Kahshoggi Killer Kills Biden's Hopes For More Oil

To be honest.....I don't give a flying-f**k about the killing of a spy posing as a journalist. Everyone in the journalist community seems to be all upset about his murder.....but we're pissed that Epstein was murdered while in custody.
So my suggestion to the media is get over it and get a life.
Why do democrats keep calling Koshoggi an American?

'B...b...b...but Truuuuuuuump!'

Suck it up, buttercup - Biden just got humiliated by Kahshoggi's killer.

I hope the fist bump was worth it, Brandon...
US oil production doubled during the Obama years. Trump was riding the coattails of that production.
Dem liars ^^^ alert, pathetic. Breaking, gas prices skyrocket under Biden/Dem rule. Inflation hits multiple 40 year highs under Biden/Dem rule. Trump says, "I told you so" while America vows to remove Dems from power this November. :eusa_dance:
Like opposing the assassination of a journalist critical of the Saudi regime and an oppressive war in Yemen

MBS probably had nothing to do with that. Look at his track record and that of his father. Yemen has been invaded by terrorists since 1998. The Saudis showed great restraint for a decade of cross border attacks. They even moved their villages back from the border 25 kilometers back in 2000.
Iran and the Al Houthis overthrew the Yemen government and are trying to gain control of the Bab Al Mandab and Secotra.

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