Karl Rove predicts Bolton's book 'won't change a lot of minds'

It won't change anyone's mind.....except when it comes to what people have always thought about Bolton....Mr. Bolton....meet Mr. Comey....
I can picture all the House Democrats at home reading the book
making highlights in orange . ( proof Trump should not have been acquitted)

Schiff just texted Pelosi - " Have you read chapter 6 yet ?"
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Weren't they both on the same team when Bush was president ?

I have heard the 3 biggest jackoffs mentioned today. Newt. Rove and Bolton. You repugs sure can pick em'

Trump wrangled China into a deal with a huge benefit to our farmers. The bastard. He did that knowing farmers would vote for him. See. See. That's how he is. Bolton could not persuade Trump to bomb Iran. Because of that, Bolton said that Trump was without principles. In the world of Boltonville not wanting to kill 150 innocent people over the loss of an unmanned drone means unprincipled. I'll bet Democrats agree.

John Bolton did something very similar to Bush. This time Bolton stepped in shit up to his gullet. He will never work for anyone in Washington again. He will never be seen as trusted.
Trump wrangled China into a deal with a huge benefit to our farmers. The bastard. He did that knowing farmers would vote for him. See. See. That's how he is. Bolton could not persuade Trump to bomb Iran. Because of that, Bolton said that Trump was without principles. In the world of Boltonville not wanting to kill 150 innocent people over the loss of an unmanned drone means unprincipled. I'll bet Democrats agree.

John Bolton did something very similar to Bush. This time Bolton stepped in shit up to his gullet. He will never work for anyone in Washington again. He will never be seen as trusted.
What about the anchovies?
I have heard the 3 biggest jackoffs mentioned today. Newt. Rove and Bolton. You repugs sure can pick em

I see your Newt, Rove and Bolton...and I raise you a Biden, Pelosi and Schumer...

...looks like we can all pick 'em.
You forgot Fat Jerry Nadler, low IQ Maxine, Goofy Eric Swallwell, LIAR Adam Schiff, ?*&%^ Tlaib, *&^$% AOC, and LIAR Jim Clyburn
Weren't they both on the same team when Bush was president ?

Karl Rove is working for Trump
I have heard the 3 biggest jackoffs mentioned today. Newt. Rove and Bolton. You repugs sure can pick em

I see your Newt, Rove and Bolton...and I raise you a Biden, Pelosi and Schumer...

...looks like we can all pick 'em.
You forgot Fat Jerry Nadler, low IQ Maxine, Goofy Eric Swallwell, LIAR Adam Schiff, ?*&%^ Tlaib, *&^$% AOC, and LIAR Jim Clyburn
And not one of them has suggested seeing if we could cure people by injecting them with disinfectants.

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