Karl Rove: "Beyond me why trump held onto doc....no legal authority

Gotta find out what is. or isn't top secret. That's why we have the courts.

You ducked the question
Is Trump responsible for protecting TOP SECRET documents under his control or not?
No matter how many times the facts are posted, the trolls want to make sure that no one will believe them:

CLAIM: Former President Barack Obama took 30 million documents, many of them classified, to Chicago upon leaving the White House.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Obama administration records are exclusively held and maintained by the National Archives and Records Administration, the federal agency confirmed on Friday. Millions of unclassified documents were transferred after Obama left office to a NARA facility in Chicago, but neither Obama’s personal foundation nor the facility set to house his presidential memorabilia have control over those papers.

THE FACTS: Amid mounting revelations surrounding the FBI’s search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, a counternarrative pushed online — including by Trump himself — posits that Obama similarly kept possession of White House documents after his term of office.

“President Barack Hussein Obama kept 33 million pages of documents, much of them classified. How many of them pertained to nuclear? Word is, lots!” Trump posted on Truth Social, the social network he founded, on Friday.

“OBAMA TOOK 30 Million Documents when he left the WHITEHOUSE and No FBI RAID,” read one tweet posted Tuesday, the day after the FBI’s search, that had garnered almost 20,000 likes by Friday.

But these records were given to NARA in 2017, upon the end of Obama’s term, and they remain in NARA’s sole custody, in accordance with federal law. Some 30 million documents were moved to a NARA-operated facility in the Chicago area, as the agency explained in a statement Friday, but none were classified. The administration’s classified documents are stored in a separate NARA facility in the Washington, D.C., area.

Presidential libraries are managed by NARA, and the documents therein belong to the agency, which also manages related public records requests. But the Obama Presidential Library has no physical location; it’s the first to be wholly virtual. Some 95 percent of Obama administration documents were “born digital,” meaning they have no “hard-copy” version and don’t need to be digitized, per NARA.

Separately, construction began in 2021 on the Obama Presidential Center, a complex in Chicago managed by the privately-run Obama Foundation. But because the center will not be affiliated with NARA, the Obama Foundation will need to request to borrow any artifacts or records intended for display there from the government. The foundation did provide funding to NARA for digitizing the Obama administration’s paper documents, but NARA itself is responsible for actually handling them, according to the agency.


I'm guessing that will be pretty easy, what with the designations printed at the top of each page.
Oh, if it were only that easy, Bulldog.
What may have been top secret may not be top secret now.
I think that's the argument be discussed
You RWI's are ALL over the spectrum on this.
1). trump has every right
2). Obama took millions of pages (although he actually didn't, NARA did)
3) trump did nothing wrong, but Obama did.
4) rinse and repeat.

I thunk your liberal is showing again. I said nothing of the sort.

If every other president can do it without getting raided by the FBI...then Trump should be able to as well.

And right after the raid, the national archives put out a statement saying Team Trump had been cooperating & they had NOTHING to do with this.

And yes, obama did. And so did hillary. Did you know official gov't emails are a "document"?

Did anybody kick in her door & go thru bills underwear drawer?
We know Obama kept classified documents when he left the White House because the NSC wouldn’t fulfill a request to turn over Susan Rice’s unmasking documents that were moved to Obama’s library.​
The fact that they could not be easily obtained indicates they were classified.
The fact they were moved to Obama’s “library” and based on the above, indicates that the National Archives withheld information under their control during the Trump years which was likely a crime!
We also know that Obama refused to keep hard copies in his library – everything was to be digitized. Also, no archivists were there to oversee the digitization of Obama’s documents while he was President. So there is no way to tell whether Obama didn’t have classified documents in the materials he took with him after his corrupt presidency.
We also know that at that time The New York Times reported that the National Archives is not overseeing Obama’s library. The Times published the following:​
The Gateway Pundit previously reported this back in 2019.​
So if the National Archives oversaw Obama’s library documents like they now claim, then they likely committed a crime in not providing them when subpoenaed in the past.
If they didn’t oversee Obama’s documents like the New York Times reported in 2019, then they are lying.​
Which is it? And can anyone make a claim that Obama’s documents in his library do not contain classified information without looking at the documents themselves which likely no one has ever done?

You are being duped by a far right publication.

NARA does not care about the lies posted about the documents. NARA knows when they got the documents and from whom, and where they are.
Oh, if it were only that easy, Bulldog.
What may have been top secret may not be top secret now.
I think that's the argument be discussed

Actually it is that easy

There is a formal process for declassifying Top Secret information for public release. It is not done lightly.
The agency responsible for that document must formally declassify not just Trump’s document but EVERY Document that contains that TOP SECRET information.

If Trump did not go through that process…..He is Fooked!
No matter how many times the facts are posted, the trolls want to make sure that no one will believe them:

CLAIM: Former President Barack Obama took 30 million documents, many of them classified, to Chicago upon leaving the White House.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Obama administration records are exclusively held and maintained by the National Archives and Records Administration, the federal agency confirmed on Friday. Millions of unclassified documents were transferred after Obama left office to a NARA facility in Chicago, but neither Obama’s personal foundation nor the facility set to house his presidential memorabilia have control over those papers.

THE FACTS: Amid mounting revelations surrounding the FBI’s search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, a counternarrative pushed online — including by Trump himself — posits that Obama similarly kept possession of White House documents after his term of office.

“President Barack Hussein Obama kept 33 million pages of documents, much of them classified. How many of them pertained to nuclear? Word is, lots!” Trump posted on Truth Social, the social network he founded, on Friday.

“OBAMA TOOK 30 Million Documents when he left the WHITEHOUSE and No FBI RAID,” read one tweet posted Tuesday, the day after the FBI’s search, that had garnered almost 20,000 likes by Friday.

But these records were given to NARA in 2017, upon the end of Obama’s term, and they remain in NARA’s sole custody, in accordance with federal law. Some 30 million documents were moved to a NARA-operated facility in the Chicago area, as the agency explained in a statement Friday, but none were classified. The administration’s classified documents are stored in a separate NARA facility in the Washington, D.C., area.

Presidential libraries are managed by NARA, and the documents therein belong to the agency, which also manages related public records requests. But the Obama Presidential Library has no physical location; it’s the first to be wholly virtual. Some 95 percent of Obama administration documents were “born digital,” meaning they have no “hard-copy” version and don’t need to be digitized, per NARA.

Separately, construction began in 2021 on the Obama Presidential Center, a complex in Chicago managed by the privately-run Obama Foundation. But because the center will not be affiliated with NARA, the Obama Foundation will need to request to borrow any artifacts or records intended for display there from the government. The foundation did provide funding to NARA for digitizing the Obama administration’s paper documents, but NARA itself is responsible for actually handling them, according to the agency.

And the entire complex, including the museum chronicling Mr. Obama’s presidency, will be run by the foundation, a private nonprofit entity, rather than by the National Archives and Records Administration, the federal agency that administers the libraries and museums for all presidents going back to Herbert Hoover.​

Actually it is that easy

There is a formal process for declassifying Top Secret information for public release. It is not done lightly.
The agency responsible for that document must formally declassify Trump’s document but EVERY Document that contains that TOP SECRET information.

If Trump did not go through that process…..He is Fooked!
"If Trump did not go through that process...."
Like I've been saying all along, we don't know the specifics.

This could all be about politics and trying to bring down Trump, once again.
Not like your tent wouldn't pull something like that

The reason may come clearer in court. What motivates trump....money.
Karl CIA Rove.

Covering for Obama and the Clinton's?
What a surprise coming from the scumbag who helped get Dubya elected ....

The biggest 'what if' in American history.....would 9/11 have happened under Al Gore ?

(I was for Nader )
And the entire complex, including the museum chronicling Mr. Obama’s presidency, will be run by the foundation, a private nonprofit entity, rather than by the National Archives and Records Administration, the federal agency that administers the libraries and museums for all presidents going back to Herbert Hoover.​

YES, the LiBRARY will be run by the Obama Foundation.

THE DOCUMENTS........will always remain under the control of NARA. That is how it works with all Presidential Libraries.
Oh, if it were only that easy, Bulldog.
What may have been top secret may not be top secret now.
I think that's the argument be discussed
No. Not much discussion about that. That is the claim trump and his lawyers made, and every credible source around said he was full of shit. There is, however, much discusion about what goofy claims trump might make next.
"If Trump did not go through that process...."
Like I've been saying all along, we don't know the specifics.

This could all be about politics and trying to bring down Trump, once again.
Not like your tent wouldn't pull something like that
Think about what TOP SECRET means
It means information that will put lives at risk or jeopardize our Nations security

It could potentially be down graded to SECRET

Do you really think TOP SECRET information would be downgraded to publicly releasable in a matter of months?

The reason may come clearer in court. What motivates trump....money.
The voice ^ of our shallow-minded “never Trump” Republican establishment. And I do mean Rove. (JimH is just a tedious one note symphony of stupid.)
Chicago, DC, Hawaii, a 14 million dollar home in Martha's Vineyard...That obama feller sure gets around! Especially on a presidents salary!
He wrote his vainglorious FIRST autobiography in his early days. So, I’m sure he has really “ earned “ all his wealth.

Now, let’s take it all away from him for the public good! 😎we will call it a wealth tax because — you know — libtards believe in that shit. So, Obumbler won’t complain even.

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