Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

Oh look Flash wants all courts to work on his whim, since he knows nothing of the legalities of the case he prefers to create rhetoric and propaganda...
I see, in California it's legal to shoot people. You goddam trash will defend any wrong!
The jury decision was unanimous.

7 felony convictions
5 deportations
Ice had a hold placed on him and the city let him go anyway. The city is guilty of negligent homicide imo. I hope they pay DEARLY.

He deserves the death penalty.
He probably wasn't aiming at her. Not intentional. They should have gone for manslaughter.
He deserves the death penalty.
So much for innocent until proven guilty or even innocent after proven innocent if you are on the Right-wing hate list.
He fucking admitted to shooting her.
ACCIDENTALLY shooting her.
Lying scum POS
WTF would he want to shoot her for, walking along with her Dad having nothing to do with him? The prosecutor is the one who blew this one.
He probably wasn't aiming at her. Not intentional. They should have gone for manslaughter.

He shouldn't have been here in the first place.
People like you who keep making excuses are the reason she is dead ... :thup:

When you have had enough of this bullshit and there are enough dead bodies laying in the street ... Let us know you are ready to do something about it.

Are you trying to say that Kate Steinle was trying to kill that illegal by beating his head into the cement?
So..let me get this right.

If I accidentally kill someone with an illegal gun, even though I am a criminal with many convictions and an illegal alien, I can get off scot-free.

Now that's justice!

I would guess criminal illegal aliens will flock to San Fran even more than before.
I did not say anything about getting off scott free. Didn't even suggest or insinuate it. WTF are you reading?
Just making a post at no one in particular. No need to take personally.

I never stated nor thought, you said scot-free. Just making a conclusion based on the verdict.
You are not making any sense. Apparently you took objection to what I thought about someone else's post. You're just not being thoughtful or clever.

I wasn't on the jury, but I think the man should have gotten the same punishment that anyone else would get in that situation, not harsher punishment because he is an illegal. But I think he should be punished for being illegally in possession of a gun, using it carelessly and endangering life (perhaps manslaughter), and if he is a felon, his punishment should reflect a felon in possession of a gun and his previous convictions.

See my prior post. Sorry that I made the mistake of replying to your post. Please forgive me.
Fox News let down their base

They had a beautiful blonde woman killed
They had a scary looking Mexican illegal to blame

What they didn’t have was a murder case
He deserves the death penalty.
So much for innocent until proven guilty or even innocent after proven innocent if you are on the Right-wing hate list.
He fucking admitted to shooting her.
ACCIDENTALLY shooting her.
Lying scum POS
WTF would he want to shoot her for, walking along with her Dad having nothing to do with him? The prosecutor is the one who blew this one.
The prosecutor gave in to rightwing media hysteria
He deserves the death penalty.
So much for innocent until proven guilty or even innocent after proven innocent if you are on the Right-wing hate list.
He fucking admitted to shooting her.
ACCIDENTALLY shooting her.
Lying scum POS
WTF would he want to shoot her for, walking along with her Dad having nothing to do with him? The prosecutor is the one who blew this one.
...but the thing is, he DID shoot her.

I don't think the law says if you kill someone by accident, it's okay.
So you believe the word of a,what was it,a five time deporte?
That pistol was stolen out of the vehicle of a Federal agent if I remember correctly.

The jury clearly found him credible. and it certainly makes more sense then, "I'm going to kill some total stranger I never met before by shooting at some seals and hitting her with a ricochet."

So, here’s the deal. The libtards take the Mexicans side, they believe him. So he walks, our Democrat rats voted down Steinle’s law. . The outrage felt by her murder will surfaceadain. Illegal immigration will be a major impact on upcoming elections/

Naw, it probably won't be. People will be far more pissed off about what a clown Trump is at that point.

The trial wasn't fair. The judge wouldn't allow his past 7 felonies and 5 time deportations as an illegal alien for the jury to review.

Prior bad acts are never admissible in a court. That's black letter law, buddy.
The prosecutor gave in to rightwing media hysteria

Yeah ... The government had everything covered.
Illegal Immigrant, convicted felon with a firearm randomly shooting sea lions in public ...

... That's completely normal in California and nothing to get excited about.

Catholic, not Christian.

So let me get this straight. From 300- 1500 AD, there were no "Christians", because the Catholic Church was the only game in town?

How does that work?

A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

It's time for a 'White Lives Matter' movement in honor of Kate Steinle

Enough is Enough!

Awesome. Maybe then we can actually require the cops who shoot black kids to actually HAVE trials like this guy got.
Just think of all these stupid Moon Bats that hate the Confederacy for not wanting to be a part of the Union but support these red states and their massive opposition to Federal law.

One thing about it. These Moon Bats have shot themselves in the foot by being politically correct. Trump will get his permission from Congress to defund Sanctuary cities now. That will fuck up a lot of Moon Bats.

unlikely... but do dream on.

No one is going to care about this case in a week, no matter how much Faux News screams about it.
So you believe the word of a,what was it,a five time deporte?
That pistol was stolen out of the vehicle of a Federal agent if I remember correctly.

The jury clearly found him credible. and it certainly makes more sense then, "I'm going to kill some total stranger I never met before by shooting at some seals and hitting her with a ricochet."

So, here’s the deal. The libtards take the Mexicans side, they believe him. So he walks, our Democrat rats voted down Steinle’s law. . The outrage felt by her murder will surfaceadain. Illegal immigration will be a major impact on upcoming elections/

Naw, it probably won't be. People will be far more pissed off about what a clown Trump is at that point.

The trial wasn't fair. The judge wouldn't allow his past 7 felonies and 5 time deportations as an illegal alien for the jury to review.

Prior bad acts are never admissible in a court. That's black letter law, buddy.
I really don't know how anyone can defend this verdict. The judge should throw it out. It is entirely unjustified.
Catholic, not Christian.

So let me get this straight. From 300- 1500 AD, there were no "Christians", because the Catholic Church was the only game in town?

How does that work?

A Steve McGarrett Breaking Update!

It's time for a 'White Lives Matter' movement in honor of Kate Steinle

Enough is Enough!

Awesome. Maybe then we can actually require the cops who shoot black kids to actually HAVE trials like this guy got.
Most catholics are idol worshippers and heretics who pray to Mary. Nowhere in the bible does it say to do that ....nor does it say to call earthly men your "Father", in fact Jesus spoke against that very thing.
That is why protestants do not consider them Christians. Are there decent people who are catholic? Of course, but they are still going to hell if the bible has anything to say about it, so they need to leave that " church" and join a real, bible believing one.
In order to prove murder, the prosecutor had to prove some intent

In this case, you had a guy finding a gun not bringing it to the site
He fired one shot that ricocheted and hit the woman

Hard to prove he intended to kill her

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