

Opposing no knock ‘warrants’ and other Fourth Amendment violations is not to ‘hate cops.’

It’s to defend against government excess and overreach and to defend the rights and protected liberties of citizens.

No knock ‘warrants’ are just as dangerous for law enforcement as citizens whose Fourth Amendment rights are being violated.
As you say "Opposing no-knock ‘warrants’ and other Fourth Amendment violations is not to ‘hate cops".’ The problem is that if the no-knock goes bad the left's reaction is to immediately vilify the cops well before all in evidence is garnered. That is due to cop hatred.
No-knock warrants came along with the war on drugs. Reform the main cause at first.
Black Americans see the racism and hate from the right; Republicans trying to disenfranchise voters of color.

And they see Democrats opposing those Republican efforts, Democrats advocating that the right of all Americans to vote is protected – understandably, Black Americans vote overwhelming Democratic.
See, you can't discuss guns. You deflect from the subject every time. Have a thread on Rights, have a thread on Independence War. They're separate issues but your brain is programmed back to them.

So put rights and wars to one side, let's discuss the concealment of guns in public, the unsafe habit of not having them secured at home, and even the type of gun (does society really have a need for certain types)?

And no, guns are not banned in the UK or Australia, or New Zealand, we take guns seriously, and that is what we default to (their type, size, features, security and well being of mind). Whether you're law abiding or a criminal, you get seriously fined and jailed for breaching gun laws if caught.

Emphasizing that criminals have guns is on statistical par with rape and abortion, as in, a fucking tiny percentage.

And your mentality, and your mentality alone, keeps gun incidents in America high. Try to claim guns save lives, home protection, bla bla etc.. is utter bollocks, it's simply, "We like guns". We like guns too in other parts of the world, but we're not fucking anal like you.
Why then does the United Kingdom have a much higher violent crime rate than the United States?
For the life of me, I cannot understand why so many folks are eager to see more police killed in the line of duty.

No knock warrants are not issued freely. The person wanted, had a warrant for his arrest for HOMICIDE. Why give someone already wanted for murder, time to arm themselves and prepare for police to come through the door. Murder is skyrocketing in major cities, and dome of the folks here seem to think that is fine. Just so criminals are protected.

How many of you here would sleep on the couch of a friend, wanted for murder, and hide a semi-automatic weapon under the blankets. What could go wrong?

We have about 40,000 traffic fatalities per year. Do we quit driving so we can drop that figure to zero as the current Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, seems to think is a reasonable goal.

How many no-knock warrants are issued each year and how many innocent people are killed?


Stuff happens. If you want to be the first officer going through the door of someone wanted for murder, after having given them fair notice that you are coming, go for it!
And what Americans do is none of your fucking business
I accept you conceded.

Twice, your shithole of a country tried to tell us Americans how to run ours, and twice yo0u got your asses seriously kicked for doing so.

Why don't you and your countrymen try coming over here and making a third attempt at imposing your rule on us?
You’re missing what I’m saying.. I agree it was a mistake.. but..

Not a mistake.

An instance of outright murder. If not explicit intent, then at least by depraved-heart indifference to their careless regard for the safety of the very citizens who they are supposed to be protecting from criminals.

There is no honest or rational way to spin this as an innocent mistake.
Brush your teeth, you missed some jackboot polish.
Just to clear the air. I am a supporter of the police and not ashamed of it. In reference to the video, It was much too short and I could not form an opinion of what transpired before or during the confrontation. If I were asked to make a determination of any guilt on either side, I, in good faith could not place blame. Not enough information but that didn't stop some from immediately calling it an assassination and they do so because of their hatred for cops and probably authority in general.
I don't want to see dead cops. I just...don't give a shit anymore. I react to dead cops with the same detached indifference I react to news of dead gangbangers.
You sound just like so many mutts that interact with lawful police orders by showing disrespect and arrogance, refusing to cooperate, and ending up on the wrong side of healthy. The first time I saw the inside of a police station I was still in grammar school. I have been a licensed driver for 65 years so you know I have been stopped many, many times. I was temporarily jailed in Maryland in the 60,s on suspicion of driving a stolen car. During the same time period, I was detained and interrogated by the FBI because I fit the description of a child kidnapper, who was later apprehended. In every instance, I cooperated and went home safe and sound. Wize asses should try it because it works.
Twice, your shithole of a country tried to tell us Americans how to run ours, and twice yo0u got your asses seriously kicked for doing so.

Why don't you and your countrymen try coming over here and making a third attempt at imposing your rule on us?
No, you are fucking retarded with history. I will school you you fucking pussy. America had immigrants from various European nations. America is based on immigrants. Those immigrants, eventually, took exception to British rule, especially to taxation. So a war broke out. As the immigrants of American were being beaten, the French came to their help. Because the British had other things in the world going on, they pulled out and American independence was granted.

You are just one of the many piss poor Americans that glorify what people did 200+ years ago. You lie about the independence war because you are thick as fuck. You are retarded and need the macho feeling. You sponge off the war and glorify it because you lead a piss poor life.

You are a nothing, just a cum stain on life, and it had to do fuck with guns. You glorify the war because of your tiny pricks, nothing more, nothing less.
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Black Americans see the racism and hate from the right; Republicans trying to disenfranchise voters of color.

And they see Democrats opposing those Republican efforts, Democrats advocating that the right of all Americans to vote is protected – understandably, Black Americans vote overwhelming Democratic.
Stop lying. Republicans, like 78% of Blacks, want voter ID.
No, you are fucking retarded with history. I will school you you fucking pussy. America had immigrants from various European nations. America is based on immigrants. Those immigrants, eventually, took exception to British rule, especially to taxation. So a war broke out. As the immigrants of American were being beaten, the French came to their help. Because the British had other things in the world going on, they pulled out and American independence was granted.

You are just one of the many piss poor Americans that glorify what people did 200+ years ago. You lie about the independence war because you are thick as fuck. You are retarded and need the macho feeling. You sponge off the war and glorify it because you lead a piss poor life.

You are a nothing, just a cum stain on life.

We won that war, fair and square. And then when you British filth failed to remember the lesson we taught you the first time, we had to fight another war and kick your asses a second time, a third of a century later.

The point of these wars was to establish, once and for all, that you degenerate British filth have no standing, and no say whatsoever, with regard to how we Americans run our country. It's none of your fucking business.

You especially have no standing to condemn us for recognizing and upholding the essential basic human rights that to this day, you refuse to recognize over there in your own shithole of a country.

If it happened, the outcome ought to be the end of your shithole's existence as a sovereign nation.

I'm sometimes tempted to wish that the United States would invade the U.K. tear down your government, establish it as an American colony, and oppress all you British filth the way you once tried to oppress us.

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