Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Look this a pakistan dog , bully kutta , pakistan people is one of the most radical people ( I dont say muslims because a muslim cannot be radical )

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQk9YlD42Fk]Bully Kutta - Black Wolf 2 Years Old - YouTube[/ame]

So I have refuted your claims with just one video : )

We just dont take animals in home , not only dogs , because we're clean people : ) its not about animal love , its just about human health .
Actually, that's a misnomer spread by western people.

Muhammad didn't like stray dogs wandering around the city and had them exterminated.

Because strays have a tendency to get rabies and attack people.

But he was OK with domestic dogs that were trained to hunt or used as guard dogs. .. :cool:
BS. Muslims think dogs are evil and filthy and should be tortured and killed.

All I know about it is dogs are considered unclean in Muslim countries, the only people who really use them are bedoins for hunting.
It is forbidden to torture dogs in Islam. .. :cool:
Actually, it's been my experience that religious people are easier to convert than secular people.

Because religious people already have an affinity for religion and share a common background.

Whereas, many secular people are opposed to anything dealing with religion. . :cool:

Now that's odd. The path to islam has run directly through secularism across the world. Look at France. They are an officially secular country with the fastest growth of islam. In the US, islam attracts the VERY secular, like John Walker Lindh, raised completely without religion. The fastest growth in the US is by attracting atheist converts in the prisons.
If you notice I said, "it's been my experience", referring to people here in the U.S. converting at my mosque.

As for your statement about the fastest growth of Islamic converts is in prisons.

That is just one of several lies spread by Islamophobes.

You use John Walker Lindh to back up your claim that Islam attracts the very secular people.

And yet, Omar Hammami a white Southern Baptist convert from Alabama was recently killing doing jihad in Somalia. .. :cool:

Hammamis father was a Muslim from Syria wasn't he?
It was made iillegal because of that era's puritan Christian culture that determined marriage was one man and one woman. It had NOTHING to do with women's rights or well being - in fact women were still regarded as possessions, not allowed to vote and subject to forceable measures if they weren't biddable.

I notice bigots do a good job pretending they are concerned about women when it's really just all about promoting their bigotry.

I should? Really now?

Why should it matter to you what the marriage arrangements are between consenting adults who can choose for themselves what they want? Seriously? It's a matter of individual rights and choices unless coercion occurs and forced marriages are illegal no matter how many husbands and wives there are. We're talking modern societies and free choice here. What business is it of yours or mine?
Crazy Coyote:
It had NOTHING to do with women's rights or well being

Seriously, where do you come up with this bullshit? Polygamy is not a woman's right issue? Good thing you're saying these outlandish things on the internet. Out in the real world they'd lock you up in an asylum or at least recommend a local psychologist. LOL

Legal status of polygamy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many of the countries where the practice yet exists are underdeveloped, and their populations mostly illiterate, as well as having cultures oppressive of women. The only form in which polygamy is permitted in all places where it is permitted is that of a man taking multiple wives.

The vast majority of the world's countries, on the other hand, and virtually all of the world's developed nations, do not permit polygamy, and there have been growing calls for the abolition of polygyny in many developing countries. In the many countries which do not permit polygamy, a person who marries in one of those countries a person while still being lawfully married to another commits the crime of bigamy. In all cases, the second marriage is considered legally null and void. Besides the second and subsequent marriages being void, the bigamist is also liable to other penalties, which also vary between jurisdictions.
Polygyny, the practice of one husband taking multiple wives, has been condemned as being a form of human rights abuse and many international human rights organisations as well as Women's rights groups in many countries have called for its abolition where it still lingers. The practice has also been explicitly ruled to be a violation of the internationally binding ICCPR, for polygyny violates human dignity and equality, and the United Nations has thusly recommended that the practice be abolished everywhere by sovereign states

But hey, :cuckoo:Coyote:cuckoo: knows better, right? :lmao:

Look at it as two seperate things Roudy.

Polygamy - in and of itself.

Cultures wherein it is practiced.

I don't care one way or the other about polygamy. I personally happen to think marriage is between the people involved. I'm only saying it's no different then any other marriage between consenting adults. I happen to also support same sex marriage. But - here's the key thing. I'm talking about it in THIS country (US) and US only. We have laws protecting a women's interest and allowing for divorce. That's why I don't see the big deal about it.

At least if it was legal it would provide protections for the children - at this point, illegal bigamists aren't supporting their children - their unregistered wives are on welfare rolls.

Your source makes good points though - I might change my mind :)
Consenting marriages rarely occur in polygamy. Women are usually the victims of society, religion, ideology, or culture and they end up following what other women around them are expected to do. Do I need to tell you that?
Why should it matter to you what the marriage arrangements are between consenting adults who can choose for themselves what they want? Seriously? It's a matter of individual rights and choices unless coercion occurs and forced marriages are illegal no matter how many husbands and wives there are. We're talking modern societies and free choice here. What business is it of yours or mine?

So delusional claim number 2 is now...that polygamists only engage in "consenting" marriages.

You are completely right! It is delusional. I never made that claim :)

That's like saying "consenting slaves" or "consenting child laborers". Wow, I never thought you would stoop that low.

We're just talking about the US right? Because that is what all my comments refer to - US culture, rights etc.

No, it's like saying non-consenting marriages never occur - which we know is wrong. Marriages can be forced - you've heard of shotgun weddings.

The point is - they are illegal though they do and will occur.

Slaves and children by legal definition can not consent. Adult men and women, of sound mind - can.

It may surprise you but there are women, in this country, who choose and want a plural marriage and consent to it of their own free will even though it's illegal. If they are adults and not coerced, why should it matter? :dunno:
So you fail to make any point whatsoever. The reason you brought up "consenting" was as a defense for Muslims, including those in the West, who marry four women, even though it's illegal in the US, because Shariah allows it. You started with making false assertions about Shariah law not being practiced here, and then moved on to making false assertions about polygamy as if Muslims who engage in polygamy are "consenting" to it, and therefore there is nothing "wrong" with it.

These are all your failed attempts at apologizing for Islam, that are being recorded for posterity right here in this thread. I wonder what we will move on to next?

Oh by the way did you ask Sunni whether as a Muslim American he believes in Shariah law, and whether he actually thinks the entire USA should become Shariah or not? Or are you afraid to do so? LOL
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and this is another breed from a muslim country . Kangal . About 4-5 months ago , 2 of them had attacked me because I was passing in front of a farm house and I had to jump in the water channel to survive :laugh:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUoxkxlEi_0]Turkish Kangal Dog - Wolf attack Sheeps and the response of the Kangal - Kangal Kurt bo?u?u Canl? - YouTube[/ame]
Islam considers dogs to be evil and dirty, and Mohammad commanded that all dogs be killed. So again Muslims are just following in he footsteps of Moe.

A puppy deterred the "Archangel Gabriel" from entering Muhammad's house, thus, dogs are ordered to be killed.

(from Sahih Muslim, Book 024, Number 5246)
"A'isha reported that Gabriel (peace be upon him) made a promise with Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) to come at a definite hour; that hour came but he did not visit him. And there was in his hand (in the hand of Allah's Apostle) a staff. He threw it from his hand and said: Never has Allah or His messengers (angels) ever broken their promise. Then he cast a glance (and by chance) found a puppy under his cot and said: 'A'isha, when did this dog enter here? She said: By Allah, I don't know He then commanded and it was turned out. Then Gabriel came and Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said to him: You promised me and I waited for you. but you did not come, whereupon he said: It was the dog in your house which prevented me (to come), for we (angels) do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture."

Also; Sahih Muslim, Book 024, Number 5248:
"Then on that very morning he commanded the killing of the dogs until he announced that the dog kept for the orchards should also be killed, but he spared the dog meant for the protection of extensive fields (or big gardens)."

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=9FnHU0p198Q]Why Islam does not permit to keep Dog as Pet ? Dr Zakir Naik. - YouTube[/ame]
Islam is not hadiths . We dont know the sources of hadiths and big part of hadiths contradict each other .

Islam is Quran .
Islam is not hadiths . We dont know the sources of hadiths and big part of hadiths contradict each other .

Islam is Quran .


It's her way of saying "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."

So according to Islam's holy book, Mohammad ordered ALL DOGS TO BE KILLED. Wow, such a kind, compassionate, man of good virtues. And such a great um "perfect in every way" example for Muslims to follow.

What happened was a barking dog supposedly prevented an angel from visiting one of Mohammad's wives, Aisha, whom he married her at age 54 and she was only 8. So it's just one good virtue after another with this guy.

Seriously, can somebody show me the line is for us infidels who want to convert to Islam?
So delusional claim number 2 is now...that polygamists only engage in "consenting" marriages.
You are completely right! It is delusional. I never made that claim :)
That's like saying "consenting slaves" or "consenting child laborers". Wow, I never thought you would stoop that low.
We're just talking about the US right? Because that is what all my comments refer to - US culture, rights etc.

No, it's like saying non-consenting marriages never occur - which we know is wrong. Marriages can be forced - you've heard of shotgun weddings.

The point is - they are illegal though they do and will occur.

Slaves and children by legal definition can not consent. Adult men and women, of sound mind - can.

It may surprise you but there are women, in this country, who choose and want a plural marriage and consent to it of their own free will even though it's illegal. If they are adults and not coerced, why should it matter? :dunno:

So you fail to make any point whatsoever.

Or you are failing to understand what I’m saying.

The reason you brought up "consenting" was as a defense for Muslims, including those in the West, who marry four women, even though it's illegal in the US, because Shariah allows it. You started with making false assertions about Shariah law not being practiced here, and then moved on to making false assertions about polygamy as if Muslims who engage in polygamy are "consenting" to it, and therefore there is nothing "wrong" with it.

No. The reason I bring up “consenting” is it is absolutely critical in any marriage. Is that so hard to understand?

False assertions? What Shariah laws are part of our legal system? Outside of civil arbitration or recognizing marriages/divorces/contract negotiations of citizens/corporations from other countries that use Shariah – where is Sharia law being practiced here?

The only assertions I am making regarding polygamy are:
is should it become legal in this country, it would have to be by consenting adults
illegal plural marriages in this country appear to run the gamut from consenting (popular reality show) to child abuse (Jeffers).
I’m not discussing what happens in other countries because protective laws and the fundamental concepts of rights might be largely lacking or poorly enforced.

The only claim that comes close to accurate is that if it’s adults (not just Muslims) and they are consenting then I don’t care what form of marriage they choose – 1m/1f, 2m, 2f or plural M or plural F. It’s their choice in a free country.

These are all your failed attempts at apologizing for Islam, that are being recorded for posterity right here in this thread. I wonder what we will move on to next?

Keep patting yourself on the back Roudy – it’s all you have right now :)

Oh by the way did you ask Sunni whether as a Muslim American he believes in Shariah law, and whether he actually thinks the entire USA should become Shariah or not? Or are you afraid to do so? LOL

Sunni has already indicated what he believes - it will probably surprise you if you ...if you can get beyond your approach of a black and white mind solving a color coded problem ;)
Islam is not hadiths . We dont know the sources of hadiths and big part of hadiths contradict each other .

Islam is Quran .
You really need to stop bullshitting about Islam. Muslims generally hate dogs. They consider them unclean and evil. And it goes back to what their religion tells them. Because of this, Muslims take great pleasure in beating the crap out of dogs, and when the opportunity arises, kill them. They are, after all, following what Mohammad the perfect and final messenger taught them.

Not everybody is as ignorant about Islam as you hope them to be.
So according to Islam's holy book, Mohammad ordered ALL DOGS TO BE KILLED. Wow, such a kind, compassionate, man of good virtues. And such a great um "perfect in every way" example for Muslims to follow.

What happened was a barking dog supposedly prevented an angel from visiting one of Mohammad's wives, Aisha, whom he married her at age 54 and she was only 8. So it's just one good virtue after another with this guy.

Seriously, can somebody show me the line is for us infidels who want to convert to Islam?

All you can eat chicken kababs and machboose on Thursdays?
Islam is not hadiths . We dont know the sources of hadiths and big part of hadiths contradict each other .

Islam is Quran .
You really need to stop bullshitting about Islam. Muslims generally hate dogs. They consider them unclean and evil. And it goes back to what their religion tells them. Because of this, Muslims take great pleasure in beating the crap out of dogs, and when the opportunity arises, kill them. They are, after all, following what Mohammad the perfect and final messenger taught them.

Not everybody is as ignorant about Islam as you hope them to be.

The Pakistanis love to use them for dog fighting, they had videos of that circulating in Kuwait.
So according to Islam's holy book, Mohammad ordered ALL DOGS TO BE KILLED. Wow, such a kind, compassionate, man of good virtues. And such a great um "perfect in every way" example for Muslims to follow.

What happened was a barking dog supposedly prevented an angel from visiting one of Mohammad's wives, Aisha, whom he married her at age 54 and she was only 8. So it's just one good virtue after another with this guy.

Seriously, can somebody show me the line is for us infidels who want to convert to Islam?

That's a bit of cherry picking on your part Roudy. In addition - you really have to consider this in historical context. The world of 1300 years ago was rife with rabies, and feral dogs consumed dead bodies, amongst other things. All of the ancient Middle East cultures that spawned todays religions didn't think much of dogs.

Fortunately we're more enlightened. Plus, we have rabies vaccines.
Islam is not hadiths . We dont know the sources of hadiths and big part of hadiths contradict each other .

Islam is Quran .
You really need to stop bullshitting about Islam. Muslims generally hate dogs. They consider them unclean and evil. And it goes back to what their religion tells them. Because of this, Muslims take great pleasure in beating the crap out of dogs, and when the opportunity arises, kill them. They are, after all, following what Mohammad the perfect and final messenger taught them.

Not everybody is as ignorant about Islam as you hope them to be.

The Pakistanis love to use them for dog fighting, they had videos of that circulating in Kuwait.

Dog fighting is a disgusting blemish around the world :mad:
Dog fighting is a disgusting blemish around the world :mad:

The Dingo lives in my home.

The Dingo sleeps in our bed.


People who love dogs, don't forbid them from their homes, and don't use them only for hunting or dog fights.

Muhammad hated dogs because they could sense what he was. Dogs can sense evil.

While (not surprisingly) I disagree with your last statement - the rest, totally right :)

Your Dingo reminds me of my Rosalee :)

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