Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

You are completely right! It is delusional. I never made that claim :)

We're just talking about the US right? Because that is what all my comments refer to - US culture, rights etc.

No, it's like saying non-consenting marriages never occur - which we know is wrong. Marriages can be forced - you've heard of shotgun weddings.

The point is - they are illegal though they do and will occur.

Slaves and children by legal definition can not consent. Adult men and women, of sound mind - can.

It may surprise you but there are women, in this country, who choose and want a plural marriage and consent to it of their own free will even though it's illegal. If they are adults and not coerced, why should it matter? :dunno:

So you fail to make any point whatsoever.

Or you are failing to understand what I’m saying.

No. The reason I bring up “consenting” is it is absolutely critical in any marriage. Is that so hard to understand?

False assertions? What Shariah laws are part of our legal system? Outside of civil arbitration or recognizing marriages/divorces/contract negotiations of citizens/corporations from other countries that use Shariah – where is Sharia law being practiced here?

The only assertions I am making regarding polygamy are:
is should it become legal in this country, it would have to be by consenting adults
illegal plural marriages in this country appear to run the gamut from consenting (popular reality show) to child abuse (Jeffers).
I’m not discussing what happens in other countries because protective laws and the fundamental concepts of rights might be largely lacking or poorly enforced.

The only claim that comes close to accurate is that if it’s adults (not just Muslims) and they are consenting then I don’t care what form of marriage they choose – 1m/1f, 2m, 2f or plural M or plural F. It’s their choice in a free country.

These are all your failed attempts at apologizing for Islam, that are being recorded for posterity right here in this thread. I wonder what we will move on to next?

Keep patting yourself on the back Roudy – it’s all you have right now :)

Oh by the way did you ask Sunni whether as a Muslim American he believes in Shariah law, and whether he actually thinks the entire USA should become Shariah or not? Or are you afraid to do so? LOL

Sunni has already indicated what he believes - it will probably surprise you if you ...if you can get beyond your approach of a black and white mind solving a color coded problem ;)
It's one fabrication after another. Give it up. Your. ignorant claim first was, that NO MUSLIMS BELIEVE IN, OR PRACTICE SHARIAH HERE IN THE US. You hoped that these Muslims here if the US are the somehow miraculously the exact opposite of those that are in other parts of the world, including those that live in Western Europe, who, according to polls, up to 75% to believe in Shariah, and that it should be the law if the land.

After showing you over 50 cases of Shariah law in US court cases, and that Muslims do practice Shariah law in the US, of which allows a man to have up to four wives, and, that by some estimates there are over a 100,000 Muslims illegally living in polygamist marriages......

You then said, "what's wrong with polygamy...If they're consenting?" So basically that's your strategy when you go down in flames. Diverting to another topic. Notice the original OP of this thread "just your average day of peaceful Islam" which you turned into a discussion about Shariah. Tell us again how it is that you get away with it?
The day in History an Iranian will never ever forget is May 28, 1332?

Anyone know what happened on that day?

It was the day in the Iranian calendar that the CIA overthrew democracy in Iran.

The people were forced to endure 27 years more of a brutal dictator.

Then the people got the Mullahs.

But for the events of that day, Iran and the world would be a very different place today.

According to Sherri, the CIA existed in 1332.
So according to Islam's holy book, Mohammad ordered ALL DOGS TO BE KILLED. Wow, such a kind, compassionate, man of good virtues. And such a great um "perfect in every way" example for Muslims to follow.

What happened was a barking dog supposedly prevented an angel from visiting one of Mohammad's wives, Aisha, whom he married her at age 54 and she was only 8. So it's just one good virtue after another with this guy.

Seriously, can somebody show me the line is for us infidels who want to convert to Islam?

All you can eat chicken kababs and machboose on Thursdays?
Ha ha ha. Machboose is tasty. Funny how you know and remember so much. Bravo. :clap:
So according to Islam's holy book, Mohammad ordered ALL DOGS TO BE KILLED. Wow, such a kind, compassionate, man of good virtues. And such a great um "perfect in every way" example for Muslims to follow.

What happened was a barking dog supposedly prevented an angel from visiting one of Mohammad's wives, Aisha, whom he married her at age 54 and she was only 8. So it's just one good virtue after another with this guy.

Seriously, can somebody show me the line is for us infidels who want to convert to Islam?

All you can eat chicken kababs and machboose on Thursdays?
Ha ha ha. Machboose is tasty. Funny how you know and remember so much. Bravo. :clap:

I spent a few days in Bahrain and tried some, very tasty stuff.
So according to Islam's holy book, Mohammad ordered ALL DOGS TO BE KILLED. Wow, such a kind, compassionate, man of good virtues. And such a great um "perfect in every way" example for Muslims to follow.

What happened was a barking dog supposedly prevented an angel from visiting one of Mohammad's wives, Aisha, whom he married her at age 54 and she was only 8. So it's just one good virtue after another with this guy.

Seriously, can somebody show me the line is for us infidels who want to convert to Islam?

That's a bit of cherry picking on your part Roudy. In addition - you really have to consider this in historical context. The world of 1300 years ago was rife with rabies, and feral dogs consumed dead bodies, amongst other things. All of the ancient Middle East cultures that spawned todays religions didn't think much of dogs.

Fortunately we're more enlightened. Plus, we have rabies vaccines.
And Mohammad the illiterate knew about viruses about 1600 years before science knew about them? Wow. Here we go with another of your standard false comparison of Islam to other religions.

Nah, Mohammad was who he was. He was no Moses or Jesus or Buddha but rather a savage illiterate Saudi Arabian barbarian thief who got his way using violence and thuggery. He hijacked two religions Judaism and Christianity that preceded before him, and combined it win his own moon god religion. Sad thing is the illiterate couldn't read a single word of any of the other religion's holy books, yet he sat there and critiqued other religions and how it's people have gone astray.
Sunni has already indicated what he believes - it will probably surprise you if you ...if you can get beyond your approach of a black and white mind solving a color coded problem ;)


I am not anti-semitic at all.

And actually worry that people will finally get fed up with the Jews and cause them harm.

History has shown this to be the case over and over;

as Jews have been killed and driven out of countless countries throughout history.

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles :thup:

Jews Are Never Called ‘Haters’ – Why Not?

I wonder if he could apply his coding to something more... shall I say... human or humane.

Yes, I shall say it.

It's one fabrication after another. Give it up. Your. ignorant claim first was, that NO MUSLIMS BELIEVE IN, OR PRACTICE SHARIAH HERE IN THE US. You hoped that these Muslims here if the US are the somehow miraculously the exact opposite of those that are in other parts of the world, including those that live in Western Europe, who, according to polls, up to 75% to believe in Shariah, and that it should be the law if the land.

Now I know you are full of crap Roudy. I never said "NO MUSLIMS BELIEVE IN, OR PRACTICE SHARIAH HERE IN THE US" - what I've said, repeatedly, is that there is no support amongst American Muslims for the imposition of Sharia as the law of the land. Quit inventing stuff and read what is actually written for a change.

After showing you over 50 cases of Shariah law in US court cases, and that Muslims do practice Shariah law in the US, of which allows a man to have up to four wives, and, that by some estimates there are over a 100,000 Muslims illegally living in polygamist marriages......

Where did you post this? Since this thread is quite lengthy I may have missed it.

I'm going to make a guess though - is this the source? Shariah in American Courts

I'm not reading every single case - but glancing at them they fall into distinct categories in which I already pointed - civil matters, voluntary arbitration, cases involving nationals from other countries who's marriages/divorces were recognized under Sharia law, and multi-national corporations operating in Sharia countries. Essentially - in those cases, laws being applied are the laws of other nations as relevant to the case. If that nation has Sharia as part of their legal framework then the laws applied are Sharia. This is no different than applying Swedish law in a contract involving American and Swedish entities where they might be based in Sweden or Israeli marriage laws (which are religious) in recognizing a marriage of a Israeli citizen to an American. This sort of stuff is not incorporating Sharia or Swedish law or Israeli law into or legal framework but applying it to the cases where it involves international entities or citizens. I already clearly and several times pointed out that this is done and this is the reason the "anti-Sharia" laws are so ignorant. and why they don't have a clue what Sharia is.

Now, aside from it your claim being a strawman - can you show me where Muslims in America are actually advocating for Sharia to be our legal system? That's the point I made.

As far as Muslims living illegally in the US as polygamists - you better provide proof. There are a lot of illegal polygamists I'm sure, but I suspect most of them are in the fundamentalist Mormon sects.

You then said, "what's wrong with polygamy...If they're consenting?" So basically that's your strategy when you go down in flames. Diverting to another topic. Notice the original OP of this thread "just your average day of peaceful Islam" which you turned into a discussion about Shariah. Tell us again how it is that you get away with it?

Roudy, you've long since diverted your own thread Roudy, don't whine :lol:

Also, keep in mind - you posted this in Current Events - Zone 3.
Look I will prove how hadiths contradict each other , this is a Bukhari hadith ;

(2) Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "A man saw a Dog eating mud from (the severity of) thirst. So, that man took a shoe (and filled it) with water and kept on pouring the water for the Dog till it quenched its thirst. So Allah approved of his deed and made him to enter Paradise."

So Muhammad (sav) dont like dogs but he say those who help a dog to drink water will forgiven for other sins .

Now Muhammad (sav) is a animal lover person : ) but you're still double chracter :lol:
In Islam, stupid is as stupid does

004.034 YUSUFALI: Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all).

PICKTHAL: Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for .............................................

I will explain what verse 4:34 says according to your IQ level ; men protect their women , Allah has given to them different features , and men spend their goods for their women , and virtuous women dont bother their men . If men afraid of their women about viciousness , firstly warn them , and then leave them alone in bed , and finally send them away .

Big part of scholars translate it as beat them but today new generation well educated scholars translate it as "send away" .

I dont believe in hadiths but also according to hadiths prophet Muhammad (sav) had never beat his wife .

According to your logic Muhammad prophet wrote Quran , but he dont apply Quran :laugh:

Anyway , I'm not here to discuss about religions , I dont like to discuss religion , everyone have a brain : )

I'm getting impatient with your storyline. When are you going to get to the part where the guy and his four wives blow themselves up for the glory of Allah?

KABOOM! I like that. Who plays you in the movie?
Look I will prove how hadiths contradict each other , this is a Bukhari hadith ;

(2) Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "A man saw a Dog eating mud from (the severity of) thirst. So, that man took a shoe (and filled it) with water and kept on pouring the water for the Dog till it quenched its thirst. So Allah approved of his deed and made him to enter Paradise."

So Muhammad (sav) dont like dogs but he say those who help a dog to drink water will forgiven for other sins .

Now Muhammad (sav) is a animal lover person : ) but you're still double chracter :lol:

If this is true how come Muslims treat dogs like shit? :dunno:
And that's another thing, Muslims hate dogs. I could never trust a people who hate dogs.
Actually, that's a misnomer spread by western people.

Muhammad didn't like stray dogs wandering around the city and had them exterminated.

Because strays have a tendency to get rabies and attack people.

But he was OK with domestic dogs that were trained to hunt or used as guard dogs. .. :cool:
BS. Muslims think dogs are evil and filthy and should be tortured and killed.

So when is Muttophobe Mitt going to convert to Islam from Mormonism?
Look I will prove how hadiths contradict each other , this is a Bukhari hadith ;

(2) Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "A man saw a Dog eating mud from (the severity of) thirst. So, that man took a shoe (and filled it) with water and kept on pouring the water for the Dog till it quenched its thirst. So Allah approved of his deed and made him to enter Paradise."

So Muhammad (sav) dont like dogs but he say those who help a dog to drink water will forgiven for other sins .

Now Muhammad (sav) is a animal lover person : ) but you're still double chracter :lol:

If this is true how come Muslims treat dogs like shit? :dunno:
Only the ignorant muslims treat dogs poorly.

Basically, the same type of people who abuse dogs in America.

Does the name Michael Vick ring a bell?? .. :cool:
Look I will prove how hadiths contradict each other , this is a Bukhari hadith ;

(2) Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "A man saw a Dog eating mud from (the severity of) thirst. So, that man took a shoe (and filled it) with water and kept on pouring the water for the Dog till it quenched its thirst. So Allah approved of his deed and made him to enter Paradise."

So Muhammad (sav) dont like dogs but he say those who help a dog to drink water will forgiven for other sins .

Now Muhammad (sav) is a animal lover person : ) but you're still double chracter :lol:

If this is true how come Muslims treat dogs like shit? :dunno:
Only the ignorant muslims treat dogs poorly.

Basically, the same type of people who abuse dogs in America.

Does the name Michael Vick ring a bell?? .. :cool:

Michael Vick was an asshole.
Now that's odd. The path to islam has run directly through secularism across the world. Look at France. They are an officially secular country with the fastest growth of islam. In the US, islam attracts the VERY secular, like John Walker Lindh, raised completely without religion. The fastest growth in the US is by attracting atheist converts in the prisons.
If you notice I said, "it's been my experience", referring to people here in the U.S. converting at my mosque.

As for your statement about the fastest growth of Islamic converts is in prisons.

That is just one of several lies spread by Islamophobes.

You use John Walker Lindh to back up your claim that Islam attracts the very secular people.

And yet, Omar Hammami a white Southern Baptist convert from Alabama was recently killing doing jihad in Somalia. .. :cool:

Hammamis father was a Muslim from Syria wasn't he?

The Messiah aks us,
We'll burn down Damaksus.

****** aks me, "What up?"
I'm like, "Syria be Syrup."
If this is true how come Muslims treat dogs like shit? :dunno:

Why you doubt ? its also a hadith , you were judging islam according to hadiths ? But now I show you a beautiful hadith and you say "if its true" , why you behave double chracter ? : )

Who said muslims treat dogs like shit ? Fox Tv news ? :lol:

Bad people are everywhere , doesnt matter which religion . A real muslim is merciful to all animals . You need to see how chinese police behave on dogs :lol: the last time a saw I chinese police was killing a dog by hitting it with a shovel repeatedly : ) So could we blame 1,5 billion chinese because of a police . Nope . Same thing for islam .
If you notice I said, "it's been my experience", referring to people here in the U.S. converting at my mosque.

As for your statement about the fastest growth of Islamic converts is in prisons.

That is just one of several lies spread by Islamophobes.

You use John Walker Lindh to back up your claim that Islam attracts the very secular people.

And yet, Omar Hammami a white Southern Baptist convert from Alabama was recently killing doing jihad in Somalia. .. :cool:

Hammamis father was a Muslim from Syria wasn't he?

The Messiah aks us,
We'll burn down Damaksus.

****** aks me, "What up?"
I'm like, "Syria be Syrup."

Excuse me?:cuckoo:
Look I will prove how hadiths contradict each other , this is a Bukhari hadith ;

(2) Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "A man saw a Dog eating mud from (the severity of) thirst. So, that man took a shoe (and filled it) with water and kept on pouring the water for the Dog till it quenched its thirst. So Allah approved of his deed and made him to enter Paradise."

So Muhammad (sav) dont like dogs but he say those who help a dog to drink water will forgiven for other sins .

Now Muhammad (sav) is a animal lover person : ) but you're still double chracter :lol:

If this is true how come Muslims treat dogs like shit? :dunno:

It's because muhammud (swish), believed dogs, and especially the saliva, was "najis" or unclean, just as he viewed the infidel.
If this is true how come Muslims treat dogs like shit? :dunno:

Why you doubt ? its also a hadith , you were judging islam according to hadiths ? But now I show you a beautiful hadith and you say "if its true" , why you behave double chracter ? : )

Who said muslims treat dogs like shit ? Fox Tv news ? :lol:

Bad people are everywhere , doesnt matter which religion . A real muslim is merciful to all animals . You need to see how chinese police behave on dogs :lol: the last time a saw I chinese police was killing a dog by hitting it with a shovel repeatedly : ) So could we blame 1,5 billion chinese because of a police . Nope . Same thing for islam .

Unlike your ignorant ass I have been to these countries and seen things first hand, I don't rely on the internet and tv like most of you clowns.:eusa_hand:
If this is true how come Muslims treat dogs like shit? :dunno:
Only the ignorant muslims treat dogs poorly.

Basically, the same type of people who abuse dogs in America.

Does the name Michael Vick ring a bell?? .. :cool:

Michael Vick was an asshole.
My point was that abusing a dog is forbidden in Islam.

Yet, just like in America, there are ignorant people in muslim nations who abuse dogs.

So in essence, animal abuse happens regardless or race, religion, or ethnicity. .. :doubt:

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