Just saw Governer Chris Christy on the tube...


Training a Guineapig army
Feb 17, 2010
And I think I like him...:confused:

Hey, the man seems like the real deal. I lived in New Jersey from ages 0 to 27, just missing his tenure by about 4 months. Thus, I haven't studied him much, since he's of no consequence to me anymore - I'm out of New Jersey and I will never return, unless I become so rich that I can afford a middle-class home there (Even then not so sure I'll ever return). The man seems like a straight-shooter. The interview was refreshing. You can bet I'll be looking into this man and reporting back.

Current Jersey natives; Particularly those of you to the left of the spectrum (Winger?). Where you guys at on this guy? Surely you can't deny some of what he says makes sense.
I really like NJ Governor Christie. The country needs more straight-talking politicians. And he's right about the budget.
I've lived in the garden state for over 30 years and despite the high cost of living, the corruption and negative stereotypes, I love living here. Christie is what we need to turn all that around, but I hope its not too late. He's proposing a state takeover of Atlantic City, and a drastic measure like that, makes me fear that the economic situation is even worse than we are being told. Opponents accuse him of fear mongering. I fear he's actually holding back.
I've lived in the garden state for over 30 years and despite the high cost of living, the corruption and negative stereotypes, I love living here. Christie is what we need to turn all that around, but I hope its not too late. He's proposing a state takeover of Atlantic City, and a drastic measure like that, makes me fear that the economic situation is even worse than we are being told. Opponents accuse him of fear mongering. I fear he's actually holding back.

aa state take over of atlantic city?

I guess as long as a conservative/republican suggests it it's ok....

but if a liberal democrat suggested it....NAZI! FACIST! SOCIALISTCOMMUNISTTREASONOUSTRAITOR!
Ha ha. I do not disagree. My son said the same thing. But the corruption in AC may be worse than that in Trenton. Lesser of two evils? Apparently the casinos are in favor of it. Surprising to me.
Toro -- Your "signature" stretches out the whole screen for everyone else. Fix it, please, so we don't have to scroll across several inches just to read what everyone else has to say.
I've lived in the garden state for over 30 years and despite the high cost of living, the corruption and negative stereotypes, I love living here. Christie is what we need to turn all that around, but I hope its not too late. He's proposing a state takeover of Atlantic City, and a drastic measure like that, makes me fear that the economic situation is even worse than we are being told. Opponents accuse him of fear mongering. I fear he's actually holding back.

aa state take over of atlantic city?

I guess as long as a conservative/republican suggests it it's ok....

but if a liberal democrat suggested it....NAZI! FACIST! SOCIALISTCOMMUNISTTREASONOUSTRAITOR!

Can you imagine the outrage if a Democrat mayor had mandated that public employees must bring their own toilet paper to work? That said, I think the guy's on the right track because he's forcing the city departments to look deeply at what can be cut instead of the usual shrugging of shoulders and non-in-my-department attitude.
And I think I like him...:confused:

Hey, the man seems like the real deal. I lived in New Jersey from ages 0 to 27, just missing his tenure by about 4 months. Thus, I haven't studied him much, since he's of no consequence to me anymore - I'm out of New Jersey and I will never return, unless I become so rich that I can afford a middle-class home there (Even then not so sure I'll ever return). The man seems like a straight-shooter. The interview was refreshing. You can bet I'll be looking into this man and reporting back.

Current Jersey natives; Particularly those of you to the left of the spectrum (Winger?). Where you guys at on this guy? Surely you can't deny some of what he says makes sense.

I saw him being interviewed, He's really managing his state. He's worth a look.
I've lived in the garden state for over 30 years and despite the high cost of living, the corruption and negative stereotypes, I love living here. Christie is what we need to turn all that around, but I hope its not too late. He's proposing a state takeover of Atlantic City, and a drastic measure like that, makes me fear that the economic situation is even worse than we are being told. Opponents accuse him of fear mongering. I fear he's actually holding back.

I was a huge fan of Carton & Rossi for a long while (I think Carton's replacement is beyond a joke), and I remember them talking about the teachers unions. I always agreed with that aspect of the debate - Not just teachers, but police and public works as well - On the taxpayer dole their entire working lives, then when it's time for that cushy pension, BAM - Off to greener pastures. Delaware, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, or wherever, because they just can't afford to live in the condition they created. The entitlements are positively out of control.

A dear friend of mine would be sorry to see me say this - But I would positively love to see Mr. Christie reign in the three-headed ogre that is PSE&G. It spits in the face of common sense and supply-and-demand to tell me that the it's more expensive per capita to deliver utilities in a tight-knit, densely populated gridwork of consumers than it is to deliver to more rural, widespread areas (as the one I'm in now). The truth is, they've got a virtual monopoly and they're exploiting the all-be-fuck out of consumers.

FYI my PPL electric utilities just went up 30% this year in Pennsy... And due to that spike, I now pay about $0.11 per kWh, vs the $0.16 I was paying in New Jersey. Absolutely abhorrent [PSEG that is, not PPL].
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You feeling alright Cuyo? Christie is a conservative you know. It's not like you to think a conservative makes sense.
You feeling alright Cuyo? Christie is a conservative you know. It's not like you to think a conservative makes sense.

Yes I know, hence the :confused: in the OP. :)

I never said conservatives are always wrong, it's more that some of the arguments I hear in favor of conservatism are so ridiculous, as is the way they frame the liberals.

Most aggravating for me is that so many here on both sides have not an inkling about what either side really represents. It's like a sporting event to such people; They've picked a side ahead of time, and memorized that side's talking points. I could easy name half a dozen from each persuasion that fall into that category here.

As always, I'm on the side of "What makes sense;" and as of right now, Mr. Christie is making a lot of sense to me.
You feeling alright Cuyo? Christie is a conservative you know. It's not like you to think a conservative makes sense.

Yes I know, hence the :confused: in the OP. :)

I never said conservatives are always wrong, it's more that some of the arguments I hear in favor of conservatism are so ridiculous, as is the way they frame the liberals.

Most aggravating for me is that so many here on both sides have not an inkling about what either side really represents. It's like a sporting event to such people; They've picked a side ahead of time, and memorized that side's talking points. I could easy name half a dozen from each persuasion that fall into that category here.

As always, I'm on the side of "What makes sense;" and as of right now, Mr. Christie is making a lot of sense to me.

What he said^...
I found the interview with the new gov. of NJ refreshing. He did not demagogue the issues as does Palin, Gingrich and the entire Republican 'Leadership' in the Congress; he seemed open to withholding judgments until learning the facts and consequences of change - not measuring them against platitudes of ideology and condeming new ideas simply because they are new.
Maybe there's hope the Republican Party can come back from the reactionary fringe under whom it has relinquished control.
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I really like NJ Governor Christie. The country needs more straight-talking politicians. And he's right about the budget.

He is adamant that he does not want to be president...DARN!!!! Things do change though?
I feel like I'm in the twilight zone that there could actually exist a politician who brings people from both sides together.
I really like NJ Governor Christie. The country needs more straight-talking politicians. And he's right about the budget.

He is adamant that he does not want to be president...DARN!!!! Things do change though?

It's an intriguing thought, although I'm sorry to say the Republican machine would assassinate him in the primaries. Just the fact that he eliminated the homeowner rebate (a de facto tax increase) is enough to qualify him as a pinko communist.

As a conservative Democrat? Perhaps...

Not to mention, I can say with near-certainty he'd make substantial defense cuts. Not gonna fly to well with the good-ol' boys club.
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And I think I like him...:confused:

Hey, the man seems like the real deal. I lived in New Jersey from ages 0 to 27, just missing his tenure by about 4 months. Thus, I haven't studied him much, since he's of no consequence to me anymore - I'm out of New Jersey and I will never return, unless I become so rich that I can afford a middle-class home there (Even then not so sure I'll ever return). The man seems like a straight-shooter. The interview was refreshing. You can bet I'll be looking into this man and reporting back.

Current Jersey natives; Particularly those of you to the left of the spectrum (Winger?). Where you guys at on this guy? Surely you can't deny some of what he says makes sense.

I liked Christie when he was a federal prosecutor. He held back no punches in going after corrupt politicians. So far, I think he is doing a good job but needs to be able to work better with others if he expects to get things done.
He tends to bully the opposition and does not have the political clout to follow through

But given the poor performance of our recent Governors, he is a breath of fresh air

I like a straight shooter and Christie is certainly that. I would like him no matter what party he represented.

I sure hope he can straighten NJ out and give the residents of that State a much needed break on the taxes.
I've lived in the garden state for over 30 years and despite the high cost of living, the corruption and negative stereotypes, I love living here. Christie is what we need to turn all that around, but I hope its not too late. He's proposing a state takeover of Atlantic City, and a drastic measure like that, makes me fear that the economic situation is even worse than we are being told. Opponents accuse him of fear mongering. I fear he's actually holding back.
I thought Atlantic City was taken over by Trenton years ago! I had a project in Atlantic City that had me living there for a year and a half. That was back in 1998-1999.

There was a massive snow and ice storm that winter and AC had no means of removing the snow. New Jersey paid to have the AC Expressway cleared, as well as Georgia Avenue. But, that's it! I had to go to a city council meeting to request a street closure for 48 hours during my project. City Council couldn't grant the request until it was filed in Trenton.

AC couldn't even post a stop sign without approval from Trenton!
Anyone who doesn't like what Christie is advocating is a...well, state employee scared the benefits gravy train will be upset before they get to start lapping it up for the rest of their days. And screw them.

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