Kari Lake calls for imprisoning Maricopa County election officials

Lawyers should be the first punished for bringing lawsuits that never met Arizona law, in the first place, they should be punished for mere frivolous conjecture with never having the means or evidence to meet the standard of Arizona, legislated, election law involved in over turning an election.

Sure thing right after we punish FISA court judges for approving warrants with false information along with the FBI for all the frivolous indictments and raids.
They were given 2 business days to present a sophisticated election theft case. Why the time limit? They didn't even have time to call the chubby karen to the stand. WTF?

It was a soviet show trial so the marxists could say "well fuck, you had your chance".

Hey new House.... get your head out of your ass and spend a couple months on this. No time limit. Hose these mother fuckers down.

Arizona Election law dictated it....and Kari Lake asked for this expedited case also, she wanted it done quickly so she could have time to appeal the ruling, BEFORE the final legislated cut off date under Arizona Law,, which is January 2nd or 3rd, when the new Arizona governor, is sworn in.
Sure thing right after we punish FISA court judges for approving warrants with false information along with the FBI for all the frivolous indictments and raids.
Why would you fine a judge in that situation kitty? The judge is who was lied to, and why the liar is punished.... for lying to the judge on a subpoena, or fisa request!!!
I must be living in a parallel universe. Democrats burnt down cities in 2020. But made-up imaginary accusations about Trump and feed into costly billion $ january 6th investigations. investigating a three-hour event. Same assholes that rejected Trumps vaccine then flip flopped and made it mandatory months later. Did I miss something?
Yeah, your brain is missing.
Something doesn't smell right. People should not be punished for trying to stamp out voter fraud.

They should be punished for trying to lie to the courts and The People that the election was stolen.

And for trying to do that - and thereby damaging the credibility of honest elections - they should be (metaphorically) crucified in the law courts.
Why would you fine a judge in that situation kitty? The judge is who was lied to, and why the liar is punished.... for lying to the judge on a subpoena, or fisa request!!!

And yet the judge did nothing after finding out they approved a warrant based on false information, yeah the judge should be held accountable.
Looks like lefties have fully embraced political weaponization of the law. Lawfare is corruption in and of itself. Enjoy being spineless
I must be living in a parallel universe. Democrats burnt down cities in 2020. But made-up imaginary accusations about Trump and feed into costly billion $ january 6th investigations. investigating a three-hour event. Same assholes that rejected Trumps vaccine then flip flopped and made it mandatory months later. Did I miss something?
Cities were burned down? In the US? Please cite this amazing discovery.
Sounds like some attorney's were threatened... WOW a potentially bought off judge and now evidence of threats on court perosnell..... This thing smells like huge pile of shit.
It smells like it came right from Stalin, which it did. Attorneys for the disfavored have been under threat for sometime. I expect the next threat will be to the children of attorneys not representing the right clients.
Nope! No, it was not proven!

Fraid so, Hun. They broke the law in not being prepared for the election, and they broke the law in rigging the machines, which an expert testified had to have been done the day of the election. And they intended to defraud, because it only happened to GOP ballots meant for deep red regions of the state. No democrat got an unscannable ballot, Daisy. The judge is a gyp.
THAT IS WHY Kari Lake lost in court!

You know damn well that Lake lost because the court's offer to "hear" her case was just another faux media event designed to kill her dispute and protect another illigitimate election from coming under real scrutiny, because it's a can of worms so vast, with so many potentially implicated in it that no judge wants to touch it! He disallowed her even bringing 80% of her case, including the most important thing, he only gave her 5 hours to prepare, and limited her to only two days, so brief that she didn't even have time to call her star witness, Hobbs herself.

It was a joke; those are not the actions of a court which really wants to be fair and get to the truth. Can you imagine a criminal case being handled like that!!!! They would have SIX MONTHS to prepare. And the sad thing is that with so many questions, all they really need to do is redo the election with everything right and working this time. I mean, if the first election really WAS on the up and up, they'd just get a very similar outcome, right? So there'd be no harm, except that they know it would NOT come out anywhere near the same.

That's OK, Lake will be appealing.
Something doesn't smell right. People should not be punished for trying to stamp out voter fraud.
Damn near SEVENTY (70) cases tossed out because they didn't meet legal standards. At some point, you're going to have to realize that you have been conned.

Trump claimed a primary loss to Cruz was rigged.

Trump claimed an EMMY loss was rigged.

You've fallen for a person who lacks the fundamental emotional maturity to admit he lost. Why is that? Why can't you step back and at least QUESTION this?
By the way, Judge Peter Thompson is a Republican appointee (Jan Brewer).

You want to laugh at this ongoing circus, but it really isn't funny.

When do these people admit they have been conned? Ever?

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