Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

If this is true how come Muslims treat dogs like shit? :dunno:

Why you doubt ? its also a hadith , you were judging islam according to hadiths ? But now I show you a beautiful hadith and you say "if its true" , why you behave double chracter ? : )

Who said muslims treat dogs like shit ? Fox Tv news ? :lol:

Bad people are everywhere , doesnt matter which religion . A real muslim is merciful to all animals . You need to see how chinese police behave on dogs :lol: the last time a saw I chinese police was killing a dog by hitting it with a shovel repeatedly : ) So could we blame 1,5 billion chinese because of a police . Nope . Same thing for islam .

Only the ignorant muslims treat dogs poorly.

Basically, the same type of people who abuse dogs in America.

Does the name Michael Vick ring a bell?? .. :cool:

Michael Vick was an asshole.
My point was that abusing a dog is forbidden in Islam.

Yet, just like in America, there are ignorant people in muslim nations who abuse dogs.

So in essence, animal abuse happens regardless or race, religion, or ethnicity. .. :doubt:

Not so, clueless. There is nothing in the ideology invented by muhammud (swish), that forbids abuse of dogs.

Muslims Declare Jihad on Dogs in Europe

Muslims Declare Jihad on Dogs in Europe :: Gatestone Institute

A Dutch Muslim politician has called for a ban on dogs in The Hague, the third-largest city in the Netherlands.

Islamic legal tradition holds that dogs are "unclean" animals, and some say the call to ban them in Holland and elsewhere represents an attempted encroachment of Islamic Sharia law in Europe.

This latest canine controversy -- which the Dutch public has greeted with a mix of amusement and outrage -- follows dozens of other Muslim-vs-dog-related incidents in Europe. Critics say it reflects the growing assertiveness of Muslims in Europe as they attempt to impose Islamic legal and religious norms on European society.
At any rate, Nox - that is a lovely picture of you and your dog on your page :)
Islam On Dogs: Can You Be A Good Muslim And Still Have A Dog?


I think it's better to judge people individually rather than demonizing entire groups.


It's also important to recognize that apologists who take it upon themselves to define what Islam is, and is not, generally have an agenda to press.

Islam Question and Answer - Keeping a dog, touching it and kissing it


Islam forbids Muslims to keep dogs, and the punishment for that is that the one who does that loses one or two qiraats from his hasanaat (good deeds) each day. An exception has been made in the case of keeping dogs for hunting, guarding livestock and guarding crops.

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever keeps a dog, except a dog for herding, hunting or farming, one qiraat will be deducted from his reward each day.” Narrated by Muslim, 1575.

It was narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever keeps a dog, except a dog for herding livestock or a dog that is trained for hunting, two qiraats will be deducted from his reward each day.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5163; Muslim, 1574.
Islam On Dogs: Can You Be A Good Muslim And Still Have A Dog?


I think it's better to judge people individually rather than demonizing entire groups.


It's also important to recognize that apologists who take it upon themselves to define what Islam is, and is not, generally have an agenda to press.

Oh, like *you* don't using sources that are frequently tied to hate sites?:eusa_shifty:

Islam Question and Answer - Keeping a dog, touching it and kissing it


Islam forbids Muslims to keep dogs, and the punishment for that is that the one who does that loses one or two qiraats from his hasanaat (good deeds) each day. An exception has been made in the case of keeping dogs for hunting, guarding livestock and guarding crops.

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever keeps a dog, except a dog for herding, hunting or farming, one qiraat will be deducted from his reward each day.” Narrated by Muslim, 1575.

It was narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever keeps a dog, except a dog for herding livestock or a dog that is trained for hunting, two qiraats will be deducted from his reward each day.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5163; Muslim, 1574.

Again, that is certainly one point. And here's another:

Islamic Concern: Dogs in Islam

Clearly - there are many points of view on this in Islam and as cultures become more progressive views towards the status of animals change.
Islam On Dogs: Can You Be A Good Muslim And Still Have A Dog?


I think it's better to judge people individually rather than demonizing entire groups.


It's also important to recognize that apologists who take it upon themselves to define what Islam is, and is not, generally have an agenda to press.

Oh, like *you* don't using sources that are frequently tied to hate sites?:eusa_shifty:

Islam Question and Answer - Keeping a dog, touching it and kissing it


Islam forbids Muslims to keep dogs, and the punishment for that is that the one who does that loses one or two qiraats from his hasanaat (good deeds) each day. An exception has been made in the case of keeping dogs for hunting, guarding livestock and guarding crops.

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever keeps a dog, except a dog for herding, hunting or farming, one qiraat will be deducted from his reward each day.” Narrated by Muslim, 1575.

It was narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever keeps a dog, except a dog for herding livestock or a dog that is trained for hunting, two qiraats will be deducted from his reward each day.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5163; Muslim, 1574.

Again, that is certainly one point. And here's another:

Islamic Concern: Dogs in Islam

Clearly - there are many points of view on this in Islam and as cultures become more progressive views towards the status of animals change.

Interesting how the religion of muhammud (swish), you know, the correction and perfection of earlier religions can be subject to such creative and inventive interpretation.

If your intent is to ignore the Koran, you know, the perfect and uncreated word of god and create a new, improved, "designer Islam", just make that clear.
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So according to Islam's holy book, Mohammad ordered ALL DOGS TO BE KILLED. Wow, such a kind, compassionate, man of good virtues. And such a great um "perfect in every way" example for Muslims to follow.

What happened was a barking dog supposedly prevented an angel from visiting one of Mohammad's wives, Aisha, whom he married her at age 54 and she was only 8. So it's just one good virtue after another with this guy.

Seriously, can somebody show me the line is for us infidels who want to convert to Islam?

That's a bit of cherry picking on your part Roudy. In addition - you really have to consider this in historical context. The world of 1300 years ago was rife with rabies, and feral dogs consumed dead bodies, amongst other things. All of the ancient Middle East cultures that spawned todays religions didn't think much of dogs.

Fortunately we're more enlightened. Plus, we have rabies vaccines.

Some people are very resistant to putting certain strictures into historical context. If you left pork out in the hot sun way back when there was no refrigeration, there was a good chance you'd get sick and die. So, stick it in the holy book that people shouldn't eat pork. Probably prevented a lot of illness way back when. People who drink too much often become violent and hurt themselves or others. Ok, stick it in the book that you shouldn't drink too much (it doesn't actually say not to drink AT ALL, and there is a long history of imbibing in Islam). Probably helped prevent a lot of social trouble. I think that people can adhere to the fundamental tenets of their faith while understanding certain prohibitions in a rational historical context. But then, for some it is the unwavering adherence to every jot and tittle that is an essential part of the ritual proof of their piety and devotion. This too is understandable, but taken too far it can have (as we have seen) very unfortunate consequences.
So according to Islam's holy book, Mohammad ordered ALL DOGS TO BE KILLED. Wow, such a kind, compassionate, man of good virtues. And such a great um "perfect in every way" example for Muslims to follow.

What happened was a barking dog supposedly prevented an angel from visiting one of Mohammad's wives, Aisha, whom he married her at age 54 and she was only 8. So it's just one good virtue after another with this guy.

Seriously, can somebody show me the line is for us infidels who want to convert to Islam?

That's a bit of cherry picking on your part Roudy. In addition - you really have to consider this in historical context. The world of 1300 years ago was rife with rabies, and feral dogs consumed dead bodies, amongst other things. All of the ancient Middle East cultures that spawned todays religions didn't think much of dogs.

Fortunately we're more enlightened. Plus, we have rabies vaccines.

Some people are very resistant to putting certain strictures into historical context. If you left pork out in the hot sun way back when there was no refrigeration, there was a good chance you'd get sick and die. So, stick it in the holy book that people shouldn't eat pork. Probably prevented a lot of illness way back when. People who drink too much often become violent and hurt themselves or others. Ok, stick it in the book that you shouldn't drink too much (it doesn't actually say not to drink AT ALL, and there is a long history of imbibing in Islam). Probably helped prevent a lot of social trouble. I think that people can adhere to the fundamental tenets of their faith while understanding certain prohibitions in a rational historical context. But then, for some it is the unwavering adherence to every jot and tittle that is an essential part of the ritual proof of their piety and devotion. This too is understandable, but taken too far it can have (as we have seen) very unfortunate consequences.

My father's words exactly. :)
Some people are very resistant to putting certain strictures into historical context. If you left pork out in the hot sun way back when there was no refrigeration, there was a good chance you'd get sick and die. So, stick it in the holy book that people shouldn't eat pork. Probably prevented a lot of illness way back when. People who drink too much often become violent and hurt themselves or others. Ok, stick it in the book that you shouldn't drink too much (it doesn't actually say not to drink AT ALL, and there is a long history of imbibing in Islam). Probably helped prevent a lot of social trouble. I think that people can adhere to the fundamental tenets of their faith while understanding certain prohibitions in a rational historical context. But then, for some it is the unwavering adherence to every jot and tittle that is an essential part of the ritual proof of their piety and devotion. This too is understandable, but taken too far it can have (as we have seen) very unfortunate consequences.

Oh god :popcorn: please continue

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