
We won that war, fair and square. And then when you British filth failed to remember the lesson we taught you the first time, we had to fight another war and kick your asses a second time, a third of a century later.

The point of these wars was to establish, once and for all, that you degenerate British filth have no standing, and no say whatsoever, with regard to how we Americans run our country. It's none of your fucking business.

You especially have no standing to condemn us for recognizing and upholding the essential basic human rights that to this day, you refuse to recognize over there in your own shithole of a country.

If it happened, the outcome ought to be the end of your shithole's existence as a sovereign nation.

I'm sometimes tempted to wish that the United States would invade the U.K. tear down your government, establish it as an American colony, and oppress all you British filth the way you once tried to oppress us.
Listen retard, America needed the French. I went to Paris, I know the history. Either gen up on history, or shut the fuck up, you are embarrassing. Native Americans are native to America, if you are not Native American, you are the offspring of an immigrant, probably an illegal one. You fucking thick c***.

America has 200 years of history, barely a weekends worth in UK terms, and you feel superior. You window licking bellend.
Listen retard, America needed the French. I went to Paris, I know the history. Either gen up on history, or shut the fuck up, you are embarrassing. Native Americans are native to America, if you are not Native American, you are the offspring of an immigrant, probably an illegal one. You fucking thick c***.
Going to Paris makes you a historical genius?
Have you been? What statues of their generals do they have. Come on, show your intelligence, or are you another fucking retard.

(Shit, fuck, I better get onto Google)
I have not been to Paris. So, going to Paris will make me a genius and not going makes me a retard? You are the retard here.
Native Americans are native to America, if you are not Native American, you are the offspring of an immigrant, probably an illegal one.

I'm as much a native American as anyone.

I was born in America, have lived all my life in America, will surely die in America, and whatever disposition is made of my mortal remains will be made in America.

The same is true of all my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. My nearest immigrant ancestors are great-great-grandparents, and I know of at least two ancestral lines that have been here since the 1600s.

No ancestor of mine violated any laws by immigrating to what is now America.
Have you been? What statues of their generals do they have. Come on, show your intelligence, or are you another fucking retard.

(Shit, fuck, I better get onto Google)
The Americans needed the French in their war for independence; the British needed the Americans in their war against Germany in WWI and WWII (virtually, for their independence). So, what does it prove?
I'm as much a native American as anyone.

I was born in America, have lived all my life in America, will surely die in America, and whatever disposition is made of my mortal remains will be made in America.

The same is true of all my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. My nearest immigrant ancestors are great-great-grandparents, and I know of at least two ancestral lines that have been here since the 1600s.

No ancestor of mine violated any laws by immigrating to what is now America.
No, are you Native American, and not some descendant of the Mayflower.

Erm, you do know what Native American means, do you?
I couldn't see a gun.

You do see one cop signal to the cop next to him to stop shooting.

Here's some more info. They say he had a gun.

Who sleeps with a gun in his bed?
Plenty of people do.

It is obviously not wise. You hear a noise that wakes you up from a nightmare and you shoot your wife coming back from the bathroom.
Everyone else was fighting 1939 to 1945, but thanks for the input. You won it, you guys are fucking amazing :rolleyes:

Can you see why Brits think you're bellends with WWII?

Go and read some fucking history before you open your mouth again.
History says that the Americans needed a global power to achieve their goals. Likewise, it says that Britain also needed an emerging global power to achieve theirs.

And reality says now that the Brits need the US now to remain at least a middle power in the contemporary world. Has it ever occurred to you what place Britain would have if the US got to follow the policy of isolationism? Yeah, this place would be quite insignificant.
You sound just like so many mutts that interact with lawful police orders by showing disrespect and arrogance, refusing to cooperate, and ending up on the wrong side of healthy. The first time I saw the inside of a police station I was still in grammar school. I have been a licensed driver for 65 years so you know I have been stopped many, many times. I was temporarily jailed in Maryland in the 60,s on suspicion of driving a stolen car. During the same time period, I was detained and interrogated by the FBI because I fit the description of a child kidnapper, who was later apprehended. In every instance, I cooperated and went home safe and sound. Wize asses should try it because it works.
When the cop tells you to drop and suck, which knee hits the ground first?
You're right you did not use the term assassinate, my error. Correct, you are nowhere near being a cop apologist--you're a cop hater.
No I want cops to be held accountable for their fuck ups like the rest of us.
No it’s not. If the police have a need to interact with you in this way, you’re already sub-human scum. If you fail to follow their commands, even more so. He deserved what he got.
You realize he was not the person the police were looking for, right?
I couldn't see a gun.

You do see one cop signal to the cop next to him to stop shooting.

Here's some more info. They say he had a gun.

Who sleeps with a gun in his bed?

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