Kansas...a tax cut success story....the left weeps....

No...reality does not have a liberal bias.....that is why you nutters have to control education and entertainment...so you can lie to people about what actually happens.......

Guy, I used to drink the Right Wing, Free Market koolaid by the gallon.

Until I had the bad luck to get sick, and someone decided it would be cheaper to simply fire me than to make good on the medical insurance I had paid into.
So you gave up on your conservative ideology all because of "someone" firing you? What did Democrat liberalism do for you that caused your to dump your core beliefs? I smell bullshit.
No...reality does not have a liberal bias.....that is why you nutters have to control education and entertainment...so you can lie to people about what actually happens.......

Guy, I used to drink the Right Wing, Free Market koolaid by the gallon.

Until I had the bad luck to get sick, and someone decided it would be cheaper to simply fire me than to make good on the medical insurance I had paid into.
So you gave up on your conservative ideology all because of "someone" firing you? What did Democrat liberalism do for you that caused your to dump your core beliefs? I smell bullshit.

yes....when you think your employer should be your master...and take care of all of your needs, for your whole life, including healthcare...you weren't actually a conservative to begin with.......
Here is the real story and how the liberals will twist a lie about the Kansas


If Ronald Reagan were alive and saw the latest piece from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), he would say, “Well, there they go again … not letting the facts get in the way of the story they want you to believe.”

The premise of their March 27 piece is that “Kansas’ huge cuts have left … schools and other public services stuck in the recession, and declining further — a serious threat to the state’s long-term economic vitality.”

That’s not true, of course, but it’s what the way-left-leaning CBPP wants you to believe … and what the big-government interests in Kansas are only too happy to repeat.

CBPP and their allies seem to believe that government needs an unlimited supply of taxpayer money and could not possibly operate with a penny less. It’s a classic entitlement mentality and the premise is laughably false.

The volume of falsehoods and misleading statements in “Lessons for other States from Kansas’ Massive Tax Cuts” is so great that we will address each of their five “lessons” in separate blog posts this week. Today’s post will focus on their claim about state revenues.

This isn’t the first time we’ve debunked CBPP tales about Kansas and sadly, probably won’t be the last.
So you gave up on your conservative ideology all because of "someone" firing you? What did Democrat liberalism do for you that caused your to dump your core beliefs? I smell bullshit.

NO, i gave it up when I realized what it was.

The thing is, up until Reagan, there was a pretty strong agreement between the parties on the scope and role of government, unions and business. And it brought us the greatest prosperity we had known in history.

Then Reagan and people around him figured they could get people in the working class to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their sexual, religious and racial fears.

What I realized is that while people like my boss got things like "right to work" and "At Will Employment" laws that pretty much took away any recourse I had as a working guy, they never made good on things like, oh, banning abortion.

A guy wrote a book about this called, "What's the Matter with Kansas", which explained this in a lot of detail.

The GOP suffers from a schizophrenia that tries to reconcile Ayn Rand with Jesus Christ.


Now, during the course of the 2008 election, there was a few weeks were it looked like Huckabee might be the GOP nominee, and you should have seen the panic my boss went through that someone might divorce social conservatism from economic conservatism.
yes....when you think your employer should be your master...and take care of all of your needs, for your whole life, including healthcare...you weren't actually a conservative to begin with.......

Uh, no, guy, here was the thing. My employer and I had a contract. That contract was that I would be paid $XX.XX amount an hour and I would be covered for medical emergencies because we jointly paid into an insurance policy on my behalf.

In short, there was an agreement, I lived up to my end of it, they didn't live up to theirs.

Now, if I can't count on that when I really need it, then what's the point of supporting that "Free Market" solution? Why not simply have the government cover everyone completely separate from their employment?

And that's the fundamental argument between conservatism vs. liberalism- What should be a consumer commodity vs. what should be a public service.
So you gave up on your conservative ideology all because of "someone" firing you? What did Democrat liberalism do for you that caused your to dump your core beliefs? I smell bullshit.

NO, i gave it up when I realized what it was.

The thing is, up until Reagan, there was a pretty strong agreement between the parties on the scope and role of government, unions and business. And it brought us the greatest prosperity we had known in history.

Then Reagan and people around him figured they could get people in the working class to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their sexual, religious and racial fears.

What I realized is that while people like my boss got things like "right to work" and "At Will Employment" laws that pretty much took away any recourse I had as a working guy, they never made good on things like, oh, banning abortion.

A guy wrote a book about this called, "What's the Matter with Kansas", which explained this in a lot of detail.

The GOP suffers from a schizophrenia that tries to reconcile Ayn Rand with Jesus Christ.


Now, during the course of the 2008 election, there was a few weeks were it looked like Huckabee might be the GOP nominee, and you should have seen the panic my boss went through that someone might divorce social conservatism from economic conservatism.

Just shows how dumb you leftists are....for one...I agree with Rand on economic policies, not religious beliefs....and you only have Jesus talking about how difficult it is to get to heaven in a primitive society where ones wealth put you well beyond the reach of justice......and so the temptation to hurt other people was really easy to fall for.....but what did Jesus say about poor people who committed murder, and robbery and rape....how easy would it be for them to get through that eye of the needle....? Do you guys ever use your brains.......no....you just react to the first thing that sets off your emotions.........
yes....when you think your employer should be your master...and take care of all of your needs, for your whole life, including healthcare...you weren't actually a conservative to begin with.......

Uh, no, guy, here was the thing. My employer and I had a contract. That contract was that I would be paid $XX.XX amount an hour and I would be covered for medical emergencies because we jointly paid into an insurance policy on my behalf.

In short, there was an agreement, I lived up to my end of it, they didn't live up to theirs.

Now, if I can't count on that when I really need it, then what's the point of supporting that "Free Market" solution? Why not simply have the government cover everyone completely separate from their employment?

And that's the fundamental argument between conservatism vs. liberalism- What should be a consumer commodity vs. what should be a public service.

In short, there was an agreement, I lived up to my end of it, they didn't live up to theirs.

Yes...one guy....and you threw out the whole system because one guy was bad...and broke the agreement....he violated the thing that is required in a free market system....and that free market...also allows other people to run businesses to....did you get another job....with someone else...?

Why not have the government cover everyone? You mean like they "cover" the veterans at the V.A.? You can't get more of a public service than providing for the medical care of men and women who sacrificed their bodies and their lives to our country...and the government, through the V.A. doesn't take care of them...and they are a small group compared to the other 320 million people...and you think the government will do a better job taking care of the other 320 million people when they can't take care of the small pool of veterans...?

You really need some help with your reasoning skills......
yes....when you think your employer should be your master...and take care of all of your needs, for your whole life, including healthcare...you weren't actually a conservative to begin with.......

Uh, no, guy, here was the thing. My employer and I had a contract. That contract was that I would be paid $XX.XX amount an hour and I would be covered for medical emergencies because we jointly paid into an insurance policy on my behalf.

In short, there was an agreement, I lived up to my end of it, they didn't live up to theirs.

Now, if I can't count on that when I really need it, then what's the point of supporting that "Free Market" solution? Why not simply have the government cover everyone completely separate from their employment?

And that's the fundamental argument between conservatism vs. liberalism- What should be a consumer commodity vs. what should be a public service.
You're a fucking moron if you actually believe Kansas is a failing state... Go there and look around. Nicest roads, great public facilities, and growing business. I've been all over the country and the KC, Kansas area is one of the nicest.
I remember seeing the thread about how bad Kansas sucked because they cut taxes and didn't just tax, borrow, spend and spend and spend.....and now....after all the laughing by the left....seems that tax cuts worked.....

OK, so it worked in a state in the Bible Belt; where the vestiges of a strong moral foundation still cling on. Now lets see if your utopian ideal holds water in states and cultures where the new god is money...
I remember seeing the thread about how bad Kansas sucked because they cut taxes and didn't just tax, borrow, spend and spend and spend.....and now....after all the laughing by the left....seems that tax cuts worked.....

OK, so it worked in a state in the Bible Belt; where the vestiges of a strong moral foundation still cling on. Now lets see if your utopian ideal holds water in states and cultures where the new god is money...

You mean Chicago, Detroit, Washington D.C., New York....they are run by liberals...so don't expect much......in fact....Illinois is about to sink to the earths core because they are so far in debt......I don't think it can be saved....
Kansas economic outlook for 2015 ranks 18th. Not bad. Rich States Poor States - 2015 Economic Outlook

Remember that line from "It's A Wonderful Life"....Everytime a bell rings an angel gets it's wings.......

For the liberal....every time a tax is cut a leftist sheds a tear...and then riots, throws bricks at police, burns down stores......and then blame the republicans.......

Sort of the same...don't you think?
Just shows how dumb you leftists are....for one...I agree with Rand on economic policies, not religious beliefs....and you only have Jesus talking about how difficult it is to get to heaven in a primitive society where ones wealth put you well beyond the reach of justice......and so the temptation to hurt other people was really easy to fall for.

That's not what Jesus said at all. Jesus was very clear, that you shouldn't desire to acquire things, and you should give generously to the poor. You should "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" and pay your taxes.

The thing is, you think you can separate economic beliefs from religious ones, and you really can't.

but what did Jesus say about poor people who committed murder, and robbery and rape....how easy would it be for them to get through that eye of the needle....? Do you guys ever use your brains.......no....you just react to the first thing that sets off your emotions.........

Uh, guy, Jesus talked about forgiveness for sinners, which I personally think is kind of stupid. That a murderer who accepts Jesus into his soul will get into heaven.

Yes...one guy....and you threw out the whole system because one guy was bad...and broke the agreement....he violated the thing that is required in a free market system....and that free market...also allows other people to run businesses to....did you get another job....with someone else...?

But that's the thing. Agreements are based on the ability to enforce them. The wealthy don't believe in "Free Markets". They believe in gaming the system in their favor, which is exactly what this joker did.

Why not have the government cover everyone? You mean like they "cover" the veterans at the V.A.? You can't get more of a public service than providing for the medical care of men and women who sacrificed their bodies and their lives to our country...and the government, through the V.A. doesn't take care of them..

Actually, every time I've dealt with the VA they've been pretty professsional and helped me out. Yes, the system is struggling because we just put a Trillion dollar war on a credit card without planning for the aftermath just at a time when the last set of Veterans is reaching that retirement age when they can't rely on the private sector.

The thing is, Medicare, Medicaid and the VA take the people the private sector WOULD NEVER INSURE because they would lose money doing so. The Free market solution would be to "Let him DIE!!!" which is what a guy shouted out at the 2012 Republican debate and not one Republican denounced him for doing so.
You mean Chicago, Detroit, Washington D.C., New York....they are run by liberals...so don't expect much......in fact....Illinois is about to sink to the earths core because they are so far in debt......I don't think it can be saved....

Well, don't think because you are basically a stupid person.

But to the point, comparing IL to Kansas.

IL gets back only .73 for every dollar they send to Washington, while Kansas gets back 1.12 for every dollar they send to DC> I do love how the Red states complain about Federal spending, but grab those federal bucks hand over fist.

Just shows how dumb you leftists are....for one...I agree with Rand on economic policies, not religious beliefs....and you only have Jesus talking about how difficult it is to get to heaven in a primitive society where ones wealth put you well beyond the reach of justice......and so the temptation to hurt other people was really easy to fall for.

That's not what Jesus said at all. Jesus was very clear, that you shouldn't desire to acquire things, and you should give generously to the poor. You should "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" and pay your taxes.

The thing is, you think you can separate economic beliefs from religious ones, and you really can't.

but what did Jesus say about poor people who committed murder, and robbery and rape....how easy would it be for them to get through that eye of the needle....? Do you guys ever use your brains.......no....you just react to the first thing that sets off your emotions.........

Uh, guy, Jesus talked about forgiveness for sinners, which I personally think is kind of stupid. That a murderer who accepts Jesus into his soul will get into heaven.

Yes...one guy....and you threw out the whole system because one guy was bad...and broke the agreement....he violated the thing that is required in a free market system....and that free market...also allows other people to run businesses to....did you get another job....with someone else...?

But that's the thing. Agreements are based on the ability to enforce them. The wealthy don't believe in "Free Markets". They believe in gaming the system in their favor, which is exactly what this joker did.

Why not have the government cover everyone? You mean like they "cover" the veterans at the V.A.? You can't get more of a public service than providing for the medical care of men and women who sacrificed their bodies and their lives to our country...and the government, through the V.A. doesn't take care of them..

Actually, every time I've dealt with the VA they've been pretty professsional and helped me out. Yes, the system is struggling because we just put a Trillion dollar war on a credit card without planning for the aftermath just at a time when the last set of Veterans is reaching that retirement age when they can't rely on the private sector.

The thing is, Medicare, Medicaid and the VA take the people the private sector WOULD NEVER INSURE because they would lose money doing so. The Free market solution would be to "Let him DIE!!!" which is what a guy shouted out at the 2012 Republican debate and not one Republican denounced him for doing so.
Religious people typically donate more money to the poor. That's why they don't think the government needs to regulate it. Liberals don't give money away so they think the government has to take it because they are personally too selfish to give money away.
You mean Chicago, Detroit, Washington D.C., New York....they are run by liberals...so don't expect much......in fact....Illinois is about to sink to the earths core because they are so far in debt......I don't think it can be saved....

Well, don't think because you are basically a stupid person.

That coming from a moron......who is a lefty...talk about being stupid.....
Way to go Sam! This should be a lesson to all weak kneed Republicans. Cutting taxes works. Liberals have egg on their faces.

Minnesota used the opposite approach and the state of our economy is one of the best in the nation along with one of the lowest unemployment numbers in the country. When Gov. Mark Dayton assumed office at the same time as Scott Walker (2010), there was a $6 billion deficit . At the end of the 2014 fiscal year we had a $2 billion surplus. Now Dayton and the GOP are bumping heads what to do with it even though the GOP fought everything Dayton wanted to do unsuccessfully. Looks like tax cuts, because the state can afford it and upgrading the infrastructure because we recognize our infrastructure needs it, to continue to be competitive.
Dayton cut government spending and raised taxes on the wealthy, it obviously worked much, much better than Kansas or Scott Walker's Wisconsin approaches.
The egg is on who's face?
Religious people typically donate more money to the poor. That's why they don't think the government needs to regulate it. Liberals don't give money away so they think the government has to take it because they are personally too selfish to give money away.

Frankly, no one should have to beg to the followers of an imaginary sky fairy to feed their kids.

The ideal thing is to provide a remunerative job to every able bodied American. Until we get there, i trust the government more than I trust a kiddy-diddling church.
Way to go Sam! This should be a lesson to all weak kneed Republicans. Cutting taxes works. Liberals have egg on their faces.

Minnesota used the opposite approach and the state of our economy is one of the best in the nation along with one of the lowest unemployment numbers in the country. When Gov. Mark Dayton assumed office at the same time as Scott Walker (2010), there was a $6 billion deficit . At the end of the 2014 fiscal year we had a $2 billion surplus. Now Dayton and the GOP are bumping heads what to do with it even though the GOP fought everything Dayton wanted to do unsuccessfully. Looks like tax cuts, because the state can afford it and upgrading the infrastructure because we recognize our infrastructure needs it, to continue to be competitive.
Dayton cut government spending and raised taxes on the wealthy, it obviously worked much, much better than Kansas or Scott Walker's Wisconsin approaches.
The egg is on who's face?

Dayton cut government spending

So....he did a major conservative economic move.....and the state prospered.......if he had cut taxes as well the surplus would have been even bigger.......try harder next time......

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