Justice Roberts: “What unique perspective does a minority student bring to a physics class?…

I wonder what Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson (a black physicist) and Dr. Michio Kaku (an asian physicist) would have to say about this?

Both are highly respected in their field, and have been on many documentaries explaining the universe. I liked the special that Dr. Tyson did when he redid the series "Cosmos".
Tyson is not respected in his field. He's a very mediocre physicist who got his PHD thru affirmative action. Nearly all science populizers are mediocre and BTW that includes hawking. He used to be a brilliant physicist but the last 30 years he's done nothing but write books for the layman.
The real reason for AA is that blacks and women don't have the ability of white/asian males.
The bell curve and every test ever done proves it. I believe in science and when one does they must accept that reality might go against what they wish to believe(making shit up to make one feel good about themselves...).

Yes indeed. The evidence that blacks are mentally inferior is overwhelming. On all standardized tests, they come in last. Too bad we live in a country where you can't tell the truth.
1. Well lessee, technically AA was/is a federal mandate and still is. Your Constitutional excerpt does NOT address that, correct? No STATE, shall make...blah blah blah. If it had read Neither the US government OR State shall make...blah blah blah you might have a point.

In the first place, many states have their own AA programs. In the second place, federal AA programs are unconstitutional since doing such is not one of the listed powers of congress. THINK
So....has anyone explained yet just exaty what value "diversity" brings to a physics class???

Does skin color or genitalia make gravity act different or make the speed of sound different?

Might want to ask Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson (a Black physicist), or Michio Kaku (an Asian physicist). Both are well known and respected in their field. I think they could answer your question for you.
Have you read their work? Did they bring any unique racial perspective? Have you heard of any examination of their treatise that praised a unique minority perspective.

No of course not. It doesn't exist.
I think the /only/ thing that benefits from a national inclusion policy (and the new remake of AA) is global perception - how other countries view us.

It used to be that actual American's could benefit through new understanding of cultures and nationalities, but the PC crowd has turned that from a learning/growing experience into a weapon of division. I wish I could just walk up to say a Native Alaskan and ask about this or that, but they'll likely get "offended" so thus I say nothing to them, ask nothing of them, because it's not worth being sued or socially wrecked over my curiosity about their culture. Basically we have museums, books, and websites if you want to know about a culture/race, asking in person is not really acceptable anymore. This defeats the entire "good" purpose of national diversity and by extension AA. Unless we remove the PC crowd's bullshit there is frankly absolutely no reason to continue with AA programs, nor with the national diversity programs...
What "unique perspective" does whitey bring to a physics class?

White people created physics, you moron;
And now they are dumb idiots! We gave you crackas gunpowder so you could blow each other up for centuries! Thanks for thinning the herd cracka!
...and with the last string of posts I'll rest my case about AA's causing racial division in todays age heh
1. Well lessee, technically AA was/is a federal mandate and still is. Your Constitutional excerpt does NOT address that, correct? No STATE, shall make...blah blah blah. If it had read Neither the US government OR State shall make...blah blah blah you might have a point.

In the first place, many states have their own AA programs. In the second place, federal AA programs are unconstitutional since doing such is not one of the listed powers of congress. THINK

But having an AA program doesn't equate to reverse discrimination nowadays. The Bakke decision prohibits that. Agreed?

Well, Congress doe have the power to address Civil Right's issues under the auspices of the US Constitution. Affirmative Action was just a by product of that?

AA was first introduced by the executive branch, not Congress.. President Kennedy crafted it as a redress to persistent discrimination which continued despite a litany of preceding civil rights laws and alarms concerning the disparagement of constitutional guarantees for certain segments of society.

Rather than getting into another long drawn out discussion on AA I will concede that it remains controversial; but, something had to be done to address the plight of Blacks, White women, and other minorities. including some Asians. Bakke has taken the bite out of AA and has outlawed quotas and set asides, that is... except for legacy students.

Frankly, I think meritocracy and hard work should be the standard. African immigrants are doing as well or better academically than the Asians. They are proof that something at the grass roots level needs to be addressed to get native born Blacks on track; it isn't affirmative Action but an re-evaluation of inner self and commitment to being all that one can be.
What "unique perspective" does whitey bring to a physics class?

White people created physics, you moron;
You are truly stupid...even for a white moron.

But what did Galileo invent that was so entirely new? It was hardly his insights into specific phenomena like inertia and free fall. Insightful geniuses are born rarely but uniformly all over the globe. An Islamic scientist Alhazen (aka Ibn al-Haytham, 965-1040) had an insight into inertia six centuries before Galileo, and a Chinese philosopher Mozi (aka Mo Tzu, 470-391 BC) - twenty centuries before. But those insights were not developed and remained hidden in old manuscripts until historians discovered them.
How the Modern Physics was invented in the 17th century, part 1: The Needham Question
libs and profs dont believe in diversity- its proven every day from fox news to Christians. As long as they come out of school good little brainwashed libs its all good.
...and with the last string of posts I'll rest my case about AA's causing racial division in todays age heh
Yea I bet you will cracka! You and all the other shitty races can go ahead and get off my planet!!!

So you're a chink huh? Dont you all need to focus on fighting Godzilla?

Secondly....why do yall suck so bad at sports?

Third....keep fucking with us....we'll nuke your asses back to the stone age again.

Finally....why do most of you smell like dog food??

See....racial strife is fun!!

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