Kamala Harris' Grandmother Descended from Plantation Slave Owner in Jamaica

You might not want to wish for either of those. I doubt that you'd survive very long in a civil war.
You idiots and your civil war fantasy! Go! Do Fort Sumpter!

What if they threw a war and nobody came?

Civil war my eye!

Never gonna happen.

You idiots and your political assassination fantasy! Do Lee Harvey Oswald

What if you caused a war and you were in it?

Civil war your ass!

One of you will make it happen.
Okay. I have the time tonight. Let’s play in the crazy ballpark.

You threatened civil war. What are you fighting for? What delusion allows you to do bunk Americans cans will kill one another and destroy this land?

155 years ago bigots who thought the heir rights included enslaving other men. What’s the issue today?

How about stopping the hijacking of the thread and talk about Kamala harris
Reparations isn’t the issue that will get her elected.Nor is it the issue that will defeat her.

It’s red meat for the right and of little consequence to the left.

ok now were talking, that was a good post. Reparations is just stupid, it's impossible to do and it's not fair to the people now. It's just a way white liberals can remove their guilt.
As for her viability, I'm not sold on any Democrats, if Biden were 20 years younger, I'd bet the farm on him
I’m not lack. I’m a 62 year old white guy living in the heart of Trump Country.

If I am virtuous it’s because I remember virtue while the average vacant head under a MAGA cap has long ago forgotten virtue in praise of a huckster.

Oh please you guys are singing the same tune Romney, McCain, Bush, Dole, Reagan, they're all hucksters To you tards. Stop acting like you started this bullshit with Trump.

and you guys dont know anything about virtue, socialism does not equal virtue

but it's good to know you understand heels up
I never saw Republicans as hucksters. I disagreed with policies and called out criminality when it happened (see Iran-Contra).

But Trump was known as a huckster back in his Atlantic City Marla Maples days. His TV show was the icing on the cake.

Huckster, buffoon, charlatan.

Idol of the gullible and ignorant. Hero of the bigot.

Not worthy of respect as he shows none himself. A waste of the thinking person’s time.

oh were playing this game again. So when the Democrats said Romeny had a war on women you told them they were wrong?
“War on...” is such an intellectually lazy phrase.

I would agree, but that's what your boy Obama and his media friends used, it wasnt us. I'm saying this shit against Trump is not new, just the attacks are bolder and more violent
More violent?
You idiots and your civil war fantasy! Go! Do Fort Sumpter!

What if they threw a war and nobody came?

Civil war my eye!

Never gonna happen.

You idiots and your political assassination fantasy! Do Lee Harvey Oswald

What if you caused a war and you were in it?

Civil war your ass!

One of you will make it happen.
Okay. I have the time tonight. Let’s play in the crazy ballpark.

You threatened civil war. What are you fighting for? What delusion allows you to do bunk Americans cans will kill one another and destroy this land?

155 years ago bigots who thought the heir rights included enslaving other men. What’s the issue today?

How about stopping the hijacking of the thread and talk about Kamala harris
Reparations isn’t the issue that will get her elected.Nor is it the issue that will defeat her.

It’s red meat for the right and of little consequence to the left.

ok now were talking, that was a good post. Reparations is just stupid, it's impossible to do and it's not fair to the people now. It's just a way white liberals can remove their guilt.
As for her viability, I'm not sold on any Democrats, if Biden were 20 years younger, I'd bet the farm on him
20 months until November 2020. It’s all name recognition now
Oh shit. :laughing0301:

From the memoirs her father wrote:

"My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me). The Harris name comes from my paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, land-owner and agricultural ‘produce’ exporter (mostly pimento or all-spice), who died in 1939 one year after I was born and is buried in the church yard of the magnificent Anglican Church which Hamilton Brown built in Brown’s Town (and where, as a child, I learned the catechism, was baptized and confirmed, and served as an acolyte)..."

KAMALA HARRIS’ JAMAICAN HERITAGE - UPDATED - 14.01.2019 - Jamaica Global Online
Trump's grandfather was in the Klan. Is that why you like him so much?

Since Harris's great-great-grandfather was a slaveowner, it would seem to me Trumpsters would love her for that.
Actually, Trumps grandfather owned a whore house
It was his father who was in the klan

oh it's the lefty trick of changing the thread. Stick to the topic m, start a thread on trunpnif you want

Oh...I thought we were talking about embarrassing ancestors

I had a great uncle who was in Sing Sing

No it specifically mentioned Harris, talk about her...start one on another person if you want to

Kamala Harris has no control over who her distant ancestors were

Your turn
Trump's grandfather was in the Klan. Is that why you like him so much?

Since Harris's great-great-grandfather was a slaveowner, it would seem to me Trumpsters would love her for that.
Actually, Trumps grandfather owned a whore house
It was his father who was in the klan

oh it's the lefty trick of changing the thread. Stick to the topic m, start a thread on trunpnif you want

Oh...I thought we were talking about embarrassing ancestors

I had a great uncle who was in Sing Sing

No it specifically mentioned Harris, talk about her...start one on another person if you want to

Kamala Harris has no control over who her distant ancestors were

Your turn

Well I didnt say a group of people have to pay for another group of people based on who their ancestors were....nice try troll....keep playing, I love making you look foolish
Actually, Trumps grandfather owned a whore house
It was his father who was in the klan

oh it's the lefty trick of changing the thread. Stick to the topic m, start a thread on trunpnif you want

Oh...I thought we were talking about embarrassing ancestors

I had a great uncle who was in Sing Sing

No it specifically mentioned Harris, talk about her...start one on another person if you want to

Kamala Harris has no control over who her distant ancestors were

Your turn

Well I didnt say a group of people have to pay for another group of people based on who their ancestors were....nice try troll....keep playing, I love making you look foolish
No idea what you are babbling about
Oh shit. :laughing0301:

From the memoirs her father wrote:

"My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me). The Harris name comes from my paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, land-owner and agricultural ‘produce’ exporter (mostly pimento or all-spice), who died in 1939 one year after I was born and is buried in the church yard of the magnificent Anglican Church which Hamilton Brown built in Brown’s Town (and where, as a child, I learned the catechism, was baptized and confirmed, and served as an acolyte)..."

KAMALA HARRIS’ JAMAICAN HERITAGE - UPDATED - 14.01.2019 - Jamaica Global Online
Trump's grandfather was in the Klan. Is that why you like him so much?

Since Harris's great-great-grandfather was a slaveowner, it would seem to me Trumpsters would love her for that.

You are a MFing liar. From Snopes:

"Donald Trump's father was arrested following a Ku Klux Klan-related altercation in 1927."

What's True
A 1927 New York Times article named Fred Trump among the individuals arrested after a "near-riot" involving the KKK and New York City policemen at a "Memorial parade."

What's False
The article did not document that Fred Trump was a KKK member or supporter, or that he was charged with a crime in connection with the KKK event.

FACT CHECK: Donald Trump's Father Arrested at KKK Rally

"Donald Trump’s Parents Wore Ku Klux Klan Attire?"


FACT CHECK: Donald Trump's Parents Wore Ku Klux Klan Attire
What Trump means when he says .... some of them are good people

Trump was wrong about that. Most of them are good people. Only the one with the Dodge Charger wasn't a good person.

I'd even have to say that there were more of those on the other side who were bad people, as they're the one who started the violence.
Jews will not replace us

They already have, you just don’t realize it, they have taken over your body through a mind meld. They are worse than the zombies.
Yeah you guys portray yourselves as the height of virtue, because you're oppressed and poor whitey with MAGA hats are keeping you down.
I’m not lack. I’m a 62 year old white guy living in the heart of Trump Country.

If I am virtuous it’s because I remember virtue while the average vacant head under a MAGA cap has long ago forgotten virtue in praise of a huckster.

Oh please you guys are singing the same tune Romney, McCain, Bush, Dole, Reagan, they're all hucksters To you tards. Stop acting like you started this bullshit with Trump.

and you guys dont know anything about virtue, socialism does not equal virtue

but it's good to know you understand heels up
I never saw Republicans as hucksters. I disagreed with policies and called out criminality when it happened (see Iran-Contra).

But Trump was known as a huckster back in his Atlantic City Marla Maples days. His TV show was the icing on the cake.

Huckster, buffoon, charlatan.

Idol of the gullible and ignorant. Hero of the bigot.

Not worthy of respect as he shows none himself. A waste of the thinking person’s time.

You left out the best part: He's your President. :biggrin:
Until Articles of Impeachment or a latter day Lee Harvey steps up and does the right thing.

So you are wishing death on the President of the United States?
oh it's the lefty trick of changing the thread. Stick to the topic m, start a thread on trunpnif you want

Oh...I thought we were talking about embarrassing ancestors

I had a great uncle who was in Sing Sing

No it specifically mentioned Harris, talk about her...start one on another person if you want to

Kamala Harris has no control over who her distant ancestors were

Your turn

Well I didnt say a group of people have to pay for another group of people based on who their ancestors were....nice try troll....keep playing, I love making you look foolish
No idea what you are babbling about
I want talking to you, but you know what I meant you just dont have a talking point to respond
Harris had no control over what her great grandfather did. Just as Bush had no control over his ancestors and got ripped for it.

Her policies will screw her up and keep her out of the White House.
I’m not lack. I’m a 62 year old white guy living in the heart of Trump Country.

If I am virtuous it’s because I remember virtue while the average vacant head under a MAGA cap has long ago forgotten virtue in praise of a huckster.

Oh please you guys are singing the same tune Romney, McCain, Bush, Dole, Reagan, they're all hucksters To you tards. Stop acting like you started this bullshit with Trump.

and you guys dont know anything about virtue, socialism does not equal virtue

but it's good to know you understand heels up
I never saw Republicans as hucksters. I disagreed with policies and called out criminality when it happened (see Iran-Contra).

But Trump was known as a huckster back in his Atlantic City Marla Maples days. His TV show was the icing on the cake.

Huckster, buffoon, charlatan.

Idol of the gullible and ignorant. Hero of the bigot.

Not worthy of respect as he shows none himself. A waste of the thinking person’s time.

You left out the best part: He's your President. :biggrin:
Until Articles of Impeachment or a latter day Lee Harvey steps up and does the right thing.

So you are wishing death on the President of the United States?
I don’t wish death on him. Neither will I show sympathy should he die.

Respect is an earned quality.
Oh please you guys are singing the same tune Romney, McCain, Bush, Dole, Reagan, they're all hucksters To you tards. Stop acting like you started this bullshit with Trump.

and you guys dont know anything about virtue, socialism does not equal virtue

but it's good to know you understand heels up
I never saw Republicans as hucksters. I disagreed with policies and called out criminality when it happened (see Iran-Contra).

But Trump was known as a huckster back in his Atlantic City Marla Maples days. His TV show was the icing on the cake.

Huckster, buffoon, charlatan.

Idol of the gullible and ignorant. Hero of the bigot.

Not worthy of respect as he shows none himself. A waste of the thinking person’s time.

You left out the best part: He's your President. :biggrin:
Until Articles of Impeachment or a latter day Lee Harvey steps up and does the right thing.

So you are wishing death on the President of the United States?
I don’t wish death on him. Neither will I show sympathy should he die.

Respect is an earned quality.

Do you guys know what you post? Lefties are retarded...you just said you hope he was assassinated, do you understand what you posted?

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