Kansas...a tax cut success story....the left weeps....

The Kansas Budget

The selling point for hefty Kansas tax cuts was irresistibly seductive. Kansas can lower income tax rates, exempt business profits from the income tax entirely, and state revenue will still remain the same, or maybe even grow, and the state economy will prosper.

But this premise proved to be completely false. General fund revenue did not replenish. It fell $700 million (11 percent) in one year, and the recently revised official revenue forecast now predicts that receipts will stay at that low level into the future. Nor did the economy prosper. The Kansas economy is plodding along, but growing at a rate below our surrounding states and the national average.

Also proving false was the idea that Kansas could easily cut expenses. Our conservative lawmakers have labored during this 2015 legislative session to bring spending down, but they cannot do it. They have converted school funds to a block grant which is already causing problems in many school districts. They have authorized bonds for the retirement system so that regular payments into the system can be lowered. They have reduced many programs. Still, revenue has fallen so low that the budget currently in play for the next fiscal year spends $800 million more than the state expects to receive.

Duane Goossen writes and speaks about Kansas budget and financial matters. He welcomes inquiries and questions. Reach him at: [email protected].

Goossen served as the Kansas Budget Director for 12 years in the administrations of three governors — Republican Bill Graves and Democrats Kathleen Sebelius and Mark Parkinson. He was appointed by Sebelius in 2004 to concurrently serve as Secretary of the Kansas Department of Administration, the agency that manages state facilities, accounting, information services and employee programs.

Now that does not look like a successful program to me.
You really should vote left then. Fill out one of the tests that tells you which side best represents your views.

Actually, I vote for who I think can get things done.

The problem with the GOP is that it let the religious crazies take over.
There are religious crazies in it but are they really any worse than the lefts PC nonsense that has been going on in the last ten years?
That's not what Jesus said at all. Jesus was very clear, that you shouldn't desire to acquire things, and you should give generously to the poor. You should "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" and pay your taxes.

Oh really, you talked to him?

You never even read the bible so shut the fuck up you fucking liberal moron.

Sure I do. But unlike you, I read it with a critical eye.

Someone tells you that Adam and Eve were driven from paradise because they ate an apple off a magic tree, because a talking snake told them to, and you guy that without question.

You accept a book with sea monsters, talking donkeys, zombies, satyrs, unicorns and you think it's all good.

Sure I do. But unlike you, I read it with a critical eye.

Someone tells you that Adam and Eve were driven from paradise because they ate an apple off a magic tree, because a talking snake told them to, and you guy that without question.

You accept a book with sea monsters, talking donkeys, zombies, satyrs, unicorns and you think it's all good.
You're trusting in an idiot.

You are the idiot.

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