Kamala Hasn't been to Europe

Commiela Whoris: "WE'VE BEEN TO THE BORDER..............WE'VE BEEN TO THE BORDER"

Holt: YOU haven't been to the border.

Commiela Whoris: (cackling) "I haven't been to Europe either, so I don't understand the question'.

What a colossal dumbass.
Can't give a straight answer, typical democrat

The Democrats are trying to boost Kamala's image by making her look like a statesman.
They know that she is unpopular.
She is like Hillary.
The more that people hear her the less they like her.
They trying to prepare the public for Obiden's resignation and her presidency.
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Can't give a straight answer, typical democrat

The Democrats are trying boost Kamala's image by making her look like a statesman.

I wonder how the Democrats are planning to do that? Personality Transplant? Sorcery?

I suspect they'll need to put in a call to Hogwarts to make Harris look like anything close to a "statesman".
She may not have been to the border or Europe but she has tasted Willy Brown's man essence.

That woman is a piece of shit. Dumb, hateful, whoring and an asshole. Perfect running mate for Joe Dufus.

Anybody that voted for Joe Dufus and the Ho and ignored the fact they stole the election is a fucking moron.

Guatemalans Tell Kamala Harris to ‘Go Home’: ‘Trump Won’

When she descended the steps of Air Force Two, Harris was greeted by a crowd of protesters outside the airport — many of them pro-Donald Trump activists — flashing signs that read “Kamala Mind Your Own Business,” “Kamala Go Home” and “Kamala, Trump Won.”

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