Kari Lake warns repubs candidates who will not say she was cheated in governor's race.


Slobbers the retard who continues to promote 2000 Mules, even though...

54,000 "mules"...

4,000,000 minutes of video.

ZERO "mules" caught on video.
Investigate the digital evidence. Identify and talk to these people. It can be done, why isn't it?
OK. If the court determines the election has to be tossed will that work for you?

Of course I would. I'm the polar opposite of you. I don't cry about the courts being corrupt or inept every time a court renders a decision I don't like.

Whereas we're closing in on some 70 cases between Trump and Trump Lite®, who've lost EVERY single case on election fraud, and you're deranged enough to think the whole fucking world is in on this conspiracy for that to happen; rather than simply accept reality -- they both lost their respective elections.
No competent people work for Maricopa County. How the Hell would thickness of paper change ballots from 20 inch to 19 inch ballots? That had to be programmed.

#1 The report isn't by people that "worked" for Maricopa County, it was commissioned and a former Republican AZ Supreme Court Justice was in charge.

#2 The printer failures had to do with the ballots not being readable at the local polling place and having to be transported to the main center where more sensitive readers were used.

And yes, having worked as an Electronics Technical for 20 years and worked for a printer manufacturing company (Cannon) for 3 years. Paper weight makes a difference as it impact heating and toner transfer process. Heavier paper has more mass so the heating properties can be different. Especially in industrial settings with high throughput.

#3 And yes people were changing printer settings that morning, because of the tabulator issue with ballots not being read as the technicians attempted to troubleshoot and correct. Duh.

#1 The report isn't by people that "worked" for Maricopa County, it was commissioned and a former Republican AZ Supreme Court Justice was in charge.

#2 The printer failures had to do with the ballots not being readable at the local polling place and having to be transported to the main center where more sensitive readers were used.

And yes, having worked as an Electronics Technical for 20 years and worked for a printer manufacturing company (Cannon) for 3 years. Paper weight makes a difference as it impact heating and toner transfer process. Heavier paper has more mass so the heating properties can be different. Especially in industrial settings with high throughput.

#3 And yes people were changing printer settings that morning, because of the tabulator issue with ballots not being read as the technicians attempted to troubleshoot and correct. Duh.

Duh sums up your opinion. After 2020 it is hard to believe Maricopa County is run by the same people. If you enjoy being lied to you are having a great time. Blindly believing people that withhold evidence what should be transparent should not be done by any objective thinking person. You have failed that test.

Investigate the digital evidence. Identify and talk to these people. It can be done, why isn't it?


It was THEIR claim to be in possession of 4,000,000 minutes of video.

It was THEIR claim to be in possession of 25,000,000 gigabytes of cell phone data.

It was THEIR claim they could identify "mules" by that cell phone data by location and timestamp.

It was THEIR claim they could look up any video by location and timestamp.

It was THEIR claim there were 54,000 "mules."

Meaning they COULD have isolated a "mule" by their cell phone ping and easily FOUND correlating video IF such video existed. Turns out, NONE did.

It was THEIR OBLIGATION to prove it with the video they claimed to have.

That they couldn't produce any video evidence to corroborate the very essence of THEIR claims is evidence their claims were utter bullshit.

That you still believe what they say is testament to how committed to this lunacy you really are. :itsok:
Duh sums up your opinion. After 2020 it is hard to believe Maricopa County is run by the same people.

Why? Because you don't like that every recount, every audit, every ballot, showed Biden won their county?

That only shows you reject reality in favor of your hallucinations. In reality, they did a fine job in 2020 and there was no reason for them to work the elections again in 2022. Though they did screw up with their ballots being printed the wrong size and that's on them. But fortunately, they had contingency plans for screwups and other mishaps so when tabulators rejected ballots for whatever reason, the ballots were still counted.
Why? Because you don't like that every recount, every audit, every ballot, showed Biden won their county?

That only shows you reject reality in favor of your hallucinations. In reality, they did a fine job in 2020 and there was no reason for them to work the elections again in 2022. Though they did screw up with their ballots being printed the wrong size and that's on them. But fortunately, they had contingency plans for screwups and other mishaps so when tabulators rejected ballots for whatever reason, the ballots were still counted.
The audit Maricopa ran was run by Dominion. Same happened in GA. Facts you cannot change.
Duh sums up your opinion. After 2020 it is hard to believe Maricopa County is run by the same people. If you enjoy being lied to you are having a great time. Blindly believing people that withhold evidence what should be transparent should not be done by any objective thinking person. You have failed that test.


Outside consultants were brought in, examined every ballot in Maricopa County and determined that Biden got MORE votes then the county had originally counted. These were your people (by which I mean fellow cultists). There name was CyberNinjas.

Now an outside investigation was done led by a former Republican AZ Supreme Court justice to look at the light print issue and - "well that has to be fake".

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

OK. If the court determines the election has to be tossed will that work for you?
first they have to allow a look at the Envelope scans. WTH? That is a two-minute decision now going on a month or more AFTER stalling all year! MADNESS!
Outside consultants were brought in, examined every ballot in Maricopa County and determined that Biden got MORE votes then the county had originally counted. These were your people (by which I mean fellow cultists). There name was CyberNinjas.

Now an outside investigation was done led by a former Republican AZ Supreme Court justice to look at the light print issue and - "well that has to be fake".

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Aren't you tired of excuses when it is clear Lake was cheated? I posted an article by a former Maricopa attorney that says Lake should be able to prove fraud. Why don't you believe her? You are watching the wrong world. What you believe just is not fact based.
Whistle Blower statements/names filed in 2022 LAKE Court filings. 32 people worked to verify the 1.9million mail in ballots this time around. Rejecting 10s' of thousands per shift. All rejections crammed back in to the vote pile.

2020 was even worse with machine verification down to a few points then turned off completely. 11% rejection rate when they enabled it.//
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They had two years to prepare. They Certified the Equipment (Ballots) were ready to go on Election day.

Someone could have hacked in remotely and changed the printer settings. But w/o anyone willing to allow any look into log files or other, another coverup.//

Normal setting selected:

Cheater settings:
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Karen Lake wasn't cheated, she lost. There is a difference.

Look at the facts. Those printers failed in heavily Republican areas. The polls were not allowed to remain open longer because of delays and Maricopa is withholding evidence. Lake was cheated.
Dominion was present and determined what could be audited. Again, a fact you can never change.

That's not what you said, FruitLoops. You said, and I quote, the audit was "run by Dominion." It wasn't.

It's tragic that you have to lie to support your hallucinations. :itsok:
Look at the facts. Those printers failed in heavily Republican areas. The polls were not allowed to remain open longer because of delays and Maricopa is withholding evidence. Lake was cheated.

And the votes were still counted. That's why the court ruled against Lake. An election isn't thrown out because of issues, it's thrown out IF those issues caused the wrong person to be declared the winner. Kari Lake FAILED in court to prove the printer issues changed the outcome of the election.

She lost on election day and she's lost in court, like Trump, EVERY single time.


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