Kalamazoo shooter....a "progressive" Left wing tears are flowing...not a rightwinger..again...

First, get rid of everyone who wants the human race to die.
That won't make any difference. There're probably aren't more than 100 of us that are that rational. The rest can't even grasp the idea, as you can see.
As your beloved Chairman Mao said, the journey of a 1000 miles begins with the first step. Thanks for starting it.
I'm a liberal, not a communist like Mao.

Liberal, Progressive, Socialist, Communist, they're the same thing.
No, dumbfuck, they are different and that is why they have different names. Grow up.

What's the difference between Communism and Liberalism?
No, that is what humanity is doing, killing everything else. That is what makes it the one fish, and evil species.

This isn't difficult stuff, boys.
no it isn't cause the earth would replace the species, it's how it works, there was once dinosaurs and then humans and humans gone than another species would evolve so to end your sequence the planet has to be no more.
That is not a justification for letting an evil species destroy all the rest. What happens next would be up to nature, who will kill us off eventually, just not soon enough for so many other things.
I know, and why you never be able to rid the planet of evil. ever, the planet would need to be gone.
That is also just a matter of time. That doesn't mean you let evil wander the earth. You are an apologist for evil, if you know what that means (which I doubt).
But you're back to the want that you can't have so you sir taking no action are indeed evil. You should oft yourself immediately since you're so enthralled with Japan. A little Harry Carry for you, thanks for playing, see still decent.
Calling for the death of another is a decent thing to do? Interesting.

Case in point, you have no clue.
You're a stupid guy, consumed with envy of your betters and hatred of everyone and everything.

I had an Oscar, this fish ate any other fish put in the tank. That was his natural place. But you don't want to kill just the one fish, but indeed the entire sub-species of Oscars. You are insane and evil,
Humanity is the one fish, the Oscar. I had one as well. I did not let him eat a tank full of other fish. That would have been evil.

And humanity's nature, yeah, that's the problem in a nutshell.
and again, cause you don't know how survival works there is always another fish.
That's a potential but that can't be helped. There is nothing in the queue like us, not even close to as "evil".
sure there is there are piranhas, snakes, sharks monkeys, that man can never exterminate. ever, cock roaches ants, bees, flies, spiders all more superior than man. so you have no choice.
Man is my only concern. Nature will work out the rest.
sorry, you can't have it that way, not by your description.
how does it feel to want?
Feel's fine, all humans do, the very source of all unhappiness. See, Buddha, The.
I'd say you're one fkd up frustrated nutjob that wants what he can't have and makes him nuttier. hahahhaahahahahahahaha
Since I want world peace and an end to humanity, you're correct, I'm not getting what I want but, who is?

And, Hell is other people, which means I live in Hell.
Paint wants the whole world for himself.

After he buries all of his dead.

So did Pol Pot.
That won't make any difference. There're probably aren't more than 100 of us that are that rational. The rest can't even grasp the idea, as you can see.
As your beloved Chairman Mao said, the journey of a 1000 miles begins with the first step. Thanks for starting it.
I'm a liberal, not a communist like Mao.

Liberal, Progressive, Socialist, Communist, they're the same thing.
No, dumbfuck, they are different and that is why they have different names. Grow up.

What's the difference between Communism and Liberalism?
For starters, one is a political philosophy, which inspired this nation's founding, and one is an economic system. Look them up, and learn something today.
Humanity is the one fish, the Oscar. I had one as well. I did not let him eat a tank full of other fish. That would have been evil.

And humanity's nature, yeah, that's the problem in a nutshell.
and again, cause you don't know how survival works there is always another fish.
That's a potential but that can't be helped. There is nothing in the queue like us, not even close to as "evil".
sure there is there are piranhas, snakes, sharks monkeys, that man can never exterminate. ever, cock roaches ants, bees, flies, spiders all more superior than man. so you have no choice.
Man is my only concern. Nature will work out the rest.
sorry, you can't have it that way, not by your description.
My description? I didn't make one.
no it isn't cause the earth would replace the species, it's how it works, there was once dinosaurs and then humans and humans gone than another species would evolve so to end your sequence the planet has to be no more.
That is not a justification for letting an evil species destroy all the rest. What happens next would be up to nature, who will kill us off eventually, just not soon enough for so many other things.
I know, and why you never be able to rid the planet of evil. ever, the planet would need to be gone.
That is also just a matter of time. That doesn't mean you let evil wander the earth. You are an apologist for evil, if you know what that means (which I doubt).
But you're back to the want that you can't have so you sir taking no action are indeed evil. You should oft yourself immediately since you're so enthralled with Japan. A little Harry Carry for you, thanks for playing, see still decent.
Calling for the death of another is a decent thing to do? Interesting.

Case in point, you have no clue.
Harry Carry is decent, ask the Japanese, it is honorable. You still don't know what decent is do you? Naw you're too messed up on evil to know.
That is not a justification for letting an evil species destroy all the rest. What happens next would be up to nature, who will kill us off eventually, just not soon enough for so many other things.
I know, and why you never be able to rid the planet of evil. ever, the planet would need to be gone.
That is also just a matter of time. That doesn't mean you let evil wander the earth. You are an apologist for evil, if you know what that means (which I doubt).
But you're back to the want that you can't have so you sir taking no action are indeed evil. You should oft yourself immediately since you're so enthralled with Japan. A little Harry Carry for you, thanks for playing, see still decent.
Calling for the death of another is a decent thing to do? Interesting.

Case in point, you have no clue.
Harry Carry is decent, ask the Japanese, it is honorable. You still don't know what decent is do you? Naw you're too messed up on evil to know.
Learn how to spell it, dumbfuck: Seppuku - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Check to see if he was on any prescription antidepressants like nearly every other person that have committed mass murder over the last 20+ years that was not a muslim.Btw, no network brings that up and I will let you guess why that is.

Trust this.

The left will claim this is about banning guns. They will lie again and claim mass shootings only happen here.

Their only saving grace is he was a white person and he used a gun.

The 19 brown non-Christian still did not use a gun and that pisses them off to this for those two specific reasons.
As your beloved Chairman Mao said, the journey of a 1000 miles begins with the first step. Thanks for starting it.
I'm a liberal, not a communist like Mao.

Liberal, Progressive, Socialist, Communist, they're the same thing.
No, dumbfuck, they are different and that is why they have different names. Grow up.

What's the difference between Communism and Liberalism?
For starters, one is a political philosophy, which inspired this nation's founding, and one is an economic system. Look them up, and learn something today.

Tell us the differences between the ideologies.
I'm a liberal, not a communist like Mao.

Liberal, Progressive, Socialist, Communist, they're the same thing.
No, dumbfuck, they are different and that is why they have different names. Grow up.

What's the difference between Communism and Liberalism?
For starters, one is a political philosophy, which inspired this nation's founding, and one is an economic system. Look them up, and learn something today.

Tell us the differences between the ideologies.
Communism is (mostly) an ECONOMIC SYSTEM. Learn, read a book, grow up:

Communism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Liberalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Liberal, Progressive, Socialist, Communist, they're the same thing.
No, dumbfuck, they are different and that is why they have different names. Grow up.

What's the difference between Communism and Liberalism?
For starters, one is a political philosophy, which inspired this nation's founding, and one is an economic system. Look them up, and learn something today.

Tell us the differences between the ideologies.
Communism is (mostly) an ECONOMIC SYSTEM. Learn, read a book, grow up:

Communism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Liberalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can't tell us the difference, because there is no difference.
And you would be wrong...nothing in the 2nd Amendment permits murder. In fact, the 2nd Amendment is enshrined in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution so that normal, law abiding citizens can stop murder of innocent people....

Try doing some actual research.....your posts will be more interesting.

But nothing makes the job easier than being able to select the weapon of your choice thanks to the second amendment

"Second Amendment: Protecting the rights of murderers for over 200 years"
Isn't America wonderful?
It once was.
Bullshit. It was nothing of the kind, ever.
I felt that the America that I grew up in was a good place. It started slipping after WWII, and it was getting very apparent with the War in Vietnam. That is when the world became aware that we were no longer the good guys.

And it is the same time the socialists started taking the government, the press, education and entertainment over.....
Exactly what I've been saying. You have no strength of your own convictions. Think of the benefits, you could stop worrying about what everybody else is doing for a change.
One human death changes nothing. All or nothing, think about it instead of being childish.
childish, gotta love that post, hahaahahhahahahaahahhahhaaa , but thanks for playing, again decent.
Yes, you are a child, and you reason like one or you'd be able to honestly answer the question above.
For how old the earth is, you are correct, I am but a child. I know however who are my friends and who are decent. I hang with decent, I compete against evil.
You have no clue what evil is, obviously. That's the first sign that you are probably evil. Go play with your little friends, that's about all you can deal with.
Evil are those who wish other would perish. I have no problem with suicide whether actual or genetic.
Bullshit. It was nothing of the kind, ever.
I felt that the America that I grew up in was a good place. It started slipping after WWII, and it was getting very apparent with the War in Vietnam. That is when the world became aware that we were no longer the good guys.
What you felt doesn't make it true. Maybe times were good for you but times good for America, there has never been such a thing.
We are very naive growing up.
Yep, so don't be now. The past usually looks better when you are no longer the top dog.
People grow up saying that they live in the greatest country in the world when they have never lived in any other country. Some have never even been in another country.

Yeah......read about Europe marching 12 million innocent men, women and children into gas chambers.....that pretty much let me know all I needed to about Europe....
No, dumbfuck, they are different and that is why they have different names. Grow up.

What's the difference between Communism and Liberalism?
For starters, one is a political philosophy, which inspired this nation's founding, and one is an economic system. Look them up, and learn something today.

Tell us the differences between the ideologies.
Communism is (mostly) an ECONOMIC SYSTEM. Learn, read a book, grow up:

Communism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Liberalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can't tell us the difference, because there is no difference.
Why must you be spoon-fed? Can you not be a man, for once? One is about Political Liberty, the other Economic Communalism. One uses the Free Market (generally), one is a Command and Control (centralized administration) system. They have different names because they are different. Stop posting like a child, it's annoying.
One human death changes nothing. All or nothing, think about it instead of being childish.
childish, gotta love that post, hahaahahhahahahaahahhahhaaa , but thanks for playing, again decent.
Yes, you are a child, and you reason like one or you'd be able to honestly answer the question above.
For how old the earth is, you are correct, I am but a child. I know however who are my friends and who are decent. I hang with decent, I compete against evil.
You have no clue what evil is, obviously. That's the first sign that you are probably evil. Go play with your little friends, that's about all you can deal with.
Evil are those who wish other would perish. I have no problem with suicide whether actual or genetic.
As I said, he's calling for my death, my suicide therefore, evil, but he doesn't know it.

And with that, capitalism is calling.
But nothing makes the job easier than being able to select the weapon of your choice thanks to the second amendment

"Second Amendment: Protecting the rights of murderers for over 200 years"
Isn't America wonderful?
It once was.
Bullshit. It was nothing of the kind, ever.
I felt that the America that I grew up in was a good place. It started slipping after WWII, and it was getting very apparent with the War in Vietnam. That is when the world became aware that we were no longer the good guys.

And it is the same time the socialists started taking the government, the press, education and entertainment over.....
Still looking under your bed for Commies?
I felt that the America that I grew up in was a good place. It started slipping after WWII, and it was getting very apparent with the War in Vietnam. That is when the world became aware that we were no longer the good guys.

You grew up BEFORE WWII?

I grew up in the 60's and learned quickly that the left are not good guys. The left wants a totalitarian system, turning the nation into one big prison camp.

You HAVE damaged this nation, deeply. I've been to Western Europe, Canada, and Mexico. Of the places I have been, the USA is vastly better. Alright, it's a bit better than Canada, quite a bit better than England, massively better than France, and Astoundingly better than Italy and Mexico.

You are not the good guys, that is for sure. You of the left are the agents of destruction of this once great nation.
I did not say that I grew up before WWII. I knew someone would read that and reply without thinking.
How many of these countries have you lived in, and for how long?

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