Kansas...a tax cut success story....the left weeps....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I remember seeing the thread about how bad Kansas sucked because they cut taxes and didn't just tax, borrow, spend and spend and spend.....and now....after all the laughing by the left....seems that tax cuts worked.....

Sadly, for now, the whole story is behind a sign up or pay for WSJ.....but if you want good news for the people of Kansas...read the story....

Seeded With Tax Cuts Kansas Harvests the Benefits - WSJ

Unemployment has dropped to 4.2% from 5.5% in 2013, and wages and job growth are steadily climbing.

--Liberals love to hate Sam Brownback, and for good reason. The Kansas governor threatens a central tenet of liberal orthodoxy: the belief that higher taxes are a price that must be paid for progress.......

--Three years ago Kansas enacted the biggest tax cut of any state, relative to the size of its economy, in recent history. Lawmakers reduced the top rate on the personal income tax to 4.9% from 6.45%. They also eliminated the income tax for small business owners who file as individuals, a broad group that includes sole proprietors, limited liability partnerships and S-corporations....

--When Mr. Brownback ran for re-election last year, national reporters descended on the Sunflower State and quickly made Kansas the national symbol for the alleged depredations of “trickle-down economics.” A sampling of headlines includes: “How Tea Party tax cuts are turning Kansas into a smoking ruin,” L.A. Times, July 9; “Kansas’ Ruinous Tax Cuts,” theNew York Times, July 13; and “The Great Kansas Tea Party Disaster,” Rolling Stone, Oct. 23....

• In March 2013, unemployment in Kansas stood at 5.5%. It has since dropped to 4.2%, tied for 14th lowest in the country.

• From 1998-2012, Kansas ranked 38th in private-sector job growth, according Bureau of Labor Statistics data crunched by the Kansas Policy Institute. In 2013—the first year after the tax reform—the state climbed to 27th place, and in 2014 it moved to 21st, placing it in the top half of states.

In the second half of 2014, hourly wages in Kansas grew 3.5%, according to BLS data, far faster than the national average of 1.9%.

“I just think Kansas City is a great study,” the governor says. “This is an unusual place, where you’ve got a city virtually equally divided between two states.” The results? Over the past two calendar years, private-sector jobs increased by 5.6% on the Kansas side and only 2.2% on the Missouri. In the same period hourly wages grew $1.22 on the Kansas side, compared with $0.61 on the Missouri side.

--Such results make intuitive sense. Patti Bossert, who owns two employment agencies in Topeka, estimates the tax cuts saved her firms $40,000 last year. Seeing a windfall on its way, she spent $375,000 to buy and remodel an old building for a new company headquarters. “Our business has been phenomenal,” she says. “Wages are going up, and the big problem now is that there are many more available job openings than there are qualified people to fill them.”

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And some truth about what Brownback did...

Why Liberals Hate Kansas - WSJ

Contrary to liberal folklore, Mr. Brownback hasn't taken a meat-cleaver to schools. Total per-pupil spending has increased to $12,885 from $12,283 over four years. State education spending has risen by about 2% annually since 2010 and is set to jump 4% this year—which doesn't include a 10% bump for teacher pensions.

It's also untrue that tax cuts have hurt the poor. The tax rate on individuals earning less than $15,000 has fallen by nearly a quarter while the standard deduction has increased to $5,500 from $4,500. Although Republicans extended a temporary sales tax hike that Democratic Governor Mark Parkinson signed in 2010, they also reinstated a food sales tax rebate that will offset most of the cost for the poor. Kansans earning the minimum wage will net about $100 under the tax reforms.
Kansas Republican Tax Cuts Are Becoming a Total Disaster - US News

How badly is Kansas faring? State revenues have plummeted, employment growth continues to lag the national average, and the state’s credit rating has been downgraded. Kansas’ tax cuts this year are costing the state about 8 percent of the revenue it uses to fund schools, health care and other public services, a hit comparable to a mid-sized recession, according to this CBPP report. The revenue loss, state data show, will rise to 16 percent in five years if Kansas doesn’t reverse the tax cuts.
Way to go Sam! This should be a lesson to all weak kneed Republicans. Cutting taxes works. Liberals have egg on their faces.
yeah...you guys missed this post...

Contrary to liberal folklore, Mr. Brownback hasn't taken a meat-cleaver to schools. Total per-pupil spending has increased to $12,885 from $12,283 over four years. State education spending has risen by about 2% annually since 2010 and is set to jump 4% this year—which doesn't include a 10% bump for teacher pensions.
Kansas schools will begin closing early for the summer due to an $800 million budget deficit created by income-tax cuts established by Gov. Sam Brownback.

Dozens of schools in the state have already eliminated or cut programs. At least eight school districts lost funding this fiscal year because of state tax collections were lower than expected.​

Kansas schools closing early due to 800 million state budget deficit - UPI.com

Yeah...we discussed this in another thread...having seen how school districts waste money I blame the school districts who waste, steal or lose money.......long before I would blame lack of funding.....considering how much spending went up.....
It's amazing. Liberals actually want Kansas to fail. If they love taxes so much, why don't they pay double?
I remember seeing the thread about how bad Kansas sucked because they cut taxes and didn't just tax, borrow, spend and spend and spend.....and now....after all the laughing by the left....seems that tax cuts worked.....

Sadly, for now, the whole story is behind a sign up or pay for WSJ.....but if you want good news for the people of Kansas...read the story....

Seeded With Tax Cuts Kansas Harvests the Benefits - WSJ

Unemployment has dropped to 4.2% from 5.5% in 2013, and wages and job growth are steadily climbing.

--Liberals love to hate Sam Brownback, and for good reason. The Kansas governor threatens a central tenet of liberal orthodoxy: the belief that higher taxes are a price that must be paid for progress.......

--Three years ago Kansas enacted the biggest tax cut of any state, relative to the size of its economy, in recent history. Lawmakers reduced the top rate on the personal income tax to 4.9% from 6.45%. They also eliminated the income tax for small business owners who file as individuals, a broad group that includes sole proprietors, limited liability partnerships and S-corporations....

--When Mr. Brownback ran for re-election last year, national reporters descended on the Sunflower State and quickly made Kansas the national symbol for the alleged depredations of “trickle-down economics.” A sampling of headlines includes: “How Tea Party tax cuts are turning Kansas into a smoking ruin,” L.A. Times, July 9; “Kansas’ Ruinous Tax Cuts,” theNew York Times, July 13; and “The Great Kansas Tea Party Disaster,” Rolling Stone, Oct. 23....

• In March 2013, unemployment in Kansas stood at 5.5%. It has since dropped to 4.2%, tied for 14th lowest in the country.

• From 1998-2012, Kansas ranked 38th in private-sector job growth, according Bureau of Labor Statistics data crunched by the Kansas Policy Institute. In 2013—the first year after the tax reform—the state climbed to 27th place, and in 2014 it moved to 21st, placing it in the top half of states.

In the second half of 2014, hourly wages in Kansas grew 3.5%, according to BLS data, far faster than the national average of 1.9%.

“I just think Kansas City is a great study,” the governor says. “This is an unusual place, where you’ve got a city virtually equally divided between two states.” The results? Over the past two calendar years, private-sector jobs increased by 5.6% on the Kansas side and only 2.2% on the Missouri. In the same period hourly wages grew $1.22 on the Kansas side, compared with $0.61 on the Missouri side.

--Such results make intuitive sense. Patti Bossert, who owns two employment agencies in Topeka, estimates the tax cuts saved her firms $40,000 last year. Seeing a windfall on its way, she spent $375,000 to buy and remodel an old building for a new company headquarters. “Our business has been phenomenal,” she says. “Wages are going up, and the big problem now is that there are many more available job openings than there are qualified people to fill them.”

Unemployment is going down almost everywhere you idiot.

Kansas can't even keep their public schools open for a full school year. You don't think defunding education will catch up to them? You righties are short sighted morons.
"Kansas...a tax cut success story....the left weeps...."

You are truly a ridiculous, blind partisan hack, as well as a liar.
yeah...you guys missed this post...

Contrary to liberal folklore, Mr. Brownback hasn't taken a meat-cleaver to schools. Total per-pupil spending has increased to $12,885 from $12,283 over four years. State education spending has risen by about 2% annually since 2010 and is set to jump 4% this year—which doesn't include a 10% bump for teacher pensions.

Guy a less than 5% increase over four years doesn't keep up with inflation.

Supply side doesn't work. Never has, never will.
It's amazing. Liberals actually want Kansas to fail. If they love taxes so much, why don't they pay double?

Yes, we want a state full of religious stupids following voodoo economics to fail miserably, as an example to the rest of the country.

Kansas is to states what "Batman and Robin" was to superhero movies. An ugly example of what NOT to do everyone else can learn from.
Kansas Republican Tax Cuts Are Becoming a Total Disaster - US News

How badly is Kansas faring? State revenues have plummeted, employment growth continues to lag the national average, and the state’s credit rating has been downgraded. Kansas’ tax cuts this year are costing the state about 8 percent of the revenue it uses to fund schools, health care and other public services, a hit comparable to a mid-sized recession, according to this CBPP report. The revenue loss, state data show, will rise to 16 percent in five years if Kansas doesn’t reverse the tax cuts.

What a dick!!!

Your article is a year older than the op!!

What a total dick!!!
What a dick!!!

Your article is a year older than the op!!

What a total dick!!!

You want something more recent, Fwankie?

Despite Kansas Continuing Economic Disaster Sam Brownback Promises To Abolish Taxes

Thus far, Brownback’s embrace of his “god blessed” trickle down experiment to enrich the wealthy and corporations will cost the state $5 billion in revenue within a few years despite a non-existent possibility of Brownback and Republicans addressing a $278 million revenue shortfall within a few months. Despite already “chopping government down to size;” the real reason for the Norquist-Koch tax cutting crusade, Brownback promises to shift money to cover just a fraction of the shortfall by furtherslashing much-needed infrastructure spending, and naturally just rob more from the state’s pension fund that is already suffering a major shortfall; all in an effort to preserve and increase tax cuts for the wealthy. Brownback’s tax cuts have failed to produce the storied trickle-down benefits he labeled “an economic shot of adrenaline” as the state lags every other state in the region in GDP improvement as well as a pathetic job growth record lagging the national trend of substantial job expansion. The tax cuts have also not helped the state’s per capita income ranking and Kansas residents are fleeing the state in record numbers to find jobs, adequately funded schools, and decent roads.

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