Kahshoggi Killer Kills Biden's Hopes For More Oil

Sry my fd. you still don't understand. That is why he is the front man on the whole idea. He offered little. China, "USSR", IRAN, Venezuela, Mu'ammar ... did not want to be the front man.

Lol. Gaddafi had gold dinars for hundreds of years and a central bank since 1953.. you really don't know what you're talking about.

You can see in that link that US oil production went from a maximum of 400,219,000 barrels per month in December 2019 and steadily declined to 273,646,000 barrels in February 2021.

You must be a special kind of amnesiac to not know oil production declined worldwide during the pandemic and that is why gas prices were so low.

The price of oil actually went NEGATIVE for a short period.

Now, if you look more closely at that link, you can see in Trump's first full month in office, US oil production was 255,059,000 barrels.

In Biden's first full month in office, US oil production was 273,646,000 barrels.

So they both started from almost the same amount of oil being produced.

At the end of 2017, US oil production was 309,359,000 barrels. An increase of 21 percent.

At the end of 2021, US oil production was 358,588,000 barrels. An increase of 31 percent.

The US produced way more oil in Biden's first year than Trump's first year.
Diplomacy was not invented to communicate with our friends, but to communicate with our adversaries.
That is how the major wars in our history have ended. Adversaries talking to one another and coming up with an agreement to end the fighting and the killing. This is known as diplomacy.

Our President greeted an adversary last week and we still haven't heard the end of it.

Politico reports, "Upon Biden’s arrival at Al Salam Royal Palace, where he was scheduled to participate in a meeting with the king, the crown prince was on hand to greet the president as he stepped out of his vehicle. Biden and bin Salman then fist-bumped one another before walking inside.

"The exchange prompted immediate backlash from human rights activists who criticized Biden for offering what they called too-friendly of a greeting to the crown prince. The president also received criticism from Washington Post publisher Fred Ryan, who called the fist bump “shameful.'"

Fred is unaware of the meaning of diplomacy.

Immediate backlash? The former President sponsored and, perhaps, led a coup attempt on Jan. 6, 2021, to overthrow our elected government. Where is the backlash to that?

A fist pump vs. the first ever coup attempt in American history, the former receives an "immediate backlash," the latter, a ho-hum. The coup attempt is low on the list of priorities for voters.

The former President is the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for President in 2024, and his party is likely to win Congress in November.

Americans have their priorities screwed up.

Politico continued, "A reporter asked whether he can be sure a murder like Khashoggi’s won’t happen again. Biden responded: “God love you. What a silly question. How can I possibly be sure of any of that?”

I like this President.

Incidentally, our relations with Saudi Arabia are complicated. It can be argued that Saudi Arabia is more of a friend than Turkey.

Turkey is a member of NATO.
Yeah right, Saudi Arabia is going to increase their production by 50% and the President of Mexico is sending $1.5 billion to fix our border. You goldfish just luv to gobble up those fish flakes. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :auiqs.jpg:
And you are happy it seems.

Yeah as long as american suffer you are happy.

Typical republican.

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