Kamala Harris’s Dishonesty on Abe Lincoln

Harris depends on the historical illiterates that make up her base to not check her story out.
Kamala Harris...... making up shit as she goes along.

I heard what she said. And she was technically correct. Lincoln did say let the People decide. His wish was to wait until AFTER the election. It doesn't matter if Congress was at recess or not. He said it and it went that way just like it's done ever since until now.
About the same time was Kamala's family in the buy and selling of slaves in Jamaica? Mandingo for Kamala!
Harris depends on the historical illiterates that make up her base to not check her story out.
Kamala Harris...... making up shit as she goes along.

I heard what she said. And she was technically correct. Lincoln did say let the People decide. His wish was to wait until AFTER the election. It doesn't matter if Congress was at recess or not. He said it and it went that way just like it's done ever since until now.

So you're going to double down on the lie eh? Typical.
Harris depends on the historical illiterates that make up her base to not check her story out.
Kamala Harris...... making up shit as she goes along.

I heard what she said. And she was technically correct. Lincoln did say let the People decide. His wish was to wait until AFTER the election. It doesn't matter if Congress was at recess or not. He said it and it went that way just like it's done ever since until now.

So you're going to double down on the lie eh? Typical.
That's some serious mental illness right there. No one knows what Lincoln said.
Harris depends on the historical illiterates that make up her base to not check her story out.
Kamala Harris...... making up shit as she goes along.

I heard what she said. And she was technically correct. Lincoln did say let the People decide. His wish was to wait until AFTER the election. It doesn't matter if Congress was at recess or not. He said it and it went that way just like it's done ever since until now.

So you're going to double down on the lie eh? Typical.
That's some serious mental illness right there. No one knows what Lincoln said.

Hint, Hint. Him being President, they wrote down everything he said. Rump forgets that himself and gets in deep doodoo over it from time to time.
Harris depends on the historical illiterates that make up her base to not check her story out.
Kamala Harris...... making up shit as she goes along.

I heard what she said. And she was technically correct. Lincoln did say let the People decide. His wish was to wait until AFTER the election. It doesn't matter if Congress was at recess or not. He said it and it went that way just like it's done ever since until now.

So you're going to double down on the lie eh? Typical.
That's some serious mental illness right there. No one knows what Lincoln said.

Hint, Hint. Him being President, they wrote down everything he said. Rump forgets that himself and gets in deep doodoo over it from time to time.

You mean that your comrades in the liberal media amplify the lies, and out of context bull shit you people make up....Just like Kamala made up bull shit last night, including the little fairy tale about Lincoln...
Harris depends on the historical illiterates that make up her base to not check her story out.
Kamala Harris...... making up shit as she goes along.

I heard what she said. And she was technically correct. Lincoln did say let the People decide. His wish was to wait until AFTER the election. It doesn't matter if Congress was at recess or not. He said it and it went that way just like it's done ever since until now.
How do you know that's what he said?

Because it's public Record. You know, public records by the Supreme Court itself.

CLAIM: There was a Supreme Court vacancy 27 days before Abraham Lincoln was up for re-election and he chose not to fill it until after the election.

When a seat opened up on the Supreme Court just 27 days before an election, Lincoln did wait until after re-election to select his nominee.

Justice Robert B. Taney died on Oct. 12, 1864. That year, the Election was held on November 8, which was 27 days away. According to the U.S. Senate website, which lists all the supreme court nominations dating back to 1789, Abraham Lincoln nominated Salmon Chase, as Justice Taney's replacement in the Supreme Court, on Dec. 6, 1864, 28 days after he was re-elected.

During Wednesday's debate, Harris claimed "Honest Abe said, ‘It’s not the right thing to do. The American people deserve to make the decision about who will be the next president of the United States, and then that person will be able to select who will serve on the highest court of the land.’” However, there's no evidence that Lincoln waited because he thought the seat should be filled by the winner.



CHASE, Salmon Portland (1808-1873) Nominated December 6, 1864. Although Lincoln could have done the nomination up to 27 days before the election he declined to. The Talking Heads are lying out their asses on this one.
Harris depends on the historical illiterates that make up her base to not check her story out.
Kamala Harris...... making up shit as she goes along.

I heard what she said. And she was technically correct. Lincoln did say let the People decide. His wish was to wait until AFTER the election. It doesn't matter if Congress was at recess or not. He said it and it went that way just like it's done ever since until now.

So you're going to double down on the lie eh? Typical.
That's some serious mental illness right there. No one knows what Lincoln said.

Hint, Hint. Him being President, they wrote down everything he said. Rump forgets that himself and gets in deep doodoo over it from time to time.
Ok, then give us a link to the quote.
Harris depends on the historical illiterates that make up her base to not check her story out.
Kamala Harris...... making up shit as she goes along.

I heard what she said. And she was technically correct. Lincoln did say let the People decide. His wish was to wait until AFTER the election. It doesn't matter if Congress was at recess or not. He said it and it went that way just like it's done ever since until now.

So you're going to double down on the lie eh? Typical.
That's some serious mental illness right there. No one knows what Lincoln said.

Hint, Hint. Him being President, they wrote down everything he said. Rump forgets that himself and gets in deep doodoo over it from time to time.
Ok, then give us a link to the quote.

I don't have a link to the quote. But there is enough evidence that he must have said something close. The fact remains, he didn't try and ram his selection in those last 27 days like he could have. Now you want Rump to do it in the same time period. You want to be known as the part of Lincoln, start acting it even though it may be too late. Or you can go down in smoke as the Ronald Rump Party for the Cult45.
Kamala Harris’s Dishonesty on Abe Lincoln

8 Oct 2020 ~ By Dan McLaughlin

Lincoln, of course, said no such thing. He sent no nominee to the Senate in October 1864 because the Senate was out of session until December. He sent a nominee the day after the session began, and Salmon P. Chase was confirmed the same day. And Lincoln wanted to dangle the nomination before Chase and several other potential candidates because he wanted them to campaign for him. Lincoln’s priority was winning the election, which was necessary to win the war — and he filled the vacancy at the first possible instant.
Kamala Harris is simply inventing history.

Fact: Salmon P. Chase was nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court by Abraham Lincoln on Dec. 6, 1864 and confirmed by the U.S. Senate on the same day.
Her story as usual was Bovine Scat just like everything else that came out of Kamala's mouth tonight.
Like all Pogressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists, both China Joe and round heeled Kamala have an utter lack of integrity and remorseless dishonesty.


Kamala said, " You respect the people when they tell you the Truth." Well Kamala you did not tell the truth during the Debate.
I await the Leftists on this board to dispute the above facts....

Kamel Toe left out the part where Lincoln wanted to send the Blacks back to Africa.
Harris depends on the historical illiterates that make up her base to not check her story out.
Kamala Harris...... making up shit as she goes along.

I heard what she said. And she was technically correct. Lincoln did say let the People decide. His wish was to wait until AFTER the election. It doesn't matter if Congress was at recess or not. He said it and it went that way just like it's done ever since until now.

So you're going to double down on the lie eh? Typical.
That's some serious mental illness right there. No one knows what Lincoln said.

Hint, Hint. Him being President, they wrote down everything he said. Rump forgets that himself and gets in deep doodoo over it from time to time.
Ok, then give us a link to the quote.

I don't have a link to the quote. But there is enough evidence that he must have said something close. The fact remains, he didn't try and ram his selection in those last 27 days like he could have. Now you want Rump to do it in the same time period. You want to be known as the part of Lincoln, start acting it even though it may be too late. Or you can go down in smoke as the Ronald Rump Party for the Cult45.
Ok, show us the evidence you claim he said something close.
Harris depends on the historical illiterates that make up her base to not check her story out.
Kamala Harris...... making up shit as she goes along.

I heard what she said. And she was technically correct. Lincoln did say let the People decide. His wish was to wait until AFTER the election. It doesn't matter if Congress was at recess or not. He said it and it went that way just like it's done ever since until now.
President Lincoln sent the nomination to the Senate at the earliest possible time. That was in December because the Senate was out of session until December.
The truth about President Lincoln and the Supreme Court.

Remember, the democrat party started the Civil War to keep black humans as their slaves.....

While it is true that Lincoln postponed a nomination in 1864 right before the election, “Honest Abe” didn’t save his nomination of Salmon Chase, former Ohio governor, and Senator, because “it’s the right thing to do.”

“As ever, Lincoln was the shrewd politician and in October of 1864 he saw no profit in alienating any of the factions of his political support by making a selection before the election,” writes President Lincoln’s Cottage (PLC), a historical group and museum dedicated to preserving Lincoln’s legacy.

Not only was the Senate out of session in October when Taney died until December 5 making it difficult for Lincoln to move forward with the confirmation proceedings necessary for a new justice, but Lincoln also strategically delayed the nomination to ensure he had Chase and other potential picks’ political support through the November election.

“Lincoln was not above using the enticement of the office to encourage campaigning on his behalf,” PLC wrote.

“Lincoln, from the time of his first election, adopted the strategy of attempting to harness and co-opt Chase’s political and personal power to use in his own causes,” PLC added.

Even though Lincoln reportedly did not like Chase, he struck a political deal with his former presidential race rival offering him the potential nomination in exchange for his support campaigning. This election was also in the middle of the Civil War and Lincoln did not want to miss his chance to follow through on his war-time efforts.

Lincoln, was correct in his assessment of Chase’s appeal to potential Lincoln voters and won re-election in November of 1864.

“After Taney’s death in October 1864, Chase took the ‘cue’ and stumped for Lincoln throughout the Midwest in marked contrast to his earlier maneuverings in 1864 to replace Lincoln as President. (Of course, Chase’s unusual behavior did not go unnoticed and rumors of a bargain surfaced.)” PLC explained.

It was after this win that Lincoln formally nominated Chase as Taney’s replacement one day into Congressional proceedings for that term on Dec. 6, 1984. The Senate confirmed him on that same day.

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Lincoln fought the Democrats to free the slaves and today Democrats are back at it, fighting for open borders and outsourcing to bring back the slave labor days. Democrats will never learn.
Harris depends on the historical illiterates that make up her base to not check her story out.
Kamala Harris...... making up shit as she goes along.

I heard what she said. And she was technically correct. Lincoln did say let the People decide. His wish was to wait until AFTER the election. It doesn't matter if Congress was at recess or not. He said it and it went that way just like it's done ever since until now.

So you're going to double down on the lie eh? Typical.
That's some serious mental illness right there. No one knows what Lincoln said.

Hint, Hint. Him being President, they wrote down everything he said. Rump forgets that himself and gets in deep doodoo over it from time to time.
Ok, then give us a link to the quote.

I don't have a link to the quote. But there is enough evidence that he must have said something close. The fact remains, he didn't try and ram his selection in those last 27 days like he could have. Now you want Rump to do it in the same time period. You want to be known as the part of Lincoln, start acting it even though it may be too late. Or you can go down in smoke as the Ronald Rump Party for the Cult45.
:auiqs.jpg: And how exactly back then would he have done that with the Senate out of session? Good grief.
Lincoln fought the Democrats to free the slaves and today Democrats are back at it, fighting for open borders and outsourcing to bring back the slave labor days. Democrats will never learn.

Fear and racism are the tools of the democrat party......they will discriminate against the race that has the least power...right now, that is the Asian community....the democrat party in California is trying to bring back their ability to discriminate and segregate based on race.....they truly are the source of evil in this country.
The truth about President Lincoln and the Supreme Court.

Remember, the democrat party started the Civil War to keep black humans as their slaves.....

While it is true that Lincoln postponed a nomination in 1864 right before the election, “Honest Abe” didn’t save his nomination of Salmon Chase, former Ohio governor, and Senator, because “it’s the right thing to do.”

“As ever, Lincoln was the shrewd politician and in October of 1864 he saw no profit in alienating any of the factions of his political support by making a selection before the election,” writes President Lincoln’s Cottage (PLC), a historical group and museum dedicated to preserving Lincoln’s legacy.

Not only was the Senate out of session in October when Taney died until December 5 making it difficult for Lincoln to move forward with the confirmation proceedings necessary for a new justice, but Lincoln also strategically delayed the nomination to ensure he had Chase and other potential picks’ political support through the November election.

“Lincoln was not above using the enticement of the office to encourage campaigning on his behalf,” PLC wrote.

“Lincoln, from the time of his first election, adopted the strategy of attempting to harness and co-opt Chase’s political and personal power to use in his own causes,” PLC added.

Even though Lincoln reportedly did not like Chase, he struck a political deal with his former presidential race rival offering him the potential nomination in exchange for his support campaigning. This election was also in the middle of the Civil War and Lincoln did not want to miss his chance to follow through on his war-time efforts.

Lincoln, was correct in his assessment of Chase’s appeal to potential Lincoln voters and won re-election in November of 1864.

“After Taney’s death in October 1864, Chase took the ‘cue’ and stumped for Lincoln throughout the Midwest in marked contrast to his earlier maneuverings in 1864 to replace Lincoln as President. (Of course, Chase’s unusual behavior did not go unnoticed and rumors of a bargain surfaced.)” PLC explained.

It was after this win that Lincoln formally nominated Chase as Taney’s replacement one day into Congressional proceedings for that term on Dec. 6, 1984. The Senate confirmed him on that same day.

Lincoln fought people like you. You are not Lincoln’s republican. Lincoln was not trumpscum

Everybody complains about the weather but nobody does anything about it. A. Lincoln.

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