Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Had Enough – Triggered A Complete Leftist Meltdown

It does if you legally adopted me.

So ... If your biological father has sex with your mother ... But is not listed on the birth certificate ... Then has sex with another woman and is not listed on that child's birth certificate ... Then his two offspring have sex ....

... You are really not screwing your sister ... :dunno:


What the hell are you even talking about?

Do you tend to check the birth certificate of everyone you have sex with prior to do so just to make sure you are not related?

I can see it now, in the heat of passion and you go "Stop right there, I need to see your BC to make sure you are not my sister".

Damn, the gymnastics people will go through to hide their true reasoning.

:badgrin: OMG, this thread is hysterical.

EDIT: And BlackSand just agreed with me. :badgrin:
Damn, the gymnastics people will go through to hide their true reasoning.

Is not gymnastics ... It's called science ... And it is obvious who has to deny some pretty simple shit to get where they want to go ... :thup:


Face it, you are a homophobe that had no issue with adopted parents names being on the birth certificate prior to gay people doing it. That has been the law of the land for decades and there has not been some rash of people fucking their sisters like you seem to be hung up on.

You claim to know people with adopted children, have you told them they should not have their names on their children's birth certificates? Have you told them that could lead to them fucking their sisters?
It's called science?

Yeah ... Until otherwise adulterated in the future by scientific means ... It takes two biological donors to produce a child ... :thup:
The desire to list anyone other than those two donors on the birth certificate is utter political foolishness supported by ignorant twats.

I can't believe that twat still has a problem with same sex couples. it's 2017.
Yes... those heavily vested in such matters might very well have such difficulties of belief.

Before the courts shoved the Gay Agenda down the throats of Americans, they were routinely defending Traditional Marriage in public referendums nationwide.

Recent polls notwithstanding, the underlying current of resentment and disgust runs deep and profound and visceral and merely awaits its next opportunity to vent.

Four or eight years of Republican administration will probably provide that outlet.

All it will take is another Conservative SCOTUS justice or two, and a Constitutional RE-interpretation, and the Gay Mafia is sent packing.

As a rule, Americans are not fond of sexual deviants and perverts - a.k.a. homosexuals - and don't want their children exposed to that degeneracy and filth.

All the emoting, teenage-angst touchy-feely kumbya Leftist sentimentality in the world notwithstanding.
Face it, you are a homophobe that had no issue with adopted parents names being on the birth certificate prior to gay people doing it. That has been the law of the land for decades and there has not been some rash of people fucking their sisters like you seem to be hung up on.

You claim to know people with adopted children, have you told them they should not have their names on their children's birth certificates? Have you told them that could lead to them fucking their sisters?

Only your stupidity has anything to do with homosexuals ... :thup:
All I said is that only the biological donors of a child need be listed on the birth certificate.

Because you are scared of what that implies ... Is not an indication of anything but your fears.

It's called science?

Yeah ... Until otherwise adulterated in the future by scientific means ... It takes two biological donors to produce a child ... :thup:
The desire to list anyone other than those two donors on the birth certificate is utter political foolishness supported by ignorant twats.


Political foolishness? Placing the adopted parents on the birth certificate isn't new and until now never controversial.

You're not on the side of science, as already pointed out to you people don't check birth certificates before having sex.

Why don't you just be honest with everyone and say that you just don't want gay couples names on birth certificates? Nobody thinks you care about whose name is on the birth certificate if the adopted parents are straight.
Face it, you are a homophobe that had no issue with adopted parents names being on the birth certificate prior to gay people doing it. That has been the law of the land for decades and there has not been some rash of people fucking their sisters like you seem to be hung up on.

You claim to know people with adopted children, have you told them they should not have their names on their children's birth certificates? Have you told them that could lead to them fucking their sisters?

Only your stupidity has anything to do with homosexuals ... :thup:
All I said is that only the biological donors of a child need be listed on the birth certificate.

Because you are scared of what that implies ... Is not an indication of anything but your fears.


You did not answer the questions, have you told the people you know with adopted children they should not have their names on their children's birth certificates? Have you told them that could lead to them fucking their sisters?
You claim to know people with adopted children, have you told them they should not have their names on their children's birth certificates? Have you told them that could lead to them fucking their sisters?

No ... I live in a state that still lists the two biological donors (if the father is known) on the birth certificate.
I know ... That's just some backwards assed scientific shit ... :thup:

I can't believe that twat still has a problem with same sex couples. it's 2017.
Yes... those heavily vested in such matters might very well have such difficulties of belief.

Before the courts shoved the Gay Agenda down the throats of Americans, they were routinely defending Traditional Marriage in public referendums nationwide.

Recent polls notwithstanding, the underlying current of resentment and disgust runs deep and profound and visceral and merely awaits its next opportunity to vent.

Four or eight years of Republican administration will probably provide that outlet.

All it will take is another Conservative SCOTUS justice or two, and a Constitutional RE-interpretation, and the Gay Mafia is sent packing.

As a rule, Americans are not fond of sexual deviants and perverts - a.k.a. homosexuals - and don't want their children exposed to that degeneracy and filth.

All the emoting, teenage-angst touchy-feely kumbya Leftist sentimentality in the world notwithstanding.

Keep dreaming, gay marriage is here to stay, regardless of whatever you think is being shoved down your throat.
Political foolishness? Placing the adopted parents on the birth certificate isn't new and until now never controversial.

You're not on the side of science, as already pointed out to you people don't check birth certificates before having sex.

Why don't you just be honest with everyone and say that you just don't want gay couples names on birth certificates? Nobody thinks you care about whose name is on the birth certificate if the adopted parents are straight.

Your political agenda doesn't change the science nor the fact it takes two biological donors to result in the birth of a child.
I am not really concerned with when your ignorance took hold .... Nor whatever foolish arguments you want to make in order to deny the actual biology.

Plus ... You are assuming way too much as to how I view homosexuals ... :thup:

You claim to know people with adopted children, have you told them they should not have their names on their children's birth certificates? Have you told them that could lead to them fucking their sisters?

No ... I live in a state that still lists the two biological donors (if the father is known) on the birth certificate.
I know ... That's just some backwards assed scientific shit ... :thup:


Bull shit. Your state puts the names of the adoptive parents on the birth certificate just like every other state in the union.
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You claim to know people with adopted children, have you told them they should not have their names on their children's birth certificates? Have you told them that could lead to them fucking their sisters?

No ... I live in a state that still lists the two biological donors (if the father is known) on the birth certificate.
I know ... That's just some backwards assed scientific shit ... :thup:


Which state?

Kansas, Alaska, Alabama, Oregon, Maine or New Hampshire.
Political foolishness? Placing the adopted parents on the birth certificate isn't new and until now never controversial.

You're not on the side of science, as already pointed out to you people don't check birth certificates before having sex.

Why don't you just be honest with everyone and say that you just don't want gay couples names on birth certificates? Nobody thinks you care about whose name is on the birth certificate if the adopted parents are straight.

Your political agenda doesn't change the science nor the fact it takes two biological donors to result in the birth of a child.
I am not really concerned with when your ignorance took hold .... Nor whatever foolish arguments you want to make in order to deny the actual biology.

Plus ... You are assuming way too much as to how I view homosexuals ... :thup:


Nobody is disputing how babies are made. Do you really think that's what this is about? It's about treating gay couples the same as other couples where one or both of the individuals are not the biological parent.
Nobody is disputing how babies are made. Do you really think that's what this is about? ... Blah-Blah-Blah

No... That isn't what I think any of this is about.
I have consistently suggested it is about a bunch of political foolishness supported by ignorant twats since my first post in this thread ... Ignorant twat ... :thup:

Nobody is disputing how babies are made. Do you really think that's what this is about? ... Blah-Blah-Blah

No... That isn't what I think any of this is about.
I have consistently suggested it is about a bunch of political foolishness supported by ignorant twats since my first post in this thread ... Ignorant twat ... :thup:


Was it' political foolishness' when straight adopted parents had their kids birth certificates amended with their names or only when gays do it?
Nobody is disputing how babies are made. Do you really think that's what this is about? ... Blah-Blah-Blah

No... That isn't what I think any of this is about.
I have consistently suggested it is about a bunch of political foolishness supported by ignorant twats since my first post in this thread ... Ignorant twat ... :thup:


Was it' political foolishness' when straight adopted parents had their kids birth certificates amended with their names or only when gays do it?

Of course it was not, this is all about this person's homophobia, nothing else.
Gorsuch publicly disagreed with his colleagues’ decision to pass up a challenge to the McCain-Feingold law’s ban on so-called soft money. He dissented from a ruling enforcing same-sex couple’s rights to have their names on their children’s birth certificates. He lamented the court’s refusal to hear a case about the right to carry a weapon in public. He took a strong stand in favor of churches’ right to public subsidies. And he signed an opinion saying he would have allowed President Donald Trump’s travel ban to go into effect now, in full.
Justice Neil Gorsuch Has Had Enough – Triggered A Complete Leftist Meltdown
Daily World News....:lol:

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