Kamala Harris’s Dishonesty on Abe Lincoln

Point was, he didn't try to Ram one through before an election, Axis Mikey.
Point is, you would excuse anything and everything said or done by anyone you support because you are a sheep.

Given all that Trump has said and done, and how many people are dead as a result, you might want to look at that post and realize that you have just described yourself. You're willing to support the lies, the disease, the death, the corruption and the abuse of power.

Pot, kettle, black.

At that time in our history the congress was in session into march before the newly elected one was seated. Lincoln put his nomination through the moment that congress came into session...

The left is historically challenged...

He could have recalled Congress, which would be the equivlent of what Trump is doing.

Remember, you guys stated that we shouldn't do this thing during election years... except now you are.

He could have recalled Congress, which would be the equivlent of what Trump is doing.

Holiday season...

the airlines were booked solid.

Congress is currently in recess?
Point was, he didn't try to Ram one through before an election, Axis Mikey.
Point is, you would excuse anything and everything said or done by anyone you support because you are a sheep.

Given all that Trump has said and done, and how many people are dead as a result, you might want to look at that post and realize that you have just described yourself. You're willing to support the lies, the disease, the death, the corruption and the abuse of power.

Pot, kettle, black.
I didn't vote for Trump.
But because I don't join in on the foaming at the mouth hatred of him - is why you believe I am a Trumpster as you all like to say.
Point was, he didn't try to Ram one through before an election, Axis Mikey.
Point is, you would excuse anything and everything said or done by anyone you support because you are a sheep.

Given all that Trump has said and done, and how many people are dead as a result, you might want to look at that post and realize that you have just described yourself. You're willing to support the lies, the disease, the death, the corruption and the abuse of power.

Pot, kettle, black.
Oh Canada oh Canada must be bored in Canada.
no lies just truths. Democrats are liars including stinking Harris.
Point is, you would excuse anything and everything said or done by anyone you support because you are a sheep.

Not at all. I realize politics is a power game.

So Trump will ram Serena Joy through, unless we successfully Bork her in the hearings...

And then Biden will expand SCOTUS by six seats and put six more liberals... because power politics.

Shouldn't be like this... SCOTUS shouldn't be stacked with partisans on either side... but that's where we are at.

At that time in our history the congress was in session into march before the newly elected one was seated. Lincoln put his nomination through the moment that congress came into session...

The left is historically challenged...

He could have recalled Congress, which would be the equivlent of what Trump is doing.

Remember, you guys stated that we shouldn't do this thing during election years... except now you are.
:dig: :dig: :dig:
Point was, he didn't try to Ram one through before an election, Axis Mikey.
Point is, you would excuse anything and everything said or done by anyone you support because you are a sheep.

Given all that Trump has said and done, and how many people are dead as a result, you might want to look at that post and realize that you have just described yourself. You're willing to support the lies, the disease, the death, the corruption and the abuse of power.

Pot, kettle, black.
Not a Trump thread, Chowderhead.
Point was, he didn't try to Ram one through before an election, Axis Mikey.
Point is, you would excuse anything and everything said or done by anyone you support because you are a sheep.

Given all that Trump has said and done, and how many people are dead as a result, you might want to look at that post and realize that you have just described yourself. You're willing to support the lies, the disease, the death, the corruption and the abuse of power.

Pot, kettle, black.
Not a Trump thread, Chowderhead.

Who is responsible for the Supreme Court nomination? Who is pushing the Senate to get her approved before the election? Who is driving everything that is happening around that nominations. Any discussions of the Supreme Court nomination that ignores Trump and his role in this fiasco, won't have much to say.

Trump drives everything that is happening in this matter. Given your total dearth of critical thinking skills, I don't expect you to understand that. Chowderhead. One of the sports New England area teams fans call themselves "chowderheads". You can't even insult someone effectively.
Point was, he didn't try to Ram one through before an election, Axis Mikey.
Point is, you would excuse anything and everything said or done by anyone you support because you are a sheep.

Given all that Trump has said and done, and how many people are dead as a result, you might want to look at that post and realize that you have just described yourself. You're willing to support the lies, the disease, the death, the corruption and the abuse of power.

Pot, kettle, black.
Not a Trump thread, Chowderhead.

Who is responsible for the Supreme Court nomination? Who is pushing the Senate to get her approved before the election? Who is driving everything that is happening around that nominations. Any discussions of the Supreme Court nomination that ignores Trump and his role in this fiasco, won't have much to say.

Trump drives everything that is happening in this matter. Given your total dearth of critical thinking skills, I don't expect you to understand that. Chowderhead. One of the sports New England area teams fans call themselves "chowderheads". You can't even insult someone effectively.
1. Still not a Trump thread.
2. Trump is fulfilling his Constitutional duties. But I wouldn't expect a single digit IQ Canuck to know squat about our Constitution.
Point was, he didn't try to Ram one through before an election, Axis Mikey.
Point is, you would excuse anything and everything said or done by anyone you support because you are a sheep.

Given all that Trump has said and done, and how many people are dead as a result, you might want to look at that post and realize that you have just described yourself. You're willing to support the lies, the disease, the death, the corruption and the abuse of power.

Pot, kettle, black.
Not a Trump thread, Chowderhead.

Who is responsible for the Supreme Court nomination? Who is pushing the Senate to get her approved before the election? Who is driving everything that is happening around that nominations. Any discussions of the Supreme Court nomination that ignores Trump and his role in this fiasco, won't have much to say.

Trump drives everything that is happening in this matter. Given your total dearth of critical thinking skills, I don't expect you to understand that. Chowderhead. One of the sports New England area teams fans call themselves "chowderheads". You can't even insult someone effectively.
Uh... you realize that numerous SCOTUS appointments happened in the last year of a President?
Right? But I get it. It only matters to you now... well.. because Orange man bad.
I 100% guarantee if Hillary would have won instead... you would be saying precisely the opposite. Of that, there is no doubt. Because you are a sheep.
Point was, he didn't try to Ram one through before an election, Axis Mikey.
Point is, you would excuse anything and everything said or done by anyone you support because you are a sheep.

Given all that Trump has said and done, and how many people are dead as a result, you might want to look at that post and realize that you have just described yourself. You're willing to support the lies, the disease, the death, the corruption and the abuse of power.

Pot, kettle, black.
Not a Trump thread, Chowderhead.

Who is responsible for the Supreme Court nomination? Who is pushing the Senate to get her approved before the election? Who is driving everything that is happening around that nominations. Any discussions of the Supreme Court nomination that ignores Trump and his role in this fiasco, won't have much to say.

Trump drives everything that is happening in this matter. Given your total dearth of critical thinking skills, I don't expect you to understand that. Chowderhead. One of the sports New England area teams fans call themselves "chowderheads". You can't even insult someone effectively.
1. Still not a Trump thread.
2. Trump is fulfilling his Constitutional duties. But I wouldn't expect a single digit IQ Canuck to know squat about our Constitution.

Not true. either of it. Trump's "Constitutional duty" is " I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same".

Trump isn't "defending the Constitution" by slamming through a SC judge to decide the election if he loses the popular vote AGAIN. He's not "defending the Constitution" be forcing people to go back to work and endangering their lives in the middle of pandemic. He's not "defending the Constitution" when he allows Putin to put a bounty on US Soldiers with impunity.

Or when he attacks state governors and encourages militia groups to attack the duly elected State government.
As for your "insults" and "zingers". Weak and flaccid. My 13 year old grandson gets off better zingers than you do. "My grandmother is so old, she played with dinosaurs."
Point was, he didn't try to Ram one through before an election, Axis Mikey.
Point is, you would excuse anything and everything said or done by anyone you support because you are a sheep.

Given all that Trump has said and done, and how many people are dead as a result, you might want to look at that post and realize that you have just described yourself. You're willing to support the lies, the disease, the death, the corruption and the abuse of power.

Pot, kettle, black.
Not a Trump thread, Chowderhead.

Who is responsible for the Supreme Court nomination? Who is pushing the Senate to get her approved before the election? Who is driving everything that is happening around that nominations. Any discussions of the Supreme Court nomination that ignores Trump and his role in this fiasco, won't have much to say.

Trump drives everything that is happening in this matter. Given your total dearth of critical thinking skills, I don't expect you to understand that. Chowderhead. One of the sports New England area teams fans call themselves "chowderheads". You can't even insult someone effectively.
1. Still not a Trump thread.
2. Trump is fulfilling his Constitutional duties. But I wouldn't expect a single digit IQ Canuck to know squat about our Constitution.

Not true. either of it. Trump's "Constitutional duty" is " I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same".

Trump isn't "defending the Constitution" by slamming through a SC judge to decide the election if he loses the popular vote AGAIN. He's not "defending the Constitution" be forcing people to go back to work and endangering their lives in the middle of pandemic. He's not "defending the Constitution" when he allows Putin to put a bounty on US Soldiers with impunity.

Or when he attacks state governors and encourages militia groups to attack the duly elected State government.
As for your "insults" and "zingers". Weak and flaccid. My 13 year old grandson gets off better zingers than you do. "My grandmother is so old, she played with dinosaurs."
yeah... you just deflected everything I said. But then, you do that everyday here.
Point was, he didn't try to Ram one through before an election, Axis Mikey.
Point is, you would excuse anything and everything said or done by anyone you support because you are a sheep.

Given all that Trump has said and done, and how many people are dead as a result, you might want to look at that post and realize that you have just described yourself. You're willing to support the lies, the disease, the death, the corruption and the abuse of power.

Pot, kettle, black.
Not a Trump thread, Chowderhead.

Who is responsible for the Supreme Court nomination? Who is pushing the Senate to get her approved before the election? Who is driving everything that is happening around that nominations. Any discussions of the Supreme Court nomination that ignores Trump and his role in this fiasco, won't have much to say.

Trump drives everything that is happening in this matter. Given your total dearth of critical thinking skills, I don't expect you to understand that. Chowderhead. One of the sports New England area teams fans call themselves "chowderheads". You can't even insult someone effectively.
Uh... you realize that numerous SCOTUS appointments happened in the last year of a President?
Right? But I get it. It only matters to you now... well.. because Orange man bad.
I 100% guarantee if Hillary would have won instead... you would be saying precisely the opposite. Of that, there is no doubt. Because you are a sheep.

Not after the campaigns started. No President has EVER tried to push through a nominee in the middle of Presidential election campaign.

Trump keeps trying to normalize all of the unprecedented crap he tries to pull. Obama separated children so he's just doing what Obama did. Obama didn't take babies away or lose them. Nor did he lock them up for years in dirty and unsafe conditions.

No President has even done the things that Trump has attempted to do and stuff he is now trying to do, like overthrow the election if he loses. He will be going to jail for many of the corrupt and illegal things he's done. That's why he's desperate to get this judge appointed. He things she'll hand the election to him, even though, with a Republican majority on the Bench, Trump has yet to win a single case on his taxes or his administration that has gone to the SC.
Point was, he didn't try to Ram one through before an election, Axis Mikey.

At that time in our history the congress was in session into march before the newly elected one was seated. Lincoln put his nomination through the moment that congress came into session...

The left is historically challenged...

It's why they keep trying to erase it
Someone might want to tell Kamala Harris that she needs to get her American history straight. During her debate with Mike Pence, she claimed that Abraham Lincoln said it would be wrong to fill the Supreme Court vacancy that opened up 27 days before the 1864 election.

First of all, Lincoln said no such thing.

Second, back then, Congress was in recess from July 4 until December 5, i.e., until after the election--so there would have been no point in nominating anyone to fill the vacancy before the election.

Third, Lincoln submitted his nominee on December 6, the day after Congress returned. He did not wait for the new Congress to take office (which, back then, did not happen until March).

Very interesting. I want very much to give your post a thumbs up, however you site no authoritative source for the information you supplied. Any chance of getting a link so I can confirm the validity of what you say? Thanks

" Although Lincoln could have named a nominee prior to the 1864 election, he could not have filled the open Supreme Court seat prior to that event. When Taney died, Congress had been in recess since July 4, and would not reconvene until Dec. 5, so Lincoln had no opportunity to designate a successor and have that person confirmed by the Senate prior to the Nov. 8 presidential election. "

".......he could not have filled the open Supreme Court seat prior to that event."......"so Lincoln had no opportunity to designate a successor and have that person confirmed by the Senate prior to the Nov. 8 presidential election. "

That is not necessarily true. According to the Constitution, Article II, Section 3, the President of the United States has the power to "on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses or either of them."

President Lincoln could have called the Senate back to act on his nominee if he had chosen to make one. Given he was in the fight of his life for reelection and in the middle of a little conflict known as the Civil War, I think he just had more pressing things than nominating a Supreme Court Justice at that time.

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