Kansas bill would force pharmacists to fill ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine as off-label COVID treatment

Oh STFU YOU GOV'T TROLL............I don 't give a flying fuck what you have to say anymore.

The DRUGS WORK........PERIOD......People like you are MURDERING AMERICANS.........Now go get 5 more jabs you gov't troll clown.

Why would pharmacists refuse to fill a doctor ordered prescription?

I’ve never heard of that.

I do not know, I am not even sure they are. More than likely this bill is just a PR move and is fixing a problem that does not exist.

But I am against the Govt forcing a pharmacists to fill one they do not wish to fill
A pharmacist isn't a doctor, they don't get to decide what people get and don't get. Their job is to fill prescriptions brought in from personal doctors.

Even in a hospital the pharmacist doesn't just write scrips willy nilly, they only do it at the request of a patients doctor or the hospitalist.
Kansas bill would force pharmacists to fill ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine as off-label COVID treatment
JASON TIDD | TOPEKA CAPITAL-JOURNAL | 1:21 pm CST January 27, 2022

A group of Kansas politicians tasked with steering public health policy are pushing to allow doctors to prescribe unproven treatments and preventives for COVID-19 without any potential for responsibility.

While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has warned against using ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19, some Republican senators want to shield doctors from legal liability and board discipline for prescribing the drugs.

But but but big pharma said.......

(The left)
Fuck it let the conservative treat it the way they want. No skin off my nose.

You can take this guys advice also what do I care.
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Kansas bill would force pharmacists to fill ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine as off-label COVID treatment
JASON TIDD | TOPEKA CAPITAL-JOURNAL | 1:21 pm CST January 27, 2022

A group of Kansas politicians tasked with steering public health policy are pushing to allow doctors to prescribe unproven treatments and preventives for COVID-19 without any potential for responsibility.

While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has warned against using ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19, some Republican senators want to shield doctors from legal liability and board discipline for prescribing the drugs.

But but but big pharma said.......

(The left)
Typical statist trumpster horseshit. They loves them some government mandates.
Have at it.

Deworm yourselves

You won't be missed
Damn! Another uninformed dupe for the establishment.

Big pharm’s ability to misinform may be greater than the CIA.

Profits before people. The new motto of the left.
Why you guys getting so pissy (see what I did there)?

Don’t get vaccinated

At this point no one cares.

Less crazy people and less Trump voters

Why you guys getting so pissy (see what I did there)?

Don’t get vaccinated

At this point no one cares.

Less crazy people and less Trump voters

No worries..............That Lab Rat job is all yours..........

Put another round in the chamber and pull...........good luck.

Read above
Lol do as you wish. What do you not understand? You are arguing with a guy that does not care how you treat it. Make your own decision. There is no argument. I personally never get sick. I have not gotten sick since 1993 and that was because I was young and stupid and did not take care of myself back then. I got the vaccine just in case this new thing could get to me unlike things in the past. I have not gotten covid. I am low risk. Inside I am normally alone. I am outside most the time the virus does not spread well outside. Don't want the vax? Don't get the vax. Want the vax get the vax. I don't care. The only line I wish you would not cross is if you are currently positive. If positive stay home. The rest just don't effect me.
Lol do as you wish. What do you not understand? You are arguing with a guy that does not care how you treat it. Make your own decision. There is no argument. I personally never get sick. I have not gotten sick since 1993 and that was because I was young and stupid and did not take care of myself back then. I got the vaccine just in case this new thing could get to me unlike things in the past. I have not gotten covid. I am low risk. Inside I am normally alone. I am outside most the time the virus does not spread well outside. Don't want the vax? Don't get the vax. Want the vax get the vax. I don't care. The only line I wish you would not cross is if you are currently positive. If positive stay home. The rest just don't effect me.

Now explain how Americans can get the cheap drugs when they are not allowed by the FDA..

Which have been used all over the world.............and how that would have effected the EUA for the Vaccines..........so called vaccines........oops.

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