Kamala debate prep not going well.

Why should it? She is a moron.

She is still trying to negotiate debate rules both sides already agreed to in an effort to come up with an excuse to back out. She is in a no-win situation: Back out and she is toast. Debate and expose herself as the complete moron she is.


Backing out is probably the better play for her, but yeah, two bad choices.
Why should it? She is a moron.

She is still trying to negotiate debate rules both sides already agreed to in an effort to come up with an excuse to back out. She is in a no-win situation: Back out and she is toast. Debate and expose herself as the complete moron she is.


Yeah, I'm sure the bloggers on PJMedia have a direct pipeline into the Harris Campaign.

Too bad you never have a REAL source for any of the bullshit you post here, Nostra Dumbass.

Trump calls "debate prep" calling his friends for suggestions for attack lines. He's like a comic trying out new material at the Comedy Store. He hasn't won any of the debates, not even the last one with Joe Biden. As bad as Biden's performance was, Trump's was worse.

Wait until the old felon has to deal with a real prosecutor, face to face. Neither Leticia James nor Alvin Bragg prosecuted the cases against Trump. They sent their staffers to do it. Let's see Trump haul out his TicTacs to explain inflation, or telling his shark story around climate change, and a national sales tax, versus an "Opportunity Economy".
Why should it? She is a moron.

She is still trying to negotiate debate rules both sides already agreed to in an effort to come up with an excuse to back out. She is in a no-win situation: Back out and she is toast. Debate and expose herself as the complete moron she is.


Yeah, underestimate Harris. Right strategy.
I'm torn.

Normally, I pass on these yawn festivals, but the slice of human nature in us all that can't help but look at the train wreck is tugging on me hard.

Yeah, I'm sure the bloggers on PJMedia have a direct pipeline into the Harris Campaign.

Too bad you never have a REAL source for any of the bullshit you post here, Nostra Dumbass.

Trump calls "debate prep" calling his friends for suggestions for attack lines. He's like a comic trying out new material at the Comedy Store. He hasn't won any of the debates, not even the last one with Joe Biden. As bad as Biden's performance was, Trump's was worse.

Wait until the old felon has to deal with a real prosecutor, face to face. Neither Leticia James nor Alvin Bragg prosecuted the cases against Trump. They sent their staffers to do it. Let's see Trump haul out his TicTacs to explain inflation, or telling his shark story around climate change, and a national sales tax, versus an "Opportunity Economy".
Thanks for your zero input, One Trick.
Why should it? She is a moron.

She is still trying to negotiate debate rules both sides already agreed to in an effort to come up with an excuse to back out. She is in a no-win situation: Back out and she is toast. Debate and expose herself as the complete moron she is.


Well this is total nonsense, invented to soothe right wingers.

She pushed for unmuted mics to get an advantage.
Yeah, I'm sure the bloggers on PJMedia have a direct pipeline into the Harris Campaign.

Too bad you never have a REAL source for any of the bullshit you post here, Nostra Dumbass.

Trump calls "debate prep" calling his friends for suggestions for attack lines. He's like a comic trying out new material at the Comedy Store. He hasn't won any of the debates, not even the last one with Joe Biden. As bad as Biden's performance was, Trump's was worse.

Wait until the old felon has to deal with a real prosecutor, face to face. Neither Leticia James nor Alvin Bragg prosecuted the cases against Trump. They sent their staffers to do it. Let's see Trump haul out his TicTacs to explain inflation, or telling his shark story around climate change, and a national sales tax, versus an "Opportunity Economy".
I bet there is a lot of mashing of teeth and pulling of hair in frustration that she can't remember anything she is told....
It doesn't really matter, the left makes up its own reality anyway and gets away with it. She'll be horrific, but every left lemming cult member on here will come on saying what a great job she did, and the 'media' will as well. The Emperor Has No Clothes, we're living the reality of that today.
The plan is to have mock debates to ensure that Harris is prepared and has her talking points down pat.

Hard to say exactly why she wants open mics again after Biden demanding closed mics. But just as I'm sure Trump doesn't stage mock debates or go over rehearsed talking points, I think Harris' doing so will work against her, as while Harris will try to follow a rigid script, Trump will be loose and fluid and relaxed and more easily adjust on the fly.

Bottom line is that debates are Trump's home turf, he is an experienced and practiced debater able to go toe to toe with anyone without prep, while Harris is not. She is used to a script and control of the situation.

Maybe she wants the mics open so she can interrupt Trump and argue with him, or maybe she is hoping Trump will argue with her putting his foot in his mouth giving them a soundbite for ads. Either way, she appears very nervous after seeing Biden bomb out so badly.

I can't wait. I think Harris is going to lose this debate as bad as Biden did, if only by showing the world the kind of person she really is.
Harris doesn’t have the benefit of a cult following who will praise dear leader for being brilliant no matter what mush mouth nonsense comes out of Trump’s mouth.
Sure she does... you Left loons
Harris actually makes sense. Trump thinks windmills are driving up the price of bacon. No one had any idea WTF he’s talking about but you guys clap along anyway. If you don’t clap, you’ll be punished.

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