Kamala Harris Denies Govt-Run Single Payer is 'Socialism'

KH is one dumb bitch...……..
her first name alone will kill her chances, when i hear "Kamala" I think of a huge/fat ugly WWE wrestler from the 80's 90's

Creepy Joe Biden is the manager.
If the government is paying your doctor to take care of you, the government can withhold that money and let you die.
Substitute government with health care insurance companies - same result.
Same result, but with less choice. We're not forced to give insurance companies our money. We can tell them to fly a kite. Try that with government and you go to jail.
It's so disappointing to see how the Democrats are hiding Single Payer behind the "Medicare for All" banner.

As anyone who understands our Medicare system knows, it includes a strong, dynamic and competitive free market component.

Oh well. Intellectual honesty is simply no longer required in contemporary American politics, from politicians to politicos to pundits to partisans.

And the Democrats are more than happy to advance this dishonesty for political gain.
Medicare is single payer you fucking idiot.

So how do you explain Medicare Supplements?

And for-profit hospitals and providers?

Go ahead, educate me.
It's so disappointing to see how the Democrats are hiding Single Payer behind the "Medicare for All" banner.

As anyone who understands our Medicare system knows, it includes a strong, dynamic and competitive free market component.
No. It does not. Consumers don't decide which insurance companies get their money. The contracts are awarded by government. That's not a free market. And please don't go to the "supplemental" dodge again.

Oh well. Intellectual honesty is simply no longer required in contemporary American politics, from politicians to politicos to pundits to partisans.
Supplements are not a dodge. They're a key part of the program.

I'm done trying to explain this system to people who don't want to understand it.
It's so disappointing to see how the Democrats are hiding Single Payer behind the "Medicare for All" banner.

As anyone who understands our Medicare system knows, it includes a strong, dynamic and competitive free market component.

Oh well. Intellectual honesty is simply no longer required in contemporary American politics, from politicians to politicos to pundits to partisans.

And the Democrats are more than happy to advance this dishonesty for political gain.
Medicare is single payer you fucking idiot.

So how do you explain Medicare Supplements?

And for-profit hospitals and providers?

Go ahead, educate me.

Yes. Companies can profit handsomely by colluding with government. But that's NOT a free market.
So what hospitals are government owned and manned with government employed doctors.

The VA

Which serves the military.

It’s not a gov takeover of the medical industry .
And how many deaths did it result in, how much mismanagement, poor care, misery...?

The VA problems are because pols use the agency as a job placement for vets . That’s why it’s screwed up .
So what hospitals are government owned and manned with government employed doctors.

The VA

Which serves the military.

It’s not a gov takeover of the medical industry .
And how many deaths did it result in, how much mismanagement, poor care, misery...?

The VA problems are because pols use the agency as a job placement for vets . That’s why it’s screwed up .

And of course these kinds of political concerns wouldn't affect single payer at all, eh? "I want to believe!"
So what hospitals are government owned and manned with government employed doctors.

The VA

Which serves the military.

It’s not a gov takeover of the medical industry .
And how many deaths did it result in, how much mismanagement, poor care, misery...?

The VA problems are because pols use the agency as a job placement for vets . That’s why it’s screwed up .

Vets screw up the VA? Is that what you just claimed? The stupidity of that comment doesn't deserve an answer!
So what hospitals are government owned and manned with government employed doctors.

The VA

Which serves the military.

It’s not a gov takeover of the medical industry .
And how many deaths did it result in, how much mismanagement, poor care, misery...?

The VA problems are because pols use the agency as a job placement for vets . That’s why it’s screwed up .

And of course these kinds of political concerns wouldn't affect single payer at all, eh? "I want to believe!"

You ignore the fact that gov is intertwined wh the medical industry because of Medicare / Medicade and paying for uninsured .

Unless you want to allow people to go untreated and die in the streets ?
"Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) on Tuesday defended her support for “Medicare for all,” saying it is not a socialist idea.

"No, no. It’s about providing health care to all people," Harris said"


Kamala Harris is embarrassing herself while proving although she cal lie her ass off about Democrat Health Care BS she is still no Barak Obama...


Harris: 'Medicare for all' is not socialism

And Senator Harris would be correct.

Otherwise, conservatives are truly this ignorant as to what "socialism" actually is.
The VA is screwed up because it's government run! If you want it to cost twice as much and take three times as long to be completed...let the Federal Government do it!
The VA problems are because pols use the agency as a job placement for vets . That’s why it’s screwed up .

And of course these kinds of political concerns wouldn't affect single payer at all, eh? "I want to believe!"

You ignore the fact that gov is intertwined wh the medical industry because of Medicare / Medicade and paying for uninsured .

No, I don't. But you are ignoring the point I just made. Deflect much?

Unless you want to allow people to go untreated and die in the streets ?

I don't accept this false dilemma.
"Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) on Tuesday defended her support for “Medicare for all,” saying it is not a socialist idea.

"No, no. It’s about providing health care to all people," Harris said"


Kamala Harris is embarrassing herself while proving although she cal lie her ass off about Democrat Health Care BS she is still no Barak Obama...


Harris: 'Medicare for all' is not socialism

And Senator Harris would be correct.

Otherwise, conservatives are truly this ignorant as to what "socialism" actually is.

Yeah. It's only socialism if Democrats believe that there are socialists in the audience.

Which serves the military.

It’s not a gov takeover of the medical industry .
And how many deaths did it result in, how much mismanagement, poor care, misery...?

The VA problems are because pols use the agency as a job placement for vets . That’s why it’s screwed up .

And of course these kinds of political concerns wouldn't affect single payer at all, eh? "I want to believe!"

You ignore the fact that gov is intertwined wh the medical industry because of Medicare / Medicade and paying for uninsured .

Unless you want to allow people to go untreated and die in the streets ?
...and now after having destroyed the previous system of health care to herd Americans towards Socialist govt-run Single payer.

'Go untreated and die in the streets'? Bwuhahahaha...... If you need medical treatment and have no insurance you can go to any Emergency Room and receive treatment. Just ask any of your illegal immigrant buddies....
"Right wing autocrats and Trumpanzees plan to attack every Democrats character who seeks the office of President, with constant threads attacking their character sans evidence.

"BIG LIES will dominate the Active Boards' Slate, sans evidence and posted by the same slime who support the King of Slime, the empty suited agent for the Russian Empire, Donald J. Trump."

Quote above was the OP in the thread: "The Plan for the next 18 Months" (posted Jan 2019).

For the record: I personally do not agree with Sen. Harris on Health Care. Too many people will be out of jobs if private health insurance were eliminated. What I do support is cradle to grave Preventative Medicine, and assisted suicide when the patient is terminally ill and has a DNR.

This RED SCARE crap needs to be put into a time machine and sent back to the 50's.
Kamala is a liar.
well he dad denies she not an idiot for the jamaica stereotype crap so it seems to be getting around.

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