Just To Confirm....

Did you read your link or you just stared at it?
Okay let me entertain you.

Why do you think Iran blocked these inspectors?
What nuclear accord? Those are now scrapped.

What good does it do or any benefits for the Iranians to have any more of that inspections when Trump violated the agreement? Then applied sanctions.

Iran is saying. Fuck you Trump.

By next year or middle of next year Iran will have enough nuclear grade uranium to make nuclear weapons. Thanks to your fake messiah Trump. That’s how dumb is Trump.

What do you know anyway?

"Why do you think Iran blocked these inspectors?"

Realize what you just admitted, you dunce????

And, or course, the vulgarity indicates how truly stupid you recognize yourself to be.


BTW.....the only folks who called their candidate the 'messiah' are you Democrats.

Next time, take your shoe off before you put your foot in your mouth.

Vulgarity? Why? You keep repeating the same ignorant post.

Apparently you are very stubborn to believe how Iranian should behave after Trump violated the agreement.

You are vert stubborn to believe that Trump doesn’t have any plan B. Very dumb.

Stupid? You seems to believe just because we are Americans is always right regardless how dumb and stupid this president policy.

Messiah? You are here to promote Trump ignorant and moronic foreign policy. And no matter how dumb is this president you still adored him like a messiah. Of course we democrat called it fake messiah.

Why do you think the Iranians blocked these inspectors? LET ME REPEAT IT AGAIN FOR YOU........

Why in the world they should let any more inspectors after Trump violated the agreement? Why should they? What’s the point of having anymore of those inspections?
What part of that don’t you understand?

If someone violated your rights. Are you going to tolerate it and take more of abuses?

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Under Obama. Have they produced nuclear grade uranium to make nuclear weapons? The answer is NO.

Under Trump. They are now producing nuclear grade uranium to make nuclear weapons. Answer is YES.

Iran sponsor terrorism is absolutely right.

So under Trump did stop Iranian from sponsoring terrorism? Hell NO.

Trump cowardly abandoned an ally in northern Syria just for the sake Putin and Assad with heavy close ties with Iran. Iraq is kicking us out because of Trump paving a way for the Iranians.

I understand that your side called Hussein god, Jesus, and the messiah, but he wasn't.....really.

Since he wasn't omniscient and SINCE THERE WERE NEVER ANY REAL INSPECTIONS....you can't know what they were doing.

Latest evidence is that they were enriching uranium all along.....exactly as Hussein wished.

Have the inspectors complained before of any violations? Have the other countries that signed with the agreement complaint of any violations?

The answer is NO.

Here’s Trump. With no evidence of what he is saying. Iran is in violations. BULLSHIT.

Latest evidence? What latest evidence? How can you even say or tell latest evidence when they are not even letting inspectors coming in? Where is the evidence? How is that even possible?

This new head of IAEA inspectors is full of cow dung. We have evidence. What evidence?

There’s no such thing as hiding a nuclear facilities. It’s just impossible. If that is possible then we or the Russians can just build nuclear facilities under ground or somewhere.

Read this link to upgrade your ignorance. I’m very sure you never heard this before. Meaning if a truck load carrying raw uranium grade materials moving from remote to a facility. Means they are making bombs...... That was also part of the inspection.

Locating uranium deposits with satellite data
Blow them up? It took several months to bomb weakling Iraq with slight resistance. Iran is not weak.

What do you think will happen to Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE etc etc in that region?

Don’t forget the oil supplies around the world coming from Persian gulf. That will severely cripple the economy of several countries around the globe.

We know Trump is very dumb but he is not that stupid to start a war. That is why he withdrew the last minute of sending cruise missiles to Iran. And also did not retaliate when Iran bomb US military barracks in Iraq after killing Soleimani.

Sooo...'charwin' is a translation for 'Chamberlain'?

Did you make that very same argument for not confronting Hitler and Nazi Germany?

All my post I mean ALL my post are reality and straight facts. I don’t fucking lie.

What is hitler and NAZIs has anything to do with with your ignorance?

Name calling proved yourself you losing. You don’t want me to call you politicalshit.

No vulgarity.

Post as though you were an adult.

My name is Charwin not Chamberlain. YOU GOT THAT?

Is that mean you hate black just how you hate Obama posting al these nonsense lying crap?

Chamberlain was an appeaser, just as you are.

As you've admitted....by not responding to the question ...
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

....there was no reason to allow Iran to get nuclear weapons, and far more reason not to pay them to continue their nuclear program.

1. Hussein Obama:
March 6, 2012, press conference: "And what I have said is, is that we will not countenance Iran getting a nuclear weapon. My policy is not containment; my policy is to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon -- because if they get a nuclear weapon that could trigger an arms race in the region, it would undermine our non-proliferation goals, it could potentially fall into the hands of terrorists.

2. The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-ProliferationTreaty or NPT, is an international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of ...
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia
Iran is a signaturee to the agreement.

3.war criminal - an offender who violates international law during timesof war
offender, wrongdoer - a person who transgresses moral or civillaw
war criminal


I did answer your questions. You just didn’t like the reality.

I gave you several points. Under Trump. Iran is now producing nuclear grade uranium to make nuclear weapons. What kind of policy is that? That is called pure garbage and dumb. What part of that don’t you understand?

Then you keep repeating and blabbering the same lies about Obama. This and that under Obama. Has Trump made any difference? What Trump policy that is better than Obama?
"Why do you think Iran blocked these inspectors?"

Realize what you just admitted, you dunce????

And, or course, the vulgarity indicates how truly stupid you recognize yourself to be.


BTW.....the only folks who called their candidate the 'messiah' are you Democrats.

Next time, take your shoe off before you put your foot in your mouth.

Vulgarity? Why? You keep repeating the same ignorant post.

Apparently you are very stubborn to believe how Iranian should behave after Trump violated the agreement.

You are vert stubborn to believe that Trump doesn’t have any plan B. Very dumb.

Stupid? You seems to believe just because we are Americans is always right regardless how dumb and stupid this president policy.

Messiah? You are here to promote Trump ignorant and moronic foreign policy. And no matter how dumb is this president you still adored him like a messiah. Of course we democrat called it fake messiah.

Why do you think the Iranians blocked these inspectors? LET ME REPEAT IT AGAIN FOR YOU........

Why in the world they should let any more inspectors after Trump violated the agreement? Why should they? What’s the point of having anymore of those inspections?
What part of that don’t you understand?

If someone violated your rights. Are you going to tolerate it and take more of abuses?

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Under Obama. Have they produced nuclear grade uranium to make nuclear weapons? The answer is NO.

Under Trump. They are now producing nuclear grade uranium to make nuclear weapons. Answer is YES.

Iran sponsor terrorism is absolutely right.

So under Trump did stop Iranian from sponsoring terrorism? Hell NO.

Trump cowardly abandoned an ally in northern Syria just for the sake Putin and Assad with heavy close ties with Iran. Iraq is kicking us out because of Trump paving a way for the Iranians.

I understand that your side called Hussein god, Jesus, and the messiah, but he wasn't.....really.

Since he wasn't omniscient and SINCE THERE WERE NEVER ANY REAL INSPECTIONS....you can't know what they were doing.

Latest evidence is that they were enriching uranium all along.....exactly as Hussein wished.

Have the inspectors complained before of any violations? Have the other countries that signed with the agreement complaint of any violations?

The answer is NO.

Here’s Trump. With no evidence of what he is saying. Iran is in violations. BULLSHIT.

Latest evidence? What latest evidence? How can you even say or tell latest evidence when they are not even letting inspectors coming in? Where is the evidence? How is that even possible?

This new head of IAEA inspectors is full of cow dung. We have evidence. What evidence?

There’s no such thing as hiding a nuclear facilities. It’s just impossible. If that is possible then we or the Russians can just build nuclear facilities under ground or somewhere.

Read this link to upgrade your ignorance. I’m very sure you never heard this before. Meaning if a truck load carrying raw uranium grade materials moving from remote to a facility. Means they are making bombs...... That was also part of the inspection.

Locating uranium deposits with satellite data

"Have the inspectors complained before of any violations?"

Of course.

"Iran Caught Hiding Nuclear Work, Sparking Call for Full Sanctions ‘Snapback’"

Iran has been blocking inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from accessing key sites that the watchdog group has cited for having traces of undisclosed nuclear materials, fueling speculation that Tehran is again engaged in the secret construction of nuclear weapons-grade material.

Recently installed IAEA chief Rafael Griossi took the unprecedented step this week of going public about Iran's intransigence, telling Reuters on Tuesday the Islamic Republic is not living up to multiple commitments under the landmark nuclear accord.

"We have insisted and despite all our efforts we have not been able to get that [access], ..."
Iran Caught Hiding Nuclear Work, Sparking Call for Full Sanctions 'Snapback'

As I have always said, there were never meant to be any inspections.
When is Trump going to get that better Iran nuclear deal he promised ?
We have it already. If they try to build a bomb, we’ll blow them up.

Blow them up? It took several months to bomb weakling Iraq with slight resistance. Iran is not weak.

What do you think will happen to Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE etc etc in that region?

Don’t forget the oil supplies around the world coming from Persian gulf. That will severely cripple the economy of several countries around the globe.

We know Trump is very dumb but he is not that stupid to start a war. That is why he withdrew the last minute of sending cruise missiles to Iran. And also did not retaliate when Iran bomb US military barracks in Iraq after killing Soleimani.

When I say blown it up, I am referring to their nuclear sites. We know where they are, their “mighty” army won’t be able to stop it. We can also nuke Tehran if they try to retaliate, that will put them in their place.

President Trump knows how to deal with Muslims. Hit them hard where it hurts, and let them know we can destroy them if we really want to.

There is a problem with that analysis. It worked with the Soviets, 'mutual assured destruction,' but these savages are insane.

"Iran: Their foreign policy is aimed at world domination under the leadership of the 12th Imam.

The Hidden Imam, as he is also known by his followers, will only return after a period of cosmic chaos, war and bloodshed – what Christians call the Apocalypse –

“ The hidden Imam who is expected to return....
....beware of doubting, for to doubt the order of God, the Mighty, the Sublime, is apostasy (Kufr). Ibn Khaldun also states that “ When imprisoned with his mother in the house, he entered a sort of well or pit in the house that his family occupies at Samarrah, Iraq, and there he disappeared, but he is to come forth at the end of the age to fill the earth with justice”.
The Twelfth Imam, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan (Al-Mahdi-Sahibuz Zaman) (The hidden Imam who is expected to return)

12th Imam
12th Imam

October 07, 2019
Iranian Cleric Ebad Mohammadtabar: When the Hidden Imam Arrives, The Whole World Will Convert to Islam or Die; We Will Confront, Defeat the Jews, Zionism

The maniacs look forward to a world conflagration.

And, we don't know how many sleeper cells are currently in America.
I don’t see Iran invading anyone
Sooo...'charwin' is a translation for 'Chamberlain'?

Did you make that very same argument for not confronting Hitler and Nazi Germany?

All my post I mean ALL my post are reality and straight facts. I don’t fucking lie.

What is hitler and NAZIs has anything to do with with your ignorance?

Name calling proved yourself you losing. You don’t want me to call you politicalshit.

No vulgarity.

Post as though you were an adult.

My name is Charwin not Chamberlain. YOU GOT THAT?

Is that mean you hate black just how you hate Obama posting al these nonsense lying crap?

Chamberlain was an appeaser, just as you are.

As you've admitted....by not responding to the question ...
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

....there was no reason to allow Iran to get nuclear weapons, and far more reason not to pay them to continue their nuclear program.

1. Hussein Obama:
March 6, 2012, press conference: "And what I have said is, is that we will not countenance Iran getting a nuclear weapon. My policy is not containment; my policy is to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon -- because if they get a nuclear weapon that could trigger an arms race in the region, it would undermine our non-proliferation goals, it could potentially fall into the hands of terrorists.

2. The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-ProliferationTreaty or NPT, is an international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of ...
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia
Iran is a signaturee to the agreement.

3.war criminal - an offender who violates international law during timesof war
offender, wrongdoer - a person who transgresses moral or civillaw
war criminal


I did answer your questions. You just didn’t like the reality.

I gave you several points. Under Trump. Iran is now producing nuclear grade uranium to make nuclear weapons. What kind of policy is that? That is called pure garbage and dumb. What part of that don’t you understand?

Then you keep repeating and blabbering the same lies about Obama. This and that under Obama. Has Trump made any difference? What Trump policy that is better than Obama?
Sooo...'charwin' is a translation for 'Chamberlain'?

Did you make that very same argument for not confronting Hitler and Nazi Germany?

All my post I mean ALL my post are reality and straight facts. I don’t fucking lie.

What is hitler and NAZIs has anything to do with with your ignorance?

Name calling proved yourself you losing. You don’t want me to call you politicalshit.

No vulgarity.

Post as though you were an adult.

My name is Charwin not Chamberlain. YOU GOT THAT?

Is that mean you hate black just how you hate Obama posting al these nonsense lying crap?

Chamberlain was an appeaser, just as you are.

As you've admitted....by not responding to the question ...
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

....there was no reason to allow Iran to get nuclear weapons, and far more reason not to pay them to continue their nuclear program.

1. Hussein Obama:
March 6, 2012, press conference: "And what I have said is, is that we will not countenance Iran getting a nuclear weapon. My policy is not containment; my policy is to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon -- because if they get a nuclear weapon that could trigger an arms race in the region, it would undermine our non-proliferation goals, it could potentially fall into the hands of terrorists.

2. The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-ProliferationTreaty or NPT, is an international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of ...
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia
Iran is a signaturee to the agreement.

3.war criminal - an offender who violates international law during timesof war
offender, wrongdoer - a person who transgresses moral or civillaw
war criminal


I did answer your questions. You just didn’t like the reality.

I gave you several points. Under Trump. Iran is now producing nuclear grade uranium to make nuclear weapons. What kind of policy is that? That is called pure garbage and dumb. What part of that don’t you understand?

Then you keep repeating and blabbering the same lies about Obama. This and that under Obama. Has Trump made any difference? What Trump policy that is better than Obama?

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

What is the answer?

How can they be lies when I provided NPR as the proof?

Why are you so fearful of disputing the Left's propaganda?
I've read of the very same fear under Mao.
Blow them up? It took several months to bomb weakling Iraq with slight resistance. Iran is not weak.

What do you think will happen to Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE etc etc in that region?

Don’t forget the oil supplies around the world coming from Persian gulf. That will severely cripple the economy of several countries around the globe.

We know Trump is very dumb but he is not that stupid to start a war. That is why he withdrew the last minute of sending cruise missiles to Iran. And also did not retaliate when Iran bomb US military barracks in Iraq after killing Soleimani.

Sooo...'charwin' is a translation for 'Chamberlain'?

Did you make that very same argument for not confronting Hitler and Nazi Germany?

All my post I mean ALL my post are reality and straight facts. I don’t fucking lie.

What is hitler and NAZIs has anything to do with with your ignorance?

Name calling proved yourself you losing. You don’t want me to call you politicalshit.

No vulgarity.

Post as though you were an adult.

My name is Charwin not Chamberlain. YOU GOT THAT?

Is that mean you hate black just how you hate Obama posting al these nonsense lying crap?

Chamberlain was an appeaser, just as you are.

As you've admitted....by not responding to the question ...
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

....there was no reason to allow Iran to get nuclear weapons, and far more reason not to pay them to continue their nuclear program.


There was no reason to allow Iran to get nuclear weapons.

You are absolutely right. What do you think Trump is doing right now? They are now making nuclear weapons. That’s nice.

By Obama the 10 years allowing the Iranians to continue their nuclear is to buy time. For a regime change. Most of the younger generations today don’t like the hardcore old ayatollah supporters. I’ve been to Iran twice and know lots of Iranian here and they hate to be called terrorist sponsors.

That took generations to build that kind of hatred. Here comes Trump. Applied sanctions hurting every part of Iranian livelihood. Now they hate us.

People chanting Death to America before the sanctions are in minor in numbers and old. Now younger generations are all together against America.

I thought we supposed to build friendship to gain access and to help make regimes changes for the good. Not to create more enemies.
Vulgarity? Why? You keep repeating the same ignorant post.

Apparently you are very stubborn to believe how Iranian should behave after Trump violated the agreement.

You are vert stubborn to believe that Trump doesn’t have any plan B. Very dumb.

Stupid? You seems to believe just because we are Americans is always right regardless how dumb and stupid this president policy.

Messiah? You are here to promote Trump ignorant and moronic foreign policy. And no matter how dumb is this president you still adored him like a messiah. Of course we democrat called it fake messiah.

Why do you think the Iranians blocked these inspectors? LET ME REPEAT IT AGAIN FOR YOU........

Why in the world they should let any more inspectors after Trump violated the agreement? Why should they? What’s the point of having anymore of those inspections?
What part of that don’t you understand?

If someone violated your rights. Are you going to tolerate it and take more of abuses?

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Under Obama. Have they produced nuclear grade uranium to make nuclear weapons? The answer is NO.

Under Trump. They are now producing nuclear grade uranium to make nuclear weapons. Answer is YES.

Iran sponsor terrorism is absolutely right.

So under Trump did stop Iranian from sponsoring terrorism? Hell NO.

Trump cowardly abandoned an ally in northern Syria just for the sake Putin and Assad with heavy close ties with Iran. Iraq is kicking us out because of Trump paving a way for the Iranians.

I understand that your side called Hussein god, Jesus, and the messiah, but he wasn't.....really.

Since he wasn't omniscient and SINCE THERE WERE NEVER ANY REAL INSPECTIONS....you can't know what they were doing.

Latest evidence is that they were enriching uranium all along.....exactly as Hussein wished.

Have the inspectors complained before of any violations? Have the other countries that signed with the agreement complaint of any violations?

The answer is NO.

Here’s Trump. With no evidence of what he is saying. Iran is in violations. BULLSHIT.

Latest evidence? What latest evidence? How can you even say or tell latest evidence when they are not even letting inspectors coming in? Where is the evidence? How is that even possible?

This new head of IAEA inspectors is full of cow dung. We have evidence. What evidence?

There’s no such thing as hiding a nuclear facilities. It’s just impossible. If that is possible then we or the Russians can just build nuclear facilities under ground or somewhere.

Read this link to upgrade your ignorance. I’m very sure you never heard this before. Meaning if a truck load carrying raw uranium grade materials moving from remote to a facility. Means they are making bombs...... That was also part of the inspection.

Locating uranium deposits with satellite data

"Have the inspectors complained before of any violations?"

Of course.

"Iran Caught Hiding Nuclear Work, Sparking Call for Full Sanctions ‘Snapback’"

Iran has been blocking inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from accessing key sites that the watchdog group has cited for having traces of undisclosed nuclear materials, fueling speculation that Tehran is again engaged in the secret construction of nuclear weapons-grade material.

Recently installed IAEA chief Rafael Griossi took the unprecedented step this week of going public about Iran's intransigence, telling Reuters on Tuesday the Islamic Republic is not living up to multiple commitments under the landmark nuclear accord.

"We have insisted and despite all our efforts we have not been able to get that [access], ..."
Iran Caught Hiding Nuclear Work, Sparking Call for Full Sanctions 'Snapback'

As I have always said, there were never meant to be any inspections.

You are lying. Yes and yes there were inspected.

Like I said many times. Do you read your link or you just stared at it?

This dude Grossi like I already said is full of cow dung making non sense BULLSHIT statement. He is part and heavily involved with Iran nuclear program..

Look at the dates when making those statements..... Oh! Iran is not allowing us to inspect the facilities. Of course idiot. Why should the Iranians let you any more of those inspections? After Trump very violated the agreement?

What part of that don’t you understand the reality of dumb foreign policy?
All my post I mean ALL my post are reality and straight facts. I don’t fucking lie.

What is hitler and NAZIs has anything to do with with your ignorance?

Name calling proved yourself you losing. You don’t want me to call you politicalshit.

No vulgarity.

Post as though you were an adult.

My name is Charwin not Chamberlain. YOU GOT THAT?

Is that mean you hate black just how you hate Obama posting al these nonsense lying crap?

Chamberlain was an appeaser, just as you are.

As you've admitted....by not responding to the question ...
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

....there was no reason to allow Iran to get nuclear weapons, and far more reason not to pay them to continue their nuclear program.

1. Hussein Obama:
March 6, 2012, press conference: "And what I have said is, is that we will not countenance Iran getting a nuclear weapon. My policy is not containment; my policy is to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon -- because if they get a nuclear weapon that could trigger an arms race in the region, it would undermine our non-proliferation goals, it could potentially fall into the hands of terrorists.

2. The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-ProliferationTreaty or NPT, is an international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of ...
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia
Iran is a signaturee to the agreement.

3.war criminal - an offender who violates international law during timesof war
offender, wrongdoer - a person who transgresses moral or civillaw
war criminal


I did answer your questions. You just didn’t like the reality.

I gave you several points. Under Trump. Iran is now producing nuclear grade uranium to make nuclear weapons. What kind of policy is that? That is called pure garbage and dumb. What part of that don’t you understand?

Then you keep repeating and blabbering the same lies about Obama. This and that under Obama. Has Trump made any difference? What Trump policy that is better than Obama?
All my post I mean ALL my post are reality and straight facts. I don’t fucking lie.

What is hitler and NAZIs has anything to do with with your ignorance?

Name calling proved yourself you losing. You don’t want me to call you politicalshit.

No vulgarity.

Post as though you were an adult.

My name is Charwin not Chamberlain. YOU GOT THAT?

Is that mean you hate black just how you hate Obama posting al these nonsense lying crap?

Chamberlain was an appeaser, just as you are.

As you've admitted....by not responding to the question ...
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

....there was no reason to allow Iran to get nuclear weapons, and far more reason not to pay them to continue their nuclear program.

1. Hussein Obama:
March 6, 2012, press conference: "And what I have said is, is that we will not countenance Iran getting a nuclear weapon. My policy is not containment; my policy is to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon -- because if they get a nuclear weapon that could trigger an arms race in the region, it would undermine our non-proliferation goals, it could potentially fall into the hands of terrorists.

2. The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-ProliferationTreaty or NPT, is an international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of ...
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia
Iran is a signaturee to the agreement.

3.war criminal - an offender who violates international law during timesof war
offender, wrongdoer - a person who transgresses moral or civillaw
war criminal


I did answer your questions. You just didn’t like the reality.

I gave you several points. Under Trump. Iran is now producing nuclear grade uranium to make nuclear weapons. What kind of policy is that? That is called pure garbage and dumb. What part of that don’t you understand?

Then you keep repeating and blabbering the same lies about Obama. This and that under Obama. Has Trump made any difference? What Trump policy that is better than Obama?

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

What is the answer?

How can they be lies when I provided NPR as the proof?

Why are you so fearful of disputing the Left's propaganda?
I've read of the very same fear under Mao.

I already answered all your questions.

What left propaganda?

I gave all straight facts and reality. No BULLSHIT you just scared to admit you are lying and just pure ignorance. And philosophical.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sooo...'charwin' is a translation for 'Chamberlain'?

Did you make that very same argument for not confronting Hitler and Nazi Germany?

All my post I mean ALL my post are reality and straight facts. I don’t fucking lie.

What is hitler and NAZIs has anything to do with with your ignorance?

Name calling proved yourself you losing. You don’t want me to call you politicalshit.

No vulgarity.

Post as though you were an adult.

My name is Charwin not Chamberlain. YOU GOT THAT?

Is that mean you hate black just how you hate Obama posting al these nonsense lying crap?

Chamberlain was an appeaser, just as you are.

As you've admitted....by not responding to the question ...
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

....there was no reason to allow Iran to get nuclear weapons, and far more reason not to pay them to continue their nuclear program.


There was no reason to allow Iran to get nuclear weapons.

You are absolutely right. What do you think Trump is doing right now? They are now making nuclear weapons. That’s nice.

By Obama the 10 years allowing the Iranians to continue their nuclear is to buy time. For a regime change. Most of the younger generations today don’t like the hardcore old ayatollah supporters. I’ve been to Iran twice and know lots of Iranian here and they hate to be called terrorist sponsors.

That took generations to build that kind of hatred. Here comes Trump. Applied sanctions hurting every part of Iranian livelihood. Now they hate us.

People chanting Death to America before the sanctions are in minor in numbers and old. Now younger generations are all together against America.

I thought we supposed to build friendship to gain access and to help make regimes changes for the good. Not to create more enemies.

Trump is using sanctions, and pressure on those nations who are business partners of Iran.

He voiced approval of protesters in Iran, something Obama wouldn't do.

Know where that policy was used successfully before?

The greatest President in the last 100 years used economic pressure to bring the only other superpower to its knees.
....Obama could have done what Reagan did, had he actually intended to end Iran's support for terror and Islamofascism and its desire for nuclear weapons:

"...the president [Reagan] signed National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 32, which....called for aid to Solidarity, counter-propaganda in Poland, tightening of sanctions on the Soviet Union, and covert activities to achieve these objectives.
Reagan sent out 328 such 'Top Secret' directives to the diplomatic, military, and intelligence agencies during his presidency."
The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World," p. , p.185

Reagan thought the aim of American foreign policy should be not to get along with the Communist powers but to hasten their end.
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Under Obama. Have they produced nuclear grade uranium to make nuclear weapons? The answer is NO.

Under Trump. They are now producing nuclear grade uranium to make nuclear weapons. Answer is YES.

Iran sponsor terrorism is absolutely right.

So under Trump did stop Iranian from sponsoring terrorism? Hell NO.

Trump cowardly abandoned an ally in northern Syria just for the sake Putin and Assad with heavy close ties with Iran. Iraq is kicking us out because of Trump paving a way for the Iranians.

I understand that your side called Hussein god, Jesus, and the messiah, but he wasn't.....really.

Since he wasn't omniscient and SINCE THERE WERE NEVER ANY REAL INSPECTIONS....you can't know what they were doing.

Latest evidence is that they were enriching uranium all along.....exactly as Hussein wished.

Have the inspectors complained before of any violations? Have the other countries that signed with the agreement complaint of any violations?

The answer is NO.

Here’s Trump. With no evidence of what he is saying. Iran is in violations. BULLSHIT.

Latest evidence? What latest evidence? How can you even say or tell latest evidence when they are not even letting inspectors coming in? Where is the evidence? How is that even possible?

This new head of IAEA inspectors is full of cow dung. We have evidence. What evidence?

There’s no such thing as hiding a nuclear facilities. It’s just impossible. If that is possible then we or the Russians can just build nuclear facilities under ground or somewhere.

Read this link to upgrade your ignorance. I’m very sure you never heard this before. Meaning if a truck load carrying raw uranium grade materials moving from remote to a facility. Means they are making bombs...... That was also part of the inspection.

Locating uranium deposits with satellite data

"Have the inspectors complained before of any violations?"

Of course.

"Iran Caught Hiding Nuclear Work, Sparking Call for Full Sanctions ‘Snapback’"

Iran has been blocking inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from accessing key sites that the watchdog group has cited for having traces of undisclosed nuclear materials, fueling speculation that Tehran is again engaged in the secret construction of nuclear weapons-grade material.

Recently installed IAEA chief Rafael Griossi took the unprecedented step this week of going public about Iran's intransigence, telling Reuters on Tuesday the Islamic Republic is not living up to multiple commitments under the landmark nuclear accord.

"We have insisted and despite all our efforts we have not been able to get that [access], ..."
Iran Caught Hiding Nuclear Work, Sparking Call for Full Sanctions 'Snapback'

As I have always said, there were never meant to be any inspections.

You are lying. Yes and yes there were inspected.

Like I said many times. Do you read your link or you just stared at it?

This dude Grossi like I already said is full of cow dung making non sense BULLSHIT statement. He is part and heavily involved with Iran nuclear program..

Look at the dates when making those statements..... Oh! Iran is not allowing us to inspect the facilities. Of course idiot. Why should the Iranians let you any more of those inspections? After Trump very violated the agreement?

What part of that don’t you understand the reality of dumb foreign policy?

I actually understand you better than you understand yourself: it's cowardice.

That Very Same Fear.

1.There is a palpable fear among Democrat/Liberals supporters to confront, or even question, the statements, the agenda, of their elites….even when evidence to the contrary of the propaganda is presented….or even when the headquarters reverses itself a full 180°.

2. A particularly clear illustration of the mindless obedience by followers can be seen during WWII. At the behest of the Soviet Commintern, as the archives reveals, the American Peace Mobilization committee was formed in April of ’41. Its function was to support the Soviet line which was to aid Hitler, their ally, and to bring progressives aboard, protest against the lend-lease program to aid Britain…they paraded in front of the White House, chanting “FDR is a fascist, …he’s starting a war!’ In mid-protest, on June 22, 1941, they became pro-war! The Germans had broken their agreement with the Soviets, and invaded Russia! Suddenly the group was for lend-lease, and FDR wasn’t a fascist…and they were all for war with the Nazis.

This sort of thing is motivated by either ideology or fear.

3. Jung Chang, writing her memoires of life under Mao, points to that sort of lock-step obedience.

“The lesson was that Mao’s authority was unchallengeable—even though he was clearly in the wrong. Officials could see that no matter how high up you were—and no matter what your standing—if you offended Mao you would fall into disgrace. They also knew that you could not speak your mind and resign, or even resign quietly: resignation was seen as an unacceptable protest. There was no opting out. The mouths of the Party as well as the people were now tightly sealed.”

Truth had no meaning…the party line was all that mattered, hence, your lying for Obama.
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Under Obama. Have they produced nuclear grade uranium to make nuclear weapons? The answer is NO.

Under Trump. They are now producing nuclear grade uranium to make nuclear weapons. Answer is YES.

Iran sponsor terrorism is absolutely right.

So under Trump did stop Iranian from sponsoring terrorism? Hell NO.

Trump cowardly abandoned an ally in northern Syria just for the sake Putin and Assad with heavy close ties with Iran. Iraq is kicking us out because of Trump paving a way for the Iranians.

I understand that your side called Hussein god, Jesus, and the messiah, but he wasn't.....really.

Since he wasn't omniscient and SINCE THERE WERE NEVER ANY REAL INSPECTIONS....you can't know what they were doing.

Latest evidence is that they were enriching uranium all along.....exactly as Hussein wished.

Have the inspectors complained before of any violations? Have the other countries that signed with the agreement complaint of any violations?

The answer is NO.

Here’s Trump. With no evidence of what he is saying. Iran is in violations. BULLSHIT.

Latest evidence? What latest evidence? How can you even say or tell latest evidence when they are not even letting inspectors coming in? Where is the evidence? How is that even possible?

This new head of IAEA inspectors is full of cow dung. We have evidence. What evidence?

There’s no such thing as hiding a nuclear facilities. It’s just impossible. If that is possible then we or the Russians can just build nuclear facilities under ground or somewhere.

Read this link to upgrade your ignorance. I’m very sure you never heard this before. Meaning if a truck load carrying raw uranium grade materials moving from remote to a facility. Means they are making bombs...... That was also part of the inspection.

Locating uranium deposits with satellite data

"Have the inspectors complained before of any violations?"

Of course.

"Iran Caught Hiding Nuclear Work, Sparking Call for Full Sanctions ‘Snapback’"

Iran has been blocking inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from accessing key sites that the watchdog group has cited for having traces of undisclosed nuclear materials, fueling speculation that Tehran is again engaged in the secret construction of nuclear weapons-grade material.

Recently installed IAEA chief Rafael Griossi took the unprecedented step this week of going public about Iran's intransigence, telling Reuters on Tuesday the Islamic Republic is not living up to multiple commitments under the landmark nuclear accord.

"We have insisted and despite all our efforts we have not been able to get that [access], ..."
Iran Caught Hiding Nuclear Work, Sparking Call for Full Sanctions 'Snapback'

As I have always said, there were never meant to be any inspections.

You are lying. Yes and yes there were inspected.

Like I said many times. Do you read your link or you just stared at it?

This dude Grossi like I already said is full of cow dung making non sense BULLSHIT statement. He is part and heavily involved with Iran nuclear program..

Look at the dates when making those statements..... Oh! Iran is not allowing us to inspect the facilities. Of course idiot. Why should the Iranians let you any more of those inspections? After Trump very violated the agreement?

What part of that don’t you understand the reality of dumb foreign policy?

Nope....no inspections.

“Particularly troublesome, you have to wait 24 days before you can inspect.”

–Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), speaking to reporters about the international nuclear agreement with Iran, Aug. 10, 2015

“At non-designated sites it will take 24 days to get an inspection.”
–Schumer, speaking to reporters, Aug. 11

"Pompeo slams Iran’s ‘intimidation’ of IAEA inspector as ‘outrageous’

US secretary of state calls blocking of UN official from nuclear site an ‘unwarranted act of intimidation,’ says alarmed by Tehran’s ‘lack of adequate cooperation’
Pompeo slams Iran’s ‘intimidation’ of IAEA inspector as ‘outrageous’

Israel's Iran documents show nuclear deal 'was built on lies'

The new secretary of state said the documents were proof "beyond any doubt" that "the Iranian regime was not telling the truth".

"Iran hid a vast atomic archive from the world and from the IAEA - until today," Mr Pompeo added.”
Iran nuclear deal built on lies, says US

. § The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was not allowed to inspect or monitor Iran's military sites where nuclear activities were most likely being carried out. Among the many concessions that the Obama administration gave the Iranian government, one was accepting the Iranian leaders' demand that these military sites would be out of the IAEA's reach.

§ Due to this surrender, various high-profile Iranian sites such as the Parchin military complex, located southeast of Tehran, were free to engage in nuclear activities without the risk of inspection.

§ Once the authoritarian, anti-Semitic and anti-American government of Iran possess a nuclear bomb, no amount of actions will be able reverse the catastrophe.

Stop Iran From Going Nuclear

If only you weren't so gutless, you'd admit it.
....that everything we on the Right have said about Obama, Iran, nuclear weapons.....is true and correct....

1. "Report On 1,500 Protesters Killed And Khamenei's Role Reverberates Among Iranians"

2. "Special Report: Iran’s leader ordered crackdown on unrest - 'Do whatever it takes to end it'"
Special Report: Iran’s leader ordered crackdown on unrest - 'Do whatever it takes to end it'

3. Do you require more confirmation of Hussein Obama's religious affiliation....the only possible explanation for his guarantee of nuclear weapons to these 7th century savages?

Ready to admit it, Democrats????

There was no Hussein Obama and since we have religious freedom in this country his religious affiliation is irrelevant. The man has been out of office for more than 3 years. We are now in campaign season to elect a president that will be 2 terms removed from Obama. So it's time for Obama derangement to end. 75 percent of all asians voted for Obama. You are the idiot Asian that is supporting an agenda against your best interest. There is nothing to admit but your retardation. Ready to admit you're a retard PC?

Or are you going to keep confirming it by creating dumb ass threads like this?
Why would anybody believe that Iran would give up or even delay their nuclear weapons capability? Why would anybody believe they would even slow down their progress, these guys think we are total fools and scum to be killed asap.
....that everything we on the Right have said about Obama, Iran, nuclear weapons.....is true and correct....

1. "Report On 1,500 Protesters Killed And Khamenei's Role Reverberates Among Iranians"

2. "Special Report: Iran’s leader ordered crackdown on unrest - 'Do whatever it takes to end it'"
Special Report: Iran’s leader ordered crackdown on unrest - 'Do whatever it takes to end it'

3. Do you require more confirmation of Hussein Obama's religious affiliation....the only possible explanation for his guarantee of nuclear weapons to these 7th century savages?

Ready to admit it, Democrats????

There was no Hussein Obama and since we have religious freedom in this country his religious affiliation is irrelevant. The man has been out of office for more than 3 years. We are now in campaign season to elect a president that will be 2 terms removed from Obama. So it's time for Obama derangement to end. 75 percent of all asians voted for Obama. You are the idiot Asian that is supporting an agenda against your best interest. There is nothing to admit but your retardation. Ready to admit you're a retard PC?

Or are you going to keep confirming it by creating dumb ass threads like this?

"There was no Hussein Obama..."

Can you grant that wish????????

How were you raised that you cannot post without vulgarity?

How were you raised that you cannot post without lyiing?

"Iran was complying with the deal"

Of course they weren't.....there were no inspections.

"In conclusion, according to the agreement, Iran can continue its uranium enrichment program and continue developing its weapon program at its many military sites, and every time the IAEA suspects anything, the Iranians can have 24 days at a minimum and 45 days maximum to delay the access, sanitize the sites, or transfer the unauthorized nuclear work to another unauthorized military site."

"...the Iranians can have 24 days at a minimum and 45 days maximum to delay the access, sanitize the sites, or transfer the unauthorized nuclear work to another unauthorized military site."

Bet you feel pretty stooooooopid right now, huh?

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