Kari Lake has the solution

The Dems care about separation of St The Hawk’s Jesus & Bible from the state,
Yes we know, the Bible and the word of God terrifies you, because you are your own god, you know what is right and wrong, and you don’t need no Bible or God or Christian to tell you otherwise. Of course you want the word of God separated as far as possible from “the state”, so you can do whatever satanic (selfish) things you want, and if anyone tries to stop you….well you will put them in “re-education camps”, or worse.

It’s people like you that built Babylon, and are on track turning America into one.
Yes we know, the Bible and the word of God terrifies you, because you are your own god, you know what is right and wrong, and you don’t need no Bible or God or Christian to tell you otherwise.

The Bible has no brain, no bones, no muscles; nothing animate. How does it terrify me? Please explain your irrational thought to a rational man.

thvhwk.23.08.04 #27
nf.23.08.04 #28
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The Bible has no brain, no bones, no muscles; nothing animate. How does it terrify me? Please explain your irrational thought to a rational man.

thvhwk.23.08.04 #27
nf.23.08.04 #28
I listed Christians.

You clearly are terrified of Christians. Otherwise why did you make the statement you did?
Oh lord.

Care to tell us how the GOP gained House seats in the 2020 and 2022 election cycles if the Democrats were rigging the election?
Because tho Steal was only in 6-8 Counties in 5 States ( That is all Xiden needed)
Because tho Steal was only in 6-8 Counties in 5 States ( That is all Xiden needed)
That sounds like a good reason to get rid of the Electoral College, if 6-8 counties in five states can swing an election.

Of course, then you'd have the problem that you'd lose by even bigger margins when it's 3000 counties in 50 states.
That sounds like a good reason to get rid of the Electoral College, if 6-8 counties in five states can swing an election.

Of course, then you'd have the problem that you'd lose by even bigger margins when it's 3000 counties in 50 states.
No it sounds like a good reason to
Put a spotlight on the Counties with the big blue or Purple Voting Records In Red Or Swing States
We all saw what happened on election night. Trump was leading when we went to bed. After ;midnight ballots for Biden mysteriously appeared out of nowhere. Kari Lake has a solution to make things right.

---Popular Republican Kari Lake spoke out on Thursday surrounding the 2020 election during an appearance on Steve Bannon’s War Room on Real America’s Voice. This interview followed former President Trump’s latest arraignment on speech crimes in Washington DC.

During the discussion, Lake posited that the conflict American citizens are currently witnessing is one between “We the People” and the “tyrannical” government.

“Well, yeah, it’s pretty obvious that it’s we the people versus our tyrannical government right now. And there’s only one candidate who’s willing to stand up to that swamp or the tyranny, and that’s President Donald J. Trump,” said Lake.

Lake further emphasized the illegitimacy of the 2020 presidential election, stating that the January 6 riots were staged to distract from the fraudulent election.---

Lake’s ‘solution’ is to commit a crime – the same crime Trump committed: violating citizens’ right to vote.
I think the OP is talking about for here contact lenses. Other than that; she's got nothing but a giant L on her forehead and zero prospects now that porn mags are supposedly no longer being printed
I have designed and delivered literally hundreds of completely secure systems, many of which are still in use in the field today.
But you work in the music business. LOL...Sure.
The idea that we can't have a secure vote is LUDICROUS.
We already have a secure vote.
I can design you a completely secure and auditable vote for practically no cost.
Sure you can...you can't charge anything because nobody would pay you a penny for anything you design.
150 million postcards, what's that at the gubmint rate, maybe 10 million bucks? Less?
Oooh post cards.
Why is no one talking about this? Why is no one thinking about it?
Gee...maybe because you're a hilarious fraud.
This is the BEST proposal yet to deal with this situation. We have an illegally installed Usurper in the oval office subverting the Constitution on a daily basis. The evidence the election was stolen is in this link. Read it. Study it. It's all there.

Kari Lake Advocates for Decertifying 2020 Election Rather Than Impeaching “Illegitimate” President Biden: “He Really Isn’t… the True President”
How's her little appeal coming along? :heehee:
Best of all, it's already been done! The Deep State just hasn't told you yet. You can rest easy! You've saved America!

And now, the nice orderly will come around with your pudding and your pills.
Don't make fun of him....he needs to make money by working for the Gateway Pundit.

The chances of that are slim to none.

And Slim just left town.

Sorry to bring this up at such an opportune moment lol, but the righties need to make a decision about Trump.

Innocent blood is being shed for him right now, it's not right. Righties need to get either solidly behind him, or dump him, but the halfway position isn't going to work.

I mean, election-wise, it's not going to work. Righties have to be highly unified if they intend to win with an 8 million vote handicap.

On the right, there are plenty of people who are only righties because the left is so damn crazy, other than that they don't particularly believe in any right wing principles. (Other than making money, like the Koch Brothers - and it's interesting that they'd be against Trump, since he facilitates their business).
They need to send him all their money.

Even to the point of getting reverse mortgages to send him even more!

Sell all that gold they got to send him even more!

The orange sexual abuser NEEDS.THEIR.MONEY!
Security of the system isn't the problem, and Gore, Hillary and Trump weren't complaining about the same thing.

Gore was complaining- rightfully- the Florida didn't conduct a complete recount like they were required to, which might have led to his victory, and in any case, he won the popular vote. The real problem there was the electoral college.

Hillary rightfully complained that she had won the popular vote, but shenanigan's at the FBI cost her the election, which it did. (She was also a shit candidate, but that's another discussion.)

Trump lost the popular vote by 8 million votes. He was told he had lost, and that there were no major fraud that would have made the difference. He tried to launch a coup anyway.

Whenever wing nuts talk about "Securing elections" what they really mean is "Keeping the Darkies from voting"... Something wingnuts have been doing since the 15th Amendment was passed, really.
Of the three, the only one who had a point was Gore.

Nobody forced Hillary to visit Wisconsin only once. She was running ads in Texas. I saw them.

Trump was beaten. Badly. He got a lesser % of the vote in several red states than he got in 2016. This is very hard to do in this day and age.

Gore lost Florida because of a butterfly ballot in Palm Beach county. Pat Buchanan didn't campaign in the county and got thousands of votes. He himself--Buchanan--said that he got votes intended for Gore. The reason the butterfly ballot was in place was because the elections officials in that county approved the odd ballot.


Nope. Trump lost in 2020, and he'll lose again in 2024. Then he'll go to jail, and we'll all be better off for it.
Trump did not lose in 2020. The fraud was obvious and very stupid dishonest people refuse to admit it. You are just one of them.

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