Kansas...a tax cut success story....the left weeps....

Here is something for everyone to think about as school winds down for the summer.....when do the teachers in your kids school have to turn in their final grades.....because that is the real last day of school.....find that out and report back....see how much time is wasted at the end of the year after those grades are turned in.....
Here is something for everyone to think about as school winds down for the summer.....when do the teachers in your kids school have to turn in their final grades.....because that is the real last day of school.....find that out and report back....see how much time is wasted at the end of the year after those grades are turned in.....
You're as delusional as you are ridiculous.
Way to go Sam! This should be a lesson to all weak kneed Republicans. Cutting taxes works. Liberals have egg on their faces.

Minnesota used the opposite approach and the state of our economy is one of the best in the nation along with one of the lowest unemployment numbers in the country. When Gov. Mark Dayton assumed office at the same time as Scott Walker (2010), there was a $6 billion deficit . At the end of the 2014 fiscal year we had a $2 billion surplus. Now Dayton and the GOP are bumping heads what to do with it even though the GOP fought everything Dayton wanted to do unsuccessfully. Looks like tax cuts, because the state can afford it and upgrading the infrastructure because we recognize our infrastructure needs it, to continue to be competitive.
Dayton cut government spending and raised taxes on the wealthy, it obviously worked much, much better than Kansas or Scott Walker's Wisconsin approaches.
The egg is on who's face?

Dayton cut government spending

So....he did a major conservative economic move.....and the state prospered.......if he had cut taxes as well the surplus would have been even bigger.......try harder next time......

Of course you fail to see the big difference between Kansas and Wisconsin. Of course that doesn't surprise me because you are totally married to your ideology which seriously limits any ability to admit to any facts that show other approaches work better. You look at things one way and only one way, thus missing the entire horizon. I'm so glad I'm not an ideologue. Anyone who is pragmatic isn't bound by the strict boundaries of ideologies.
Now let me repeat, taxes were raised on the only wealthy. No taxes were cut like they were in Kansas and Wisconsin. Spending was also cut but not drastically, unlike Wisconsin and Kansas. Got it?
Minnesota came out of the recession much, much stronger than Kansas and Wisconsin. It's not even close.
Look it up. Look at the great shape Minnesota is in compared to Kansas and Wisconsin. You'd have to be totally blind or just plain stupid not to see the difference.
Some people just refuse to think out of their little safe ideological box.
Way to go Sam! This should be a lesson to all weak kneed Republicans. Cutting taxes works. Liberals have egg on their faces.

Minnesota used the opposite approach and the state of our economy is one of the best in the nation along with one of the lowest unemployment numbers in the country. When Gov. Mark Dayton assumed office at the same time as Scott Walker (2010), there was a $6 billion deficit . At the end of the 2014 fiscal year we had a $2 billion surplus. Now Dayton and the GOP are bumping heads what to do with it even though the GOP fought everything Dayton wanted to do unsuccessfully. Looks like tax cuts, because the state can afford it and upgrading the infrastructure because we recognize our infrastructure needs it, to continue to be competitive.
Dayton cut government spending and raised taxes on the wealthy, it obviously worked much, much better than Kansas or Scott Walker's Wisconsin approaches.
The egg is on who's face?

Dayton cut government spending

So....he did a major conservative economic move.....and the state prospered.......if he had cut taxes as well the surplus would have been even bigger.......try harder next time......

Dude, no economist believes this, not even Republican ones.
Kansas economic outlook for 2015 ranks 18th. Not bad. Rich States Poor States - 2015 Economic Outlook

Remember that line from "It's A Wonderful Life"....Everytime a bell rings an angel gets it's wings.......

For the liberal....every time a tax is cut a leftist sheds a tear...and then riots, throws bricks at police, burns down stores......and then blame the republicans.......
Sort of the same...don't you think?
The difference between lies and normal patriotic Americans is if a liberal policy worked, we would acknowledge it because it is good for the Country. Liberals will do everything to subvert and badmouth a conservative idea.
Frankly, no one should have to beg to the followers of an imaginary sky fairy to feed their kids.

The ideal thing is to provide a remunerative job to every able bodied American. Until we get there, i trust the government more than I trust a kiddy-diddling church.
^^^. This coming from a jackass who earlier tried to tell us what Jesus would think and do.
Religious people typically donate more money to the poor. That's why they don't think the government needs to regulate it. Liberals don't give money away so they think the government has to take it because they are personally too selfish to give money away.

Frankly, no one should have to beg to the followers of an imaginary sky fairy to feed their kids.

The ideal thing is to provide a remunerative job to every able bodied American. Until we get there, i trust the government more than I trust a kiddy-diddling church.
I'm assuming you're a selfish fag since you're a liberal. You don't understand the concept of helping out your neighbors and living as a loving community.
Way to go Sam! This should be a lesson to all weak kneed Republicans. Cutting taxes works. Liberals have egg on their faces.

Minnesota used the opposite approach and the state of our economy is one of the best in the nation along with one of the lowest unemployment numbers in the country. When Gov. Mark Dayton assumed office at the same time as Scott Walker (2010), there was a $6 billion deficit . At the end of the 2014 fiscal year we had a $2 billion surplus. Now Dayton and the GOP are bumping heads what to do with it even though the GOP fought everything Dayton wanted to do unsuccessfully. Looks like tax cuts, because the state can afford it and upgrading the infrastructure because we recognize our infrastructure needs it, to continue to be competitive.
Dayton cut government spending and raised taxes on the wealthy, it obviously worked much, much better than Kansas or Scott Walker's Wisconsin approaches.
The egg is on who's face?

Dayton cut government spending

So....he did a major conservative economic move.....and the state prospered.......if he had cut taxes as well the surplus would have been even bigger.......try harder next time......

Of course you fail to see the big difference between Kansas and Wisconsin. Of course that doesn't surprise me because you are totally married to your ideology which seriously limits any ability to admit to any facts that show other approaches work better. You look at things one way and only one way, thus missing the entire horizon. I'm so glad I'm not an ideologue. Anyone who is pragmatic isn't bound by the strict boundaries of ideologies.
Now let me repeat, taxes were raised on the only wealthy. No taxes were cut like they were in Kansas and Wisconsin. Spending was also cut but not drastically, unlike Wisconsin and Kansas. Got it?
Minnesota came out of the recession much, much stronger than Kansas and Wisconsin. It's not even close.
Look it up. Look at the great shape Minnesota is in compared to Kansas and Wisconsin. You'd have to be totally blind or just plain stupid not to see the difference.
Some people just refuse to think out of their little safe ideological box.

Wisconsin doesn't seem to be doing well. Walker gave away any chance at a balanced budget with tax cuts. And they are at the bottom of job growth.
Way to go Sam! This should be a lesson to all weak kneed Republicans. Cutting taxes works. Liberals have egg on their faces.

Minnesota used the opposite approach and the state of our economy is one of the best in the nation along with one of the lowest unemployment numbers in the country. When Gov. Mark Dayton assumed office at the same time as Scott Walker (2010), there was a $6 billion deficit . At the end of the 2014 fiscal year we had a $2 billion surplus. Now Dayton and the GOP are bumping heads what to do with it even though the GOP fought everything Dayton wanted to do unsuccessfully. Looks like tax cuts, because the state can afford it and upgrading the infrastructure because we recognize our infrastructure needs it, to continue to be competitive.
Dayton cut government spending and raised taxes on the wealthy, it obviously worked much, much better than Kansas or Scott Walker's Wisconsin approaches.
The egg is on who's face?

Dayton cut government spending

So....he did a major conservative economic move.....and the state prospered.......if he had cut taxes as well the surplus would have been even bigger.......try harder next time......

Of course you fail to see the big difference between Kansas and Wisconsin. Of course that doesn't surprise me because you are totally married to your ideology which seriously limits any ability to admit to any facts that show other approaches work better. You look at things one way and only one way, thus missing the entire horizon. I'm so glad I'm not an ideologue. Anyone who is pragmatic isn't bound by the strict boundaries of ideologies.
Now let me repeat, taxes were raised on the only wealthy. No taxes were cut like they were in Kansas and Wisconsin. Spending was also cut but not drastically, unlike Wisconsin and Kansas. Got it?
Minnesota came out of the recession much, much stronger than Kansas and Wisconsin. It's not even close.
Look it up. Look at the great shape Minnesota is in compared to Kansas and Wisconsin. You'd have to be totally blind or just plain stupid not to see the difference.
Some people just refuse to think out of their little safe ideological box.

Wisconsin doesn't seem to be doing well. Walker gave away any chance at a balanced budget with tax cuts. And they are at the bottom of job growth.
Wisconsin's economy is up in all sectors and down in unemployment rate. Wisconsin Economy at a Glance
Way to go Sam! This should be a lesson to all weak kneed Republicans. Cutting taxes works. Liberals have egg on their faces.

Minnesota used the opposite approach and the state of our economy is one of the best in the nation along with one of the lowest unemployment numbers in the country. When Gov. Mark Dayton assumed office at the same time as Scott Walker (2010), there was a $6 billion deficit . At the end of the 2014 fiscal year we had a $2 billion surplus. Now Dayton and the GOP are bumping heads what to do with it even though the GOP fought everything Dayton wanted to do unsuccessfully. Looks like tax cuts, because the state can afford it and upgrading the infrastructure because we recognize our infrastructure needs it, to continue to be competitive.
Dayton cut government spending and raised taxes on the wealthy, it obviously worked much, much better than Kansas or Scott Walker's Wisconsin approaches.
The egg is on who's face?

Dayton cut government spending

So....he did a major conservative economic move.....and the state prospered.......if he had cut taxes as well the surplus would have been even bigger.......try harder next time......

Of course you fail to see the big difference between Kansas and Wisconsin. Of course that doesn't surprise me because you are totally married to your ideology which seriously limits any ability to admit to any facts that show other approaches work better. You look at things one way and only one way, thus missing the entire horizon. I'm so glad I'm not an ideologue. Anyone who is pragmatic isn't bound by the strict boundaries of ideologies.
Now let me repeat, taxes were raised on the only wealthy. No taxes were cut like they were in Kansas and Wisconsin. Spending was also cut but not drastically, unlike Wisconsin and Kansas. Got it?
Minnesota came out of the recession much, much stronger than Kansas and Wisconsin. It's not even close.
Look it up. Look at the great shape Minnesota is in compared to Kansas and Wisconsin. You'd have to be totally blind or just plain stupid not to see the difference.
Some people just refuse to think out of their little safe ideological box.

Wisconsin doesn't seem to be doing well. Walker gave away any chance at a balanced budget with tax cuts. And they are at the bottom of job growth.
Wisconsin's economy is up in all sectors and down in unemployment rate.

So is the rest of the country. But they don't have a balanced budget thanks to Walkers tax cuts. And they are toward the bottom for job growth. They are even below IL.
Minnesota used the opposite approach and the state of our economy is one of the best in the nation along with one of the lowest unemployment numbers in the country. When Gov. Mark Dayton assumed office at the same time as Scott Walker (2010), there was a $6 billion deficit . At the end of the 2014 fiscal year we had a $2 billion surplus. Now Dayton and the GOP are bumping heads what to do with it even though the GOP fought everything Dayton wanted to do unsuccessfully. Looks like tax cuts, because the state can afford it and upgrading the infrastructure because we recognize our infrastructure needs it, to continue to be competitive.
Dayton cut government spending and raised taxes on the wealthy, it obviously worked much, much better than Kansas or Scott Walker's Wisconsin approaches.
The egg is on who's face?

Dayton cut government spending

So....he did a major conservative economic move.....and the state prospered.......if he had cut taxes as well the surplus would have been even bigger.......try harder next time......

Of course you fail to see the big difference between Kansas and Wisconsin. Of course that doesn't surprise me because you are totally married to your ideology which seriously limits any ability to admit to any facts that show other approaches work better. You look at things one way and only one way, thus missing the entire horizon. I'm so glad I'm not an ideologue. Anyone who is pragmatic isn't bound by the strict boundaries of ideologies.
Now let me repeat, taxes were raised on the only wealthy. No taxes were cut like they were in Kansas and Wisconsin. Spending was also cut but not drastically, unlike Wisconsin and Kansas. Got it?
Minnesota came out of the recession much, much stronger than Kansas and Wisconsin. It's not even close.
Look it up. Look at the great shape Minnesota is in compared to Kansas and Wisconsin. You'd have to be totally blind or just plain stupid not to see the difference.
Some people just refuse to think out of their little safe ideological box.

Wisconsin doesn't seem to be doing well. Walker gave away any chance at a balanced budget with tax cuts. And they are at the bottom of job growth.
Wisconsin's economy is up in all sectors and down in unemployment rate.

So is the rest of the country. But they don't have a balanced budget thanks to Walkers tax cuts. And they are toward the bottom for job growth. They are even below IL.
Of course it's balanced. That is required by the ?Constitution.
So Wisconsin has a budget short fall and that means in order to balance the budget, Walker will have to make more spending cuts to make up the shortage of revenue via his tax cuts.
Yup, Wisconsin will end up being the Mississippi of the North. It's no wonder that next to Illinois, Wisconsin is the second leading state were it's citizens are moving to Minnesota.
Of course I don't blame them. Minnesota's quality of life rating keeps getting better and Wisconsin's just keeps getting worse.
So....he did a major conservative economic move.....and the state prospered.......if he had cut taxes as well the surplus would have been even bigger.......try harder next time......

Of course you fail to see the big difference between Kansas and Wisconsin. Of course that doesn't surprise me because you are totally married to your ideology which seriously limits any ability to admit to any facts that show other approaches work better. You look at things one way and only one way, thus missing the entire horizon. I'm so glad I'm not an ideologue. Anyone who is pragmatic isn't bound by the strict boundaries of ideologies.
Now let me repeat, taxes were raised on the only wealthy. No taxes were cut like they were in Kansas and Wisconsin. Spending was also cut but not drastically, unlike Wisconsin and Kansas. Got it?
Minnesota came out of the recession much, much stronger than Kansas and Wisconsin. It's not even close.
Look it up. Look at the great shape Minnesota is in compared to Kansas and Wisconsin. You'd have to be totally blind or just plain stupid not to see the difference.
Some people just refuse to think out of their little safe ideological box.

Wisconsin doesn't seem to be doing well. Walker gave away any chance at a balanced budget with tax cuts. And they are at the bottom of job growth.
Wisconsin's economy is up in all sectors and down in unemployment rate.

So is the rest of the country. But they don't have a balanced budget thanks to Walkers tax cuts. And they are toward the bottom for job growth. They are even below IL.
Of course it's balanced. That is required by the ?Constitution.

It's not. Even after gutting education it's not.
I'm assuming you're a selfish fag since you're a liberal. You don't understand the concept of helping out your neighbors and living as a loving community.

No, guy, I'm straight and a registered Republican. I just don't think that churches are the best way to do anything. Praying is too much like begging.

The problem with a "loving community" is that it usually means, "People like us", not people who might actually need the help.
Minnesota used the opposite approach and the state of our economy is one of the best in the nation along with one of the lowest unemployment numbers in the country. When Gov. Mark Dayton assumed office at the same time as Scott Walker (2010), there was a $6 billion deficit . At the end of the 2014 fiscal year we had a $2 billion surplus. Now Dayton and the GOP are bumping heads what to do with it even though the GOP fought everything Dayton wanted to do unsuccessfully. Looks like tax cuts, because the state can afford it and upgrading the infrastructure because we recognize our infrastructure needs it, to continue to be competitive.
Dayton cut government spending and raised taxes on the wealthy, it obviously worked much, much better than Kansas or Scott Walker's Wisconsin approaches.
The egg is on who's face?

Dayton cut government spending

So....he did a major conservative economic move.....and the state prospered.......if he had cut taxes as well the surplus would have been even bigger.......try harder next time......

Of course you fail to see the big difference between Kansas and Wisconsin. Of course that doesn't surprise me because you are totally married to your ideology which seriously limits any ability to admit to any facts that show other approaches work better. You look at things one way and only one way, thus missing the entire horizon. I'm so glad I'm not an ideologue. Anyone who is pragmatic isn't bound by the strict boundaries of ideologies.
Now let me repeat, taxes were raised on the only wealthy. No taxes were cut like they were in Kansas and Wisconsin. Spending was also cut but not drastically, unlike Wisconsin and Kansas. Got it?
Minnesota came out of the recession much, much stronger than Kansas and Wisconsin. It's not even close.
Look it up. Look at the great shape Minnesota is in compared to Kansas and Wisconsin. You'd have to be totally blind or just plain stupid not to see the difference.
Some people just refuse to think out of their little safe ideological box.

Wisconsin doesn't seem to be doing well. Walker gave away any chance at a balanced budget with tax cuts. And they are at the bottom of job growth.
Wisconsin's economy is up in all sectors and down in unemployment rate.

So is the rest of the country. But they don't have a balanced budget thanks to Walkers tax cuts. And they are toward the bottom for job growth. They are even below IL.
^^^. These are the same people who try to say Clinton and the other Democrats never said there was WMDs in Iraq. They will lie to your face and even about Wisconsin.
I'm assuming you're a selfish fag since you're a liberal. You don't understand the concept of helping out your neighbors and living as a loving community.

No, guy, I'm straight and a registered Republican. I just don't think that churches are the best way to do anything. Praying is too much like begging.

The problem with a "loving community" is that it usually means, "People like us", not people who might actually need the help.
Not true at all about only helping "People like us." Would I want to fund a drug addict or an alcoholic so he can continue to live that kind of life comfortably? No... I don't like funding people who ride welfare for life either.
My opinion has nothing to do with churches. I just believe giving should come from your desire to give instead of regulated by the government. The reason we disagree is because you trust our government more with money that private non profit organizations that can do the same thing. We aren't going to agree on this. I think the government can't do anything right.
Not true at all about only helping "People like us." Would I want to fund a drug addict or an alcoholic so he can continue to live that kind of life comfortably? No... I don't like funding people who ride welfare for life either.

Okay, but those are the people who need the help. Incidently, no one really "rides welfare for life". Statements like that make me suspect you don't encounter that many poor people.

My opinion has nothing to do with churches. I just believe giving should come from your desire to give instead of regulated by the government. The reason we disagree is because you trust our government more with money that private non profit organizations that can do the same thing. We aren't going to agree on this. I think the government can't do anything right.

Of course you think that. Wall Street spends Billions of dollars getting you to think "Private Sector good, Government sector bad."

And you fall for it because you aren't terribly bright.
Not true at all about only helping "People like us." Would I want to fund a drug addict or an alcoholic so he can continue to live that kind of life comfortably? No... I don't like funding people who ride welfare for life either.

Okay, but those are the people who need the help. Incidently, no one really "rides welfare for life". Statements like that make me suspect you don't encounter that many poor people.

My opinion has nothing to do with churches. I just believe giving should come from your desire to give instead of regulated by the government. The reason we disagree is because you trust our government more with money that private non profit organizations that can do the same thing. We aren't going to agree on this. I think the government can't do anything right.

Of course you think that. Wall Street spends Billions of dollars getting you to think "Private Sector good, Government sector bad."

And you fall for it because you aren't terribly bright.
You aren't a republican with your views. No republican would favor the government being in control of your money over the private world.

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