Justice Ginsberg attacks the legitimacy of Trump's candidacy

Reread it. That was Maryland Patriots example, not what Trump said.
I disagree. Even if he is elected, her opinion of him has little to do with any cases brought before the court.
I dont see how you can say that.
If you were deciding on sending the illegals back to their respective countries based on our immigration laws, would you say to send them back, let them stay and fast track them, or just let them stay.

That is a matter of interpretation of the law not a personal opinion of a presumptive candidate. Calling for her ouster shows that Mr. Trump has some pretty thin skin, considering how many other people have similar opinions about him. If he can't take it, he should drop out now.......
He SAID that? His teleprompter out of service again?
"Calling for her ouster shows that Trump has some pretty thin skin..." So did Trump call for her to step down or not?
commenting on Trump shows she is unable to rule objectively
So Supreme Court Justices have no First Amendment Rights?

She was not deciding a case in law, she was speaking her opinion.

No law against that, yet.

I thought Alito was over the line at the SOTU doing read my lips, too. And Scalia was wayyy over the line on gay rights stuff.

Justices have a lifetime appointment that is pretty much unassailable. So, when Pols don't like their rulings, I think they have to sit there and take it.

And I think what Ginsburg is showing is the gop in congress overplayed it's hand in not confirming Garland. The GOP actually hyper-politicized this ... as Garland is simply not out of the mainstream. He's pro choice and pro gun regulation. If the Gop saw it proper to deny Obama an elected power that people voted to give him, I think we're seeing Ginsburg wanting to retire, but she wants Hillary to get Obama's denied pick, and get to replace her as well.

We knew there'd be consequences for what McConnell pulled, but I didn't expect this. I thought we'd see the dems withholding votes on gop nominees.
No, she's obviously a Democrat, and is displaying such.

It's funny that you're just figuring that out.

Her appointed, everything she's written, her life story... and you're just now learning who she is.

Our schools suck in many parts of the country.

Listen to Obama's speech, we have so many angry, frightened Trumpies because our schools don't teach people how to think.

Just? I've had you people pegged since high school.

As to education, the system needs to wrested away from the Democrats, by whatever means.
Maybe y'all could shoot them or put them in prison, like the Chinese did during the revolution. It has never occurred to you to question why educated people tend to be Democrats? Maybe they've learned something you didn't? I'm the last one to diss someone for not having a lot of book learning, but really. Think about it. Why are people with many years of education more likely to be liberals?
Reread it. That was Maryland Patriots example, not what Trump said.
I dont see how you can say that.
If you were deciding on sending the illegals back to their respective countries based on our immigration laws, would you say to send them back, let them stay and fast track them, or just let them stay.

That is a matter of interpretation of the law not a personal opinion of a presumptive candidate. Calling for her ouster shows that Mr. Trump has some pretty thin skin, considering how many other people have similar opinions about him. If he can't take it, he should drop out now.......
He SAID that? His teleprompter out of service again?
"Calling for her ouster shows that Trump has some pretty thin skin..." So did Trump call for her to step down or not?
commenting on Trump shows she is unable to rule objectively
I heard you the first time. Still doesn't make it true.
Reread it. That was Maryland Patriots example, not what Trump said.
That is a matter of interpretation of the law not a personal opinion of a presumptive candidate. Calling for her ouster shows that Mr. Trump has some pretty thin skin, considering how many other people have similar opinions about him. If he can't take it, he should drop out now.......
He SAID that? His teleprompter out of service again?
"Calling for her ouster shows that Trump has some pretty thin skin..." So did Trump call for her to step down or not?
commenting on Trump shows she is unable to rule objectively
I heard you the first time. Still doesn't make it true.
and you denying it does not make your opinion true either.
She obviously believes Trump's candidacy is an attack on the Constitution.
"Obvious", at least, to the people who really wish she had meant that.

To normal people, she was saying what she did mean: she thinks Trump would be a bad President. Maybe that he would do thing that violate the Constitution.

THAT would be hilarious. After eight years of a President who violated the Constitution more than any President in history, NOW she notices that someone else might violate it too?
For you constitutional lawyers.....

Should some hypothetical "supreme" be certified insane by a lower court and their appeal make it all the way to "up on high", should that "supreme" be forced to resuse him/her/it self?
For you constitutional lawyers.....

Should some hypothetical "supreme" be certified insane by a lower court and their appeal make it all the way to "up on high", should that "supreme" be forced to resuse him/her/it self?
Isn't recusal done on a case by case basis, in cases where there is a conflict of interest or appearance of such? If a case involving Trump's actions should come before the court, yes, she should recuse herself from the case. I don't see where it has anything to do with her ability to rule on other issues.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a 'faker,' he says she should resign - CNNPolitics.com

Trump thinks he can attack a judge's heritage and ethnicity but reacts badly to being called out by Ginsberg.

She was great friends with Scalia. She believes in civility. She obviously believes Trump's candidacy is an attack on the Constitution.

It's highly unusual for a SCOTUS to speak about politics, but apparently she's had enough. With Trump's mouth it's kind of hard not to go back out on attack.

Hillary Clinton is bombarding him via T.V. advertisements.

Today during today, 7/13/2016--her speech aired by CNN--she was talking directly to REPUBLICANS when she stated is this the party of Lincoln that is quickly changing into the party of Trump? I am certain that statement hit home base with millions of Republicans. She called for the political partisan attacks to stop on both sides of the isle. I had Republicans calling me telling me how good it was. It was a FANTASTIC speech, a must watch. We need Unity in this country not division.

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She can believe anything she wants it won't change the fact Trump got the required number of delegates required to be the Republican nominee.
No, she's obviously a Democrat, and is displaying such.

It's funny that you're just figuring that out.

Her appointed, everything she's written, her life story... and you're just now learning who she is.

Our schools suck in many parts of the country.

Listen to Obama's speech, we have so many angry, frightened Trumpies because our schools don't teach people how to think.

Just? I've had you people pegged since high school.

As to education, the system needs to wrested away from the Democrats, by whatever means.
Maybe y'all could shoot them or put them in prison, like the Chinese did during the revolution.

If they continue to turn against America, why not? :laugh:

It has never occurred to you to question why educated people tend to be Democrats?

That has not been the case in my experience. Democrats tend to live their lives in Fantasia.

Maybe they've learned something you didn't?

Unlikely. Star Trek and Disney films do not an education make.

Why are people with many years of education more likely to be liberals?

As I said, that has not been the case in my experience.

I am liberal in the classic sense. Democrats tend not to be.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Trump a 'faker,' he says she should resign - CNNPolitics.com

Trump thinks he can attack a judge's heritage and ethnicity but reacts badly to being called out by Ginsberg.

She was great friends with Scalia. She believes in civility. She obviously believes Trump's candidacy is an attack on the Constitution.
Trump didn't attach the judges heritage or ethnicity,he questioned the judges ability to be objective,because of the nature of the case .

Night and day difference,but hacks like fake Jake are to slow to understand that or they willfully lie, I am going with to stupid to lie.
Donald Trump has ZERO intellect. There is no denying this, imo. :D

No intellect? That's just retarded with what he's accomplished in his career. Obama did shit and Hillary did it on the back of her husband. Basically intelligence to you is parroting Democrat ideology. Like Clinton is a moderate!!! :LMAO: And you ran away and hid when I asked what she actually disagrees with Bernie or Obama on
That's right, ZERO intellect.... can you give us 5 examples of this "intellect" that the Don has shown (without teleprompters and someone elses speech), on the campaign trail? How about just 1 occasion where he has shown some intellect on the campaign trail? He's nothing but a bombastic, belligerent, self bloviating, divisive, nonsensical... lying, at every occasion, candidate.... he's an embarrassment to human kind and no one should have to explain to their Children how this lowly, ignorant, bigoted man became president. :eek:
kinda how I feel about hillary.
At least Donald Trump was smart enough to make money without having to count on political favors.
now, can you show me where any democrat has shown intellect? please use obama and hillary and tell us about their teleprompter dependency

And her political favors weren't even her own making, she got them from power given to her from Bill.

Funny how when it was W leaning on HW's contacts, Democrat sycophants like Care4all grasped that ...
We all tend to overlook when our own party does something.
until we can get over that, there will be no unity in government.

Agreed. When I finally realized the Republicans sucked and it didn't matter, I left because I wasn't supporting their crap. That was 25 years ago, and they still don't interest me

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