, breaking the "habit" means tougher "welfare to workfare" for all those physically able. Drug testing if there is any suspicion of use, and an emphasis on welfare as a temporary RELIEF program, not a lifelong "occupation." The US is wasting resources we could have IN the economy but accepting a permanent percentage that "cannot do better because they are A.____B.____C.____"

Tougher penalties for welfare fraud are also need, community service should be part of any award, where feasible, and time in correctional facilities for those that "work" only the system. Get serious about reform, or accept hundreds of thousands of hours wasted monthly that could add to society.
Fundamental transformation at its finest...


Looks like we hit a major recession in about 2008 --

I wonder what caused that....???

why is this surprising? The reasons are below

1. Companies not hiring

2. Unemployment Compensation only 6 months
Thats the same as it was during the carter years
Ships sat at piers rotting
Morale low
All the good people got out
Low pay
Crumbling housing
Kinda like Commander in Chump Obama's military

My father was retired by then, but I went I went to Jax NAS, and Cecil Field FREQUENTLY to the commisary, and took my mother for medical care. No such problems there. I also visited Aniston, Alabama, my sister had just joined the Army, sell those lines somewhere else.

Did Reagan increase COLAs for military retirees? Of course not, Reagan CUT COLAS. My father went through three wars while Ronnie dined at Delmonico's and heard his retirement called an "entitlement" like it was a welfare check.

Dont preach about what you dont know shit about peach. I served from 1979 until 2002. Reagans first year in office the military got a 11% raise. Reagan transformed the Military from a bunch of drugged out viet nam vets to the best military the world has ever seen until Obama took it and started filling it up with a bunch of faggots.

I served 1982-88, There was faggots in the military then also...

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