Just to remove a statue

But the south did go to war to preserve slavery. You support enslaving people.

The south did do that along with other reasons. Your second point is a gutless lie which make frequently.
Actually slavery was the main reason spelled out in their manifestos and new constitution. If you support them having statues for being enslavers and traitors then youre a gutless liar for denying it.

Go pound sand lying asshole. Go screw yourself. I made no such statements.
Wait so now youre claiming that you dont support the confederate statues. So this was all a big misunderstanding?

I don't think someone getting killed by a crane on the way to remove a statue is worth a life. The only thing liberals are interested in is the political hyperbole they think they can benefit from by pushing this now when Trump is President and said almost nothing while BO or Clinton were in office.

The guy who was killed ran a red light and smashed his Semi into the crane.
Well the confederates killed 500,000 US troops. That doesn't seem to bother you.

Go play in traffic. All of the sudden this year you left wing bozos go into meltdown mode over statues that have been there for years. Shove it. Its nothing more than hyperbole racial politics.

And you don't have to repeat history I am more than familiar with. Besides the north for the most part did not go to war to abolish slavery, but to preserve the Union.
But the south did go to war to preserve slavery. You support enslaving people.

Europeans killed millions of natives too and destroyed most of their culture. Does that mean I support genocide?
The natives were slave owners as well. They had even enslaved their own people.That was their custom back then. To conquered other tribes and enslave them, especially the women. Some native's tribes, that the word Squaw means Vagina which that shows what they had thought about women. And so I guess we should start removing statues of them feather wearing people..

The Untold History of American Indian Slavery

The south did do that along with other reasons. Your second point is a gutless lie which make frequently.
Actually slavery was the main reason spelled out in their manifestos and new constitution. If you support them having statues for being enslavers and traitors then youre a gutless liar for denying it.

Go pound sand lying asshole. Go screw yourself. I made no such statements.
Wait so now youre claiming that you dont support the confederate statues. So this was all a big misunderstanding?

I don't think someone getting killed by a crane on the way to remove a statue is worth a life. The only thing liberals are interested in is the political hyperbole they think they can benefit from by pushing this now when Trump is President and said almost nothing while BO or Clinton were in office.

The guy who was killed ran a red light and smashed his Semi into the crane.
There was another fatal wreck this week on the really nasty curve of the interstate I drive twice a day.
Well the confederates killed 500,000 US troops. That doesn't seem to bother you.

Go play in traffic. All of the sudden this year you left wing bozos go into meltdown mode over statues that have been there for years. Shove it. Its nothing more than hyperbole racial politics.

And you don't have to repeat history I am more than familiar with. Besides the north for the most part did not go to war to abolish slavery, but to preserve the Union.
But the south did go to war to preserve slavery. You support enslaving people.

Europeans killed millions of natives too and destroyed most of their culture. Does that mean I support genocide?
The natives were slave owners as well. They had even enslaved their own people.That was their custom back then. To conquered other tribes and enslave them, especially the women. Some native's tribes, that the word Squaw means Vagina which that shows what they had thought about women. And so I guess we should start removing statues of them feather wearing people..

The Untold History of American Indian Slavery


Slavery was a common feature in many societies. Very few however held their slaves in perpetuity.
Well the confederates killed 500,000 US troops. That doesn't seem to bother you.

Go play in traffic. All of the sudden this year you left wing bozos go into meltdown mode over statues that have been there for years. Shove it. Its nothing more than hyperbole racial politics.

And you don't have to repeat history I am more than familiar with. Besides the north for the most part did not go to war to abolish slavery, but to preserve the Union.
But the south did go to war to preserve slavery. You support enslaving people.

Europeans killed millions of natives too and destroyed most of their culture. Does that mean I support genocide?
The natives were slave owners as well. They had even enslaved their own people.That was their custom back then. To conquered other tribes and enslave them, especially the women. Some native's tribes, that the word Squaw means Vagina which that shows what they had thought about women. And so I guess we should start removing statues of them feather wearing people..

The Untold History of American Indian Slavery


Slavery was a common feature in many societies. Very few however held their slaves in perpetuity.
I've never seen why slavery apologists refer to other societies' practices, because morally and historically it doesn't help their case. In 1860, the civilized world as it was then defined ceased holding ANY slaves aside from the American South. Any "Christian" society had abandoned it. So, any apologist is really down to a female genital mutilation excuse of "well, it may have positive effects too."

Very few of us give a crap about these statutes that are not on battlefield memorials. The shitforbrains kid in Charlottesville who initially filed for a parade permit (which the Klan and White Separatists violated in their rioting outside the park, btw) presumably objected to the statues being removed because removal was a PC redoing of history. But the statues themselves were erected in the early 1900s. I doubt shitforbrains would want some notice that "this statue was erected at the time of Jim Crow with the Klan in attendance, and it stands today as an example of the wrongs a white supremacist society inflicted upon black citizens."
Well the confederates killed 500,000 US troops. That doesn't seem to bother you.

Go play in traffic. All of the sudden this year you left wing bozos go into meltdown mode over statues that have been there for years. Shove it. Its nothing more than hyperbole racial politics.

And you don't have to repeat history I am more than familiar with. Besides the north for the most part did not go to war to abolish slavery, but to preserve the Union.
But the south did go to war to preserve slavery. You support enslaving people.

Europeans killed millions of natives too and destroyed most of their culture. Does that mean I support genocide?
The natives were slave owners as well. They had even enslaved their own people.That was their custom back then. To conquered other tribes and enslave them, especially the women. Some native's tribes, that the word Squaw means Vagina which that shows what they had thought about women. And so I guess we should start removing statues of them feather wearing people..

Go find us any statues or monuments that were erected by the Daughters of Native American Slavery and plunked down generations later in public spaces in order to transmit the revisionist propaganda that slavery was really a good thing after all, and we'll get right on that, Bunky.
More left wing morality abyss.
Your lack of morality is a rightwing trait. Why do you support racists and traitors?

I don't. Left wingers don't give a rats ass about statues except the votes they think they can generate. Very little of this went on when the Chicago political gangster was in the WH. Now all of the sudden its a crisis. Take a long walk off a short bridge.
You do realize the confederate statues are of traitors and racists right? Obviously you support them.

Go suck wind. None of this became a hot button issue on a consistent basis until this year. Just another example of left wing hyperbole hysterics.

This is what you might call observational bias.

You might not have seen any opposition to these statues before this year. That doesn't mean it didn't exist.

Also known as "cherrypicking".
Too bad. I'm pretty sure there are plenty more behind him willing to complete the mission. His/her family should get some kind of medal for this.

More left wing morality abyss.
Your lack of morality is a rightwing trait. Why do you support racists and traitors?

I don't. Left wingers don't give a rats ass about statues except the votes they think they can generate. Very little of this went on when the Chicago political gangster was in the WH. Now all of the sudden its a crisis. Take a long walk off a short bridge.
You do realize the confederate statues are of traitors and racists right? Obviously you support them.

Were they ever tried for treason? How many were hung? That said, these are not federal statues and each state or city has the right to determine what statues are on public display on public property.
Of course not. They were white..

I dont care if its just a neighborhood statue. If someone wants a statue of the losers they should pay for it out of their own pocket. They get enough welfare as it is.
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Well the confederates killed 500,000 US troops. That doesn't seem to bother you.

Go play in traffic. All of the sudden this year you left wing bozos go into meltdown mode over statues that have been there for years. Shove it. Its nothing more than hyperbole racial politics.

And you don't have to repeat history I am more than familiar with. Besides the north for the most part did not go to war to abolish slavery, but to preserve the Union.
But the south did go to war to preserve slavery. You support enslaving people.

Europeans killed millions of natives too and destroyed most of their culture. Does that mean I support genocide?
Do you fight for a statue of the eruopeans that killed them? If so yes you support genocide.
Too bad. I'm pretty sure there are plenty more behind him willing to complete the mission. His/her family should get some kind of medal for this.

More left wing morality abyss.
Your lack of morality is a rightwing trait. Why do you support racists and traitors?
why do you insist on putting things into the most extreme terms, knowing they're likely not true?
Probably because hedging is just bullshit. If you arent against confederate statues being paid for and maintained by the public outside of a museum then you support their cause. There is no such thing as a middle ground on this issue.
Here is a little more on the same statue the pricetag to remove it is between $400,000 and $450,000 dollars almost a half million dollars to remove a statue no one had given a second thought about for more years than I have been alive.
Just because you dont think about things, dont claim to be able to read the minds of other people. Everytime I see one of the loser traitor statues I think about how much whites love their ancestors that fought to keep slavery alive.
Here is a little more on the same statue the pricetag to remove it is between $400,000 and $450,000 dollars almost a half million dollars to remove a statue no one had given a second thought about for more years than I have been alive.
Just because you dont think about things, dont claim to be able to read the minds of other people. Everytime I see one of the loser traitor statues I think about how much whites love their ancestors that fought to keep slavery alive.
You just did what you accused me of just because you feel that way or claim you do doesn't mean anyone else does I do love irony. And by the way the fact there have been no protest about the statue or calls to remove it or change the name of the park it's in Lee park for the 50 plus years I have been alive and living here tends to support my view this is just bitching from a bunch of PC people because it's the trendy thing to do right now but likely never knew the statue existed till a month ago.
Here is a little more on the same statue the pricetag to remove it is between $400,000 and $450,000 dollars almost a half million dollars to remove a statue no one had given a second thought about for more years than I have been alive.
Just because you dont think about things, dont claim to be able to read the minds of other people. Everytime I see one of the loser traitor statues I think about how much whites love their ancestors that fought to keep slavery alive.
You just did what you accused me of just because you feel that way or claim you do doesn't mean anyone else does I do love irony. And by the way the fact there have been no protest about the statue or calls to remove it or change the name of the park it's in Lee park for the 50 plus years I have been alive and living here tends to support my view this is just bitching from a bunch of PC people because it's the trendy thing to do right now but likely never knew the statue existed till a month ago.
That was an amazing attempt at deflecting from your comment that no one had given those statues a second thought in years. Who told you there were no protests? Did you just guess on that one too?
Too bad. I'm pretty sure there are plenty more behind him willing to complete the mission. His/her family should get some kind of medal for this.

More left wing morality abyss.
Your lack of morality is a rightwing trait. Why do you support racists and traitors?
why do you insist on putting things into the most extreme terms, knowing they're likely not true?
Probably because hedging is just bullshit. If you arent against confederate statues being paid for and maintained by the public outside of a museum then you support their cause. There is no such thing as a middle ground on this issue.
this is the binary bullshit that has everything so fucked up right now
Too bad. I'm pretty sure there are plenty more behind him willing to complete the mission. His/her family should get some kind of medal for this.

More left wing morality abyss.
Your lack of morality is a rightwing trait. Why do you support racists and traitors?
why do you insist on putting things into the most extreme terms, knowing they're likely not true?
Probably because hedging is just bullshit. If you arent against confederate statues being paid for and maintained by the public outside of a museum then you support their cause. There is no such thing as a middle ground on this issue.
now to "upgrade" my last reply.

we as a country will decide what to do with our past. not a jacked up social warrior group demanding their way or the highway. none of this "if you're not with me you're against me" crap. this does nothing but widens the divide between sides as it is. there *is* a middle ground. it's where we lived before all these statues suddenly became evil and it's where we will live again.

the days of I WILL SHOUT AND SHAME TO GET MY WAY are done. y'all done pushed it too far and lost so many people along the way who finally saw that those actions are doing to us as a whole. you see, i don't give a flying horseshit about how you and you alone feels about these statues. it's not your call. it's not your place to say there is no middle ground. maybe there isn't TO YOU but YOU don't make these decisions. WE do and WE have a voice in it. if you want to be a part of the solution, i'm in to talk and compromise.

you want to stomp your foot and go NO - MY WAY MOM SAID...

fuck you.

end of story.
Here is a little more on the same statue the pricetag to remove it is between $400,000 and $450,000 dollars almost a half million dollars to remove a statue no one had given a second thought about for more years than I have been alive.
Just because you dont think about things, dont claim to be able to read the minds of other people. Everytime I see one of the loser traitor statues I think about how much whites love their ancestors that fought to keep slavery alive.

tell me where 10 of them are. or were. without searching the internet i'll bet you don't know. you're just pissed of cause someone told you to be pissed off here, or you're a troll. either way, you're forgetting about the vast # of whites who did not want slavery either but hey - broad brush shit, trolldog.
More left wing morality abyss.
Your lack of morality is a rightwing trait. Why do you support racists and traitors?

I don't. Left wingers don't give a rats ass about statues except the votes they think they can generate. Very little of this went on when the Chicago political gangster was in the WH. Now all of the sudden its a crisis. Take a long walk off a short bridge.
You do realize the confederate statues are of traitors and racists right? Obviously you support them.

Were they ever tried for treason? How many were hung? That said, these are not federal statues and each state or city has the right to determine what statues are on public display on public property.
Of course not. They were white..

I dont care if its just a neighborhood statue. If someone wants a statue of the losers they should pay for it out of their own pocket. They get enough welfare as it is.

Hahaha...funny shit right there....last time I checked "your people" don't pay for shit out of "their own pocket"...haha...They're spoon fed by taxpayers...you know this.
Answer me this..now that your peeps won't have such hurt feelings...with the statues gone and all...will they trade that 40oz of King Cobra and that weed in for some work boots?
Maybe have fewer baby mama's?
Stop terrorizing American citizens?
Stop overflowing our prisons?
Learn communication skills and articulate the English language?
If so...I'm all for a yanking down every statue that's ever been erected.
Too bad. I'm pretty sure there are plenty more behind him willing to complete the mission. His/her family should get some kind of medal for this.

More left wing morality abyss.
Your lack of morality is a rightwing trait. Why do you support racists and traitors?
Why are you a racist and a traitor?
Your lack of morality is a rightwing trait. Why do you support racists and traitors?

I don't. Left wingers don't give a rats ass about statues except the votes they think they can generate. Very little of this went on when the Chicago political gangster was in the WH. Now all of the sudden its a crisis. Take a long walk off a short bridge.
You do realize the confederate statues are of traitors and racists right? Obviously you support them.

Were they ever tried for treason? How many were hung? That said, these are not federal statues and each state or city has the right to determine what statues are on public display on public property.
Of course not. They were white..

I dont care if its just a neighborhood statue. If someone wants a statue of the losers they should pay for it out of their own pocket. They get enough welfare as it is.

Hahaha...funny shit right there....last time I checked "your people" don't pay for shit out of "their own pocket"...haha...They're spoon fed by taxpayers...you know this.
Answer me this..now that your peeps won't have such hurt feelings...with the statues gone and all...will they trade that 40oz of King Cobra and that weed in for some work boots?
Maybe have fewer baby mama's?
Stop terrorizing American citizens?
Stop overflowing our prisons?
Learn communication skills and articulate the English language?
If so...I'm all for a yanking down every statue that's ever been erected.
I probably pay for your welfare check multiple times over. You must not realize more whites are on welfare of both types than any other racial demographic.

Its not about hurt feelings. Its about putting up with an eyesore and having to pay for it.

If you white boys put down the Bud and the meth we will drop the King Cobra and weed

No we wont stop procreating. Dont be upset because your genetically weak sperm doesnt work.

Tell the cops to stop arresting people for smoking weed and that request will be addressed.

Most Blacks are bilingual at least. Most Africans are polyglots. I specifically hold no reverence for your shitty pieced together language. I just use it when around people that dont understand Ebonics, Swahili, or Spanish.

Its not my concern what you are for. Youre no one important. If you got shot in your ass and died right now my world would still be the same.

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