Kamala Harris Draws Blood At Senate Hearing

the Democrats would be screaming there heads off as to why Barr is delaying the report.
Haha...this is,by far, the most hilariously stupid defense I have heard yet. So,now Barr cares about democrats being upset? Haha...get that weak shit out of here...embarrassing...

Look at the retarded shit you guys will say to avoid admitting to yourselves that the trump stooge was doing exactly what he was hired to do.

Sorry if I fail to rise to your level of faux outrage.
You do realize that prosecuting attorney's, etc. DO NOT "re-investigate" investigations before they do whatever they do. They have to take at face value that the investigation team is telling the truth.
So your belief is that Barr must take another 2 years, spend another $30 million on a massive team of investigators to re investigate the investigation???
And i am the funny guy.... :rolleyes:
I'm not outraged. Try to remember, it is you that went into a toddleresque tailspin because I mentioned a few simple facts. It's all there for everyone to read. You are not going to fool anyone by claiming everyone else is throwing fits, when clearly it is you.

You do realize that prosecuting attorney's, etc. DO NOT "re-investigate" investigations before they do whatever they do.
And now you are just making shit up. Yes, the lead attorney most certainly does review the evidence before making a charging decision.

Dude, go peddle your act to someone else.

Ahh...see there is the crux... review is not verifying...entirely different. Nice try.
Harris was merely grandstanding, again.
It is just plain stupid to believe that Barr has to "verify" mountains of evidence.
His job is to take the evidence, and decide whether to prosecute based on the RESULTS OF THE INVESTIGATION. It is in no way his job to re-investigate all of the evidence, if so - then WTF is the reason to do the first investigation??
Nobody drew jack shit....Barr accepted the Mule's conclusion that there was no evidence of collusion/conspiracy with the RUSSIANS!

Just a few weeks ago, Mueller's word was beyond reproach for you moonbats.

Oh yeah....Daily Kooks....The daily digest of Clown World.

I guess you're not keeping up. Barr didn't accept "Mueller's conclusions". He created a false summary of Mueller's report which vindicates the President. Mueller didn't not vindicate the President in any way. Just the opposite. Mueller has taken issue with the summary issued by Barr, and Barr lied to Congress and said that Mueller had no issues with his handling of the Report.

Yesterday, Barr told the Senate that a sitting President can end any investigation the President considers "unfair", and basically, the President of the United States is above the law. He can't be investigated, he can't be indicted, and he is incapable of obstructing justice. To which the Constitution of the United States says "BULLSHIT". The entire Constitution of the United States is written that no man is above the law. That there is a system of checks and balances to prevent the rise of a dictator.

Today, you have the continuing Constitution crisis of the Trump Presidency which is refusing to submit to Congressional oversight because the President says they're just trying to score points for the upcoming election. Tough titties, asshole. That's how the system works. It's why Republicans held 7 Benghazi hearings so that they could attack and smear Hillary Clinton in the run up to 2016. The created a phony email scandal and ordered the FBI to investigate Hillary Clinton, and were ENRAGED that the FBI found nothing to charge her on.

Republicans KNEW about Hillary's private server. They passed a LAW about it after she left office. The knew that the American public are so attuned to "Hillary Clinton bitch" dog whistles that you idiots will still chant "lock her up" at the drop of a hat. Just remember, all of the guys who lead the chants of "lock her up" - Flynn, Cohen, are all in jail. Hillary is on TV talking about being a lawyer working on the Watergate Hearings.

The difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is that Donald Trump is guilty of all of things he falsely claims that the Clintons did, and all of the evidence shows they did not. No "pay for play", no corruption, an honest 5-star Foundation doing work that earns praise the world over. Bill Clinton was the most popular and successful President since Eisenhower. Republicans hate that. HATE that. Irrationally.
Ahh...see there is the crux... review is not verifying...entirely different.
He did neither. Your hair splitting isnt helping your case. Just stop embarrassing yourself with this dog and pony show and admit that you like that Barr is a trump stooge.

Good advice. You should try it.

"The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this Office’s work and conclusions. We communicated that concern to the Department on the morning of March 25. There is new public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations."

??? I didn’t opine in the post I just posted it. This is why Leftists like you are a joke. Now just because of you, I will take an opposing stance. Barr is the AG and can do as he wishes.

Great. :thup:

So can Congress.

Indeed. What exactly can Congress do? The House is Democrat controlled and the Senate Republican?

You're still an idiot for accusing me of something that never happened. Typical, uneducated Leftist. So I posted a link and you replied with a barb. Care to explain why? Coward.
Barr's report was a statement the conclusions, not a summary,
And you just pulled that right out of your ass. Barr said, in his summary, that he was summarizing the report. So you better run along and tell Barr his summary is not a summary!

No, I actually watched the senate hearing.
Barr said that the media has it wrong.
His report is not a summary, but a statement of Mullers conclusions.

It was Muller who was concerned about the medias spin.
Muller was right. They can't even report that it is not a summary, but a statement of conclusions.
The Mule can't have it both ways. If he doesn't like his report (no recommended charges), it is his own fault. Mule said Barr did not mis-interpet my report. Case closed.
Barr handed the democrats their ass on a silver platter.
The lefties on this board can spin it until the cows come home. But, they ended up with nuttin'
Apparently, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.
If it is going to do nothing but keep this goddamned report from being accepted, keep people arguing about what it actually says and what has actually been said about it, it is not just a worthless waste of energy, it is detrimental.
His report is not a summary, but a statement of Mullers conclusions
Except he called it a summary in his summary. So all you are doing is pointing out the doublespeak of a weasel. And then adopting it for yourself.

No he didn't.
Read his letter to congress.
Here’s the text of the Mueller report summary letter, typed out for easy reading

Dear Chairman Graham, Chairman Nadler, Ranking Member Feinstein, and Ranking Member Collins:

As a supplement to the notification provided on Friday, March 22, 2019, I am writing today to advise you of the principal conclusions reached by Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller.

Mainstream media calls it a summary and are reporting it as a summary and it is not correct.

It is a statement of Mullers principal conclusions.
Looks like Barr is a fat lazy slob like his Master Trump. He had the report for how long & didn't bother to read the whole thing? Too busy stuffing his yap on cheeseburgers with his buudy Trump, led by a leash. These are the assclowns making decisions for the rest of us.

And then we have Lyin' Ted today with his usual sniveling subservience to Trump & lisping Lindsey feigning outrage. The Republican party has turned into a bunch of whining cowards afraid of a blabbering, corrupt moron in Donald Trump, Pussy Grabber In Chief. What a pathetic state of affairs.

He read the report.
He did not look into the underlying evidence.
Why should he?

If he had, guess what the complaint would be. "He doesn't trust Mueller! Off with his head!"

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