Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

Justifiable use of deadly force or not?

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And what does the store clerk say?

What does that matter?

Why does it matter that the store clerk answers your question?

Because he answers your question

still he offered no evidence such as you that he "wanted to kill " someone

face it your opinion is clouded

and saying something like certainly isnt evidence

Look dude, my argument is clear. If you want to progress the argument, then respond to my point. It's clear if you have an IQ of at least 80 or so. But you like the other moonbats who think screaming at women in parking lots over where they parked isn't even a threat while you can waste someone who pushes you for screaming at their women in parking lots over where they parked aren't the most logical people anyway, are you?

But either address my point or stop whining that I keep repeating the same answer to your same question because you keep ignoring it. You're arguing like a leftist. You don't like a point? Ignore it and it doesn't exist, right?
he cant read the guys mind any more then you can with your clouded opinion

and that is all it is is opinion certainly not evidence

get back to me when you can offer real evidence that he "wanted to kill someone"

He wasn't reading anyone's mind, he was talking about his actions.

So seriously, you don't think someone repeating their actions means anything?

Tell me what happens at the one minute mark of the video. What I said is clear and you're full of shit.

And BTW, it's moronic to go on message boards and tell people to STFU unless they can provide "proof."

I provided a damned good argument though. I just got tired of repeating it. So if you want to be intentionally dumb, work for it.

What happens at the one minute mark of the video, then I'll help you see the direct relevance of it to my argument

obviously it is not clear

it is only "clear" in your clouded mind

you have offered no evidence none what so ever

that he wanted to kill someone ya jerk

No evidence? You're full of shit. Go to the one minute mark of the video and watch the next 20 seconds or so. The store clerk explains it to you

you still have not offered any evidence of such

Go to the one minute mark of the video ... listen to the next 20 seconds or so.

Ignore my response because it answers your question and it doesn't exist, right Obama?

been there dummy an opinion is not evidence

There is no opinion. He's talking about the psychos repeated actions
so you are saying you still can not offer any real proof and resort to that same lame response

Tell me what happens at the one minute mark of the video. What I said is clear and you're full of shit.

And BTW, it's moronic to go on message boards and tell people to STFU unless they can provide "proof."

I provided a damned good argument though. I just got tired of repeating it. So if you want to be intentionally dumb, work for it.

What happens at the one minute mark of the video, then I'll help you see the direct relevance of it to my argument

obviously it is not clear

it is only "clear" in your clouded mind

you have offered no evidence none what so ever

that he wanted to kill someone ya jerk

No evidence? You're full of shit. Go to the one minute mark of the video and watch the next 20 seconds or so. The store clerk explains it to you

you still have not offered any evidence of such

Go to the one minute mark of the video ... listen to the next 20 seconds or so. Again, if your IQ is at least 80, you're capable of grasping my argument. You don't have to agree with it, make the case if you don't. But stop being a moron. Duh, dar, I don't get it kaz. What does that the guy kept staging the same situation have to do with his intentions? Sure guy.

Ignore my response because it answers your question and it doesn't exist, right Obama?
What evidence do you have that he staged the event. Staging suggest that there was some sort of manipulation of the environmeny, or deceit perpetrated on, the woman to trick her into parking where she did. There is no evidence of staging. Only of the victims vigilance, and consistency in regard to watching non handicapped people occupy a handicapped parking space. Vigilance, and the willingness to point out a person's wrong doing, in no way constitutes "staging an event".
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Again, I’m a CCW holder in Florida where this happened. My opinion only, this wasn’t a justified shooting. In that case, I wouldn’t have pulled the trigger.

But I will leave it to the courts, lawyers, and prosecutors to decide.

Again, my opinion, I heard the shooter was talking smack to many people and even threatened to shoot someone in the past. Don’t know if it’s true or not but this guy was a danger imo.
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so you are saying you still can not offer any real proof and resort to that same lame response

Tell me what happens at the one minute mark of the video. What I said is clear and you're full of shit.

And BTW, it's moronic to go on message boards and tell people to STFU unless they can provide "proof."

I provided a damned good argument though. I just got tired of repeating it. So if you want to be intentionally dumb, work for it.

What happens at the one minute mark of the video, then I'll help you see the direct relevance of it to my argument

At the one minute mark a reporter was talking to a store clerk.

And what does the store clerk say?

What does that matter?

Why does it matter that the store clerk answers your question?

Because he answers your question

He didnt see anything.
Well if you are against cruel and unusual punishment from the government, then it is hypocritical to say that when there is an incident between two citizens it is ok for one citizen to KILL the other over something as small as pushing them to the ground.

Except pushing someone violently to the paved ground can and has killed people.

Let's try to make this clear to you for umpteenth time. Stand your ground law only allows someone to shoot someone if they feel their life is in imminent danger. When the man shot him, the victim was 7-10 feet AWAY from the shooter and backing up. He was not within range to do anymore to him, and is unarmed.
He certainly was in range

You don't know shit about unarmed combat do you?

How fast do you think a person can close in from 7 feet away?

I know plenty. He was also backing up. Pretty hard to hurt someone while unarmed and moving away from them from 7+ feet away.

You don't know much about physics do you?
No I didn't. I was arguing with Skull Pilot because he said he didn't care that the guy got shot and killed just for a simple assault.

I asked if he supported the Constitution... which has the 8th Amendment that protects citizens from Cruel and Unusual punishment. I said if he supports that, then he should care that the guy was shot and killed for simple assault. Not because the 8th Amendment protects him for that, but because they share the same principle. They aren't the same, nor does the 8th Amendment cover it, but they follow the same principle, so saying you agree with the rights the 8th Amendment gives, but then saying you don't think it is a fair principle in other parts of society is being a hypocrite.

Of course they don't share the same principle. No one ever said or meant that the Constitution should dictate interactions between citizens. It's about dictating to government how it will treat it's citizens. It's a limit on government power.

For example, government cannot restrict free speech. However, you can shit can your employees for what they say, break of with your wife, disavow your friends, criticize them on television. No one ever thought or meant that you have free speech from the consequences of other citizens. It's a horrible argument

What the fuck do you mean they don't share the same principle? It's pretty simple. In a fair world, when someone does something wrong, the punishment they receive should be equal to the severity of the wrongdoing. The founders of this country knew that, that's why they wrote the 8th Amendment... however until the civil war the Federal government did not hold precedence over the way the states took care of things. Thus why AFTER the civil war they created the 13th, 14th, and the 15th Amendments that were referred to as the Reconstruction Amendments. The 13th outlawed slavery, the 14th created due process that extended the power of the Bill of Rights and Constitution to the state level, and the 15th Amendment which extended voting rights.

I said it has nothing to do with the Constitution. You shouldn't have pulled the Constitution into your point. The Constitution is not written to dictate actions between citizens, and it isn't a power for the Federal government to regulate interaction between citizens. The Constitution is a document that limits Federal power. You blew up your point by using the Constitution wrong

I brought it up for a specific reason and was VERY clear it had nothing to do with one citizen over another. Many Trump supporters brag about how important the rights given to people through the Constitution are. Well if you are against cruel and unusual punishment from the government, then it is hypocritical to say that when there is an incident between two citizens it is ok for one citizen to KILL the other over something as small as pushing them to the ground.

Yes, you brought it up for a specific reason. You're full of shit. The Constitution doesn't dictate interactions between citizens and it doesn't empower the Federal government to enforce it's own limits on citizens. It just doesn't. You brought up the Constitution in a way that demonstrated that you have zero grasp of what the Constitution even is. It limits the power of government. Period

And despite me telling you 1,000 times I'm not saying the Constitution is for LAWS between person and person, you bring it up again. You realize you are just as bad as the people you just told you are done arguing with because they won't listen?
Well if you are against cruel and unusual punishment from the government, then it is hypocritical to say that when there is an incident between two citizens it is ok for one citizen to KILL the other over something as small as pushing them to the ground.

Except pushing someone violently to the paved ground can and has killed people.

Let's try to make this clear to you for umpteenth time. Stand your ground law only allows someone to shoot someone if they feel their life is in imminent danger. When the man shot him, the victim was 7-10 feet AWAY from the shooter and backing up. He was not within range to do anymore to him, and is unarmed.
He certainly was in range

You don't know shit about unarmed combat do you?

How fast do you think a person can close in from 7 feet away?

I know plenty. He was also backing up. Pretty hard to hurt someone while unarmed and moving away from them from 7+ feet away.

You don't know much about physics do you?

You do not know how far away he was

and it's real easy to step back then step forward again
Here is a better view of the attack....the attacker kept advancing after he pushed and didn't put up his hands as the gun came out..... he was still percieved as a threat by the victim.

What are you smoking? When the woman got out of the car, the shooter stepped up into her face, that's when he got pushed to the ground. The victim then started to back up and pulled up his shorts before he then started to put up his hands as he got shot. There was a good 6 feet in between them.

The attacker walked up to the scene and there was no physical contact between the victim and the attackers girlfriend...all physical constact was initiated by the black guy, and he pulled up his shorts as he moved forward....and as the gun came up he didn't put up his hands...

Again.... you guys really, really need to understand self defense and what happens in those situations..... you are making judgements based on a video that flattens the distance between the 2 men, from an angle that hides what the victim actually sees, and you are not the one on the ground looking at the attacker....

You don't know what you are talking about.

self defense is learning how to defend yourself like a man and not like a coward that kills someone because he shoved you
Race whoring? Sorry when I see the facts, it's not whoring. I'll send you several books proving it, but I no you wouldn't read them. I've shared stats with you that show 61% of murders in the U.S. in 2016 didn't even get solved, so they had no idea what the demographic of the killer was. Yet you refused to accept the stats you referenced could be wrong.

You want whites to be racist, it's a path to free government cheese. I don't have an agenda. I just realize this country is about as non-racist as there is in human history, and you see racism all around you. But only from whites. It's an obvious political agenda for you on behalf of the Democrat party. And you're such a partisan shill you don't see it's starting to work against you because you're so blinded by partisan hatred

I don't "want" anyone to be racist. The fact is, racism is still prevalent. If you think this country is as non-racist as it has ever been in human history, you need to start reading REAL educational books that rely on REAL statistics and REAL studies.

If you see the United States today all as Alabama in the 50s, and you only see racism coming from whites, then yeah, you want us to be racists.

It's ironic you're criticizing a few people in the gun thread for extreme overreaction, then when the situation goes to race you hysterically overreact. Sure, racism exists. But that it's gotten worse instead of better and whites are the problem is just stupid, which is what you and the Democrat party are

When did I say there is only racism coming from whites? Again, if you REALLY want to learn how wrong some of your views about racism being the best it has ever been, I'll loan you some top selling books from VERY respectable authors.

I asked you if blacks were racist in your race whoring campaign too or just whites and you declined to answer the question.

It's the Democrat party campaign to pull this country apart because if you can't rule it, you will destroy it. Your campaign to claim Trump and Republicans are racist is destroying the country and harming blacks by telling them to be bitter and angry and attacking most whites who aren't racist for being racist anyway.

But hey, again, if you can't rule the country, you'll ensure there's nothing left. One of the few Democrat programs that actually works as designed. Nice job on that.

But it's our fault, right? You gave us the choice of succumbing to your will or being destroyed and we picked being destroyed. We made the choice, right? Not you ...

No, there are people of ALL races that are racist. To think otherwise would be simply stupid.

But do you understand the difference between saying "Are there other races of people that are racist other than whites?" and "Are there some people of other races that are racist other than whites?"

No, I don't think you do because you are so fucking defensive and thick headed because all your life you have heard whites are racist that you have totally lost all objectivity, and will now just disregard any information that doesn't fit the narrative you've built in your head.

I could sit here and write 10+ pages of how there is still wide spread racism against Blacks especially in the criminal justice system, but it would be a waste of time because you don't want to hear it.
Here is a better view of the attack....the attacker kept advancing after he pushed and didn't put up his hands as the gun came out..... he was still percieved as a threat by the victim.

What are you smoking? When the woman got out of the car, the shooter stepped up into her face, that's when he got pushed to the ground. The victim then started to back up and pulled up his shorts before he then started to put up his hands as he got shot. There was a good 6 feet in between them.

The attacker walked up to the scene and there was no physical contact between the victim and the attackers girlfriend...all physical constact was initiated by the black guy, and he pulled up his shorts as he moved forward....and as the gun came up he didn't put up his hands...

Again.... you guys really, really need to understand self defense and what happens in those situations..... you are making judgements based on a video that flattens the distance between the 2 men, from an angle that hides what the victim actually sees, and you are not the one on the ground looking at the attacker....

You don't know what you are talking about.

self defense is learning how to defend yourself like a man and not like a coward that kills someone because he shoved you

Self defense is assuring that no one can cause you grievous bodily harm or death
Well if you are against cruel and unusual punishment from the government, then it is hypocritical to say that when there is an incident between two citizens it is ok for one citizen to KILL the other over something as small as pushing them to the ground.

Except pushing someone violently to the paved ground can and has killed people.

Let's try to make this clear to you for umpteenth time. Stand your ground law only allows someone to shoot someone if they feel their life is in imminent danger. When the man shot him, the victim was 7-10 feet AWAY from the shooter and backing up. He was not within range to do anymore to him, and is unarmed.
He certainly was in range

You don't know shit about unarmed combat do you?

How fast do you think a person can close in from 7 feet away?

I know plenty. He was also backing up. Pretty hard to hurt someone while unarmed and moving away from them from 7+ feet away.

You don't know much about physics do you?

You do not know how far away he was

and it's real easy to step back then step forward again

It's not that far to tell. It's not like we are trying to estimate how long a house is. If you can't get an idea of how far away he was based on that video, then I can understand why this subject is so difficult for you and why you don't just give up.
Except pushing someone violently to the paved ground can and has killed people.

Let's try to make this clear to you for umpteenth time. Stand your ground law only allows someone to shoot someone if they feel their life is in imminent danger. When the man shot him, the victim was 7-10 feet AWAY from the shooter and backing up. He was not within range to do anymore to him, and is unarmed.
He certainly was in range

You don't know shit about unarmed combat do you?

How fast do you think a person can close in from 7 feet away?

I know plenty. He was also backing up. Pretty hard to hurt someone while unarmed and moving away from them from 7+ feet away.

You don't know much about physics do you?

You do not know how far away he was

and it's real easy to step back then step forward again

It's not that far to tell. It's not like we are trying to estimate how long a house is. If you can't get an idea of how far away he was based on that video, then I can understand why this subject is so difficult for you and why you don't just give up.
You do not know how far away and at what angle the camera was mounted

But hey just for fun let's see your math
Here is a better view of the attack....the attacker kept advancing after he pushed and didn't put up his hands as the gun came out..... he was still percieved as a threat by the victim.

What are you smoking? When the woman got out of the car, the shooter stepped up into her face, that's when he got pushed to the ground. The victim then started to back up and pulled up his shorts before he then started to put up his hands as he got shot. There was a good 6 feet in between them.

The attacker walked up to the scene and there was no physical contact between the victim and the attackers girlfriend...all physical constact was initiated by the black guy, and he pulled up his shorts as he moved forward....and as the gun came up he didn't put up his hands...

Again.... you guys really, really need to understand self defense and what happens in those situations..... you are making judgements based on a video that flattens the distance between the 2 men, from an angle that hides what the victim actually sees, and you are not the one on the ground looking at the attacker....

You don't know what you are talking about.

self defense is learning how to defend yourself like a man and not like a coward that kills someone because he shoved you

Self defense is assuring that no one can cause you grievous bodily harm or death

If you are a pussy and cant use your hands like a grown ass man, theres several other options for you.

Use your gun as a deterrant, which means pull it and tell the assailant to step the fuck back.

He pulled it alright..

the man stepped the fuck back, alright..

and was shot as he did so.

THATS a bitch move, and its murder.

Other options include: dont start shit with people that will whoop your fuckin ass in a fair one..

dont body guard a parking spot like an abject retard on meth, with a gun in your pocket
Here is a better view of the attack....the attacker kept advancing after he pushed and didn't put up his hands as the gun came out..... he was still percieved as a threat by the victim.

What are you smoking? When the woman got out of the car, the shooter stepped up into her face, that's when he got pushed to the ground. The victim then started to back up and pulled up his shorts before he then started to put up his hands as he got shot. There was a good 6 feet in between them.

The attacker walked up to the scene and there was no physical contact between the victim and the attackers girlfriend...all physical constact was initiated by the black guy, and he pulled up his shorts as he moved forward....and as the gun came up he didn't put up his hands...

Again.... you guys really, really need to understand self defense and what happens in those situations..... you are making judgements based on a video that flattens the distance between the 2 men, from an angle that hides what the victim actually sees, and you are not the one on the ground looking at the attacker....

You don't know what you are talking about.

self defense is learning how to defend yourself like a man and not like a coward that kills someone because he shoved you

Self defense is assuring that no one can cause you grievous bodily harm or death

If you are a pussy and cant use your hands like a grown ass man, theres several other options for you.

Use your gun as a deterrant, which means pull it and tell the assailant to step the fuck back.

He pulled it alright..

the man stepped the fuck back, alright..

and was shot as he did so.

THATS a bitch move, and its murder.

Other options include: dont start shit with people that will whoop your fuckin ass in a fair one..

dont body guard a parking spot like an abject retard on meth, with a gun in your pocket

In case you didn't realize it the guy that blindsided him and knocked him down is the one who started it

The other guy was doing nothing but yelling

So maybe people should not be assaulting people for yelling
What are you smoking? When the woman got out of the car, the shooter stepped up into her face, that's when he got pushed to the ground. The victim then started to back up and pulled up his shorts before he then started to put up his hands as he got shot. There was a good 6 feet in between them.

The attacker walked up to the scene and there was no physical contact between the victim and the attackers girlfriend...all physical constact was initiated by the black guy, and he pulled up his shorts as he moved forward....and as the gun came up he didn't put up his hands...

Again.... you guys really, really need to understand self defense and what happens in those situations..... you are making judgements based on a video that flattens the distance between the 2 men, from an angle that hides what the victim actually sees, and you are not the one on the ground looking at the attacker....

You don't know what you are talking about.
self defense is learning how to defend yourself like a man and not like a coward that kills someone because he shoved you

Self defense is assuring that no one can cause you grievous bodily harm or death
If you are a pussy and cant use your hands like a grown ass man, theres several other options for you.

Use your gun as a deterrant, which means pull it and tell the assailant to step the fuck back.

He pulled it alright..

the man stepped the fuck back, alright..

and was shot as he did so.

THATS a bitch move, and its murder.

Other options include: dont start shit with people that will whoop your fuckin ass in a fair one..

dont body guard a parking spot like an abject retard on meth, with a gun in your pocket

In case you didn't realize it the guy that blindsided him and knocked him down is the one who started it

The other guy was doing nothing but yelling

So maybe people should not be assaulting people for yelling
If you push someone away from your woman, you shouldnt expect death. Thats some serious psychotic mentality which alludes to the fact that not everyone is responsible enough to take gun ownership seriously.
Let's try to make this clear to you for umpteenth time. Stand your ground law only allows someone to shoot someone if they feel their life is in imminent danger. When the man shot him, the victim was 7-10 feet AWAY from the shooter and backing up. He was not within range to do anymore to him, and is unarmed.

He was in range to finish the attack and square to the shooter.

The attacker walked up to the scene and there was no physical contact between the victim and the attackers girlfriend...all physical constact was initiated by the black guy, and he pulled up his shorts as he moved forward....and as the gun came up he didn't put up his hands...

Again.... you guys really, really need to understand self defense and what happens in those situations..... you are making judgements based on a video that flattens the distance between the 2 men, from an angle that hides what the victim actually sees, and you are not the one on the ground looking at the attacker....

You don't know what you are talking about.
self defense is learning how to defend yourself like a man and not like a coward that kills someone because he shoved you

Self defense is assuring that no one can cause you grievous bodily harm or death
If you are a pussy and cant use your hands like a grown ass man, theres several other options for you.

Use your gun as a deterrant, which means pull it and tell the assailant to step the fuck back.

He pulled it alright..

the man stepped the fuck back, alright..

and was shot as he did so.

THATS a bitch move, and its murder.

Other options include: dont start shit with people that will whoop your fuckin ass in a fair one..

dont body guard a parking spot like an abject retard on meth, with a gun in your pocket

In case you didn't realize it the guy that blindsided him and knocked him down is the one who started it

The other guy was doing nothing but yelling

So maybe people should not be assaulting people for yelling
If you push someone away from your woman, you shouldnt expect death. Thats some serious psychotic mentality which alludes to the fact that not everyone is responsible enough to take gun ownership seriously.

If you blindside someone and knock them violently to the ground you shouldn't expect not to be shot

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