Kari Lake calls for imprisoning Maricopa County election officials

Looks like lefties have fully embraced political weaponization of the law. Lawfare is corruption in and of itself. Enjoy being spineless
Right wingers want the legal system to tell them “we know you’re sad it’s ok to to waste the courts time and resources because you’re so sad you lost”. Pound salt dude. Liars get reamed and sued in court no matter how sad they are.
You know damn well that Lake lost because the court's offer to "hear" her case was just another faux media event designed to kill her dispute and protect another illigitimate election from coming under real scrutiny, because it's a can of worms so vast, with so many potentially implicated in it that no judge wants to touch it! He disallowed her even bringing 80% of her case, including the most important thing, he only gave her 5 hours to prepare, and limited her to only two days, so brief that she didn't even have time to call her star witness, Hobbs herself.

It was a joke; those are not the actions of a court which really wants to be fair and get to the truth. Can you imagine a criminal case being handled like that!!!! They would have SIX MONTHS to prepare. And the sad thing is that with so many questions, all they really need to do is redo the election with everything right and working this time. I mean, if the first election really WAS on the up and up, they'd just get a very similar outcome, right? So there'd be no harm, except that they know it would NOT come out anywhere near the same.

That's OK, Lake will be appealing.
No one is negotiating with you Simp bitches. You lost. Go ahead and cry about it.
Right wingers want the legal system to tell them “we know you’re sad it’s ok to to waste the courts time and resources because you’re so sad you lost”. Pound salt dude. Liars get reamed and sued in court no matter how sad they are.
Seems to me that the main problem here is, as always in MAGA land, the enablers. In this case, the attorneys.

The rubes somehow (?) don't know that you can't just start a trial simply because you think something may have happened. In order to make it to an actual trial, you have to provide some degree of real evidence of wrongdoing, not just conspiracies.

But, the lawyers, they do know that. Are they so craven and desperate for work that they'll ignore this obvious rule? Don't they realize that they're putting their professional standing at risk with this bullshit? How could they possibly not know that?
By the way, Judge Peter Thompson is a Republican appointee (Jan Brewer).

You want to laugh at this ongoing circus, but it really isn't funny.

When do these people admit they have been conned? Ever?
All it is is die-hard proof that it is easier to con a man than to convince him that he's been conned.
Seems to me that the main problem here is, as always in MAGA land, the enablers. In this case, the attorneys.

The rubes somehow (?) don't know that you can't just start a trial simply because you think something may have happened. In order to make it to an actual trial, you have to provide some degree of real evidence of wrongdoing, not just conspiracies.

But, the lawyers, they do know that. Are they so craven and desperate for work that they'll ignore this obvious rule? Don't they realize that they're putting their professional standing at risk with this bullshit? How could they possibly not know that?
Ghouliyani is realizing this now.
Seems to me that the main problem here is, as always in MAGA land, the enablers. In this case, the attorneys.

The rubes somehow (?) don't know that you can't just start a trial simply because you think something may have happened. In order to make it to an actual trial, you have to provide some degree of real evidence of wrongdoing, not just conspiracies.

But, the lawyers, they do know that. Are they so craven and desperate for work that they'll ignore this obvious rule? Don't they realize that they're putting their professional standing at risk with this bullshit? How could they possibly not know that?
They seem to have a big problem finding quality lawyers.. but you’re right, they seem to have no problem finding incompetent one’s who are willing to risk disbarment, financial ruin, and sanctions.
You cannot be this dumb not to know that happened.
BTW, the above pulled quote is from good poster MaryL defending her assertion that American cities "were burnt down" during the social justice/police brutality unrest in 2020 following the Floyd murder.

When queried which cities were totally destroyed by fires set by the vandals within the protests....well, MaryL attempts to dodge the question by questioning the question. Meaning, she doesn't answer which cities were burnt down.

It's a dodge. An insincerity. A fake and phony claim by someone who should know better. Who should attempt to project a better image of the people who support Don Trump. Posters like MaryL make Trumpers look like the cliche'd 'low information' population that was so often presented in main stream media. In this case, it seems MSM has got a deadsolidperfect take on their coverage of that demographic.
I am sorry to say.


It smells like it came right from Stalin, which it did.
I expect the next threat will be to the children of attorneys not representing the right clients.
Hysteria much?
Histrionics much?
Silly and frivolous much?
Free advice to CatBreath: Look, gurlfriend.....this is Adult Swim. You are expected to bring some game to the game.
Instead, it appears your 'game' is simply partisan caterwauling without argument, without data, without facts, without veritas.
You should know better.
You make Trump supporters look like "low information" citizens.
Don't do that. It makes you look dumb. And It makes Trump supporters look dumb.
You should be better than that.

So, buckle up and be a better you.

Good luck........and Peace ✌️
Fraid so, Hun. They broke the law in not being prepared for the election, and they broke the law in rigging the machines, which an expert testified had to have been done the day of the election. And they intended to defraud, because it only happened to GOP ballots meant for deep red regions of the state. No democrat got an unscannable ballot, Daisy. The judge is a gyp.
You're living in Fantasy Land and right wing media world.

The expert, could not prove and did not prove in court that the printer malfunctions were intentional, that's why Kari Lake lost, and the Judge ruled against Lake....

and in addition, the expert reluctantly agreed that ALL the votes of all voters where the machine could not read it, were counted by bipartisan teams later.
You're living in Fantasy Land and right wing media world.

The expert, could not prove and did not prove in court that the printer malfunctions were intentional, that's why Kari Lake lost, and the Judge ruled against Lake....

and in addition, the expert reluctantly agreed that ALL the votes of all voters where the machine could not read it, were counted by bipartisan teams later.
Sure, Baghdad Bob.

How many Sec of States have ran elections while running for re-election? Every one in history with exception of 1 or 2?! You’re making up conspiracies. It’s totally normal for sos to do their job while running for re-election. Your non commie judge that you loved so much found that nothing illegal happened and the election was handled appropriately. You’re now spreading lies if you continue with the stolen election crap.
Facts are not conspiracies.

Hobbs crippled voting machines in republican districts.
They seem to have a big problem finding quality lawyers.. but you’re right, they seem to have no problem finding incompetent one’s who are willing to risk disbarment, financial ruin, and sanctions.
A moment in the sun

See Sidney Powell
Seems to me that the main problem here is, as always in MAGA land, the enablers. In this case, the attorneys.

The rubes somehow (?) don't know that you can't just start a trial simply because you think something may have happened. In order to make it to an actual trial, you have to provide some degree of real evidence of wrongdoing, not just conspiracies.

But, the lawyers, they do know that. Are they so craven and desperate for work that they'll ignore this obvious rule? Don't they realize that they're putting their professional standing at risk with this bullshit? How could they possibly not know that?
Someone is paying the lawyers. You want to stop this, fine the hell out of the plaintiff.

Give them 72 hours to pay them throw them in jail for contempt.
The question is no longer whether these elections are rigged, or whether the judiciary has become compliant and corrupt. The sole issue is navigating the New America where elections are fraudulent and justice depends on your political posture. This is a future in which America has never been great and no one, absolutely, wants it to be great again.
No, they were copied from a ballot that was the wrong side and the progarm picked the up and rejected the ballots.

Retard, I literally showed you an article from before the election stating their ballots are 20 inches...

The various text sizes on the county’s 20-inch-long ballots...

Cons are ineducable.
How is looking at 20,000 ballots in 3 days going to prove they went through a ballot counting machine?

Rejected ballots are reviewed by a bipartisan team. You claiming the Republican members of those teams wouldn't allow votes for Kari Lake to be counted? If so, you have evidence to support that?
More than rejected. Hobbs using the wrong size ballots caused the machines to jam, delaying voting by up to 6 hours. This then was compounded by a refusal to extend the voting hours, disenfranchising thousands of Republican voters, just as Hobbs intended.


Hobbs did that, huh, lyin' nazi?

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